Kasich commits political suicide

Rubio could genuinely bring in the hispanic vote. But not Cruz. Latino's don't give a fiddler's fuck about that guy. Rubio has actually made some inroads into the hispanic community.

Sure, Rubio is young and Latino.....However, he is far, far from ready...and for those who would bring up Obama's inexperience when he became president (TWICE), let me clearly state that Rubio is NO Obama in charisma, political savvy and progressive outlook.
...and a$$ kissing to his puppet masters
Majority of Americans Oppose Abortion Funding | SBA-List
Susan B. Anthony List | Advancing Pro-Life Leadershipmajority-americans-oppose-abortion-funding
61% of respondents said they were opposed to using federal funds for such a purpose. ... Anything less will result in the government funding of abortion and the ...

And no government PP funding goes to abortion. Making the poll irrelevant to the funding of PP. While this poll is immediately relevant, as it cites both Planned Parenthood and what the funds actually go to:

Two-thirds of those surveyed, 65%, say funding should continue for the group, which provides contraception, cancer screening and other health services to women; 29% say it should be cut off.

Poll: By 2-1, funding for Planned Parenthood supported

More than 2 to 1.

Yet you'll ignore it. But why would a rational person?
Washington is full of baby butcher lobbyists
Majority of Americans Oppose Abortion Funding | SBA-List
Susan B. Anthony List | Advancing Pro-Life Leadershipmajority-americans-oppose-abortion-funding
61% of respondents said they were opposed to using federal funds for such a purpose. ... Anything less will result in the government funding of abortion and the ...
There is no federal funding of abortion.

the question was if Americans support that; as the idiot implies

try again

Save that no federal funding goes to abortion. Nor does any money given to PP.

Which you know. But really hope we don't. And when the public is asked about funding PP specifically for the services they ACTUALLY offer through federal funding.......

.....you lose by 2 to 1.

Your argument, as usual, is based in the ignorance of your audience. To an informed audience, your claims are a silly joke.
Plenty of baby butcher lobbyists getting their way in Washington
No, very relevant. As 'unprecedented' and 'traditional' are mutually exclusive.
No, irrelevant. The issue at hand is the upcoming presidential election and the future of the conservative agenda, not the distant past.

When we're discussing 'traditional conservative platforms', congress never having been this conservative in this century would be immediately relevant.

You've abandoned that argument. And well you should have. You were going no where.
Over the last couple decades congress the least conservative in history, vast majority of members are and have been progressives.
You are clueless. This congress is far more conservative than any in fifty years. You think congress was more conservative in the 90s? 80's? 70's?
Wrong, you have no idea what a real conservative is obviously, name a majority of current congressmen who are real conservatives. Be specific on why they are conservative, by that I mean voting records.

Very, very few real conservatives in the last couple decades in congress and zero as president...
So, what you are saying is that for decades the voters have soundly rejected conservative candidates and conservative ideas. Explain again, then, why we should give a fuck what a loud minority thinks or wants.
They oppose PP funding. The American people support it.

a majority want to make sure we arent funding abortions, and they ARE, because money is fungible

PP funding doesn't pay for a single abortion. As you already know. But hope we don't.

When polled on if PP should be funded to offer the services that federal funding DOES pay for, support is 2 to 1.

Two-thirds of those surveyed, 65%, say funding should continue for the group, which provides contraception, cancer screening and other health services to women; 29% say it should be cut off.

Poll: By 2-1, funding for Planned Parenthood supported

And exactly as I predicted you'd do.....you ignored it. Your argument is based in your own willful ignorance. And reliance on an uninformed audience. When you try your bullshit with anyone who has an even passing acquaintance with the topic, your claims are an embarrassment.

They oppose same sex marriage. The American people support it.

obama says he "evolved" after once being against it. idiots and hypocrites

The 'idiots and hypocrites' you're speaking of are the majority of the US.


And of course, you ignore this too. But ignoring these facts doesn't make the 23 point spread between support and opposition magically disappear.

