Is The Democrat Plan To Damage The Economy Working?

States run by Republican governors on average have economically outperformed states run by Democratic governors in recent months.

The difference in economic growth is likely due to the pathway of the coronavirus pandemic in the first few months and the economic restrictions imposed by Democratic governors.

Overall, Democratic-run states, particularly those in the Northeast and Midwest, had larger contractions in gross domestic product than Republican-run states in the Plains and the South, according to the latest state GDP data for the second quarter of 2020, released by the Commerce Department on Friday. Of the 20 states with the smallest decrease in state GDP, 13 were run by Republican governors, while the bottom 25 states with the highest decrease in state GDP were predominantly Democratic-run states.

Furthermore, the average unemployment rate across Republican states was 6.5% in August, compared to an average of 9% in Democrat states, according to an analysis of unemployment data by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

There are multiple factors that lead to the split between the outcomes in Democratic and Republican states.

“The different economic shutdown policies and restrictions plays a big role,” said a senior economist in the Trump administration.

“But you also have to remember that in the second quarter, many Republican states hadn’t really been hit by the virus yet, like Texas, Arizona, and parts of Florida,” the official said. He said that Republican states were hit worse by the virus in the third quarter than the second, as the pandemic spread west and south.

“Also, the mix of industries in each state could also affect the economic growth, like Nevada, which is hugely dependent on travel and tourism,” the official added.

In spite of our dropping unemployment rate, the Democrats are still trying to tug the other way hoping to maintain a bad economy up to election day. We on the right have insisted this has been their plot all along, but the left are convinced by their puppet masters their leaders are stalling the economy for their own good.

Now that we have some results to look at, and what Biden said in his own words that he's be willing to shutdown the country if necessary, we have to ask ourselves if we want the entire country to be managed like these low performing blue states.

If you are a Trump hater, you have to ask yourself before voting: Do you hate Trump more than you love our country, or is it the other way around?
They didn't have as far to fall, so they can recover back to their modest level more easily.
They didn't have as far to fall, so they can recover back to their modest level more easily.

No, it's just they didn't shutdown their cities or states. We are still short products that people can't buy. My washing machine broke a few months ago. I went to a scratch and dent place around the corner from me. They were totally shutdown because of no stock. Then I went to Home Depot. The soonest I could get one delivered was three weeks. Some models not for over a month. I finally ended up at a used appliance place which I wasn't thrilled about.

The reason for the shortage is because they couldn't get enough parts to make new appliances. We also have a can shortage in this country. If you don't see your favorite beverage in the store, it's because we don't have enough cans to go around. Unless your beverage also comes in bottles, you may not be able to get it.

The demand is there, the supply isn't.
No, it's because unlike other countries, we have a Constitution that our representatives cannot violate. We are a free country where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is guaranteed. Unlike other places, our government cannot force us to do anything.

Other G7 Countries are just as free as we are, and their police don't murder people in the street. They've ALL done better than we have.

Trump FAILED to show leadership in this crisis. Period. Full stop. He called it a hoax, he undermined people trying to solve the problem, he made wearing masks a cultural issue. His leadership has been a fucking disaster, and it shows.

I don't know why you people on the left figure you can lie by twisting facts and figures. Yes, you can do that with dumb Democrats, but not us Republicans. We do not have the most deaths. We are eight in deaths when it comes to per capita, meaning we are doing better than other countries.

Uh, the only countries that are doing "Worse" are third world countries or countries that are kind of small, like Belgium.

When it comes to the G7 Countries, we have 647 PM deaths, Worse than the UK (639), Italy (597), France (497) Canada (259) Germany (115), or Japan (statistically insignificant).

Also, other countries consider a Covid death when it was actually Covid that killed them. We don't. If you run into a wall at 100 mph, get killed, and tested positive for Covid, it's listed as a Covid death in the US.

Lie. I'm not sure why you think you can lie your way out of Trump's incompetence.

What Reagan did was get our economy going again and retarded our jobs moving overseas.

Actually, not really. Jobs moved overseas under Reagan. The only thing he did was encourage Japanese automakers to move some factories here.

The top 20% of wage earners in this country pay 80% of all collected income taxes. You can't tax them anymore because then it's not worth the risk for them to continue creating income.

The top 20% have 87% of the wealth... so they aren't paying anywhere NEAR their fair share. And income taxes aren't the only taxes collected.

See, this is why you leftists should never be in charge of the country. You'd destroy all of our jobs with your idiocy. Why do you think Slow Joe said he'd tax the rich, and when cornered on it, said he wouldn't? Same with Harris.

