It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

Donating to elected officials isn't classified as charitable giving. So again, why do conservatives donate more to charities than leftwingers, if leftwingers are supposedly the ones more generous like Christ, as was Asher's claim?

Like I said. dirty money fleeced from the gullible is donated to the favorite charity or non profit organization of some dirty politician who then returns the favor by legislating policies that benefit their donors violating the public trust which they have sworn oaths to uphold.

Wake up. Politicians on all sides are passed around by the wealthy like a biker chick in a bar .
Conservatives would be outraged at the use of a church for business reasons, not socialists.
And we just demonstrated conservatives are personally more generous with their own resources than socialist to the, you're wrong on every count.

Bottom line. Jesus was not a socialist. Jesus was the opposite of a socialist. He was a conservative.
Do you have any idea what those "businesses" were there for?
Like I said. dirty money fleeced from the gullible is donated to the favorite charity or non profit organization of some dirty politician who then returns the favor by legislating policies that benefit their donors violating the public trust which they have sworn oaths to uphold.

Wake up. Politicians on all sides are passed around by the wealthy like a biker chick in a bar .
My charity is for the Intellectually Disabled. There aren't any leftwing politicians involved in those charities. No money to be skimmed there. The ID aren't a good constituency for the leftists. They don't often vote.
Let me know when life is great for atheists. So far it's not. And yet you people claim to have all the answers.
Let me ask you this. You're a Christian, Catholic to be precise. So you surely have prayed:
"Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven."
Is what you want an integral part of His Plan? What I mean is if you don't accomplish your goals then Jesus won't be able to accomplish His? Or is His Kingdom going to come, as you pray for, regardless of what we mere mortals do or don't do?
Let me know when life is great for atheists. So far it's not. And yet you people claim to have all the answers.

I am an Atheist and my life is GOOD, thus you are wrong that is the reality you will always fight because you are a miserable human being attacking people who doesn't stop you from being a Catholic fanatic.

Let me know when life is great for atheists. So far it's not. And yet you people claim to have all the answers.

My life is absolutely great! I am not the one who hates so much and is miserable because people have different beliefs and opinions.
My life is absolutely great! I am not the one who hates so much and is miserable because people have different beliefs and opinions.
Your life is great? Come on, guy. You're on here 18 hours a day. Almost as much as Vegas until he disappeared.
I am an Atheist and my life is GOOD, thus you are wrong that is the reality you will always fight because you are a miserable human being attacking people who doesn't stop you from being a Catholic fanatic.

If you have to call someone else a miserable human being, then your life ain't great.
Let me ask you this. You're a Christian, Catholic to be precise. So you surely have prayed:
"Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven."
Is what you want an integral part of His Plan? What I mean is if you don't accomplish your goals then Jesus won't be able to accomplish His? Or is His Kingdom going to come, as you pray for, regardless of what we mere mortals do or don't do?
His Kingdom will come anyway, but I want as many people in heaven as possible. If people are spared being influenced by atheist practices, then more will reach heaven. That's why abortion MUST be denied societal sanction, and reversing Roe is a great first step.
His Kingdom will come anyway, but I want as many people in heaven as possible. If people are spared being influenced by atheist practices, then more will reach heaven. That's why abortion MUST be denied societal sanction, and reversing Roe is a great first step.
Where did you get the insane idea that rational people will want to spend eternity with a nut case like you?
Again, if you have to slam other chatters, your life ain't going so well.
Truth is I've never been doing better. Besides, banning Atheism isn't enough. You have to ban everything that isn't approved by the Catholic Church. It's been tried in the past, with exactly zero success. For example people still insist that the Earth goes around the Sun
Truth is I've never been doing better. Besides, banning Atheism isn't enough. You have to ban everything that isn't approved by the Catholic Church. It's been tried in the past, with exactly zero success. For example people still insist that the Earth goes around the Sun
Never mind many of the top scientists of the middle ages were Catholic priests.
Your life is great? Come on, guy. You're on here 18 hours a day. Almost as much as Vegas until he disappeared.

I spend a hour or two on here, sometimes more. But much of the time I am not here. My computer has multiple windows open, from when I get up.

I am retired and my girlfriend will be working for another 2 years.

I am healthy, happy, and have the perfect balance in my life.
I spend a hour or two on here, sometimes more. But much of the time I am not here. My computer has multiple windows open, from when I get up.

I am retired and my girlfriend will be working for another 2 years.

I am healthy, happy, and have the perfect balance in my life.
Girlfriend. Lawdy. You're deceiving yourself.
Girlfriend. Lawdy. You're deceiving yourself.


I am not deceiving anyone, especially myself.

Yes, girlfriend. Would you prefer "Life Partner"?

We won't be having children, so no need to ask any govt agency or religious faction for permission

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