It takes 3/4 of the States to ratify an Amendment to the Constitution: The Electoral College is safe

States can allot their electoral votes any way they see fit. Maine and Nebraska have their own method for allotting electoral votes now.

Think about it: If the majority of a state votes for 1 candidate, then the electors turn around and pick the other guy because he won the national popular vote, how is the government of that state representing its citizens? It's not.

So? There is no federal law requiring electoral voters to vote with the majority of their state. Some states do require it, but that is a state by state choice, and the states are free to change their mind any time they want.

In b4 the arrests.

The number one thing these liberals don't think about is WHAT IF A STATE BREAKS THE COMPACT.

What if Ohio decides the Electoral Vote. The Compact majority was Democrat but Ohio itself voted Republican. Ohio decides to abjure the Compact and vote Republican.

What then? Does New York declare war on Ohio? Come there with the NYS National Guard and seize the Ohio State Legislature and hold them accountable? In what court would they be held accountable?

No, really, what fucking Court would even have jurisdiction over this? Any federal court will strike the entire Compact down, and the fucking liberals would never let it go to a federal court to begin with, and actually claim "states's right" for a change (but for abusive reasons) and start invading their neighbors to force compliance.

Fucking lgbtq drag queen story time millenials man. Holy shit.
/——/ Yahoo answers:” Some states require their electors to vote the way their state did.

But it really doesn't matter. The only people who become electors are the party faithful, and they aren't going to betray their party.”

The electors are bound by the rules of their state. Some states currently allow them to vote as they see fit. A state rule change could remove that option.
Think about it: If the majority of a state votes for 1 candidate, then the electors turn around and pick the other guy because he won the national popular vote, how is the government of that state representing its citizens? It's not.

So? There is no federal law requiring electoral voters to vote with the majority of their state. Some states do require it, but that is a state by state choice, and the states are free to change their mind any time they want.

In b4 the arrests.

The number one thing these liberals don't think about is WHAT IF A STATE BREAKS THE COMPACT.

What if Ohio decides the Electoral Vote. The Compact majority was Democrat but Ohio itself voted Republican. Ohio decides to abjure the Compact and vote Republican.

What then? Does New York declare war on Ohio? Come there with the NYS National Guard and seize the Ohio State Legislature and hold them accountable? In what court would they be held accountable?

No, really, what fucking Court would even have jurisdiction over this? Any federal court will strike the entire Compact down, and the fucking liberals would never let it go to a federal court to begin with, and actually claim "states's right" for a change (but for abusive reasons) and start invading their neighbors to force compliance.

Fucking lgbtq drag queen story time millenials man. Holy shit.

Each state has the legal right to allot electoral college votes by any method they want.
/——/ Some states require their electors to vote the way their state did.

But it really doesn't matter. The only people who become electors are the party faithful, and they aren't going to betray their party.

And right there is the heart of the issue. If Ohio votes Republican, the Electors will be Republican and they will vote Republican, regardless of what the majority vote inside the Sedition Compact was.
Think about it: If the majority of a state votes for 1 candidate, then the electors turn around and pick the other guy because he won the national popular vote, how is the government of that state representing its citizens? It's not.

So? There is no federal law requiring electoral voters to vote with the majority of their state. Some states do require it, but that is a state by state choice, and the states are free to change their mind any time they want.

In b4 the arrests.

The number one thing these liberals don't think about is WHAT IF A STATE BREAKS THE COMPACT.

What if Ohio decides the Electoral Vote. The Compact majority was Democrat but Ohio itself voted Republican. Ohio decides to abjure the Compact and vote Republican.

What then? Does New York declare war on Ohio? Come there with the NYS National Guard and seize the Ohio State Legislature and hold them accountable? In what court would they be held accountable?

No, really, what fucking Court would even have jurisdiction over this? Any federal court will strike the entire Compact down, and the fucking liberals would never let it go to a federal court to begin with, and actually claim "states's right" for a change (but for abusive reasons) and start invading their neighbors to force compliance.

Fucking lgbtq drag queen story time millenials man. Holy shit.
/——/ Yahoo answers:” Some states require their electors to vote the way their state did.

But it really doesn't matter. The only people who become electors are the party faithful, and they aren't going to betray their party.”

The electors are bound by the rules of their state. Some states currently allow them to vote as they see fit. A state rule change could remove that option.

In b4 this ..thing..backfires spectacularly.
well if dems lose again in 2020, they will probably try to create another 20 states out of New York/Cally/Illinois
So? There is no federal law requiring electoral voters to vote with the majority of their state. Some states do require it, but that is a state by state choice, and the states are free to change their mind any time they want.

