It's time to start thinking about resistance.

I'm way past that. I've even written, called, and e-mailed my representatives. Now it's time to do more.

What are you really revolting against?

No one has taken your guns away.

No one has really taken your freedom of speech away.

No one is making you attend any sort of religious organization.

Are you revolting against paying taxes which have not really changed a whole lot in many years?


Gay marriage? Really?

When you really get down to it what is your bitch that is worth a revolution?

Me thinks your problem is the same problem that gets me riled up, things don't go the way I think they should. I just need to reign in my hubris and realize it is a really big world out there and for some reason there are a lot of folks that don't think as i do. Somehow we all have to learn to just get along. Too bad the left doesn't think anyone's opinion, other then their own, means a thing.

i see the budget deficits and really wonder if the country has gone mad. but then I think I don't really want them cutting medicare or Social Security. Which the latter still pays for itself but seems to be a target. Funny how SS funding is always questioned, although funding is petty clear, but welfare funding is NEVER questioned. Funny still is how SS didn't get a COLA this year but welfare will I am sure. And no, I am not on SS or medicare.

1. I'm not proposing a revolt, I am proposing resistance. Although if it comes to it then that's what will happen.
2. No one has taken my guns away ...yet. Am I supposed to wait until they do?
3. In fact, they are trying to take free speech away. Again, am I supposed to wait until they do?
4. I'm not allowed to practice my religion, unless they approve.
5. Some taxes maybe.
6. Obamacare certainly.
7. Gay marriage no.
8. Not yet worth a revolution but resistance is needed.

And you are saying that there has not been resistance to all of the above?

I am interested in number 4? Where does one get such approval?

No, there has been some, but there is even greater need for it and there can never be too much resistance.

If you practice your religion and they approve, no problem. If they don't approve, you get sued, possibly arrested, and/or run out of town.

The problem is you think your religion trumps the laws of the land. It doesn't, sorry. This isn't a theocracy. Religion trumps all else in Iran, and this isn't Iran.

Yeah that isn't what is happening but we've been through that in many threads many times. There's no need to do it again. You don't agree with my position? So what? I won't be asking you to join me.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?
How do you start? By voting.

Been doing that for 42 years. It's time to do more.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

Armed revolution?
Not at first. I'm talking about resistance.
Civil war? LOL

I think someone tried that already.

You have to wonder why a certain mindset always gravitates to killing other people when they don't get their way politically.

I suppose that's better than the progressive mindset that gravitates to killing others when they do get their way politically

Um, we're not the one's calling for armed rebellion. That would be conservatives.

No you just call on killing anyone who disagrees with you and threatens your power base

Like unborn children

So a fetus has a political agenda?

Can you back that claim factually?
I saw that too....and notice the creeping terms? fetus becomes baby becomes they'll be calling them unborn pre-teens.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?
How do you start? By voting.

Been doing that for 42 years. It's time to do more.
Then volunteer on a campaign...start a petition....a yourself. Don't be lazy.
Just relax these idiot liberals are destroying themselves, pull up a chair and enjoy the show.

Yes gazelles, pull up a chair and watch the gathering of lions around you.

Ahahaha what are you going to do lib shout hey hey ho ho at me, run home to your momma. lol

Those wiffle ball bats can sting a little.

Have you seen Obama try to throw a baseball, I doubt the libs know which end of the bat to hold.
I have a copy of the Constitution in front of me...can you cite the Article and Section where the requirement for throwing a baseball is?
Civil war? LOL

I think someone tried that already.

You have to wonder why a certain mindset always gravitates to killing other people when they don't get their way politically.

I suppose that's better than the progressive mindset that gravitates to killing others when they do get their way politically

Um, we're not the one's calling for armed rebellion. That would be conservatives.

No you just call on killing anyone who disagrees with you and threatens your power base

Like unborn children

So a fetus has a political agenda?

