Is it wrong to be anti-Semitic?

Life is a journey, but the journey is not a straight line. It entails many bends and curves. We begin life as empty vessels. Overtime the vessel fills and its contents decide the course we are on. Every time we learn something new, it alters, to some degree, our path in life. If the something new is of significance, then the change in course is great as well.

At the “wise” old age of 73, I come to this board hoping to contribute to its wisdom. However, I am not so addled to think that I have nothing to learn. Quite the contrary, learning new things is just as important passing knowledge on.

In the post I made to launch this thread, I said many things which are essentially true. However, I have been forced to defend my positions and to do so involved research. This has led me to alter my perceptions of what really has happened in regard to Judeo/Christian history.

At the time of Christ, there was only one holy book of the Jews and this was the Torah. However, within Judaism there was a powerful group of Rabbis called the Pharisees. The Pharisees, being the ruling authorities had the final say in all things concerning Judaism. Running parallel to the Torah, but also in contradiction to it in many instances, was oral Jewish law. This law, established by the Rabbis of Jewish history, at the time of Jesus Christ, was reposed to the Pharisees. This was all well and good, but Jesus was born in accordance with Old Testament (Torah) prophesy and He spoke out against Jewish oral law. He did this because being Jew, He believe it was contrary to the teachings of the patriarchs and prophets of the Jews. To the Pharisees, this was heresy and a crime they could not tolerate because it questioned their authority. Jesus had to die, so they petitioned Rome to execute Jesus, and the Romans complied.

After the death of Jesus, the Pharisees, over the course of several hundred years, wrote a new holy book for the Jews which they called the Talmud. The Talmud is a book of the oral law of the Jews as told by Rabbis or Jewish teachers. However, there is a problem evident. The problem being that the Pharisees placed themselves above God. Not God, as embodied in Jesus Christ, but the God which the Jews worshipped since the beginnings of time. In BT Bava Metzia of the Talmud it says, “Since God already gave the Torah to the Jewish people on Mt. Sinai we no longer pay attention to heavenly voices. God must submit to the decisions of a majority vote of the rabbis.” This heresy turned mainstream Judaism into a Godless dictatorship of megalomaniacs.

To further establish the insanity that now gripped Judaism, the Pharisees turned Jesus into a pariah by confining him to hell to be boiled in His own excrement forever. Their wrath unsated, the Pharisees now turned their attention to the followers of Jesus. Jews were God’s chosen people and as such the Goyam (Christians) were inferior human beings subject to the wiles and injustices of Jews. The women of Goyam were nothing more than menstrual filth, slaves, heathens and prostitutes (BT Sanhedrin 81b-82a). Goyam can be lied to and deceived for whatever purpose conceived by a Jew (BT Baba Kamma 113a). If a Jew kills a non-Jew, he is exempt from punishment (BT Sanhedrin 57a). In other words, according to the Talmud, Christians are the equivalent of Blacks in the United States during the days of slavery and Jews in Europe when the Nazis ruled.

We come now to modern times and the State of Israel. A nation built upon the bodies of over 50 million dead in WWI and WWII. A nation built upon the principle that it is okay to kill innocent people and steal their land. A nation which has destroyed the rule of law among nations. A nation that has destroyed the greatest government devised by man; the government of the United States of America. A nation which has rekindled the Crusades and embroiled the world in a never ending war on terror. And on top of these abominations, in May of 2015, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, at a Likud conference in Israel reveled that as part of his efforts to make Israel a nation-state of the Jewish people the, the Talmud would become the core work of Jewish law and the official basis for Israeli state law.

In light of all this, Americans, including many who claim to be Christian, think the well-being of this Nation and indeed, the entire world depends upon the State of Israel achieving its ambitions and goals. May God help us all!
Modern Jews (not Torah Jews) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice, and anti-love.

Your argument seems to be that it is morally correct to condemn entire groups of people based on the beliefs they hold which may be different from the beliefs you hold, but which are not, of themselves, harmful.

Thus if someone fails to believe that JC is G-d then they are anti-Christian and anti-G-d and therefore deserving of your condemnation, regardless of their moral inclinations, beliefs or actions. (And by the way, you do realize that this makes all Muslims anti-Christian and anti-G-d, yes? As well as all those from every other religion on the planet. And, if you are anti-anyone who doesn't believe that JC is G-d that makes you anti-Muslim, anti-Buddhist, anti-Hindu, etc as well as anti-Judaism.)

And, ironically, the Jewish belief is that people of all faiths and all belief systems have access to G-d and the ability to connect with G-d and no one is excluded from G-d's presence either in this world or in the next.

