It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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I answered it. You asked me if men and women can be equal, and I said it's impossible for them to be equal because of their traits.

No, that is not what I asked.

I asked "Is the equality of women immoral?". Then you asked me to rephrase and I pointed out the scripture that women should not be over men.

Let me see if I can rephrase it so you can actually answer the question.

Is it immoral for a woman to teach men?
Asher agrees with me on this. And he's a Jewish dude.

How the hell is Asher's opinion on the fact that biblical slavery was both permanent and racial relevant to squat? Are Asher's words now prophetical and supersede the bible?

I thought not.
It is always very sad to see how Christians have to stoop to actually defending slavery to justify the blind faith they have in a book.

There is no way around stating slavery is evil AND trusting the bible as perfect since it clearly condones slavery. This, more than any other apologetic excuse in existence, shows the utter folly of modern Christianity. There is no better way to create atheists than to point to slavery in the bible and let Christians talk.

Bible Slavery was the same as Black slavery.

You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life.

Making slaves, slaves for life is the same thing as Black slavery.

There is no way around it.
You called me racist, so the ball is in your court to identify whom you assumed I was talking about that prompted you to make such an evil accusation.
Interesting you atheists can be as rude and vile as you like, but you expect Christians not to respond. That's hypocritical.
It doesn't matter who you were talking about! Don't you understand that calling someone "chimpy" is racist, even if they are as white as snow.

Why do you refuse to say who you were talking about? I guess that makes you a racist and a hypocrite.

God is going to have fun with you!
The common feature of bad theocracies in the world today are they are Muslim.

I've explained my desire to make America officially a Christian nation so many times. I wish people would read the OP. From my OP.

If some of the framers intended to separate Church and state (which is not 100% certain), then it’s time to correct that mistake. it’s time for a Constitutional Amendment to declare Christianity the official belief of the United States. Here’s why:

The intent of any such separation was to prevent any single denomination from dominating or punishing members of another through government. The idea was to be religion-neutral. Noble enough. But the framers made a few critical miscalculations: They incorrectly assumed:

1. That “good” laws and “Christian” laws could be separated. They can’t. There is 100% overlap. You can’t have laws that help the people without them being Christian laws.
2. That a belief vacuum is possible in our laws. It isn’t, because the opposite of religion isn’t nothing; it’s atheism.

That’s right. When you attempt to ban Christian laws, you only allow atheist laws by default.
Where in the Bible did Jesus tell His followers to seize worldly political power? Now I have shown from the Bible that Jesus never wanted His followers rule over others. Of course, you never answered those posts
Moral laws and ethics are not the same
Moral laws very ethics do not and if you want to get into it or else more laws are created by man ethics were created by God. When your first started this threat one of your statements was to negate homosexual marriages, that is a moral judgment. There is no ethical reason to take a stance like that. It's a disservice to humanity.

Try that again, please, in English this time!
Anyone here agree with mashmont's op?

Speak and let your voice be heard!!!!! Lol

I accept the will of the forum

I know no one here agrees with you

Do you think any agree with me? Lol
So now you've shifted back to the OP, and away from everything we debated today. You move the goalposts more often than a stadium ground crew.
You just can't help yourself with the trolling, can you? At lot easier than recognizing facts and links presented that debunk your false claims about gays and AIDS and syphilis.
Where in the Bible did Jesus tell His followers to seize worldly political power? Now I have shown from the Bible that Jesus never wanted His followers rule over others. Of course, you never answered those posts
Where does Jesus tell us to allow atheism to dominate all governance?
It doesn't matter who you were talking about! Don't you understand that calling someone "chimpy" is racist, even if they are as white as snow.

Why do you refuse to say who you were talking about? I guess that makes you a racist and a hypocrite.

God is going to have fun with you!
You are aware that the left called George W. Bush "Chimpy" on a regular basis, right? Was it because of his race? Or because some of his facial features resembled a chimpanzee?
So now you've shifted back to the OP, and away from everything we debated today. You move the goalposts more often than a stadium ground crew.
You just can't help yourself with the trolling, can you? At lot easier than recognizing facts and links presented that debunk your false claims about gays and AIDS and syphilis.
We can debate anything you like

We can discuss your gay experiences in college that you revealed to me and how that has impacted this discussion as well?

Shall we proceed?
We can debate anything you like

We can discuss your gay experiences in college that you revealed to me and how that has impacted this discussion as well?

Shall we proceed?
Ok, I'll play your game.
I'll open this up to this forum of leftwingers. They all hate my guts anyway, so you should get the benefit of the doubt.

So Answer this question, fellow chatters: In the last 200 or so posts, did Vegas Giants prove his claim that gays were not overrepresented in US HIV cases? Did he prove his claim that gays are in the minority in terms of syphilis cases? Did he prove his claim that historically very few gays got syphilis? If so, please tell us the post number in which he did so?

There ya, go, Vegas. Let's see how it goes. And remember. These people WANT you to win.
Ok, I'll play your game.
I'll open this up to this forum of leftwingers. They all hate my guts anyway, so you should get the benefit of the doubt.

So Answer this question, fellow chatters: In the last 200 or so posts, did Vegas Giants prove his claim that gays were not overrepresented in HIV cases? Did he prove his claim that gays are in the minority in terms of syphilis cases? Did he prove his claim that historically very few gays got syphilis? If so, please tell us the post number in which he did so?

There ya, go, Vegas. Let's see how it goes. And remember. These people WANT you to win.
So are you willing to discuss your gay experiences in college and how they inform the op?
So are you willing to discuss your gay experiences in college and how they inform the op?
I'm not remotely gay, though it's interesting you use it as an insult after claiming to love them.
I also realize you are here just to troll. Never to debate, as you have proven today.
But I will maintain the high road on this, and not respond in kind.
I'm not remotely gay, though it's interesting you use it as an insult after claiming to love them.
I also realize you are here just to troll. Never to debate, as you have proven today.
But I will maintain the high road on this, and not respond in kind.
Well you maybe may not be gay. But your gay experiences in college seem relevant to this discussion

Do you not agree?
Well you maybe may not be gay. But your gay experiences in college seem relevant to this discussion

Do you not agree?
Why do you feel the need to troll so heavily and lie? I've invited you to debate civilly. Why have you decided not to do so?
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