Can you back that claim factually?
I saw that too....and notice the creeping terms? fetus becomes baby becomes they'll be calling them unborn pre-teens.

Oh, that argument was a hot mess. The 'liberal mindset' focuses on killing political opposition. With fetuses being offered as those 'killed'. While political pro-lifers. Who aren't killed.

Its like watching a dog chase its own tail. But then, it was offered as nothing more than a half assed excuse to kill cops and US soldiers.
What are you really revolting against?

No one has taken your guns away.

No one has really taken your freedom of speech away.

No one is making you attend any sort of religious organization.

Are you revolting against paying taxes which have not really changed a whole lot in many years?


Gay marriage? Really?

When you really get down to it what is your bitch that is worth a revolution?

Me thinks your problem is the same problem that gets me riled up, things don't go the way I think they should. I just need to reign in my hubris and realize it is a really big world out there and for some reason there are a lot of folks that don't think as i do. Somehow we all have to learn to just get along. Too bad the left doesn't think anyone's opinion, other then their own, means a thing.

i see the budget deficits and really wonder if the country has gone mad. but then I think I don't really want them cutting medicare or Social Security. Which the latter still pays for itself but seems to be a target. Funny how SS funding is always questioned, although funding is petty clear, but welfare funding is NEVER questioned. Funny still is how SS didn't get a COLA this year but welfare will I am sure. And no, I am not on SS or medicare.

1. I'm not proposing a revolt, I am proposing resistance. Although if it comes to it then that's what will happen.
2. No one has taken my guns away ...yet. Am I supposed to wait until they do?
3. In fact, they are trying to take free speech away. Again, am I supposed to wait until they do?
4. I'm not allowed to practice my religion, unless they approve.
5. Some taxes maybe.
6. Obamacare certainly.
7. Gay marriage no.
8. Not yet worth a revolution but resistance is needed.

And you are saying that there has not been resistance to all of the above?

I am interested in number 4? Where does one get such approval?

No, there has been some, but there is even greater need for it and there can never be too much resistance.

If you practice your religion and they approve, no problem. If they don't approve, you get sued, possibly arrested, and/or run out of town.

This religious thing, can you actually give a concrete example of this actually happening?

Yeah it's off the topic here but it's easy so here it is, and you should already be able to state this without asking: a bakery can be forced to bake a cake for a wedding even if doing so violates their religious beliefs.

Now this has been discussed ad nauseum on these boards and its barely relevant to this thread so that's it.

Yeah...its been the law that racist bakers have to bake cakes for interracial couples since the 60s...and you're getting upset about it NOW?!?
Two more words DUMB ASS
Hahahaha I've angered another lefty looser into name guy's are making this too easy. If you want to learn how to relax and calm yourself just go into a dark room and play the sound of Hillary barking arf arf arf.... arf arf
1. I'm not proposing a revolt, I am proposing resistance. Although if it comes to it then that's what will happen.
2. No one has taken my guns away ...yet. Am I supposed to wait until they do?
3. In fact, they are trying to take free speech away. Again, am I supposed to wait until they do?
4. I'm not allowed to practice my religion, unless they approve.
5. Some taxes maybe.
6. Obamacare certainly.
7. Gay marriage no.
8. Not yet worth a revolution but resistance is needed.

And you are saying that there has not been resistance to all of the above?

I am interested in number 4? Where does one get such approval?

No, there has been some, but there is even greater need for it and there can never be too much resistance.

If you practice your religion and they approve, no problem. If they don't approve, you get sued, possibly arrested, and/or run out of town.

This religious thing, can you actually give a concrete example of this actually happening?

Yeah it's off the topic here but it's easy so here it is, and you should already be able to state this without asking: a bakery can be forced to bake a cake for a wedding even if doing so violates their religious beliefs.

Now this has been discussed ad nauseum on these boards and its barely relevant to this thread so that's it.

