It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Er.... what?

Christianity... led to the genocide of the native Americans, it's led to countless wars. And that is "observative", whatever that means
Oh please the atheist religion led to the most wars..

I oppose any direct killing of an unborn child for any reason. Trump

Mashmont wrote 22JAN30-POST#0347 above

NFBW wrote
; written You dodged the “when life begins” problem you have regarding your enforcement of your fascist Christian law against raped and molested girls based on the arbitrary “moment of conception” Eleventh Commandment handed down to Moses but he ran out of room on the stone tablet. Probably why Catholic Priests favor boys and don’t need to worry about that sticky messy conception issue at all. 22JAN30-POST#0347
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What a gross lie. I thought lying was against Christian faith.

There is no snowballs chance in hell that the Catholic church is worth anywhere near a scant 4 billion euro - they have FAR more wealth than that. The reach of the church spans the entire globe and has its own country filled with historical objects and artwork from several centuries. They encompass massive hospitals and cathedrals and millions of adherents that send them money every fucking month.

The article claims 1.4 billion adherents world wide (not sure I trust that figure) AND they claim just 4 billion euro? Sure.

i believe it's much higher as well.
It takes money to run the vast great charitable enterprises run by the Catholic Church. It's really amazing how they can do it.

ask the pope who is surrounded with gold & precious art. i bet one goblet could feed an entire village in india for years.

Priests and sisters aren't living in luxury. Priestly orders take vows of poverty.

priests & sister nuns aren't the hierarchy ... that's where politics come in.

All men who molest boys are gay by definition.

wrong. gay men enjoy the company of other gay men.

pedophilia is the enjoyment of children... boys & girls. it's who is available to exploit - becomes the target. i bet you believe rape is only about intercourse too.

NAMBLA itself admits this on their website.

hmmmmm makes one wonder why are you going to that website?
ask the pope who is surrounded with gold & precious art. i bet one goblet could feed an entire village in india for years.
No idea the difference in India but I have seen first hand the disparity in Guam while 'deployed' there for a few months. People living in, quite literally, pressboard 'structures' that were slapped together right next to a large cathedral dripping in expensive stained glass and quite expensive décor. It is quite telling to see such opulence surrounded by abject poverty for a group that is supposed to help the poor.
Mashmont wrote: You most certainly are imposing your religion on me when you force me to pay for abortions through my tax dollars. 22JAN29-POST#0315

Jesus spoke: Αποδότε τα του Καίσαρος τω Καίσαρι και τα του Θεού τω Θεώ

NFBW wrote: Like every adult US citizen Mashmont you give your consent to live abidingly under the authority of the United States government within a state government of your circumstance freely and of your own choosing. As a Christian I understand your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ contemporaneously instructed his original believers to honor their governing authority to the extent that they can with respect to paying taxes. So basically, if I understand it, Jesus taught you that because you use the secular currency in your daily life, you are responsible without sin to follow the rules of whatever enterprise issue that currency. , You have agreed to use that currency for the exchange of secular and materialistic goods.and services as does every single person who lives on our materialist as hell, earth and societies. - - - So do not tell me that your tiny portion of paid taxes that goes to helping a poor woman obtain a legal abortion imposes undue harm on your right to practice your religion or believe whatever the hell it is you choose to believe. Listen to your savior for Christ sake not the right wing materialistic political propaganda machine. - - - It appears you have more devotion to the latter in order to impose your Christian fascism on every other taxpayer in the US of A. Leave us be for Christ’s sake! 22JAN30-POST#0353
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ask the pope who is surrounded with gold & precious art. i bet one goblet could feed an entire village in india for year
The gold and precious art were not bought by the Vatican. They were donated by individuals as gifts to God. The Pharisees said the exact same thing as you are. Read how Jesus rebukes them:

While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head. 4 Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, “Why this waste of perfume? 5 It could have been sold for more than a year’s wages[a] and the money given to the poor.” And they rebuked her harshly.

