Is King trump preparing to defy the USSC....census question?

If he defies the USSC....he deserves to be impeached...the whiny little asshole....

The USSC did not say the question was unconstitutional, just that the reason for it was inadequate:
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics
"If judicial review is to be more than an empty ritual, it must demand something better than the explanation offered for the action taken in this case," Roberts wrote.
I hope Trump delays the census until the USSC makes a "final ruling", besides, the question was on the form until 1950, and then again in 2000:


In 2000 it was not part of the Census. That is the American Community Survey that is done every year. During Census years about 2% of the population gets it while the rest get the short form Census.

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Point being that asking the question is PERFECTLY LEGAL, whether to 2% or 100% of the population!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nobody has said it was illegal.

So its a fight over using illegals for advantage in blue states, or not allowing illegals to be used for advantage in blue states. Its that simple a partisan fight?
(so arguing over the Constitutionality is bullshit, since the question was on prior censuses, its only about political power)
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Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!

Don't impeach. Go another way that leaves the Senate and the Justice Department completely out of it. Have the Court System issue a contempt citation and then try him in the supreme court. If found Guilty, have the Marshals Service lock his butt up in a Federal Prison. Can you imagine the US having a sitting President doing 2 to 5 while still president? I imagine Article 25 will take care of it.
The Supreme Court is not a trier of fact. This is just more democrat masturbation.

The USSC us an equal branch if government. If King trump defies the USSC....he is defying the Constitution and he will be held accountable....if not now in November 2020.

The IMPEACHMENT pressure will increase.
/——/ Bow down to your King.
Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!
All the Trump administration needs to do is come up with a plausible reason for wanting the question. The SC would then clear it, since the question has been on the census almost continuously, in one form or another, for over a century. 2010 is the first year it was off since 1960, iirc.
Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!
All the Trump administration needs to do is come up with a plausible reason for wanting the question. The SC would then clear it, since the question has been on the census almost continuously, in one form or another, for over a century. 2010 is the first year it was off since 1960, iirc.
---------------------------------- only problem with that thinking is that TRUMP has to plead his case and kinda beg or ask permission from these 'black robed tyrants' . I prefer that 'The TRUMP' just ignores them as that I think is the way that TRUMP thinks . And its been done once before and Trump is said to be a big admirer of 'Andy Jackson' OldLady
Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!

Don't impeach. Go another way that leaves the Senate and the Justice Department completely out of it. Have the Court System issue a contempt citation and then try him in the supreme court. If found Guilty, have the Marshals Service lock his butt up in a Federal Prison. Can you imagine the US having a sitting President doing 2 to 5 while still president? I imagine Article 25 will take care of it.


Stupid fuck.

Say shit fer brains, where exactly did you get the idea that the President would "defy" the SCOTUS? DUHRRR. It was on the daily hating points, you have no fucking idea why or what this idiocy is based on, the party ordered you to spew moronic shit, so here you are, a mindless drone obeying your masters.

Fucking retard.
And then again , maybe TRUMP is just keeping the 'issue' alive and in the news . How many REAL AMERICANS do you think disagree with the question , a common sense question being asked OldLady ??
As our elected ruler Pres.Trump is right and the USSC is wrong. .. :cool:

That may be. But there IS NO SCOTUS RULING, they sent it back to the lower courts. Also, Trump said NOTHING to indicate he would "defy" anything. He suggested delaying the Census to allow the lower court to rehear the case.

This whole thing is just made up by the demagogues of MSNBCNN/DNC.

More fraud to animate the stupid.
Trump should obey all court orders.

At the same time, illegals should not count for the Census. They have no right to be here and should not be allowed to shift electoral power with their illegal activity.

Illegals should count as zero thirds of a person.


Of course there needs to BE a court order first, and there isn't one.
As our elected ruler Pres.Trump is right and the USSC is wrong. .. :cool:

That may be. But there IS NO SCOTUS RULING, they sent it back to the lower courts. Also, Trump said NOTHING to indicate he would "defy" anything. He suggested delaying the Census to allow the lower court to rehear the case.

This whole thing is just made up by the demagogues of MSNBCNN/DNC.

More fraud to animate the stupid.
You are behind the times. The Trump administration withdrew its request for the question last week.

He's just covfefe-ing. Pay him no mind. His administration screwed it up by writing down their intent in an email, which of course got leaked, and by coming up with a stupid excuse that even the SC couldn't accept as a reason.

I'm not sure how the Trump people make a comeback from that, but the SC has left the door open because THERE IS NO INHERENT REASON NOT TO ASK IT.
As our elected ruler Pres.Trump is right and the USSC is wrong. .. :cool:

That may be. But there IS NO SCOTUS RULING, they sent it back to the lower courts. Also, Trump said NOTHING to indicate he would "defy" anything. He suggested delaying the Census to allow the lower court to rehear the case.

This whole thing is just made up by the demagogues of MSNBCNN/DNC.

More fraud to animate the stupid.
You are behind the times. The Trump administration withdrew its request for the question last week.

He's just covfefe-ing. Pay him no mind. His administration screwed it up by writing down their intent in an email, which of course got leaked, and by coming up with a stupid excuse that even the SC couldn't accept as a reason.

I'm not sure how the Trump people make a comeback from that, but the SC has left the door open because THERE IS NO INHERENT REASON NOT TO ASK IT.

And yet the drones are dispatched with a bullshit story about Trump "defying" the court.

The early morning programming of the hate brigades have the traitor retards spewing this made up shit both here and on twitter,
King trump.....the orange POS...HIS WORD IS idiots fall for his Authoritarian shell game....IDIOTS!
It is getting scary when trump starts overruling the Highest Court in the land. I am not sure anyone can stop him on his march towards Authoritatianism....
It is getting scary when trump starts overruling the Highest Court in the land. I am not sure anyone can stop him on his march towards Authoritatianism....

Good thing the hive just made this shit up out of thin air then....

You're filled with hate, but you're really a dumb fuck.

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