Is King trump preparing to defy the USSC....census question?

Only Congress has control over the census. Trump cannot use an Executive Order, it would be clearly Un-Constitution.
Tough luck Donald and the Little Trumpsters!

Enough said^^^


Comrade, have you ever heard of a "straw man fallacy?"

This lie that you are spreading is a rather extreme example.

Let's flip it back on you:

Obama had no right to have Michelle bring small boys to the white house for him to rape, Tough luck Barry and the little Bolsheviks.

See, when we start out with just a flat out fucking lie, and then attack it, it really makes no sense. Yet you Communist do that most of the time. There was no executive order - you just fucking lied - or your masters at the hive did, and you're too fucking stupid to grasp it.
"Mister Justice Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it." (apocryphally attributed to Andrew Jackson)
Only Congress has control over the census. Trump cannot use an Executive Order, it would be clearly Un-Constitution.
Tough luck Donald and the Little Trumpsters!

Enough said^^^


Comrade, have you ever heard of a "straw man fallacy?"

This lie that you are spreading is a rather extreme example.

Let's flip it back on you:

Obama had no right to have Michelle bring small boys to the white house for him to rape, Tough luck Barry and the little Bolsheviks.

See, when we start out with just a flat out fucking lie, and then attack it, it really makes no sense. Yet you Communist do that most of the time. There was no executive order - you just fucking lied - or your masters at the hive did, and you're too fucking stupid to grasp it.

Pretty funny stuff, you little goose-stepper.
Are you calling the Constitution a lie?
You Little Trumpsters are always good for a chuckle and that’s why I like you so much! :2up:

Census in the Constitution
Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!

Isn't the Citizen Question almost mandated by the Constitution? What if Trump is right and the courts are wrong?

Exactly. Why was the question allowed in most censuses if its illegal?
The Obama admin deleted it because that helped blue states.
Now Trump can't change it back to help red states? Bullshit.
Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!

Isn't the Citizen Question almost mandated by the Constitution? What if Trump is right and the courts are wrong?

Exactly. Why was the question allowed in most censuses if its illegal?
The Obama admin deleted it because that helped blue states.
Now Trump can't change it back to help red states? Bullshit.

Obama was not the POTUS in 1950 or the 60s or in mid 2000s when there were more changes. Obama took over in Jan 2009, but that time the Census was already set, he did not change a thing to it.
Pretty funny stuff, you little goose-stepper.
Are you calling the Constitution a lie?
You Little Trumpsters are always good for a chuckle and that’s why I like you so much! :2up:

Census in the Constitution

No Comrade, I'm calling you a liar.

This little shit fit you and the other drones are spewing is based on absolutely nothing. The party needs to keep mindless fucks like you animated, Hate is what you live for. But there really was nothing to stir your emotions, so the Heinreich Himmliers of MSNBCNN just made shit up, and dumb fucks like you are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA. How could the object of your hatred, Emanuel Goldstein issue an executive order like that?

The fact that you don't know what this executive order is, that there is no executive order, doesn't matter. What matters is that you hate Donald Trump with every fiber of your being. All the ills of the world, past and present are because of Donald Trump. The crisis at the border isn't because your party cynically brought in illegals to stuff voter rolls, no it's Donald Trump. The $4 trillion national debt isn't because the deep state establishment has spent 40 years spending us into oblivion, no, it's Donald Trump.

So you continue to be a good party member and have your two minutes hate at Emanuel Goldstein, Comrade.
Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!

Isn't the Citizen Question almost mandated by the Constitution? What if Trump is right and the courts are wrong?

Exactly. Why was the question allowed in most censuses if its illegal?
The Obama admin deleted it because that helped blue states.
Now Trump can't change it back to help red states? Bullshit.


