Kasich commits political suicide

Yet Boehner and McConnell have gone along with Obama's entire agenda. Name just one part of Obama's agenda that he hasn't gotten passed on their watch?

No, they haven't. They've compromised with him. With Obama conceding on some of the extensions of the tax cuts for the wealthy and spending cuts....and Boehner compromising on UI extensions and funding for the rest of the federal government.

You're perception of a 'real conservative' is one who doesn't compromise. Who doesn't take into account any other view, any other need. Who pushes through their ideology pure and unaltered. But you lack the numbers in congress to push through your agenda unilaterally.

What then do you do?

The 'real conservative' can do nothing. As he's been effectively rendered impotent and powerless. As without the ability to push through his ideologue vision unaltered by any other view or need.......he can't vote for anything that can pass.

And its the stark refusal to acknowledge MATH that has resulted in the 'freedom caucus' enacting virtually none of their proposals. Where if they'd been willing to compromise, they'd have been able to enact some of them. And have resulted in some of the lowest approval ratings for congress in polling history.

So which part of Obama's agenda hasn't he gotten passed on Boehner and McConnell's watch? I'm all ears.

I've already offered you a specific example: Obama didn't want the extension of tax cuts for the wealthy. Any of them.

Yet most were made permanent.

But you ignore the answers and pretend no such differences exist. Making your requests for examples all the more meaningless. As you don't want such examples. And will ignore them when offered.

If Obama wanted to end those tax cuts, he could have at any time.

He could have prior to losing the House.

And he has a pen. He loves his Executive Orders.
Your perception is my point. The fringe right perception of 'conservative' is so narrow, so exclusionary, so extreme.....that almost no republicans meet it. No moderates do. And obviously no liberals do.

In all of congress......perhaps 40 folks meet your definition. And among the general public, fewer still.

Actually, most Americans support lower taxes, balanced budgets, and secured borders. It's too bad the Republican Party got hijacked by Neocon/Progressive assholes. It's time to clean house.

Most Americans support lower taxes for the middle class. But higher taxes for the wealthy. Most Americans support reproductive freedom, gay marriage, social safetynets, immigration reform, and a federal government free of shutdowns.

All of which the 'freedom caucus' oppose. The Freedom Caucus doesn't represent the views of most people. With your definition of a 'true conservative' excluding even most republicans.

That's how fringe your perspective is.

Lower Taxes, Balanced Budgets, and Secured Borders. That's what most want. But they've been sold out by corrupt idiots on both sides. The snakes even passed Obama's despicable recent budget in the wee hours of the night.

But i think most Republicans are finally waking up. They're gonna dump the Neocons/Progressives.
Actually a super maj wants higher taxes on the very wealthy.

Excuse me if i don't take your word on that one.
I'm sorry you don't follow the news/polls, but it's not my fault
No, they haven't. They've compromised with him. With Obama conceding on some of the extensions of the tax cuts for the wealthy and spending cuts....and Boehner compromising on UI extensions and funding for the rest of the federal government.

You're perception of a 'real conservative' is one who doesn't compromise. Who doesn't take into account any other view, any other need. Who pushes through their ideology pure and unaltered. But you lack the numbers in congress to push through your agenda unilaterally.

What then do you do?

The 'real conservative' can do nothing. As he's been effectively rendered impotent and powerless. As without the ability to push through his ideologue vision unaltered by any other view or need.......he can't vote for anything that can pass.

And its the stark refusal to acknowledge MATH that has resulted in the 'freedom caucus' enacting virtually none of their proposals. Where if they'd been willing to compromise, they'd have been able to enact some of them. And have resulted in some of the lowest approval ratings for congress in polling history.

So which part of Obama's agenda hasn't he gotten passed on Boehner and McConnell's watch? I'm all ears.

I've already offered you a specific example: Obama didn't want the extension of tax cuts for the wealthy. Any of them.

Yet most were made permanent.

But you ignore the answers and pretend no such differences exist. Making your requests for examples all the more meaningless. As you don't want such examples. And will ignore them when offered.

If Obama wanted to end those tax cuts, he could have at any time.

He could have prior to losing the House.

And he has a pen. He loves his Executive Orders.
Seriously are you really this misinformed?
I'm sorry you don't know that taxation bills must originate in the House. Don't blame me though

Most Americans wanna take more of their paycheck home, wanna see a Balanced Budget, and want their border secured. Time for Republicans to get their shit together.
Kasich outed himself as another illegal loving traitor to his country. Are these clowns dense in the head or something? We are sick and tired of the millions of illegals pouring into this country, killing, raping, robbing our citizens, committing all manner of crimes, brazenly breaking our laws, jumping on the public assistance dole, sticking us with their healthcare and education costs, enough already GET OUT!
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The libtard dictionary of synonyms: Fringe right = Traditional conservative platforms.

So 'traditional conservative platforms' exclude most republicans, all moderates and all liberals?
Please... listen to yourself and try not to sound too stupid.