Yeah...its been the law that racist bakers have to bake cakes for interracial couples since the 60s...and you're getting upset about it NOW?!?

Why do you go straight to race? Race wasn't mentioned. And if i were a black man I certainly wouldn't want a racist to bake me a cake, as fast as he can. Tell me straight up that a baker has a problem and I am going elsewhere and thanking them. I will not leave feeling bad about myself because some ahole has some belief i think is stupid. I will feel sorry for them.

But getting a cake is not what it really is all about.
And you are saying that there has not been resistance to all of the above?

I am interested in number 4? Where does one get such approval?

No, there has been some, but there is even greater need for it and there can never be too much resistance.

If you practice your religion and they approve, no problem. If they don't approve, you get sued, possibly arrested, and/or run out of town.

This religious thing, can you actually give a concrete example of this actually happening?

Yeah it's off the topic here but it's easy so here it is, and you should already be able to state this without asking: a bakery can be forced to bake a cake for a wedding even if doing so violates their religious beliefs.

Now this has been discussed ad nauseum on these boards and its barely relevant to this thread so that's it.

Yeah...its been the law that racist bakers have to bake cakes for interracial couples since the 60s...and you're getting upset about it NOW?!?

Why do you go straight to race? Race wasn't mentioned. And if i were a black man I certainly wouldn't want a racist to bake me a cake, as fast as he can. Tell me straight up that a baker has a problem and I am going elsewhere and thanking them. I will not leave feeling bad about myself because some ahole has some belief i think is stupid. I will feel sorry for them.

But getting a cake is not what it really is all about.
So, those college students shouldn't have tried to eat at the Woolworth's lunch counter? They should have just gone elsewhere, I guess.
And you are saying that there has not been resistance to all of the above?

I am interested in number 4? Where does one get such approval?

No, there has been some, but there is even greater need for it and there can never be too much resistance.

If you practice your religion and they approve, no problem. If they don't approve, you get sued, possibly arrested, and/or run out of town.

This religious thing, can you actually give a concrete example of this actually happening?

Yeah it's off the topic here but it's easy so here it is, and you should already be able to state this without asking: a bakery can be forced to bake a cake for a wedding even if doing so violates their religious beliefs.

Now this has been discussed ad nauseum on these boards and its barely relevant to this thread so that's it.

Yeah...its been the law that racist bakers have to bake cakes for interracial couples since the 60s...and you're getting upset about it NOW?!?

Why do you go straight to race? Race wasn't mentioned. And if i were a black man I certainly wouldn't want a racist to bake me a cake, as fast as he can. Tell me straight up that a baker has a problem and I am going elsewhere and thanking them. I will not leave feeling bad about myself because some ahole has some belief i think is stupid. I will feel sorry for them.

But getting a cake is not what it really is all about.
You are's about following business law if you have a business license.
And you are saying that there has not been resistance to all of the above?

I am interested in number 4? Where does one get such approval?

No, there has been some, but there is even greater need for it and there can never be too much resistance.

If you practice your religion and they approve, no problem. If they don't approve, you get sued, possibly arrested, and/or run out of town.

This religious thing, can you actually give a concrete example of this actually happening?

Yeah it's off the topic here but it's easy so here it is, and you should already be able to state this without asking: a bakery can be forced to bake a cake for a wedding even if doing so violates their religious beliefs.

Now this has been discussed ad nauseum on these boards and its barely relevant to this thread so that's it.

Yeah...its been the law that racist bakers have to bake cakes for interracial couples since the 60s...and you're getting upset about it NOW?!?

Why do you go straight to race? Race wasn't mentioned. And if i were a black man I certainly wouldn't want a racist to bake me a cake, as fast as he can. Tell me straight up that a baker has a problem and I am going elsewhere and thanking them. I will not leave feeling bad about myself because some ahole has some belief i think is stupid. I will feel sorry for them.

But getting a cake is not what it really is all about.

