Is the US a democracy?

There is NO fucking such thing as a representative republic you hack

You start a thread you get beat down, and to deflect from the beat down you bring a thread to this one that has nothing to do with this thread.

Your republican party is NOW cheating YOU out of democracy.

like a complete idiot you are defending their attempt to discredit the idea of democracy by feeding you trolls misinformation about the VERY definitions of words.

You swallow it whole
Yes you are. The U.S Constitution applies to state government as well as the federal level.

Explain yourself. Prove yourself. Don't sit there and just declare yourself correct without proof.

Explain myself? It's common knowledge basic civics maybe you should take a few classes.
What is there to prove? 200 + years is evidence enough. The states law cannot supersede The Supreme law of the land.

I didn't realize I was dealing with someone who cannot explain that which they believe other than to say it is common knowledge. I thought this was an intelligent discussion, never mind.


You start a thread you get beat down, and to deflect from the beat down you bring a thread to this one that has nothing to do with this thread.

Your republican party is NOW cheating YOU out of democracy.

like a complete idiot you are defending their attempt to discredit the idea of democracy by feeding you trolls misinformation about the VERY definitions of words.

You swallow it whole

like a complete idiot you are defending their attempt to discredit the idea of democracy by feeding you trolls misinformation about the VERY definitions of words.

You say you don't lie but you lied in this post^^^^^^^^^^
Show the post where I defended republicans for cheating.
You have been defending the lies for some time now.

Do you remeber how you treat my completely documented facts of republican cheating?
I never said they can. I said that the Constitution does not apply itself to the states in this matter. Do you read what I actually say or are you having an argument in the vaccuum? Seriously, I never said anything like that. I said that the first amendment does not apply to the states because it does not include them. I also said that the fact that three state churches existed after the first amendment was ratified is proof that the amendment did not apply to the states.

You then came up with some notion that they were shot down by the supreme court. They weren't. I asked you for proof and you never gave any.

This is the problem with our country. People like you cannot examine a document and decide for yourself what it means. Your opinions all represent the long train of abuses of the Constitution. In order to arrive at the conclusion that you arrive at you must first establish that the Constitution and all of the Amendments do not mean what they said upon ratification but rather they mean the most loose interpretation that you are able to arrive at today. Then you need a SCOTUS who is not accountable to the people to broaden the definition of each word or idea. If you have several generations of broadening you arrive at a point in which when another person asks you for evidence you can present your evidence in two or three words.

When I asked you what evidence you had, you spouted "14th amendment". You do not give rhyme or reason, instead it is understoood that you are free to interpret the 14th amendment in any way you please. It is as if I did not ask you "how do you prove your assertion" but rather "what do you think you can slip your assertion into".

Oh well, is est ut is est.


I never said they can.
Yes you are. The U.S Constitution applies to state government as well as the federal level.

Explain yourself. Prove yourself. Don't sit there and just declare yourself correct without proof.


The 14th amendment applies the amendments to the states, because the states were ignoring the constitutional amendments.
Because of the 14th amendment the 1st amendment does apply to the states. As do all of the amendments.
You start a thread you get beat down, and to deflect from the beat down you bring a thread to this one that has nothing to do with this thread.

Your republican party is NOW cheating YOU out of democracy.

like a complete idiot you are defending their attempt to discredit the idea of democracy by feeding you trolls misinformation about the VERY definitions of words.

You swallow it whole

like a complete idiot you are defending their attempt to discredit the idea of democracy by feeding you trolls misinformation about the VERY definitions of words.

You say you don't lie but you lied in this post^^^^^^^^^^
Show the post where I defended republicans for cheating.

here you are defending the cheating
Big red your a hack, you think because you support Paul it makes you unhacklike.

Paul would cheat in the red hot second if the republican power structure would back him
Yes you are. The U.S Constitution applies to state government as well as the federal level.

Explain yourself. Prove yourself. Don't sit there and just declare yourself correct without proof.


The 14th amendment applies the amendments to the states, because the states were ignoring the constitutional amendments.
Because of the 14th amendment the 1st amendment does apply to the states. As do all of the amendments.

Thank you for attemtping an intellectual conversation. Specifically, what language in the 14th amendment do you think applies an amendment that begins with "Congress shall create no law" to the states. I can agree with the second because the right is seeminly universal, just from the way it was written.

As kind of an aside (which will relate back to our discussion) is it your belief that the meaning of the 14th amendment may change over time or does it mean what it meant when it was ratified? Do the courts have intepretive powers? Are they absolute and should all future courts be bound to the decisions made by the courts today?


there you have it folks.

They dont want the American people picking their own reps.

No democracy is what they want.

They want to PICK for us who represents us.

Where the hell did you get that? You would do well to make use of the quote function, lady, so your nonsense can be slapped down by the proper person.

Why do you hate apostrophes?
Explain yourself. Prove yourself. Don't sit there and just declare yourself correct without proof.


The 14th amendment applies the amendments to the states, because the states were ignoring the constitutional amendments.
Because of the 14th amendment the 1st amendment does apply to the states. As do all of the amendments.

Thank you for attempting an intellectual conversation. Specifically, what language in the 14th amendment do you think applies an amendment that begins with "Congress shall create no law" to the states. I can agree with the second because the right is seemingly universal, just from the way it was written.

As kind of an aside (which will relate back to our discussion) is it your belief that the meaning of the 14th amendment may change over time or does it mean what it meant when it was ratified? Do the courts have interpretive powers? Are they absolute and should all future courts be bound to the decisions made by the courts today?


Because state governments were free to ignore the American Constitution, they usually did; as a consequence, several state retained established state churches for many years. This changed, however, with the passage of the 14th Amendment:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

That is only the first section, but it is the most relevant one to this issue. First, it establishes just who qualifies as citizens of the United States. Second, it establishes that if someone is a citizen, then that person is protected by all of the privileges and immunities of the United States. This means that they are protected by the Constitution of the United States and that individual states are expressly prohibited from passing any laws which would abridge those constitutional protections.

As a consequence, every citizen of the United States is protected by the "rights and immunities" outlined in the First Amendment and no individual state is permitted to pass laws which would infringe upon those rights and immunities. Yes, the constitutional limitations on governmental powers apply to all levels of government: this is known as "incorporation."

The claim that the First Amendment to the Constitution does not restrict actions taken by state or local governments is nothing less than a lie. Some people may believe that they have legitimate objections to incorporation and/or believe that incorporation should be abandoned, but if so they then should say so and make a case for their position. Claiming that incorporation doesn't apply or exist is simply dishonest.

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