Kasich commits political suicide

prove a majority want the government to committ to what obama is promising on global warming
Rubio could genuinely bring in the hispanic vote. But not Cruz. Latino's don't give a fiddler's fuck about that guy. Rubio has actually made some inroads into the hispanic community.

Sure, Rubio is young and Latino.....However, he is far, far from ready...and for those who would bring up Obama's inexperience when he became president (TWICE), let me clearly state that Rubio is NO Obama in charisma, political savvy and progressive outlook.
Majority of Americans Oppose Abortion Funding | SBA-List
Susan B. Anthony List | Advancing Pro-Life Leadershipmajority-americans-oppose-abortion-funding
61% of respondents said they were opposed to using federal funds for such a purpose. ... Anything less will result in the government funding of abortion and the ...
There is no federal funding of abortion.

the question was if Americans support that; as the idiot implies

try again
Holy crap, so much for Kasich. I've been saying a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be the GOP's strongest, but that's history: Kasich lashes out: ‘What has happened to the conservative movement?’

I think this stuff makes him a Marxist/communist/socialist:

"I've about had it with these people," Kasich said at the rally in Westerville, Ohio. "We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard of anything so crazy as that? Telling our people in this country who are seniors, who are about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid and Medicare?"

Neurosurgeon Ben Carson has acknowledged that he would like to gut Medicare.

Kasich went on, saying, "We got one person saying we ought to have a 10 percent flat tax that will drive up the deficit in this country by trillions of dollars" and there's another challenger in the field "says we ought to take 10 or 11 people and pick them up — I don't know where we're going to go, their homes, their apartments — we're going to pick them up and scream at them to get out of our country. That's crazy. That is just crazy."

Donald Trump has expressed support for deporting immigrants living in the country illegally.

"We got people proposing healthcare reform that's going to leave, I believe, millions of people without adequate health insurance," Kasich says. "What has happened to our party? What has happened the conservative movement?"


It was a bold moment, he said something many conservatives and independents are feeling -- what happened to the party of Reagan and Lincoln. They have fallen so far.
Majority of Americans Oppose Abortion Funding | SBA-List
Susan B. Anthony List | Advancing Pro-Life Leadershipmajority-americans-oppose-abortion-funding
61% of respondents said they were opposed to using federal funds for such a purpose. ... Anything less will result in the government funding of abortion and the ...

And no government PP funding goes to abortion. Making the poll irrelevant to the funding of PP. While this poll is immediately relevant, as it cites both Planned Parenthood and what the funds actually go to:

Two-thirds of those surveyed, 65%, say funding should continue for the group, which provides contraception, cancer screening and other health services to women; 29% say it should be cut off.

Poll: By 2-1, funding for Planned Parenthood supported

More than 2 to 1.

Yet you'll ignore it. But why would a rational person?
Majority of Americans Oppose Abortion Funding | SBA-List
Susan B. Anthony List | Advancing Pro-Life Leadershipmajority-americans-oppose-abortion-funding
61% of respondents said they were opposed to using federal funds for such a purpose. ... Anything less will result in the government funding of abortion and the ...
There is no federal funding of abortion.

the question was if Americans support that; as the idiot implies

try again

Save that no federal funding goes to abortion. Nor does any money given to PP.

Which you know. But really hope we don't. And when the public is asked about funding PP specifically for the services they ACTUALLY offer through federal funding.......

.....you lose by 2 to 1.

Your argument, as usual, is based in the ignorance of your audience. To an informed audience, your claims are a silly joke.
somebody tell these left-wing nutjobs Republicans were elected to do what their CONSTITUANTS WANT

if you dont like democracy leftard; move to north korea
The current GOP is so damn depraved, that even when you somewhat praise one of their own, they want to gang up and call him/her a RINO.
They oppose PP funding. The American people support it.

a majority want to make sure we arent funding abortions, and they ARE, because money is fungible

They oppose same sex marriage. The American people support it.

obama says he "evolved" after once being against it. idiots and hypocrites

They oppose raising the minimum wage. The American people support it.

except when liberals support it them want want an exemption from it
idiots and hypocrites

They oppose there being a minimum wage. The American people support it.
They oppose any global warming measures. The American people support it.
They denounce the very idea of climate change. The American people support it.
They oppose expanding environmental protections. The American people support it.
They oppose improving ties with Cuba. The American people support improved relations with Cuba.
They want an expanded role for the US military overseas. The American people don't.
They oppose immigration reform. The American people support it.
They support the Tea Party. Americans overwhelminly don't with support at record low.
They support lowering capital gains taxes. Most Americans support raising them.
They oppose net neutrality. The American people support it.
They oppose a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. The American people support it.
libs are losers who lie to themselves

spamming the board is pathetic

everything you post can be rebutted one by one. poor desperate loser! lol
The GOP plans for Medicare is a sure fire loser for the GOP.
Going to a voucher system would end up putting millions and millions of fixed income seniors in the uninsured catogory. They want base the annual voucher increase on inflation. The problem with that is that the cost of healthcare/insurance has increased much more than the inflation rate. Between 1999-2009 which is before Obamacare, healthcare insurance increased 131%, inflation rose 38%. Clearly, senior citizens would be unable to afford healthcare insurance in no time.
The GOP plan is the kiss of death for millions of seniors. Kinda like a slow genocide.
Kasich realizes this
Obamacare is unacceptable, I will just pay the fine through the IRS much simpler that way, I will pay out of pocket if needed anyway.
The Wall Street Journal
Sep 10, 2014 - ... able than Democrats to ensure a strong national defense and conduct foreign policy. ... But with the public so ready to take military action against ISIS, he said, ... He also told the president he would support the deployment of U.S. troops ... The data's margin of error is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.
The last two presidential elections no conservatives showed up to the polls just Rinos...

Your perception is my point. The fringe right perception of 'conservative' is so narrow, so exclusionary, so extreme.....that almost no republicans meet it. No moderates do. And obviously no liberals do.

In all of congress......perhaps 40 folks meet your definition. And among the general public, fewer still.

Actually, most Americans support lower taxes, balanced budgets, and secured borders. It's too bad the Republican Party got hijacked by Neocon/Progressive assholes. It's time to clean house.
So what? Most Americans support Medicare and Medicaid too. Most Americans want to have their cake and eat it too. Sane politicians realize tough choices have to be made that will be largely unpopular.

Bigger Government and Open Borders is not what most Republicans want. And they haven't been properly represented. It's time to change that.

We don't have 'open borders'. And on virtually every policy position by your hard right fringe, the American public is on the other side.

They oppose PP funding. The American people support it.
They oppose same sex marriage. The American people support it.
They oppose raising the minimum wage. The American people support it.
They oppose there being a minimum wage. The American people support it.
They oppose any global warming measures. The American people support it.
They denounce the very idea of climate change. The American people support it.
They oppose expanding environmental protections. The American people support it.
They oppose improving ties with Cuba. The American people support improved relations with Cuba.
They want an expanded role for the US military overseas. The American people don't.
They oppose immigration reform. The American people support it.
They support the Tea Party. Americans overwhelminly don't with support at record low.
They support lowering capital gains taxes. Most Americans support raising them.
They oppose net neutrality. The American people support it.
They oppose a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. The American people support it.

Ha, the 'Global Warming Boogeyman' doesn't even make the list of things Americans are most concerned with. That's a hysterical Communist/Progressive bugaboo.

Most are concerned with the basics...

Taking more of their paychecks home, reducing the massive debt, and securing their border. And Republican leadership has failed them miserably on that. For any real change, they'll have to dump the Neocons/Progressives.

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