Is Michael Wolf a hero for brincing down Trump

Fire and Fury has catapulted to the top of the bestseller list in just one day.

Lines to buy the book are going around the block. Stores are selling out.

Hmmm. I may download the audiobook. Save me the trouble of waiting in a long line.
I guess the way you're drooling over a book that smears Trump shows how "independant" you are.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

It's a book filled with quotes from the Trump campaign, transition and west wing.
The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true
The Donald just PWND the qu33r, fish-lipped fake news douchebag!
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

Dan Rather is considered a hero for presenting forged documents as a means to bring down President Bush. Rather's obsessive hatred was on the level of Nixon; a man he covered; and, like Nixon, his dishonesty cost him his job. a couple of weeks, nobody is going to care about this. You bozo progressives remind me of that Charlie Brown episode with Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin.........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Trump's idiocy is not going away. As the facts of the true Trump, his activities and the morons around him, he will be gone.
He will crash with some of his minions holding on to his coat tails.

We're closing in on one year in office and you guys can't make anything stick because it only exists in your imaginations. Keep on tilting at windmills! You have at least 3 more years to suffer!
What is only in our minds ??? This pos in our WH is an insult to all Americans A lowlife thief a pervert FOR ALL TO SEE
It's impossible for anything to be an insult to the typical douchebag snowflake.
BRI You like Trump are mentally unfit

There should be commas after "You" and "Trump."

You would have known that if you weren't such a mentally unfit dumbass.

Ironic, isn't it?
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump
/----/ How does one go "brincing down?"
Trump's idiocy is not going away. As the facts of the true Trump, his activities and the morons around him, he will be gone.
He will crash with some of his minions holding on to his coat tails.

We're closing in on one year in office and you guys can't make anything stick because it only exists in your imaginations. Keep on tilting at windmills! You have at least 3 more years to suffer!
What is only in our minds ??? This pos in our WH is an insult to all Americans A lowlife thief a pervert FOR ALL TO SEE
It's impossible for anything to be an insult to the typical douchebag snowflake.
BRI You like Trump are mentally unfit

There should be commas after "You" and "Trump."

You would have known that if you weren't such a mentally unfit dumbass.

Ironic, isn't it?
Come on bri, what's a couple of commas between friends?
We're closing in on one year in office and you guys can't make anything stick because it only exists in your imaginations. Keep on tilting at windmills! You have at least 3 more years to suffer!
What is only in our minds ??? This pos in our WH is an insult to all Americans A lowlife thief a pervert FOR ALL TO SEE
It's impossible for anything to be an insult to the typical douchebag snowflake.
BRI You like Trump are mentally unfit

There should be commas after "You" and "Trump."

You would have known that if you weren't such a mentally unfit dumbass.

Ironic, isn't it?
Come on bri, what's a couple of commas between friends?
When you're calling people "mentally unfit," you better make sure you know how to punctuate a sentence.

You also forgot a period.
What is only in our minds ??? This pos in our WH is an insult to all Americans A lowlife thief a pervert FOR ALL TO SEE
It's impossible for anything to be an insult to the typical douchebag snowflake.
BRI You like Trump are mentally unfit

There should be commas after "You" and "Trump."

You would have known that if you weren't such a mentally unfit dumbass.

Ironic, isn't it?
Come on bri, what's a couple of commas between friends?
When you're calling people "mentally unfit," you better make sure you know how to punctuate a sentence.

You also forgot a period.
LOL Picky ,picky! Are you the punctuating mod???
Snowflakes are gullible, are you kidding me. Gullability has been redefined by the idiots who still buy into Trump's con and whole heartedly support him.

The Trumpkin variety of snowflakes are gullible and so is the Snowflake in Chief. One can hardly be more fictile, to say nothing of ironically preposterous, than a heterosexual, white, billionaire who thinks "the system" is rigged against him and says so with a straight face!

"Snowflake" Trump so routinely tries to present himself and his family members as victims that one'd think John McEnroe is one of his speechwriters. People surely have infants who don't cry as much or as loudly as Trump!
Nary a week passes these days without Trump whining that he has been mistreated by someone: the media, a political rival, a TV personality, a legislator, etc. Nobody that I can think of blames more things on anyone and everyone else than does "His Royal Snowflake-ness" Donald J. Trump, though Fox News sycophants like Jesse "I believe Don Jr. is the victim here" Waters sure try.


I mean, seriously, the man had his attorneys send a cease and desist letter to the Henry Holt to prevent them from publishing a book that contains "disparaging statements" about Trump.

You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone.
-- Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

It is not the fact they were disparaging statements. It was that they were publishing statements from people with non-disclosure agreements. If the people who were quoted actually said what they were claimed to have said, like Bannon, Trump can sue them. If these people did not say what they were claimed to have said, those people can sue Wolff and the publisher.
The President and his staff work for the people. We need to know about his incompetencies. Non-disclosure agreements are normally used to protect propietary and sensitive information.
Paranoid Trump uses them to prevent people telling others what a moron he is.
Last edited:
Trump's idiocy is not going away. As the facts of the true Trump, his activities and the morons around him, he will be gone.
He will crash with some of his minions holding on to his coat tails.

We're closing in on one year in office and you guys can't make anything stick because it only exists in your imaginations. Keep on tilting at windmills! You have at least 3 more years to suffer!
What is only in our minds ??? This pos in our WH is an insult to all Americans A lowlife thief a pervert FOR ALL TO SEE
It's impossible for anything to be an insult to the typical douchebag snowflake.
BRI You like Trump are mentally unfit
I envy Michael Wolff. He like Al Gore has duped leftists with lies, and made himself a millionaire.

I want to do that too.
Your lack of intelligence is obvious by your support of Trump.
You will never be smart enough to take advantge of anyone on your own. But your savior Trump will make you rich, don't worry.
Fire and Fury has catapulted to the top of the bestseller list in just one day.

Lines to buy the book are going around the block. Stores are selling out.

Hmmm. I may download the audiobook. Save me the trouble of waiting in a long line.
I guess the way you're drooling over a book that smears Trump shows how "independant" you are.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

It's a book filled with quotes from the Trump campaign, transition and west wing.
The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true
Oh please Danny dotard, you cannot be so stupid to deny who Trump is as a person? If 30% of the book is true, that is enough. But more importantly is the mounds of information from many people confirming the childish, narcissistic, incompetentence of Trump. His own secretary of state called him a f***ing moron.
Michael Wolff even had a special blue access badge which allowed him special access to the West Wing - which most journalists don't have. Wolff's book is very interesting, but it basically just confirms what most of us already knew - including Congress members. I'll be watching closely how well Wolff defends his book. We'll be hearing a lot from him over the next few days. He's scheduled to be on Lawrence O'Donnell on Monday night at 10:00 pm ET on MSNBC. I doubt this book can or will bring down Trump. That's Mueller's job.


Trump As Tantrum-Prone Toddler? It’s Not Really News To The GOP.

Trump and the his Republican enablers are right back at it 1) Ripping up the institutions that keep us safe 2) Launching a new investigation into Hillary's emails and Uranium One, and 3) launching a criminal referral against Christopher Steele.

All a bogus and massive distraction from the coming Mueller Trumpnado. :D


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