It's time to start thinking about resistance.

Civil war? LOL

I think someone tried that already.

You have to wonder why a certain mindset always gravitates to killing other people when they don't get their way politically.

I suppose that's better than the progressive mindset that gravitates to killing others when they do get their way politically

Um, we're not the one's calling for armed rebellion. That would be conservatives.

No you just call on killing anyone who disagrees with you and threatens your power base

Like unborn children
False comparison fallacy.

As a fact of law an embryo/fetus is not a "child," that you perceive it as such is subjective and legally irrelevant.
Civil war? LOL

I think someone tried that already.

You have to wonder why a certain mindset always gravitates to killing other people when they don't get their way politically.

I suppose that's better than the progressive mindset that gravitates to killing others when they do get their way politically

Um, we're not the one's calling for armed rebellion. That would be conservatives.

No you just call on killing anyone who disagrees with you and threatens your power base

Like unborn children
False comparison fallacy.

As a fact of law an embryo/fetus is not a "child," that you perceive it as such is subjective and legally irrelevant.

Its just another half assed excuse to kill cops and soldiers.
Just relax these idiot liberals are destroying themselves, pull up a chair and enjoy the show.

Yes gazelles, pull up a chair and watch the gathering of lions around you.

Ahahaha what are you going to do lib shout hey hey ho ho at me, run home to your momma. lol

Those wiffle ball bats can sting a little.

Have you seen Obama try to throw a baseball, I doubt the libs know which end of the bat to hold.

By far the biggest sissy we've ever had in the oval office.
Sounds like your community needs to be organized. What do you call that? Someone who can organize a community?

LMAO....A Community Organizer!

But Preddy doesn't want to use technology to communicate, other than on this public chat forum.

Step one I think is secrecy. No names, no public showings untill numbers are large enough. No blogs, no Facebook pages. Off the grid to get a solid core.

I could be mistaken, I'm not a community organizer, I'm just an American who recognizes the danger coming.

So I'm suggesting this...

Step one I think is secrecy. No names, no public showings untill numbers are large enough. No blogs, no Facebook pages. Off the grid to get a solid core.

I could be mistaken, I'm not a community organizer, I'm just an American who recognizes the danger coming.
No, you're a delusional rightwing loon who is acting like a spoiled child.
I'm going to get started. I'll contact someone I know whom I haven't seen in a while but is even more right wing than I am. I'm sure he will be helpful.

I'll try to contact the person who organized the tea party rallie here in Orlando.

Hmmm...should I have a manifesto of some sort? Possibly.

Don't forget to include Stephanie, she's ready to roll. lol
Sounds like your community needs to be organized. What do you call that? Someone who can organize a community?

LMAO....A Community Organizer!

But Preddy doesn't want to use technology to communicate, other than on this public chat forum.

Step one I think is secrecy. No names, no public showings untill numbers are large enough. No blogs, no Facebook pages. Off the grid to get a solid core.

I could be mistaken, I'm not a community organizer, I'm just an American who recognizes the danger coming.

So I'm suggesting this...


That seems a little high tech. After all, the authorities can follow the pigeon. They need to get really crafty:

Sounds like your community needs to be organized. What do you call that? Someone who can organize a community?

LMAO....A Community Organizer!

But Preddy doesn't want to use technology to communicate, other than on this public chat forum.

Step one I think is secrecy. No names, no public showings untill numbers are large enough. No blogs, no Facebook pages. Off the grid to get a solid core.

I could be mistaken, I'm not a community organizer, I'm just an American who recognizes the danger coming.

So I'm suggesting this...


That seems a little high tech. After all, the authorities can follow the pigeon. They need to get really crafty:



Just relax these idiot liberals are destroying themselves, pull up a chair and enjoy the show.

Yes gazelles, pull up a chair and watch the gathering of lions around you.

Ahahaha what are you going to do lib shout hey hey ho ho at me, run home to your momma. lol

Those wiffle ball bats can sting a little.

Have you seen Obama try to throw a baseball, I doubt the libs know which end of the bat to hold.

By far the biggest sissy we've ever had in the oval office.

How dare you mock the president...

Sounds like your community needs to be organized. What do you call that? Someone who can organize a community?

LMAO....A Community Organizer!

But Preddy doesn't want to use technology to communicate, other than on this public chat forum.

Step one I think is secrecy. No names, no public showings untill numbers are large enough. No blogs, no Facebook pages. Off the grid to get a solid core.

I could be mistaken, I'm not a community organizer, I'm just an American who recognizes the danger coming.

So I'm suggesting this...