So the 'resistance' you're speaking against State authority?
No, there has been some, but there is even greater need for it and there can never be too much resistance.

If you practice your religion and they approve, no problem. If they don't approve, you get sued, possibly arrested, and/or run out of town.

This religious thing, can you actually give a concrete example of this actually happening?

Yeah it's off the topic here but it's easy so here it is, and you should already be able to state this without asking: a bakery can be forced to bake a cake for a wedding even if doing so violates their religious beliefs.

Now this has been discussed ad nauseum on these boards and its barely relevant to this thread so that's it.

Yeah...its been the law that racist bakers have to bake cakes for interracial couples since the 60s...and you're getting upset about it NOW?!?

Why do you go straight to race? Race wasn't mentioned. And if i were a black man I certainly wouldn't want a racist to bake me a cake, as fast as he can. Tell me straight up that a baker has a problem and I am going elsewhere and thanking them. I will not leave feeling bad about myself because some ahole has some belief i think is stupid. I will feel sorry for them.

But getting a cake is not what it really is all about.

So the 'resistance' you're speaking against State authority?

Wrong poster
This religious thing, can you actually give a concrete example of this actually happening?

Yeah it's off the topic here but it's easy so here it is, and you should already be able to state this without asking: a bakery can be forced to bake a cake for a wedding even if doing so violates their religious beliefs.

Now this has been discussed ad nauseum on these boards and its barely relevant to this thread so that's it.

Yeah...its been the law that racist bakers have to bake cakes for interracial couples since the 60s...and you're getting upset about it NOW?!?

Why do you go straight to race? Race wasn't mentioned. And if i were a black man I certainly wouldn't want a racist to bake me a cake, as fast as he can. Tell me straight up that a baker has a problem and I am going elsewhere and thanking them. I will not leave feeling bad about myself because some ahole has some belief i think is stupid. I will feel sorry for them.

But getting a cake is not what it really is all about.

So the 'resistance' you're speaking against State authority?

Wrong poster

The PA laws in question are state laws. If they're an example of the 'rights' being stripped from us....then clearly the 'resistence' movement would be against State authority.
And you are saying that there has not been resistance to all of the above?

I am interested in number 4? Where does one get such approval?

No, there has been some, but there is even greater need for it and there can never be too much resistance.

If you practice your religion and they approve, no problem. If they don't approve, you get sued, possibly arrested, and/or run out of town.

This religious thing, can you actually give a concrete example of this actually happening?

Yeah it's off the topic here but it's easy so here it is, and you should already be able to state this without asking: a bakery can be forced to bake a cake for a wedding even if doing so violates their religious beliefs.

Now this has been discussed ad nauseum on these boards and its barely relevant to this thread so that's it.

Yeah...its been the law that racist bakers have to bake cakes for interracial couples since the 60s...and you're getting upset about it NOW?!?

Why do you go straight to race? Race wasn't mentioned. And if i were a black man I certainly wouldn't want a racist to bake me a cake, as fast as he can. Tell me straight up that a baker has a problem and I am going elsewhere and thanking them. I will not leave feeling bad about myself because some ahole has some belief i think is stupid. I will feel sorry for them.

But getting a cake is not what it really is all about.

Why did I mention race? Because Title II of the CRA was designed to protect people from racial discrimination. It's the FEDERAL law that states have expanded upon to include other groups.

You're right, it's not about baking a cake, it's about religious people thinking they can ignore laws.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?
How do you start? By voting.

Been doing that for 42 years. It's time to do more.
no, it isn't. Acting out in a violent fit of pique does not make you a revolutionary. It makes you a simple criminal. Dissatisfaction with the political process requires more than a Rambo wannabe mindset. It requires involvement. Run for office.

A wise man once said "all politics are local". More political forces are applied to you from the state level down than from the federal level. Get involved, Cliven. An armed standoff always ALWAYS ends in tragedy.

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