Keep a Word Delete a Word 2.0

Matter Particles
That's not how it's played Marion. You need to use one of the two words in the immediately preceding post. In this case, either "Call" or "Up". Personally, I find it a bit more challenging to use the new word of the preceding post, but it's not required.
Matter Particles
That's not how it's played Marion. You need to use one of the two words in the immediately preceding post. In this case, either "Call" or "Up". Personally, I find it a bit more challenging to use the new word of the preceding post, but it's not required.
We posted at the same time. ;) Actually I don't know what happened there.
Matter Particles
That's not how it's played Marion. You need to use one of the two words in the immediately preceding post. In this case, either "Call" or "Up". Personally, I find it a bit more challenging to use the new word of the preceding post, but it's not required.
We posted at the same time. ;) Actually I don't know what happened there.
It's happened to me; I think the screen displays last page but it isn't. Could be my computer or its user. ;)

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