Zone1 Jesus said Few find the Narrow Way to Heaven (so most go to Hell)

This is mathematical.

By the degree of freewill granted to angels, Law makes it that 2/3 angels will be saved at the end. By the degree of freewill granted to humans, there supposed to be less than 1/3 humans saved in the say way. That is, there should be around or less than 1/3 humans saved if the freewill factor alone is taken into account.

However, the 1/3 wannabe fallen angels can have a negative effect to the much less intelligent humans. It is the "snake to Adam" effect which leads to the death of all humans. All died in front of Law. That's why Jesus is needed.

With Jesus then, humans no longer under Law. They are judged using Covenant as the base. Law is an assessment of obedience which human would fail. Covenant at the end, that is the New Covenant, is an assessment of faith. Both obedience and faith are determining factors for humans to live with the sin-incompatible God in eternity.

With Law, 2/3 angels and 0 humans will be saved (there should have been 1/3 if it's not because of Satan and his horde).
With Covenant, less than 1/3 humans will be saved. Either way, humans are saved through the narrow gate, mathematically speaking.

As a result, 2/3 angels together with less than 1/3 humans will end up in Heaven. Law and Covenant are like a promise from the completely sin-incompatible God that "if you pass the Final Judgment (of Law and Covenant), God would bear with you in eternity no matter what." Like a Shepherd to His sheep.
I'm interested in language and etymology, and what a person speaking a different language is specifically saying is important to me. Jesus spent a lot of time teaching us how to live this life. God's graces and blessings are available to us now. We don't have to wait until heaven.
maybe you are over-educated fool

God knows... But I really, really, don't think God would allow his Church to teach egregious error. For example, if you or some other person says that the Bible says this or that and means this or that

and someone else says, No, it doesn't...

Well, we need a CHURCH to tell us waht the Word really, really means... I believe the Church over humans...

sorry about that (not)
Then maybe it is not a place I want to end up... if good people can't get in because they didn't know about Christianity and the words of Jesus Christ how can it be "Heaven"....
How about Jews?... so no Jews can go to Heaven?... I have Jews in my family who I love... so if they can't get in... it can't be Heaven for me...
Don't mix up what men wrote in the name of Jesus for what the word of God is...
You are answering what I said by acting like I said that only Catholics can make it. I did not say that

The Church teaches it is virtually impossible to get to Heaven without being a member of the RCC. I have found through EXPERIENCE alone that I myself cannot steer clear of all serious sin without the helps that the RCC has: rosary, Mass...

i don't know where you are at, religion-wise, but I know where I have been... yes, I certainly know where I have been.

In my experience, only the Cahtolic Church helped me or COULD help me, when I wanted to be close to Jesus and FAR from sin...I did not know how to be close to Him the way I am close to Him now..

And no way can I put into mere, inadequate words all that I have experienced in my "thing" with Jesus... All I can do is say things like... the above.. things like... well, whatever... I feel like I am talking to a wall at this forum when it comes to my faith... People can find out on their own. I hadto seek and find and so does everyone else... can't do it for anyone (but me)
I am glad I'm not very wealthy as that would nix my chances of entering heaven.
I think we're all going to be very surprised at who we meet in heaven. And I'm quite confident there will be a lot of people there who were very wealthy on Earth. The Scriptures are pretty clear that it is not wealth that gets us in trouble but how people regard their wealth. Whenever the wealth crowds out what is important in life it is a problem.
Well, if you read the obituaries, which I do for soem weird reason, it seems like everyone goes ot Heaven.

The guestbooks always say something like ''oh, he's looking down at us all right now..smiling..."

Nobody ever says ''hey, that guy is burning in Hell right now, looking up at us all...screaming in pain..."

Of course, that's merely an observation on my own part.
In the end nobody on earth can be sure beyond certainty how God is going to do. That's why faith is so important.
Well, if you read the obituaries, which I do for soem weird reason, it seems like everyone goes ot Heaven.

The guestbooks always say something like ''oh, he's looking down at us all right now..smiling..."

Nobody ever says ''hey, that guy is burning in Hell right now, looking up at us all...screaming in pain..."

Of course, that's merely an observation on my own part.

I've noticed this.

After someone dies, it's always "He (she) is in a better place." or whatever


Humans are known for wishful thinking, believing what they want. to believe...
The Church teaches it is virtually impossible to get to Heaven without being a member of the RCC. I have found through EXPERIENCE alone that I myself cannot steer clear of all serious sin without the helps that the RCC has: rosary, Mass...

There are no words to adequately express how utterly wrong that is. I'm sorry, but if you believe ^ that, that shows a major, deep, deep brainwashing. A complete deception.
The Church teaches it is virtually impossible to get to Heaven without being a member of the RCC.

There are no words to adequately express how utterly wrong that is. I'm sorry, but if you believe ^ that, that shows a major, deep, deep brainwashing. A complete deception.
Specifically, what the Catholic Church teaches is, "Outside the Church there is no salvation." Salvation is the healing of a broken relationship between God and mankind. The early Church Fathers often reiterated this. The Church (i.e., the Body of Christ) is needed to baptize and teach people the Gospel. The Catechism goes on to say that Salvation comes from Christ, the head of the Church and the Church is the Body of Christ. The catechism also states that non-Catholic Christians are also members of the Body of Christ. It notes that some Christian churches do not follow completely all elements of salvation that Christ taught--the True Presence in the Eucharist would be an example of this. Divorce another.