Actually, they were very clear that the RICH would pay more taxes, the rest of us won't. Anyone over $400,000. That works for me. If you are making $400,000 you can pay taxes.

Look, you guys said the same thing when Obama and Clinton made the rich pay more. "OH MY GOD, THE ECONOMY IS DOOMED!!!" The exact opposite happened. The economy boomed.

The last FIVE recessions happened when Republicans were in charge. You guys don't get to claim you know more about the economy.
No they are not. We are the only nation on earth that has a Constitution that protects the "people" from the "government." Other nations have constitutions that protect the government from the people. We are a transcontinental nation that you can fit three European continents into. We are a diverse nation of immigrants and with that comes a historical crime problem. Criminals kill people so our police often times use deadly force. George Floyd death was wrong use of force. The rest of the liberal media pushed uses of deadly force by law enforcement have been 100% justified because officers lives at risk. Democratic Socialist/ racist District Attorneys in urban areas bringing charges against police for extremist political reasons. Watch how many cases they lose. Grand Juries and Petit Juries are comprised of people with common sense. The exception being the dumb fucking O.J. jury.

It is more than just George Floyd. The police shoot a man 9 times in the back. Does it really take 9 shots? Then we have the Breanna Taylor case. The police did not knock as they claimed they did. A woman was killed because they did not. The AG lied to the grand jury. When you let the police get away with it then even legitimate cases are questioned. Police officers are responsible for this.
Seven times and Blake deserved every one of them for raping a woman. Taylor was a known associate of drug dealers and the police officers returned fire after one was shot first. Her boyfriend used her as a human shield. Anything else?

When was Blake convicted? There is no evidence that any of this is anything but the police lying to cover up their unlawful activities. The police officers refused to identify themselves. He had every right to fire. Even REPUBLICAN Tim Scott has stated he disagreed with the grand jury decision.
His ex wife called the police on him and he resisted arrest. They didn’t show up there for fun. If he doesn’t resist he doesn’t get shit. Release the grand jury docs. Taylor’s death while tragic has zero to do with racism. The KY AG is black. Spare me your outrage. It’s misplaced.

Bullshit. The fact is that no one knows who called the police. They are covering their ass. The KY AG shows that a black can be racist. A police officer is indicted because shots went into a apartment owned by a white family but nothing for the killing of Taylor. Even Sen Tim Scott has expressed his dismay at 6the decision. Cameron is either a racist or a crook. When Biden wins, there should be a civil rights investigation of the police. Cameron also needs to be investigated as to whether he obstructed justice when he lied to the grand jury about whether the police knocked.
Yep. Careless shooting but the shooter shit first and shot a police officer. Sorry you cannot make your own facts. Civil rights were not violated.

The shooter had every right to defend himself from unknown assailants. The ballistics report cannot prove whether the officer was shot by the individual defending himself or the police officers whose indiscriminate shots killed Taylor.
Defend himself from police officers? Have you gone full retard?
They didn't have as far to fall, so they can recover back to their modest level more easily.

No, it's just they didn't shutdown their cities or states. We are still short products that people can't buy. My washing machine broke a few months ago. I went to a scratch and dent place around the corner from me. They were totally shutdown because of no stock. Then I went to Home Depot. The soonest I could get one delivered was three weeks. Some models not for over a month. I finally ended up at a used appliance place which I wasn't thrilled about.

The reason for the shortage is because they couldn't get enough parts to make new appliances. We also have a can shortage in this country. If you don't see your favorite beverage in the store, it's because we don't have enough cans to go around. Unless your beverage also comes in bottles, you may not be able to get it.

The demand is there, the supply isn't.
Sooo.... You can't get a new washing machine because if the Democrats in china?
Sooo.... You can't get a new washing machine because if the Democrats in china?

Not all parts come from China. I used to work at tool and die shops. They come from overseas and domestically. It's likely that some of these items are made in blue cities and states.
States run by Republican governors on average have economically outperformed states run by Democratic governors in recent months.

The difference in economic growth is likely due to the pathway of the coronavirus pandemic in the first few months and the economic restrictions imposed by Democratic governors.

Overall, Democratic-run states, particularly those in the Northeast and Midwest, had larger contractions in gross domestic product than Republican-run states in the Plains and the South, according to the latest state GDP data for the second quarter of 2020, released by the Commerce Department on Friday. Of the 20 states with the smallest decrease in state GDP, 13 were run by Republican governors, while the bottom 25 states with the highest decrease in state GDP were predominantly Democratic-run states.