They oppose raising the minimum wage. The American people support it.

except when liberals support it them want want an exemption from it
idiots and hypocrites

Support for raising the minimum wage is strong. You know it. I know it. And your conception of a 'conservative' strongly opposes it.

Labor unions enjoy clear majority support. Fringe conservatives oppose them.

Support for raising the minimum wage is approaching 3 to 1. Fringe conservatives oppose them.

Paid leave for parents with new children enjoys 4 to 1 support. Fringe conservatives oppose them.
somebody tell these left-wing nutjobs Republicans were elected to do what their CONSTITUANTS WANT

if you dont like democracy leftard; move to north korea

What your half-brain FAILS to understand (beside being a bad speller) is that you're calling your OWN ILK too stupid (in electing their GOP choice).....OR, you're too moronic to understand that maybe that is exactly what some sane republicans may want......a "moderate" republican to represent them.

Like a 2 year old, you're not happy when you don't get your way, without realizing that "your way" is the insane one.
The current GOP is so damn depraved, that even when you somewhat praise one of their own, they want to gang up and call him/her a RINO.
A Rino can't hide, yella shows up too well.
They will be poached
Apparently, the rabid retards bleev a real conservative is one who talks about balancing the budget, but then acts like a total uncompromising asshole who never actually ACHIEVES a balanced budget.

Talking the talk seems to be more important to these idiots than actually accomplishing something.

Then you get a guy like Kasich who has ACTUALLY ACHIEVED A BALANCED BUDGET, and the foamers lose their minds because he knows how to work with the opposition and get shit done.


you moron; what were republicans supposed to do to get Democrats to agree to a balanced budget??

what democrats, from this phuking president on down in his Party, had an actual proposal for a balanced budget??

i asked you a question.
You are correct. Obama was unwilling. He is just as bad as the rabid right.
libs are losers who lie to themselves

spamming the board is pathetic

everything you post can be rebutted one by one. poor desperate loser! lol
He says before spamming the board with misleading articles.

You have to be one hell of a conservative to believe that a poll of ONLY oil industry scientists are a representative sample of all climate scientists.
They oppose PP funding. The American people support it.

a majority want to make sure we arent funding abortions, and they ARE, because money is fungible

PP funding doesn't pay for a single abortion. As you already know. But hope we don't.

When polled on if PP should be funded to offer the services that federal funding DOES pay for, support is 2 to 1.

Two-thirds of those surveyed, 65%, say funding should continue for the group, which provides contraception, cancer screening and other health services to women; 29% say it should be cut off.

Poll: By 2-1, funding for Planned Parenthood supported

And exactly as I predicted you'd do.....you ignored it. Your argument is based in your own willful ignorance. And reliance on an uninformed audience. When you try your bullshit with anyone who has an even passing acquaintance with the topic, your claims are an embarrassment.

They oppose same sex marriage. The American people support it.

obama says he "evolved" after once being against it. idiots and hypocrites

The 'idiots and hypocrites' you're speaking of are the majority of the US.


And of course, you ignore this too. But ignoring these facts doesn't make the 23 point spread between support and opposition magically disappear.

They oppose raising the minimum wage. The American people support it.

except when liberals support it them want want an exemption from it
idiots and hypocrites

Support for raising the minimum wage is strong. You know it. I know it. And your conception of a 'conservative' strongly opposes it.

Labor unions enjoy clear majority support. Fringe conservatives oppose them.

Support for raising the minimum wage is approaching 3 to 1. Fringe conservatives oppose them.

Paid leave for parents with new children enjoys 4 to 1 support. Fringe conservatives oppose them.
All progressives fault...
Kasich outed himself as another illegal loving traitor to his country. Are these clowns dense in the head or something? We are sick and tired of the millions of illegals pouring into this country, killing, raping, robbing our citizens, committing all manner of crimes, brazenly breaking our laws, jumping on the public assistance dole, sticking us with their healthcare and education costs, enough already GET OUT!