To say that the Jewish people, as a whole, are anti-humanity, anti-justice and anti-love is based on what? How do you determine such a thing -- that an entire group of people is against humanity, justice and love? If one Christian burns a witch on a stake are all Christians against humanity, justice and love? If one Muslim blows up a pizza parlor are all Muslims against humanity, justice and love? If one atheist burns a church or a synagogue or a mosque are all atheists evil?

I don't want to give to much credence to your blatantly hateful posts, but at the same time there is space for legitimate conversation about ideology which groups of people hold which are harmful and about ideology which is truly not. I don't think you will be able to converse intelligently about this, but maybe others will.
Modern Jews (not Torah Jews) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice, and anti-love.

Your argument seems to be that it is morally correct to condemn entire groups of people based on the beliefs they hold which may be different from the beliefs you hold, but which are not, of themselves, harmful.

Thus if someone fails to believe that JC is G-d then they are anti-Christian and anti-G-d and therefore deserving of your condemnation, regardless of their moral inclinations, beliefs or actions. (And by the way, you do realize that this makes all Muslims anti-Christian and anti-G-d, yes? As well as all those from every other religion on the planet. And, if you are anti-anyone who doesn't believe that JC is G-d that makes you anti-Muslim, anti-Buddhist, anti-Hindu, etc as well as anti-Judaism.)

And, ironically, the Jewish belief is that people of all faiths and all belief systems have access to G-d and the ability to connect with G-d and no one is excluded from G-d's presence either in this world or in the next.

To say that the Jewish people, as a whole, are anti-humanity, anti-justice and anti-love is based on what? How do you determine such a thing -- that an entire group of people is against humanity, justice and love? If one Christian burns a witch on a stake are all Christians against humanity, justice and love? If one Muslim blows up a pizza parlor are all Muslims against humanity, justice and love? If one atheist burns a church or a synagogue or a mosque are all atheists evil?

I don't want to give to much credence to your blatantly hateful posts, but at the same time there is space for legitimate conversation about ideology which groups of people hold which are harmful and about ideology which is truly not. I don't think you will be able to converse intelligently about this, but maybe others will.

And, ironically, the Jewish belief is that people of all faiths and all belief systems have access to G-d and the ability to connect with G-d and no one is excluded from G-d's presence either in this world or in the next.

Can you point me in the direction of the religious text that supports that statement. I am curious to know if I will have unfettered access to god or if I will have to be chaperoned by one of his chosen people.
The word “anti” means opposed to. Therefore, generally speaking being anti-Semitic means a person who is opposed to Jews. However, as used today, being anti-Semitic is something far worse than just being opposed to Judaism. To be sure, today the implication of the word is that an anti-Semite is an irrational Jew hater, to such a degree, they believe the Holocaust was a justifiable way of dealing with Jews. Clearly, most anti-Semites do not believe Jews should be cleansed from the world and this being the case, one must ask, short of the obvious depravity of the idea just addressed, are there valid reasons for Christians or anyone for that matter, to be anti-Semitic?

Judaism, the religion, is far older than Christianity. Its early holy book is the Torah which in many passages heralded the coming of the Messiah. In keeping with this prophesy, Jesus Christ was born and many Jews rightfully accepted Christ as the Messiah. However, many did not because of His message of brotherhood and love among men, instead of religion where its followers were superior to everyone else. The Pharisees rejected Jesus because they sought a warrior Messiah, who would free them from Roman rule and set up hierarchal kingdom on earth where Jesus would be King and they would be his ministers. For these reasons, with the Pharisees taking the lead, Jesus was declared a heretic and the Jews petitioned Rome to put Him to death. This the Romans did even though they could find no fault with Jesus. Thus, early Jews became anti-Christ and bear direct responsibility for His murder.

Seventy years after the death of Jesus, the Pharisees having problems with reconciling prophesies of the Torah with the ministry of Jesus, decided that the Torah would no longer be their holiest book and they would write the book which ruled the religious life of Jews. This book they called the Talmud, established a new Jewish religion which raised anti-Christianity a level bordering on insanity. Not only was Jesus portrayed as a Shaman, liar, and practitioner of black magic, he was also condemned to be in hell boiling in a cauldron of excrement. In addition to these abominations, the Jews, still believing they were God’s chosen people, were allowed to lie to, cheat, and even murder Christians and other non-Jews. In other words, the Talmud not only made the Jews anti-Christian, it also made them anti-Humanity. And it is practicing these beliefs over the past 2,000 years, which has resulted in expulsion of the Jews from a plethora of the nations of the world.