Furthermore, the average unemployment rate across Republican states was 6.5% in August, compared to an average of 9% in Democrat states, according to an analysis of unemployment data by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

There are multiple factors that lead to the split between the outcomes in Democratic and Republican states.

“The different economic shutdown policies and restrictions plays a big role,” said a senior economist in the Trump administration.

“But you also have to remember that in the second quarter, many Republican states hadn’t really been hit by the virus yet, like Texas, Arizona, and parts of Florida,” the official said. He said that Republican states were hit worse by the virus in the third quarter than the second, as the pandemic spread west and south.

“Also, the mix of industries in each state could also affect the economic growth, like Nevada, which is hugely dependent on travel and tourism,” the official added.

In spite of our dropping unemployment rate, the Democrats are still trying to tug the other way hoping to maintain a bad economy up to election day. We on the right have insisted this has been their plot all along, but the left are convinced by their puppet masters their leaders are stalling the economy for their own good.

Now that we have some results to look at, and what Biden said in his own words that he's be willing to shutdown the country if necessary, we have to ask ourselves if we want the entire country to be managed like these low performing blue states.

If you are a Trump hater, you have to ask yourself before voting: Do you hate Trump more than you love our country, or is it the other way around?
Exactly... Well me and my daughter, and next my wife will have done our part. We voted, and the wife said she will be voting Trump/Pence also. Done deal.
They didn't have as far to fall, so they can recover back to their modest level more easily.

No, it's just they didn't shutdown their cities or states. We are still short products that people can't buy. My washing machine broke a few months ago. I went to a scratch and dent place around the corner from me. They were totally shutdown because of no stock. Then I went to Home Depot. The soonest I could get one delivered was three weeks. Some models not for over a month. I finally ended up at a used appliance place which I wasn't thrilled about.

The reason for the shortage is because they couldn't get enough parts to make new appliances. We also have a can shortage in this country. If you don't see your favorite beverage in the store, it's because we don't have enough cans to go around. Unless your beverage also comes in bottles, you may not be able to get it.

The demand is there, the supply isn't.
Sooo.... You can't get a new washing machine because if the Democrats in china?
Huh ?
Trump didn't win in the last debate, but he didn't lose either. It was sort of a draw so he gained nothing in round one. That's why it's so important for him to get back in the ring for round two and knock Biden's lights out, something he could have easily done in round one.

Ray lives in his own fantasy world.

Trump is going to go into the next debate as someone who caught his own plague. He couldn't protect the country, he couldn't even protect himself.

Correct, that's how contagious this is. You can't protect the country from a virus. That's why most countries have it.
Exactly.... The only hope is life saving treatments, and vaccines (not mask), although they do give a sense of security in the situation. Most will get the thing, and millions will survive it... Unfortunately their are those that won't survive it just like the flu. I was on a job site a while back, and the construction crew working on site said "heck we all had it 3 weeks ago"... I thought wow, because they were all wide open doing their jobs as if they never had it.

Good stuff, but those who are vulnerable (not really sure who exactly they are because we don't know how it will effect one verses another regardless of age, but it's more about ones health), so they could be educated better about being careful, and trying to stay safe until we get a handle on this thing.
Exactly.... The only hope is life saving treatments, and vaccines (not mask), although they do give a sense of security in the situation. Most will get the thing, and millions will survive it... Unfortunately their are those that won't survive it just like the flu. I was on a job site a while back, and the construction crew working on site said "heck we all had it 3 weeks ago"... I thought wow, because they were all wide open doing their jobs as if they never had it.

Good stuff, but those who are vulnerable (not really sure who exactly they are because we don't know how it will effect one verses another regardless of age, but it's more about ones health), so they could be educated better about being careful, and trying to stay safe until we get a handle on this thing.

Unfortunately I'm one of those people. I have several serious conditions that would put me at high risk of death on top of my age. I do as the health experts advise: stay home as much as possible, wash hands and sanitize when possible, don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth until your hands are washed or sanitized. I also wear a mask anytime I'm out in public.

I have sanitizer in my car. Before I leave, I spray, as soon as I get back in my car, spray again.