TRADITIONALLY, the republican base is CONSERVATIVE... not moderate, and certainly not LIBERAL. Now the TRUE, TRADITIONAL, CONSERVATIVE BASE of the republican party is FED UP with this moderate horse crap, which basically means DEM LITE. They want the republican party to GET BACK to it's traditional CONSERVATIVE platforms, and that's what Trump, Carson and Cruz are doing, and that's why they're KILLING their "moderate" presidential competition.

What part about that are you missing? You been on a long vacation on another planet or something, or do you just enjoy regurgitating leftist BS?
"GET BACK to it's traditional CONSERVATIVE platforms" And in what years do you suppose the Republican party platform was more conservative than it is now? When Eisenhower ran? Nixon? Reagan or either Bush?

No, very relevant. As 'unprecedented' and 'traditional' are mutually exclusive.
No, irrelevant. The issue at hand is the upcoming presidential election and the future of the conservative agenda, not the distant past.
I like Kasich..he looks at fellow Republicans and says WTF?

Have to see how he does in the debate tonight

I like Bernie because he looks at Dems/Obama and says the UE rate is a lie, Obama and Dems do too much war and points out that Dems have sold their souls to the rich, including Hillary.

Thanks for agreeing with me in advance!
Excitement over Trump and Carson? By a minority of Republicans responding to polls. And you mistake amusement for excitement.
The last two presidential elections no conservatives showed up to the polls just Rinos...

Your perception is my point. The fringe right perception of 'conservative' is so narrow, so exclusionary, so extreme.....that almost no republicans meet it. No moderates do. And obviously no liberals do.

In all of congress......perhaps 40 folks meet your definition. And among the general public, fewer still.

Actually, most Americans support lower taxes, balanced budgets, and secured borders. It's too bad the Republican Party got hijacked by Neocon/Progressive assholes. It's time to clean house.
So what? Most Americans support Medicare and Medicaid too. Most Americans want to have their cake and eat it too. Sane politicians realize tough choices have to be made that will be largely unpopular.

Bigger Government and Open Borders is not what most Republicans want. And they haven't been properly represented. It's time to change that.

We don't have 'open borders'. And on virtually every policy position by your hard right fringe, the American public is on the other side.

They oppose PP funding. The American people support it.
They oppose same sex marriage. The American people support it.
They oppose raising the minimum wage. The American people support it.
They oppose there being a minimum wage. The American people support it.
They oppose any global warming measures. The American people support it.
They denounce the very idea of climate change. The American people support it.
They oppose expanding environmental protections. The American people support it.
They oppose improving ties with Cuba. The American people support improved relations with Cuba.
They want an expanded role for the US military overseas. The American people don't.
They oppose immigration reform. The American people support it.
They support the Tea Party. Americans overwhelminly don't with support at record low.
They support lowering capital gains taxes. Most Americans support raising them.
They oppose net neutrality. The American people support it.
They oppose a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. The American people support it.
So 'traditional conservative platforms' exclude most republicans, all moderates and all liberals?
Please... listen to yourself and try not to sound too stupid.

TRADITIONALLY, the republican base is CONSERVATIVE... not moderate, and certainly not LIBERAL. Now the TRUE, TRADITIONAL, CONSERVATIVE BASE of the republican party is FED UP with this moderate horse crap, which basically means DEM LITE. They want the republican party to GET BACK to it's traditional CONSERVATIVE platforms, and that's what Trump, Carson and Cruz are doing, and that's why they're KILLING their "moderate" presidential competition.

What part about that are you missing? You been on a long vacation on another planet or something, or do you just enjoy regurgitating leftist BS?
"GET BACK to it's traditional CONSERVATIVE platforms" And in what years do you suppose the Republican party platform was more conservative than it is now? When Eisenhower ran? Nixon? Reagan or either Bush?

No, very relevant. As 'unprecedented' and 'traditional' are mutually exclusive.
No, irrelevant. The issue at hand is the upcoming presidential election and the future of the conservative agenda, not the distant past.

When we're discussing 'traditional conservative platforms', congress never having been this conservative in this century would be immediately relevant.

You've abandoned that argument. And well you should have. You were going no where.
THERE is no plan by Republicans or any Republican candidate, perception or otherwise to "abolish" Medicaid and/or Medicare and simply go with nothing at all

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Carson believes HSAs and catastrophic health insurance would "negate the need for Medicare or Medicaid".

ok then genius, it would be replaced by something, not simply abolished
It sure would be nice if the rubes would answer the question I have been asking for years: "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?"

The GOP has never laid a comprehensive health care reform package on the table. That's why no one goes along with their idiotic repeal.

Show everyone what would replace ObamaCare and maybe they'll start listening.

why do you insist on making a fool of yourself???

House GOP unveils replacement plan, if ObamaCare goes ...
The Hill
Mar 2, 2015 - Three House Republican chairmen on Monday night outlined a healthcare plan to replace ObamaCare, if the Supreme Court guts the ...
Kasich outed himself as another illegal loving traitor to his country. Are these clowns dense in the head or something? We are sick and tired of the millions of illegals pouring into this country, killing, raping, robbing our citizens, committing all manner of crimes, brazenly breaking our laws, jumping on the public assistance dole, sticking us with their healthcare and education costs, enough already GET OUT!