This whole thing is a fraud. There is no SCOTUS ruling, they sent it back to the lower courts. There is no executive order, that is just a blatant lie the little Goebbels of the party press put out to keep the retards angry and outraged. The greatest fear the rulers of the Stalinist democrats have is that their minions will calm down and THINK. They MUST keep them perpetually outraged...
Pretty funny stuff, you little goose-stepper.
Are you calling the Constitution a lie?
You Little Trumpsters are always good for a chuckle and that’s why I like you so much! :2up:

Census in the Constitution

No Comrade, I'm calling you a liar.

This little shit fit you and the other drones are spewing is based on absolutely nothing. The party needs to keep mindless fucks like you animated, Hate is what you live for. But there really was nothing to stir your emotions, so the Heinreich Himmliers of MSNBCNN just made shit up, and dumb fucks like you are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA. How could the object of your hatred, Emanuel Goldstein issue an executive order like that?

The fact that you don't know what this executive order is, that there is no executive order, doesn't matter. What matters is that you hate Donald Trump with every fiber of your being. All the ills of the world, past and present are because of Donald Trump. The crisis at the border isn't because your party cynically brought in illegals to stuff voter rolls, no it's Donald Trump. The $4 trillion national debt isn't because the deep state establishment has spent 40 years spending us into oblivion, no, it's Donald Trump.

So you continue to be a good party member and have your two minutes hate at Emanuel Goldstein, Comrade.

Oh come on little buddy! Just because I am not a Little Trumpster goose-stepper, like yourself, does not mean that I am either a Dem or a liberal.
Did I vote for Trump? Hell no, I have moral values and love the country as our founding fathers meant it to be.
Did I vote for Hillary? Nope, I think the Clintons (Billy & Hillary) are trash.
Also, unlike you, I do not let an ideology to dictate what I think.
Now, to the issue at hand. I have provided two links that make my point, your responses only demonize me and ignore the substance of my argument. A typical Little Trumpsters methodology. Boring.
Pretty funny stuff, you little goose-stepper.
Are you calling the Constitution a lie?
You Little Trumpsters are always good for a chuckle and that’s why I like you so much! :2up:

Census in the Constitution

No Comrade, I'm calling you a liar.

This little shit fit you and the other drones are spewing is based on absolutely nothing. The party needs to keep mindless fucks like you animated, Hate is what you live for. But there really was nothing to stir your emotions, so the Heinreich Himmliers of MSNBCNN just made shit up, and dumb fucks like you are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA. How could the object of your hatred, Emanuel Goldstein issue an executive order like that?

The fact that you don't know what this executive order is, that there is no executive order, doesn't matter. What matters is that you hate Donald Trump with every fiber of your being. All the ills of the world, past and present are because of Donald Trump. The crisis at the border isn't because your party cynically brought in illegals to stuff voter rolls, no it's Donald Trump. The $4 trillion national debt isn't because the deep state establishment has spent 40 years spending us into oblivion, no, it's Donald Trump.

So you continue to be a good party member and have your two minutes hate at Emanuel Goldstein, Comrade.

Oh come on little buddy! Just because I am not a Little Trumpster goose-stepper, like yourself, does not mean that I am either a Dem or a liberal.
Did I vote for Trump? Hell no, I have moral values and love the country as our founding fathers meant it to be.
Did I vote for Hillary? Nope, I think the Clintons (Billy & Hillary) are trash.
Also, unlike you, I do not let an ideology to dictate what I think.
Now, to the issue at hand. I have provided two links that make my point, your responses only demonize me and ignore the substance of my argument. A typical Little Trumpsters methodology. Boring.


So, what exactly IS this executive order that has you and the other drones stirred up, Comrade?

Be specific...
“Is King trump preparing to defy the USSC”

Of course he is.

Trump has nothing but contempt for the courts and the rule of law.
I don't understand the big deal. Drive on I-10 out of El Paso and you will come to a massive DHS facility that once you're stopped, they ask you if your'e an American Citizen

I don't understand the big deal. Drive on I-10 out of El Paso and you will come to a massive DHS facility that once you're stopped, they ask you if your'e an American Citizen


The Stalinist democrats intend to change that.

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