The problem I'm having is that a lot of these numbers between deaths and contact are phony as a three dollar bill. I've had a personal experience with this in my family. Don't get me wrong, the virus is here and it does catch. However I don't believe this figure of 215K dead exclusively because of the virus.
The OP cites garbage from the Washington Examiner. Here are the facts:

After analyzing all 50 U.S. states, here are the 10 poorest states in America for 2020:
  1. Mississippi (Photos)
  2. New Mexico (Photos)
  3. Louisiana (Photos)
  4. West Virginia (Photos)
  5. Alabama (Photos)
  6. Kentucky (Photos)
  7. South Carolina (Photos)
  8. Arkansas (Photos)
  9. Tennessee (Photos)
  10. North Carolina (Photos)

I live in a state with an economy ruined by republicans. The OP is a lie.
Economy ruined for who ? Oh you mean for the demoncrat dependents that have been brainwashed by the demon-cratzi's telling them that everything will be free ??? Ohh wait I meant to say paid for by me along with million's of other working class American's ???
Yeah, you left for a bunch of reasons but only brought up the Hispanics moving in. We have areas of sizable Hispanic population here from PR. No problems at all. I've worked with them, been in many of their homes, wonderful people. An occasional troublemaker like any other group of people, but not really different than anybody else.

I rented to a Hispanic lady for years.. didn't have any issues. The neighborhood did go to shit, but it was because the REpublicans running Cicero were corrupt (and many of them went to jail.) So I got out... You keep living in your slum, which is great, I can't think of a nice neighborhood I dislike enough to wish you upon.

But you didn't get any training for a new job. That's the point. You said it yourself. You are pushing papers at home instead of pushing papers for somebody else.

Wow, are you retarded? Why do you need training to do a "Career Change"? You know how I got trained? Just by writing. Writing every day... for years. Fiction, Resumes, making fun of left wing idiots on AOL and right wing idiots on USMB.

When you rant about me being on disability, you not only greatly expose how bad of an OCD problem you have, but also expose how much of a hypocrite you are. You commies are always promoting social programs, but when a political adversary actually uses one they paid into all of their lives, you are outraged.

No, what outrages me is your hypocrisy....

You don't want to live in the world you try to create...
States run by Republican governors on average have economically outperformed states run by Democratic governors in recent months.

The difference in economic growth is likely due to the pathway of the coronavirus pandemic in the first few months and the economic restrictions imposed by Democratic governors.

Overall, Democratic-run states, particularly those in the Northeast and Midwest, had larger contractions in gross domestic product than Republican-run states in the Plains and the South, according to the latest state GDP data for the second quarter of 2020, released by the Commerce Department on Friday. Of the 20 states with the smallest decrease in state GDP, 13 were run by Republican governors, while the bottom 25 states with the highest decrease in state GDP were predominantly Democratic-run states.

Furthermore, the average unemployment rate across Republican states was 6.5% in August, compared to an average of 9% in Democrat states, according to an analysis of unemployment data by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

There are multiple factors that lead to the split between the outcomes in Democratic and Republican states.

“The different economic shutdown policies and restrictions plays a big role,” said a senior economist in the Trump administration.

“But you also have to remember that in the second quarter, many Republican states hadn’t really been hit by the virus yet, like Texas, Arizona, and parts of Florida,” the official said. He said that Republican states were hit worse by the virus in the third quarter than the second, as the pandemic spread west and south.

“Also, the mix of industries in each state could also affect the economic growth, like Nevada, which is hugely dependent on travel and tourism,” the official added.

In spite of our dropping unemployment rate, the Democrats are still trying to tug the other way hoping to maintain a bad economy up to election day. We on the right have insisted this has been their plot all along, but the left are convinced by their puppet masters their leaders are stalling the economy for their own good.

Now that we have some results to look at, and what Biden said in his own words that he's be willing to shutdown the country if necessary, we have to ask ourselves if we want the entire country to be managed like these low performing blue states.

If you are a Trump hater, you have to ask yourself before voting: Do you hate Trump more than you love our country, or is it the other way around?
Leftism is the real Enemy of the American People .....

On all fronts.
I rented to a Hispanic lady for years.. didn't have any issues. The neighborhood did go to shit, but it was because the REpublicans running Cicero were corrupt (and many of them went to jail.) So I got out... You keep living in your slum, which is great, I can't think of a nice neighborhood I dislike enough to wish you upon.

You mean like the slum created here by Democrats? Do explain, what Republican policies made Cicero go to shit? What was political affiliation of their Council?

Wow, are you retarded? Why do you need training to do a "Career Change"? You know how I got trained? Just by writing. Writing every day... for years. Fiction, Resumes, making fun of left wing idiots on AOL and right wing idiots on USMB.

So by your own admission you didn't really get training for a completely different line of work, which is what you're suggesting I should have done. All you really did was take advantage of people that were too lazy to use YouTube to do their own resume.

Well congrats on that. I never thought about fleecing people due to their ignorance. My mind simply doesn't work that way.

No, what outrages me is your hypocrisy....

You don't want to live in the world you try to create...

