Joe's Plan for America.

Ohhh a new topic about Joe Biden. Could it be about the amazing job growth in February? Maybe it's about the Stock Market being the highest in history. Or about how all adults will be vaccinated by May. Heck, perhaps it'll even be about how he smoked the last guy by 8 million votes

Watching the speech. He's going to fucking bore everyone into submission.
Job growth SHOULD be amazing as we come out of the lockdowns, FFrench...the only question now is whether they're as amazing as they should be! We're currently down approximately 9.5 million jobs because of the Covid pandemic. The test for liberals is how soon that number is erased. My prediction is that the Biden Administration will pass a number of job killing pieces of legislation that will temper the recovery just as the Obama Administration passed a number of job killing pieces of legislation that turned a bad recession into The Great Recession. They'll tell you they're doing a great job because we have month after month of positive jobs numbers but the real truth is that their policies will be hampering the recovery...not hastening it.

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