It's time to start thinking about resistance.

Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

Lemme ask you; while oboma was takin our right, where was the republican outrage?
Would killing American soldiers and law enforcement be morally legitimate in the name of 'revolution'?

No need for that....they'd be on our side.

You're an idiot. Unanimous support from law enforcement and the military for a rightwing extremist insurrection?

You're dumber than I thought you were, and I didn't think that was possible.

Why would they need unanimous support? Even if 1/4 of them sided with the "rebels" in this hypothetical scenario, then the government would have a hell of a time re-establishing control.

Only three percent of the population was needed to kick of the Revolutionary War.

To kick it off, yes, but at that point everyone else had to start making choices, and patriot support increased rapidly.
Total fucking bullshit. You really think that the sane citizens of this nation are going to follow a bunch of fruitloops like you? We had a good example of your kind of thinking just this year here in Oregon. And you fellows insanity was completely rejected.
You want to rebel against the Constitution because you 'love it'?[/QUOTE said:
This country is so far gone, it is only violent revolution that will fix it. And start again....revolution...revolve...why do you think the politicians dont want us to have guns when the constitution says we can?
No need for that....they'd be on our side.

You're an idiot. Unanimous support from law enforcement and the military for a rightwing extremist insurrection?

You're dumber than I thought you were, and I didn't think that was possible.

Why would they need unanimous support? Even if 1/4 of them sided with the "rebels" in this hypothetical scenario, then the government would have a hell of a time re-establishing control.

Only three percent of the population was needed to kick of the Revolutionary War.

To kick it off, yes, but at that point everyone else had to start making choices, and patriot support increased rapidly.
Total fucking bullshit. You really think that the sane citizens of this nation are going to follow a bunch of fruitloops like you? We had a good example of your kind of thinking just this year here in Oregon. And you fellows insanity was completely rejected.

They really do. They think that they're going to start killing cops and soliders in the name of the revolution......and their neighbors watching them ambush and murder law enforcement officers are going to run into their homes, grab their guns, and join them.

The reality would be more like this: the very cops that our would be revolutionaries were trying to kill at sunrise would be the very people that the same wannabes would be begging for protection by sunset. Protection from who? Why protection from the rest of us. The very well armed and organized majority that wouldn't put up with the cop and soldier killing ways of the wanna-bes. And would be making culling them for most of the day and into the night.

Thankfully the militia masterbators are protected by one overriding fact: they aren't wiling to bleed. And in a war you've got to do exactly that. When pressed its always an excuse why its someone else's responsibility to actual fight and die for their revolution. They cosplay, they crack one off the the latest issue of Gunz n' Ammo, they make vague threats anonymously and online.

But when their own 'militia' puts out the 'call' to start the revolution? No one shows up.
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Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

Nothing says 'leadership' like asking other people how to start your revolution.....

In the United States we have a Constitution- and the way to 'prevent' things is by having the most voters.

If you don't have the most voters- and want to rebel against what the voters want- you are just bitter losers who despise our Constitution.

When you have 2 parties that no longer serve the people and offer ridiculous farces such Clinton-Bush or Trump-Sanders --- you really have no case for STOPPING a revolution. If Bernie can call for one and BHO can ORDER one --- why shouldn't we have a revolution also??

If by 'revolution' you mean peaceful change by Constitutional means- sure.

If by 'revolution' you mean tearing up the U.S. Constitution while telling everyone you are protecting it- no.

The only goal is ENFORCE and revive the Constitutional intent of the Founding.. THAT'S the required revolution. \
You can't go on when Congressional rules are such that NOTHING HAPPENS if the 4 party bosses don't approve. You can't go on when Congress no longer WRITES legislation, but gives the minions of the damned bureaucracy a blank outline and let's them fill out the details.

You can't go on ignoring a $TRill deficit and the fact that nobody believes a single number coming out of Washington. And you can't go on with corporate welfare that nobody likes -- but never gets yanked because Congress and the minions have TAKEN the power to hand out favors and pick winners/losers.

The 2 parties need to die. America needs a more consensus govt with LARGER choices. Even if power in Congress has to be negotiated by coalitions amongst MULTIPLE parties. Much like it runs elsewhere.

The political monopoly has to end..