Then why do most Americans support immigration reform and a path for citizenship?


Two in three U.S. adults favor a plan to allow immigrants who are living illegally in the U.S. to remain in the country and become citizens if they meet certain requirements over time.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants
Are they and those that believe that illegals should be allowed to work here for a limited time all 'traitors' too?
The last two presidential elections no conservatives showed up to the polls just Rinos...

Your perception is my point. The fringe right perception of 'conservative' is so narrow, so exclusionary, so extreme.....that almost no republicans meet it. No moderates do. And obviously no liberals do.

In all of congress......perhaps 40 folks meet your definition. And among the general public, fewer still.

Actually, most Americans support lower taxes, balanced budgets, and secured borders. It's too bad the Republican Party got hijacked by Neocon/Progressive assholes. It's time to clean house.
So what? Most Americans support Medicare and Medicaid too. Most Americans want to have their cake and eat it too. Sane politicians realize tough choices have to be made that will be largely unpopular.

Bigger Government and Open Borders is not what most Republicans want. And they haven't been properly represented. It's time to change that.

We don't have 'open borders'. And on virtually every policy position by your hard right fringe, the American public is on the other side.

They oppose PP funding. The American people support it.
They oppose same sex marriage. The American people support it.
They oppose raising the minimum wage. The American people support it.
They oppose there being a minimum wage. The American people support it.
They oppose any global warming measures. The American people support it.
They denounce the very idea of climate change. The American people support it.
They oppose expanding environmental protections. The American people support it.
They oppose improving ties with Cuba. The American people support improved relations with Cuba.
They want an expanded role for the US military overseas. The American people don't.
They oppose immigration reform. The American people support it.
They support the Tea Party. Americans overwhelminly don't with support at record low.
They support lowering capital gains taxes. Most Americans support raising them.
They oppose net neutrality. The American people support it.
They oppose a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. The American people support it.

you're simply a self-deluding idiot
Kasich outed himself as another illegal loving traitor to his country. Are these clowns dense in the head or something? We are sick and tired of the millions of illegals pouring into this country, killing, raping, robbing our citizens, committing all manner of crimes, brazenly breaking our laws, jumping on the public assistance dole, sticking us with their healthcare and education costs, enough already GET OUT!

Then why do most Americans support immigration reform and a path for citizenship?


Two in three U.S. adults favor a plan to allow immigrants who are living illegally in the U.S. to remain in the country and become citizens if they meet certain requirements over time.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants
Are they and those that believe that illegals should be allowed to work here for a limited time all 'traitors' too?

They don't, welcome to reality.
Kasich outed himself as another illegal loving traitor to his country. Are these clowns dense in the head or something? We are sick and tired of the millions of illegals pouring into this country, killing, raping, robbing our citizens, committing all manner of crimes, brazenly breaking our laws, jumping on the public assistance dole, sticking us with their healthcare and education costs, enough already GET OUT!

Then why do most Americans support immigration reform and a path for citizenship?


Two in three U.S. adults favor a plan to allow immigrants who are living illegally in the U.S. to remain in the country and become citizens if they meet certain requirements over time.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants
Are they and those that believe that illegals should be allowed to work here for a limited time all 'traitors' too?

They don't, welcome to reality.

So the polling is all wrong. And you're right.....

Because you say so?
Your perception is my point. The fringe right perception of 'conservative' is so narrow, so exclusionary, so extreme.....that almost no republicans meet it. No moderates do. And obviously no liberals do.

In all of congress......perhaps 40 folks meet your definition. And among the general public, fewer still.

Actually, most Americans support lower taxes, balanced budgets, and secured borders. It's too bad the Republican Party got hijacked by Neocon/Progressive assholes. It's time to clean house.
So what? Most Americans support Medicare and Medicaid too. Most Americans want to have their cake and eat it too. Sane politicians realize tough choices have to be made that will be largely unpopular.

Bigger Government and Open Borders is not what most Republicans want. And they haven't been properly represented. It's time to change that.

We don't have 'open borders'. And on virtually every policy position by your hard right fringe, the American public is on the other side.

They oppose PP funding. The American people support it.
They oppose same sex marriage. The American people support it.
They oppose raising the minimum wage. The American people support it.
They oppose there being a minimum wage. The American people support it.
They oppose any global warming measures. The American people support it.
They denounce the very idea of climate change. The American people support it.
They oppose expanding environmental protections. The American people support it.
They oppose improving ties with Cuba. The American people support improved relations with Cuba.
They want an expanded role for the US military overseas. The American people don't.
They oppose immigration reform. The American people support it.
They support the Tea Party. Americans overwhelminly don't with support at record low.
They support lowering capital gains taxes. Most Americans support raising them.
They oppose net neutrality. The American people support it.
They oppose a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. The American people support it.

you're simply a self-deluding idiot

Or.....I've looked at the polling rather than ignoring it as you have.

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