Of course I do. I would love to live in a divided country; a line right down the middle. Democrats would be forced to move to the west, and Republicans to the east. If we were to do what I'd like to do, my property value would not only regain the losses I suffered because of Democrats, it would triple as well.

I have no hypocrisy. You do, and you've demonstrated that repeatedly in this conversation.
Economy ruined for who ? Oh you mean for the demoncrat dependents that have been brainwashed by the demon-cratzi's telling them that everything will be free ??? Ohh wait I meant to say paid for by me along with million's of other working class American's ???

What IM2 posted is that Democrat run states are richer than Republican states, omitting the cost of living factor.

I like to watch HGTV. They have programs of remodeling, houses sold, houses purchased. There is a stark difference when they air episodes in blue and red areas. When I see homes bought in blue states for 800K, those very same houses in my state sell for less than 250K.

Making good money is great provided your cost to survive in such places makes you comfortable. But if you're paying out just as much as you're bringing in, you're no better off than a blue collar worker in Alabama.

My cousin lives in CA. After her divorce where she kept the house, child support helped her along. When the kids turned of age, she lost that. So she rented her in-law suite for $1,300 a month, and she had a line of people wanting that unit. From what she told me, it's basically a one room deal. Yes, a bathroom, but that's about it. You sleep in the same room that you dine in; a studio apartment.

She charges more for that pathetic getup than I get for two of my apartments, which are nice, private, two bedroom units. For a city property, I have a large backyard with a fireplace. I'm sure I could charge more, but charging less gives me access to superior tenants that in most cases, are long term.
You mean like the slum created here by Democrats? Do explain, what Republican policies made Cicero go to shit? What was political affiliation of their Council?

At that time, Entirely Republican. The GOP has controlled Cicero since Al Capone knocked over the government in the 1920's and put his own people in charge.

One of the big policies they had was the strip joints and all night bars. One time, I had this scary-ass biker dude (white) pass out in my gangway. Called the cops. Took their sweet time getting there. "Hey, are you the one who called the cops on me", he blurted out. "Dude, I didn't know if you were injured or needed medical attention". He wandered north and exclaimed "Oh, That's Roosevelt Road! Now I know where I'm at!!!"

Another occassion, a girl vanished at one of these bars. They found her body stuffed into a garage a couple months later. (It was winter, so she didn't go ripe.)

So by your own admission you didn't really get training for a completely different line of work, which is what you're suggesting I should have done. All you really did was take advantage of people that were too lazy to use YouTube to do their own resume.

Naw, man, I get the people who went to YouTube, thought they knew where they were doing, and after six months of getting no callbacks, decided to find someone who knew what they were doing. A couple people actually went to one of my competitors, who charged a lot more money and did a much worse job. Then after I did them, they actually got interviews and jobs. Imagine that.

It's kind of like saying you can learn how to play the guitar on YouTube, but it's not going to turn you into Eric Clapton or David Gilmour.

Of course I do. I would love to live in a divided country; a line right down the middle. Democrats would be forced to move to the west, and Republicans to the east. If we were to do what I'd like to do, my property value would not only regain the losses I suffered because of Democrats, it would triple as well.

Okay, guy, let's look at that. Let's look at poverty in America.


Oh, wow, all the Grinding ass poverty is in the Red States... Imagine that.
Of course, the Dem plan is working.

In just about two weeks, their plan will ensure that the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., is elected the 46th President of the United States of America.

Give the Devil His/Her due.
Of course, the Dem plan is working.

In just about two weeks, their plan will ensure that the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., is elected the 46th President of the United States of America.

Give the Devil His/Her due.

The problem is, the economy was going into the shitter before Covid hit.

More people have applied for unemployment than voted for Trump in 2016. That's why he'll lose.
The problem is, the economy was going into the shitter before Covid hit.

More people have applied for unemployment than voted for Trump in 2016. That's why he'll lose.

You've been saying the economy was going in the shitter for three years before the virus hit. Everybody except leftists understand the economy is not the fault of Trump, but China.
Of course, the Dem plan is working.

In just about two weeks, their plan will ensure that the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., is elected the 46th President of the United States of America.

Give the Devil His/Her due.

Correct, their plan to destroy the economy is working. However I don't think it will usher in Creepy Joe, especially after we've seen the emails of the corruption between him and his son. The talk about packing the court is very unsettling with a majority of Americans. His lie about fracking is another. People today are paying in the $2.00 a gallon range for gasoline. They don't want to see it in the $5.00 range this time next year. Then there are the riots that any American knows were propelled by Democrat Mayors and Governors lasting for weeks and months.

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