Well you're overthinking it a bit, but you started out great.

Hold all officials accountable to the CONSTITUTION. We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC and our government officials need to be reminded of that, and held to it.

The best way is for the people to protest peacefully and in force. Bring cameras and recording devices in order to record all that happens when you do. Go into your local government offices and hold them accountable as well, and especially. When you see police doing something that is unconstitutional (illegal searches come to mind) tell them it's unconstitutional and record them. Go and watch court proceedings and public meetings. Record them. Do a little research ahead of time, so you understand going in what is constitutional and what isn't, and talk to them about it, WHILE RECORDING.

From a "revolution management" perspective :up: -- there's no upside to wasting your time "monitoring" a broken process. You need to go the ROOTS of the problems.

For the Federal govt -- the root is that there are 4 PARTY APPOINTED bosses that run the Congress. No one else there MATTERS. The other members are just there to fight for camera face time at "committee meetings" and to arrange for their next campaign effort or Sunday morning TV interview. They could all be sent home and have the same result we have now.

And the 2 parties are broken. The DEMS have their "blue dog - socialist split" and the REPs have their "country club - Libertarian -- TeaParty" split. Open the process -- let them ALL COMPETE for your votes and have better election year discussions and choices.

The 2nd ROOT problem is that Congress USED TO research legislation, use the minions of agencies for input and background and THEN WRITE bills and legislation. Today -- they do that backwards. They OUTLINE a generally partisan harebrain idea -- vote on it -- and then give the minions of the damned several years to WRITE the legislation. All without even a miniscule amount of oversight or consent.

These are SYSTEMIC problems that all go back to the dysfunctional party organizations and the "rules and agreements" that have been made over the years to cover each other's butts. There is no way to "manage" this weed. It needs to be uprooted...
You can't uproot it that way. What you do is neutralize it by electing strong local officials who will reject illegal federal encroachment, overreach and lawlessness. It's happening all over the country..the blm is getting tossed out on its ear, and there's NOTHING they can do when that happens, unless the feds come in to lay waste to the counties...
You can't uproot it that way. What you do is neutralize it by electing strong local officials who will reject illegal federal encroachment, overreach and lawlessness. It's happening all over the country..the blm is getting tossed out on its ear, and there's NOTHING they can do when that happens, unless the feds come in to lay waste to the counties...

Local officials end up being road-kill when it comes to taking on Wash. You know that. You MIGHT get traction on issues if they affect MULTIPLE states with strong governors. But you are never gonna get relief from the ONSLAUGHT of the minions of damned. They have more bureaucrats with power in their little pens than you have heroes..
You're an idiot. Unanimous support from law enforcement and the military for a rightwing extremist insurrection?

You're dumber than I thought you were, and I didn't think that was possible.

Why would they need unanimous support? Even if 1/4 of them sided with the "rebels" in this hypothetical scenario, then the government would have a hell of a time re-establishing control.

Only three percent of the population was needed to kick of the Revolutionary War.

To kick it off, yes, but at that point everyone else had to start making choices, and patriot support increased rapidly.
Total fucking bullshit. You really think that the sane citizens of this nation are going to follow a bunch of fruitloops like you? We had a good example of your kind of thinking just this year here in Oregon. And you fellows insanity was completely rejected.

They really do. They think that they're going to start killing cops and soliders in the name of the revolution......and their neighbors watching them ambush and murder law enforcement officers are going to run into their homes, grab their guns, and join them.

The reality would be more like this: the very cops that our would be revolutionaries were trying to kill at sunrise would be the very people that the same wannabes would be begging for protection by sunset. Protection from who? Why protection from the rest of us. The very well armed and organized majority that wouldn't put up with the cop and soldier killing ways of the wanna-bes. And would be making culling them for most of the day and into the night.

Thankfully the militia masterbators are protected by one overriding fact: they aren't wiling to bleed. And in a war you've got to do exactly that. When pressed its always an excuse why its someone else's responsibility to actual fight and die for their revolution. They cosplay, they crack one off the the latest issue of Gunz n' Ammo, they make vague threats anonymously and online.

But when their own 'militia' puts out the 'call' to start the revolution? No one shows up.

