Is This Congressman Insane ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
One of the most outlandish things ever stated by a US Congressman was stated on Saturday, by Democrat, Texas Congressman Al Green. In an interview on MSNBC, Green put his ugly mug in front of the cameras and contradicted himself massively, and stupidly.

It all centers around his use of the term "THE AMERICAN PEOPLE." First Green said >> “I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected."

EARTH TO AL: When he got elected in 2016, it was the American people who elected him. And if he gets re-elected in 2020, again, it will be the American people who do that. So by Green saying he worries that Trump might get re-elected, he is saying that he is not concerned with the fact that this has been, and might again be the CHOICE of the American people. So he is diminishing the will of the American people to a level below what he wants to see happen.

And this is what we have for a member of the US Congress in 2019. A guy who puts US democracy below his personal wishes. To him, the will of tens of millions of THE AMERICAN PEOPLE is less important than his desire for power for himself and his party. Wow.

Green went on to say "He will say the Democrats had an overwhelming majority in the House and didn’t take up impeachment. He will say we had a constitutional duty to do and we didn’t." Did you catch that ? Now, Alarmist Al is telling us that Trump would say the Congress had a duty to impeach him. Whaaat?? Is this guy 100% all there ? I mean really.
Al Green isn't insane at all, he's just giving his analysis on how the Far Left can seize power next year.

But he's being awfully divisive for a man best known for his quote "Let's Stay Together".
That is the most honest answer I have heard to date from a Democrat on their true motivation for Impeaching Trump.

AL Green put the ugh in ugly.
As long as Al Green don't demand that we have 9 more Trump investigations -- because if that happens, then it would start to look kinda political.....and we know that republicans would never expend taxpayer money on politically motivated investigations or congressional hearings....ever

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