In b4 the arrests.

The number one thing these liberals don't think about is WHAT IF A STATE BREAKS THE COMPACT.

What if Ohio decides the Electoral Vote. The Compact majority was Democrat but Ohio itself voted Republican. Ohio decides to abjure the Compact and vote Republican.

What then? Does New York declare war on Ohio? Come there with the NYS National Guard and seize the Ohio State Legislature and hold them accountable? In what court would they be held accountable?

No, really, what fucking Court would even have jurisdiction over this? Any federal court will strike the entire Compact down, and the fucking liberals would never let it go to a federal court to begin with, and actually claim "states's right" for a change (but for abusive reasons) and start invading their neighbors to force compliance.

Fucking lgbtq drag queen story time millenials man. Holy shit.

Each state has the legal right to allot electoral college votes by any method they want.
/——/ Some states require their electors to vote the way their state did.

But it really doesn't matter. The only people who become electors are the party faithful, and they aren't going to betray their party.

And right there is the heart of the issue. If Ohio votes Republican, the Electors will be Republican and they will vote Republican, regardless of what the majority vote inside the Sedition Compact was.

Only if state law allows them to do that. Each state determines the rules governing how their electoral college votes are cast.
What these states are doing is technically constitutional. Though, completely devoid of its original intent. The latter is the probem here.
well if dems lose again in 2020, they will probably try to create another 20 states out of New York/Cally/Illinois

The founding fathers cockblocked this abuse way in advance.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.

This is why the left hates the Constitution. Every fucking clause was written 300 years ago in the Age of Pices by a bunch of Nostradamus Astrologers to cockblock their tyrannical advances in the Age of Aquarius.

Our Founders are the stuff of legends bro.
if its a 3 man race in 2020,,,Trump should win....if its a 2 man race, and Trump wins,,odds are the moron/a-hole will get 10 Million more votes once u add on California,,all hell will start up again
The world’s first democracy was ancient Athens, which allowed around 30,000 free adult male citizens to choose their leaders. They made up less than 15 percent of the population, but it was the most egalitarian political innovation to date.

It didn’t take long for the system to implode amid rampant corruption, an economic downturn, immigration headaches and unpopular foreign wars. (Sound familiar?) The plan of “one man, one vote” devolved into a kind of mob rule, the populace veering with wild swings of opinion. Voters overthrew leaders, exiled the unpopular, and executed generals and politicians – even Socrates himself.

As the saying goes, democracy is four wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. The Founders looked to Athens less as a political model than an object lesson in what not to do.

James Madison said that democracies are “incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

Therefore, America was set up as a republic, filled with countless checks and balances to avoid one group gaining power and using it to punish or exclude everyone they didn’t like.

The Electoral College is undemocratic? Of course. That's why it works

This push to gut our Constitution is the fruits of the Left controlling the education system and dumbing down the younger generations.
Article V, USC:
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

God Bless our Founding Fathers in their infinite wisdom. Even to this very day they watch over us, protecting us from the modern horrors of big centralized government.

How exactly do Democrats propose to compel the smaller states into submission to ratify an amendment abolishing the electoral college.

Notice I said "compel," because the majority of the States will not surrender the Electoral College willingly. It would take a full scale military invasion of the small States to force through such an amendment.
I wouldn't say its "safe". Isnt it something like 16 states have passed laws to assign all of their electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote? They have basically found a way around the electoral college.

What you are seeing in the news about abolishing the electoral college is simply a "look at this hand over here", while the other hand is circumventing the process.


If the wiki page is correct, it appears 13 have already passed legislation, and there are 15 more with legislation pending.

If that all passes, it will be 28 states who will do this. At 13 states, that is 184 electoral votes which is 68% of the 270 needed. If the others pass it as well, that should be pretty close to bypassing the EC altogether.

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia
/——/ What happens if Trump wins the most popular votes? Then what?
Then those states would, according to their new laws, cast their electoral votes for trump.
Democracy isn't democratic. We need to be very undemocratic in removing democrats from control of our childrens minds. Look at our country, the proof is everywhere that some big changes are needed.
Violates one man, one vote

Some votes count more than others
The Electoral College was ingenious, my only disappointment in it is the bastardization of the process introduced by political parties which I see as a threat. A political party in order to gain majority of electors could run separate candidates in different sections of the country and then if successful leave it to these electors to select for office anybody of their choosing, whether they were on the November ballot or not. Or looking back, in 2016 the Democrats could have run Clinton-Sanders in some states while in others a Sanders-Clinton ticket. All the while telling the public they'd let the electors they gain on election day decide who gets which office.

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