6 “Leave her alone,” said Jesus. “Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. 7 The poor you will always have with you,[b] and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. 8 She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. 9 Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”
- Mark 14; 3-9

wrong. gay men enjoy the company of other gay men.
Male molesters of boys are gay by definition.
pedophilia is the enjoyment of children... boys & girls. it's who is available to exploit - becomes the target. i bet you believe rape is only about intercourse too.
Except 81% of the victims of these priests were boys, despite the fact that altar girls have outnumbered altar boys for 50 years. That's not a coincidence, amigo
hmmmmm makes one wonder why are you going to that website?
I went there to see what admitted child molesters say they are. They say they are gay. They should know.

According to Nambla, "man/boy love is by definition homosexual"
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Mashmont wrote: You most certainly are imposing your religion on me when you force me to pay for abortions through my tax dollars. 22JAN29-POST#0315

Jesus spoke: Αποδότε τα του Καίσαρος τω Καίσαρι και τα του Θεού τω Θεώ

NFBW wrote: Like every adult US citizen Mashmont you give your consent to live abidingly under the authority of the United States government within a state government of your circumstance freely and of your own choosing. As a Christian I understand your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ contemporaneously instructed his original believers to honor their governing authority to the extent that they can with respect to paying taxes. So basically, if I understand it, Jesus taught you that because you use the secular currency in your daily life, you are responsible without sin to follow the rules of whatever enterprise issue that currency. , You have agreed to use that currency for the exchange of secular and materialistic goods.and services as does every single person who lives on our materialist as hell, earth and societies. - - - So do not tell me that your tiny portion of paid taxes that goes to helping a poor woman obtain a legal abortion imposes undue harm on your right to practice your religion or believe whatever the hell it is you choose to believe. Listen to your savior for Christ sake not the right wing materialistic political propaganda machine. - - - It appears you have more devotion to the latter in order to impose your Christian fascism on every other taxpayer in the US of A. Leave us be for Christ’s sake! 22JAN30-POST#0353
Sorry, but there is no way you can justify killing little babies in the womb, with or without tax dollars. I won't stop working until abortion is banned in the United States.
I oppose any direct killing of an unborn child for any reason. Just because the child is a product or rape or incest, what has that child done to forfeit his or her right to live? The only exception is if you are peforming a procedure to save the mother, and the unborn child dies in the process. Such is an extreme rarity, and most mothers I know would forego the operation rather than risk harm to the child.

What would the victim of rape or incest do to warrant the forfeiture of living their life as they choose?

In cases of rape and incest, abortion should ALWAYS be on the table...
ask the pope who is surrounded with gold & precious art. i bet one goblet could feed an entire village in india for years.
The Vatican could give away all its riches and the poor would remain with us--and those riches would not end up in the hands of the poor, but the hands of the elite. Catholics give to the poor, constantly. We did just this weekend. What have you given to the poor? How much of it got to those in need and how much ended up in the hands of bureaucrats? We can and do give to the poor without giving away our own history. Ask yourself why you are so eager to give away the history and gifts that belongs to others and are used to inspire many.
What would the victim of rape or incest do to warrant the forfeiture of living their life as they choose?

In cases of rape and incest, abortion should ALWAYS be on the table...
God always chooses life. You want abortion on the table? Fine, but let life be front and center. It is the ideal choice. There are plenty of people who yearn to adopt.
Got it. You and your supernatural invisible
friend named Jesus want the government to impose on a victim of incest or rape the moment at conception you two ‘suspect’ that “life” begins. The innocent victim of a sperm producing felon has no day in the matter because your beliefs must her belief. Her body belongs to you the state.

Again why is your religious belief to be the one to be forced on someone who does not want it?
Please show me a theocratic nation that's anything but a hellhole? It certainly wasn't the West which had to stomp the church to free itself.
Mashmont You're such a fucking coward.

You refuse to do anything but spew your hateful vitriol. You can't answer actual questions. You don't have that ability. You're just too stupid. You have a show size which exceeds you IQ, and you know it.

You're going to live and die in a secular country. Period. We will NEVER be stupid enough to adopt a Christian/Catholic government...
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