Then why do most Americans support immigration reform and a path for citizenship?


Two in three U.S. adults favor a plan to allow immigrants who are living illegally in the U.S. to remain in the country and become citizens if they meet certain requirements over time.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants
Are they and those that believe that illegals should be allowed to work here for a limited time all 'traitors' too?

They don't, welcome to reality.

So the polling is all wrong. And you're right.....

Because you say so?

I won't debate the left's lies and propaganda nonsense. Kasich should go run for office in Mexico.

Translation: you won't acknowledge the existence of any evidence that contradicts what you choose to believe.

And its that willful blindness that is the beating heart of what is wrong with the conservative movement.
The current GOP is so damn depraved, that even when you somewhat praise one of their own, they want to gang up and call him/her a RINO.
A Rino can't hide, yella shows up too well.
They will be poached
have you ever thought, with all these supposed rinos elected, that the problem is with you and not them? that maybe they are representative of their constituents and you are the outlier?
They oppose PP funding. The American people support it.

a majority want to make sure we arent funding abortions, and they ARE, because money is fungible

PP funding doesn't pay for a single abortion. As you already know. But hope we don't.

When polled on if PP should be funded to offer the services that federal funding DOES pay for, support is 2 to 1.

Two-thirds of those surveyed, 65%, say funding should continue for the group, which provides contraception, cancer screening and other health services to women; 29% say it should be cut off.

Poll: By 2-1, funding for Planned Parenthood supported

And exactly as I predicted you'd do.....you ignored it. Your argument is based in your own willful ignorance. And reliance on an uninformed audience. When you try your bullshit with anyone who has an even passing acquaintance with the topic, your claims are an embarrassment.

They oppose same sex marriage. The American people support it.

obama says he "evolved" after once being against it. idiots and hypocrites

The 'idiots and hypocrites' you're speaking of are the majority of the US.


And of course, you ignore this too. But ignoring these facts doesn't make the 23 point spread between support and opposition magically disappear.

They oppose raising the minimum wage. The American people support it.

except when liberals support it them want want an exemption from it
idiots and hypocrites

Support for raising the minimum wage is strong. You know it. I know it. And your conception of a 'conservative' strongly opposes it.

Labor unions enjoy clear majority support. Fringe conservatives oppose them.

Support for raising the minimum wage is approaching 3 to 1. Fringe conservatives oppose them.

Paid leave for parents with new children enjoys 4 to 1 support. Fringe conservatives oppose them.
All progressives fault...

Support for what the Americans overwhelmingly support is 'all progressive's fault'?

Your ilk aren't really good at dealing with evidence, are you? I get the impression that the right wing echo chamber has very little use for it.
The New York Times
Apr 4, 2008 - Americans are more dissatisfied with the country's direction than at any time since the the early 1990s. ... 81% in Poll Say Nation Is Headed on Wrong Track ... Obama's Support Softens in Poll, Suggesting a Peak Has Passed (April 4, 2008). Poll: Americans Have Bleak View of Job Market (April 3, 2008).

libs are losers who lie to themselves

spamming the board is pathetic

everything you post can be rebutted one by one. poor desperate loser! lol
He says before spamming the board with misleading articles.

You have to be one hell of a conservative to believe that a poll of ONLY oil industry scientists are a representative sample of all climate scientists.

you have to be one hell of a self-deluding moron to think climate scientists cant have an agenda unless they work for an oil company
The current GOP is so damn depraved, that even when you somewhat praise one of their own, they want to gang up and call him/her a RINO.
A Rino can't hide, yella shows up too well.
They will be poached
have you ever thought, with all these supposed rinos elected, that the problem is with you and not them? that maybe they are representative of their constituents and you are the outlier?

Given that Tea Party support is now at a record low.....and 'RINOs" as the fringe right defines them make up the overwhelming majority of republicans in Congress......

.......the evidence strongly suggests that the Tea Party is the outliner.

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