Now we come to modern times and in light of their abominable history, Jewish leaders decided the Jews must have a nation of their own. For the purpose of gaining control of the oil in the Middle East, the Rothschild’s picked up the banner of Zionism and by engineering Americas entry into WWI on the wrong side, embroiling the world in WWII, resulting in the early and horrible death of over 50 million people, the Jews established the nation of Israel on top of the corpses of these unfortunate and innocent people. And now the Jews have engaged the United States in wars to enslave the nations of Islam. Toward this end, our government, the government bequeathed us by the Founding Fathers, has been destroyed. Even worse, Christianity has been rendered a Godless and hateful religion which condones theft, murder, and war crimes.

Let’s add it up!

Modern Jews (not Torah Jews) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice, and anti-love. And if a Christian speaks out of against these things, they are hatefully label ed as being anti-Semitic. A Christian cannot hate anyone including Jews, but a Christian also has the obligation to speak out against evil in whatever form it takes. This being the case being called and anti-Semite, in light of what is happening in the world, is the greatest compliment one can bestow upon a Christian.
Yes, it is, the rest is Blah blah blah. Not that hard.
It's not wrong to be anti-semitic if you have a really, really good reason. So far in my life, I've seen no such reason.
Didn't know they have computers at the loonybin

In all those 11 pages of a thread, It's still unclear what on earth your damn issue is.

If my issue is so unclear, why are so many people getting upset to the point of name calling and disparagement? Perhaps you should write to one of these people and ask them what the issue is.
Modern Jews (not Torah Jews) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice, and anti-love.

Your argument seems to be that it is morally correct to condemn entire groups of people based on the beliefs they hold which may be different from the beliefs you hold, but which are not, of themselves, harmful.

Thus if someone fails to believe that JC is G-d then they are anti-Christian and anti-G-d and therefore deserving of your condemnation, regardless of their moral inclinations, beliefs or actions. (And by the way, you do realize that this makes all Muslims anti-Christian and anti-G-d, yes? As well as all those from every other religion on the planet. And, if you are anti-anyone who doesn't believe that JC is G-d that makes you anti-Muslim, anti-Buddhist, anti-Hindu, etc as well as anti-Judaism.)

And, ironically, the Jewish belief is that people of all faiths and all belief systems have access to G-d and the ability to connect with G-d and no one is excluded from G-d's presence either in this world or in the next.

To say that the Jewish people, as a whole, are anti-humanity, anti-justice and anti-love is based on what? How do you determine such a thing -- that an entire group of people is against humanity, justice and love? If one Christian burns a witch on a stake are all Christians against humanity, justice and love? If one Muslim blows up a pizza parlor are all Muslims against humanity, justice and love? If one atheist burns a church or a synagogue or a mosque are all atheists evil?

I don't want to give to much credence to your blatantly hateful posts, but at the same time there is space for legitimate conversation about ideology which groups of people hold which are harmful and about ideology which is truly not. I don't think you will be able to converse intelligently about this, but maybe others will.

Dear Shusa:

I fail to understand how you can reach the conclusions you do from what I have written. My point was that its okay for a Christian to be anti-Semitic not because the Jews rejected Jesus, but because they not only reject him, but slander Him, kill Him, and turn his followers into something less than human beings. This Muslims never did any of things. As a Christian I cannot hate anybody, but I am allowed to defend my faith, stand up for my rights as a human being, and stand against evil and wrong doing.

Please also be aware that my writing was not against Judaism in its entirety. I truly am supportive and one with Torah Jews. My issue is with Rothschild Zionists and Talmudic Jews. And I condemn them as group for bringing evil and unbounded suffering to the world, not just over the past one hundred years, but far into the future as well. I apply these distinctions to the entire group not just because of what they have done, but because the fundamental writings in their most sacred book is evil.

I cannot reprint the contents of my book, “100 Years of Deception” here. This book goes into great detail about what has happened to the world and why it is so screwed up today. Perhaps, you might profit from reading this book.

Citizenal----I am intrigued. Why did you post up that translation of the
song written by Leonard Cohen. "HALLELJAH"? what is its significance
to you? There are MANY MANY versions of that song on the net----it was
originally written in English. You can find a version done by the
composer himself (in English)
Modern Jews (not Torah Jews) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice, and anti-love.

Your argument seems to be that it is morally correct to condemn entire groups of people based on the beliefs they hold which may be different from the beliefs you hold, but which are not, of themselves, harmful.

Thus if someone fails to believe that JC is G-d then they are anti-Christian and anti-G-d and therefore deserving of your condemnation, regardless of their moral inclinations, beliefs or actions. (And by the way, you do realize that this makes all Muslims anti-Christian and anti-G-d, yes? As well as all those from every other religion on the planet. And, if you are anti-anyone who doesn't believe that JC is G-d that makes you anti-Muslim, anti-Buddhist, anti-Hindu, etc as well as anti-Judaism.)