The Catholic Church can only claim that it follows the complete way of salvation as Christ and the Apostles taught. Therefore, this Church has no authority to say, "Here are the exceptions...." People who reject the authority of the Catholic Church probably couldn't care less about the True Presence, Divorce, or anything else Catholics practice as taught by Christ and the Apostles. However, while the Church cannot promise Heaven to all (because they have no authority from Christ or the Apostles to do so), they point we are under a much higher authority--God. Anyone the Catholic Church fails for whatever reason still is in the hands of a wholly loving and merciful God.
Specifically, what the Catholic Church teaches is, "Outside the Church there is no salvation." Salvation is the healing of a broken relationship between God and mankind. The early Church Fathers often reiterated this. The Church (i.e., the Body of Christ) is needed to baptize and teach people the Gospel. The Catechism goes on to say that Salvation comes from Christ, the head of the Church and the Church is the Body of Christ. The catechism also states that non-Catholic Christians are also members of the Body of Christ. It notes that some Christian churches do not follow completely all elements of salvation that Christ taught--the True Presence in the Eucharist would be an example of this. Divorce another.

The Catholic Church can only claim that it follows the complete way of salvation as Christ and the Apostles taught. Therefore, this Church has no authority to say, "Here are the exceptions...." People who reject the authority of the Catholic Church probably couldn't care less about the True Presence, Divorce, or anything else Catholics practice as taught by Christ and the Apostles. However, while the Church cannot promise Heaven to all (because they have no authority from Christ or the Apostles to do so), they point we are under a much higher authority--God. Anyone the Catholic Church fails for whatever reason still is in the hands of a wholly loving and merciful God.
With every post from Catholics, determined to shame everyone else into their cult, I understand how completely brainwashed you are and understand why you've used the power of the State to force obedience to your cult

I will never bow down to that counterfeit church. I hope it in utter contempt
Specifically, what the Catholic Church teaches is, "Outside the Church there is no salvation." Salvation is the healing of a broken relationship between God and mankind. The early Church Fathers often reiterated this. The Church (i.e., the Body of Christ) is needed to baptize and teach people the Gospel. The Catechism goes on to say that Salvation comes from Christ, the head of the Church and the Church is the Body of Christ. The catechism also states that non-Catholic Christians are also members of the Body of Christ. It notes that some Christian churches do not follow completely all elements of salvation that Christ taught--the True Presence in the Eucharist would be an example of this. Divorce another.

The Catholic Church can only claim that it follows the complete way of salvation as Christ and the Apostles taught. Therefore, this Church has no authority to say, "Here are the exceptions...." People who reject the authority of the Catholic Church probably couldn't care less about the True Presence, Divorce, or anything else Catholics practice as taught by Christ and the Apostles. However, while the Church cannot promise Heaven to all (because they have no authority from Christ or the Apostles to do so), they point we are under a much higher authority--God. Anyone the Catholic Church fails for whatever reason still is in the hands of a wholly loving and merciful God.
Biden is a Catholic. Bent on going to hell.
With every post from Catholics, determined to shame everyone else into their cult, I understand how completely brainwashed you are and understand why you've used the power of the State to force obedience to your cult

I will never bow down to that counterfeit church. I hope it in utter contempt
Oh, boo-hoo, get over yourself. There are differences in Christian churches. You are as much as saying that Catholics shouldn't believe in the True Presence and should believe in divorce and to follow Protestant ways. The fact is we follow both these teachings of Christ, and have the blessings and grace that come with them. But you say that Catholics who follow Christ's teachings should be treated with utter contempt. That's amazing.

You are not going to hell and the Church does not teach that. They basically note that you are part of the Body of Christ, but you do not follow all the Sacraments Christ and the Apostles did. Generally you are proud that you don't, so what's the big deal with you? Some Protestant sects are downright adamant Catholics are going to hell. Doesn't bother us in the least, we simply continue to follow Christ to the best of our ability. Our eyes are on him, not on what some other denomination is saying about us.
With every post from Catholics, determined to shame everyone else into their cult, I understand how completely brainwashed you are and understand why you've used the power of the State to force obedience to your cult

I will never bow down to that counterfeit church. I hope it in utter contempt
You have a very distorted view of the Church. My bet is you've been in a Catholic Church maybe once or twice at the most and all you could do was focus on statues and conclude Catholics worship those pieces of wood.. so insulting to human beings to imply they are that stupid (when really, we are created in God's image).

Wow.. Satan's done such a good job of hoodwinking people to hate the CC

gotta give the *&^%$# credit
You have a very distorted view of the Church. My bet is you've been in a Catholic Church maybe once or twice at the most and all you could do was focus on statues and conclude Catholics worship those pieces of wood.. so insulting to human beings to imply they are that stupid (when really, we are created in God's image).

Wow.. Satan's done such a good job of hoodwinking people to hate the CC

gotta give the *&^%$# credit
Nope. It's your umbilical teachings. But yeah, that includes bowing down to concrete statues
What about those of us who have no interest in getting into the Christian “Geaven”?

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