As far fetched is the revolution idea I didn't see any of them say what you are saying. Making things up makes arguing against so easy.
You can't uproot it that way. What you do is neutralize it by electing strong local officials who will reject illegal federal encroachment, overreach and lawlessness. It's happening all over the country..the blm is getting tossed out on its ear, and there's NOTHING they can do when that happens, unless the feds come in to lay waste to the counties...

Local officials end up being road-kill when it comes to taking on Wash. You know that. You MIGHT get traction on issues if they affect MULTIPLE states with strong governors. But you are never gonna get relief from the ONSLAUGHT of the minions of damned. They have more bureaucrats with power in their little pens than you have heroes..

You go ahead and just roll over, yellowbelly.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

I don't think it's that small. The real fight isn't about what side of the political aisle you're on. Or taking on Washington. Trouble is coming and very well could take a 'local resistance revolution' to fight it. But it has less to do with politics than it does terrorists. Since they aren't a government backed, organized military with tanks, helicopters or naval ships there is nothing to focus our military on. Such as North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Russia or ANY other country.....they all have that.

These damn terrorists don't, they have nothing but money, numbers, and small scale bombs & weaponry. They are also very organized. Right now we only see 1 or 2 minor attempts, such as San Bernadino. Here in the US we don't see the masses of people storming our borders like in Europe & elsewhere, but it doesn't mean they aren't coming into this country by the droves (overall numbers, not per incidence) a few here, a few there that has been going on for many years undetected. Those little sleeper cells of ragheads have been forming and lying in wait for some time. Whenever they decide to strike, they will take this nation by surprise. We will then HAVE to unite with our neighbors in order to protect our very lives.

Speculation on my part......they are waiting until our military is away from home probably at war , leaving this country wide open & vulnerable to them. Those same small groups & factions literally scattered across this country can really do some damage if it's done within the same time frame. In the mean time, they are learning more about us as a population and probably laughing their asses off at how nit picking we can be at each others throats over who the hell is in office, or not.
About the only possible aspect politics may play in this, as far as who is in charge, is when. About the only candidate that could put a crimp in those plans is Trump & his plan to find them & send them packing. Any of the other establishment candidates, whether Dem or Rep, won't bother them or their plans in the least. Either way it will happen, just a matter of time.
You can't uproot it that way. What you do is neutralize it by electing strong local officials who will reject illegal federal encroachment, overreach and lawlessness. It's happening all over the country..the blm is getting tossed out on its ear, and there's NOTHING they can do when that happens, unless the feds come in to lay waste to the counties...

Local officials end up being road-kill when it comes to taking on Wash. You know that. You MIGHT get traction on issues if they affect MULTIPLE states with strong governors. But you are never gonna get relief from the ONSLAUGHT of the minions of damned. They have more bureaucrats with power in their little pens than you have heroes..

You go ahead and just roll over, yellowbelly.

You're all about desperation standoffs and heroics and stupid resistance. You don't realize that WE ARE in charge. We just need to take down the 2 party system and reboot it for starters. Time we ALL started to consider parties and folks that can get ON the ballots for independent or 3rd party runs.

That's a f-ing revolution. Ask Gorbachev how HE did it without taking a dozen bird sanctuary with armed force..

You can't uproot it that way. What you do is neutralize it by electing strong local officials who will reject illegal federal encroachment, overreach and lawlessness. It's happening all over the country..the blm is getting tossed out on its ear, and there's NOTHING they can do when that happens, unless the feds come in to lay waste to the counties...

Local officials end up being road-kill when it comes to taking on Wash. You know that. You MIGHT get traction on issues if they affect MULTIPLE states with strong governors. But you are never gonna get relief from the ONSLAUGHT of the minions of damned. They have more bureaucrats with power in their little pens than you have heroes..

You go ahead and just roll over, yellowbelly.

You're all about desperation standoffs and heroics and stupid resistance. You don't realize that WE ARE in charge. We just need to take down the 2 party system and reboot it for starters. Time we ALL started to consider parties and folks that can get ON the ballots for independent or 3rd party runs.

That's a f-ing revolution. Ask Gorbachev how HE did it without taking a dozen bird sanctuary with armed force..


It would be even better if they did away with the electoral vote, since it only represents a portion of the population that can be divided by demographics. .

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