That seems a little high tech. After all, the authorities can follow the pigeon. They need to get really crafty:




Or they could just turn into the skid and forgo the primitive visual communication all together

Civil war? LOL

I think someone tried that already.

You have to wonder why a certain mindset always gravitates to killing other people when they don't get their way politically.

It's not a matter of getting your way.
It's a matter of protecting our way of life and our country.
Using your logic you'd be fine with electing Chairman Mao as long as he could get the votes.

You don't use logic. Many people that get elected are not 'fine' with millions who didn't vote for him/her. That is how democracy works. Bizarre that you don't know how elections work and you project your insecurities onto other people. Grow up.
Just relax these idiot liberals are destroying themselves, pull up a chair and enjoy the show.

Yes gazelles, pull up a chair and watch the gathering of lions around you.

Ahahaha what are you going to do lib shout hey hey ho ho at me, run home to your momma. lol

You're another whiner. The only dope here threatening anyone is you and your fellow bedwetter. Cry us a river Susan Boyle.

Its not my fault I'm smarter and more wealthy than you.
Civil war? LOL

I think someone tried that already.

You have to wonder why a certain mindset always gravitates to killing other people when they don't get their way politically.

It's not a matter of getting your way.
It's a matter of protecting our way of life and our country.
Using your logic you'd be fine with electing Chairman Mao as long as he could get the votes.

You don't use logic. Many people that get elected are not 'fine' with millions who didn't vote for him/her. That is how democracy works. Bizarre that you don't know how elections work and you project your insecurities onto other people. Grow up.

We live in a Republic.
I love how you think the government is pure as the driven snow.
There have been many governments throughout history that have been kicked to the curb by the people....and it'll happen again.
Just relax these idiot liberals are destroying themselves, pull up a chair and enjoy the show.

Yes gazelles, pull up a chair and watch the gathering of lions around you.

Ahahaha what are you going to do lib shout hey hey ho ho at me, run home to your momma. lol

You're another whiner. The only dope here threatening anyone is you and your fellow bedwetter. Cry us a river Susan Boyle.

Its not my fault I'm smarter and more wealthy than you.

In your mind anyway, cuz it makes you feel better. How long have you had this inferiority complex? I'm guessing you got it from your dad, who was also angry at the world.
Civil war? LOL

I think someone tried that already.

You have to wonder why a certain mindset always gravitates to killing other people when they don't get their way politically.

It's not a matter of getting your way.
It's a matter of protecting our way of life and our country.
Using your logic you'd be fine with electing Chairman Mao as long as he could get the votes.

You don't use logic. Many people that get elected are not 'fine' with millions who didn't vote for him/her. That is how democracy works. Bizarre that you don't know how elections work and you project your insecurities onto other people. Grow up.

We live in a Republic.
I love how you think the government is pure as the driven snow.
There have been many governments throughout history that have been kicked to the curb by the people....and it'll happen again.

You're projecting again cubby. Post up where anyone thinks any government is 'pure as the driven snow'.

And stop fronting. You think you are going to start pointing guns at other people? LOL You are another 'internet tough guy'. Where were you when the 'revolution' began at the Oregon bird sanctuary? There was your chance and you missed it! You were too busy sitting in your underwear whining on the internet, and telling everyone how you were going to 'start something and you'll all be sorry'.

Civil war? LOL

I think someone tried that already.

You have to wonder why a certain mindset always gravitates to killing other people when they don't get their way politically.

It's not a matter of getting your way.
It's a matter of protecting our way of life and our country.
Using your logic you'd be fine with electing Chairman Mao as long as he could get the votes.

You don't use logic. Many people that get elected are not 'fine' with millions who didn't vote for him/her. That is how democracy works. Bizarre that you don't know how elections work and you project your insecurities onto other people. Grow up.

We live in a Republic.
I love how you think the government is pure as the driven snow.
There have been many governments throughout history that have been kicked to the curb by the people....and it'll happen again.

You're projecting again cubby. Post up where anyone thinks any government is 'pure as the driven snow'.

And stop fronting. You think you are going to start pointing guns at other people? LOL You are another 'internet tough guy'. Where were you when the 'revolution' began at the Oregon bird sanctuary? There was your chance and you missed it! You were too busy sitting in your underwear whining on the internet, and telling everyone how you were going to 'start something and you'll all be sorry'.


If you dont think this country is heading for some serious trouble you're an idiot.....or not paying attention.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

The revolution we need is a spiritual one. Without fixing the spiritual muck in the hearts of Americans we cannot fix the outter problems

Agreed, but someone else will have to take up that banner, I'm not a spiritual person.

It's never too late to start

I'm sure that's true, but I'll start one journey at a time.

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