And, ironically, the Jewish belief is that people of all faiths and all belief systems have access to G-d and the ability to connect with G-d and no one is excluded from G-d's presence either in this world or in the next.

To say that the Jewish people, as a whole, are anti-humanity, anti-justice and anti-love is based on what? How do you determine such a thing -- that an entire group of people is against humanity, justice and love? If one Christian burns a witch on a stake are all Christians against humanity, justice and love? If one Muslim blows up a pizza parlor are all Muslims against humanity, justice and love? If one atheist burns a church or a synagogue or a mosque are all atheists evil?

I don't want to give to much credence to your blatantly hateful posts, but at the same time there is space for legitimate conversation about ideology which groups of people hold which are harmful and about ideology which is truly not. I don't think you will be able to converse intelligently about this, but maybe others will.

Dear Shusa:

I fail to understand how you can reach the conclusions you do from what I have written. My point was that its okay for a Christian to be anti-Semitic not because the Jews rejected Jesus, but because they not only reject him, but slander Him, kill Him, and turn his followers into something less than human beings. This Muslims never did any of things. As a Christian I cannot hate anybody, but I am allowed to defend my faith, stand up for my rights as a human being, and stand against evil and wrong doing.

Please also be aware that my writing was not against Judaism in its entirety. I truly am supportive and one with Torah Jews. My issue is with Rothschild Zionists and Talmudic Jews. And I condemn them as group for bringing evil and unbounded suffering to the world, not just over the past one hundred years, but far into the future as well. I apply these distinctions to the entire group not just because of what they have done, but because the fundamental writings in their most sacred book is evil.

I cannot reprint the contents of my book, “100 Years of Deception” here. This book goes into great detail about what has happened to the world and why it is so screwed up today. Perhaps, you might profit from reading this book.

Citzenal has OBVIOUSLY never met a person who is a member of the groups that
call themselves "true torah jews". Their claim to fame in his "heart"---is their
Rejection of "POLITICAL ZIONISM" Other than that fact he has no idea what
goes on in THEIR HEARTS. I do------I know them well and I know what 'POLITICAL ZIONISM' means to them ------as opposed to "ZION"
I'm certainly not anti-Semitic, but I certainly dislike Jews.

Fuck 'em.
And the KKK member is not a racist- he just certainly dislikes African Americans.
African-Americans don't exist. Only Americans do.

Go find another suffer hole to shit in, you pathetic panderer of other people's sweat.

Why would i care what a worthless piece of anti-semetic piece of shit like you thinks?

Certainly there are are African Americans- and Jewish Americans - and Christian Americans- and various other permutations of Americans- and despite your objections- we are all Americans.
Modern Jews (not Torah Jews) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice, and anti-love.

Your argument seems to be that it is morally correct to condemn entire groups of people based on the beliefs they hold which may be different from the beliefs you hold, but which are not, of themselves, harmful.

Thus if someone fails to believe that JC is G-d then they are anti-Christian and anti-G-d and therefore deserving of your condemnation, regardless of their moral inclinations, beliefs or actions. (And by the way, you do realize that this makes all Muslims anti-Christian and anti-G-d, yes? As well as all those from every other religion on the planet. And, if you are anti-anyone who doesn't believe that JC is G-d that makes you anti-Muslim, anti-Buddhist, anti-Hindu, etc as well as anti-Judaism.)

And, ironically, the Jewish belief is that people of all faiths and all belief systems have access to G-d and the ability to connect with G-d and no one is excluded from G-d's presence either in this world or in the next.

To say that the Jewish people, as a whole, are anti-humanity, anti-justice and anti-love is based on what? How do you determine such a thing -- that an entire group of people is against humanity, justice and love? If one Christian burns a witch on a stake are all Christians against humanity, justice and love? If one Muslim blows up a pizza parlor are all Muslims against humanity, justice and love? If one atheist burns a church or a synagogue or a mosque are all atheists evil?

I don't want to give to much credence to your blatantly hateful posts, but at the same time there is space for legitimate conversation about ideology which groups of people hold which are harmful and about ideology which is truly not. I don't think you will be able to converse intelligently about this, but maybe others will.

I fail to understand how you can reach the conclusions you do from what I have written. My point was that its okay for a Christian to be anti-Semitic...... I truly am supportive and one with Torah Jews. My issue is with Rothschild Zionists and Talmudic Jews..

It isn't 'okay' for a Christian to hate the very group that Jesus was a part of.

There is no such division as 'Torah Jews" and "Talmudic Jews" except in the minds of anti-semetic bigots.

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