Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4

In her own words, this pervert has taken it upon herself to teach 4 year olds to accept gay marriage.

It would be appropriate to take her out to the schoolyard and horsewhip her.

Not to accept it...only that it exists and you should accept things that are reality because you cant escape reality
My granddaughter asked me why some people are left handed. Naturally, I did not answer. Left handed people are degenerate and perverted. If god had intended for people to be left handed, he would not have said that Jesus would sit on the right hand of god on judgement day. I told her to avoid such people unless she chose to bully them, which, of course, is appropriate.
In her own words, this pervert has taken it upon herself to teach 4 year olds to accept gay marriage.

It would be appropriate to take her out to the schoolyard and horsewhip her.

The natives have a travelling whip woman (or man) who moves around the different settlements. Parents don't hit their kids, they just wait for the whipman and tell him everything the kid has done wrong since the last time the whipman was there. Then the kids get it, lol.

We should have something like that for teachers.

Actually, it used to be that teachers were generally pretty young, and the parents had a fairly free hand in disciplining them.

When I went to gradeschool, there were rooms that still had paddle boards, and they were impressive.I attended school in the 70s-80s so by that time spanking was generally frowned upon.

But one of our teachers in the..I want to say..fourth...grade did spank a boy. His father went ballistic, they had a board meeting, and he agreed that he would hold them harmless if he was allowed to spank the teacher hahahahahahaha. ...AND THAT'S WHAT THEY DID. I remember when we were talking about it, I think it was in the news....

Oh but I digress. The teacher wasn't fired, either.
My great grandmother was known for two things a diminutive stature, she was less than 5 feet tall, and a firey temper. A school master unfairly disciplined her son. She hitched up the buck board, went to school and called that schoolmaster out. She whipped him with her horsewhip so badly it nearly killed him.

When I was in school, I beat up the teachers on my own.

Someone needs to take this degenerate aside and explain the facts of life. You do not groom children into accepting the homosexual lifestyle.

"When I was in school, I beat up the teachers on my own."

You're lying of course, but why didn't you just throw them off the roof?


I was incredibly mean and violent as a child. Had I gotten one on the roof I would undoubtably thrown them off, or at least tried. You see these kids today attacking teachers and tearing up classrooms? That was me.
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.

But then again, shouldn't tolerance be a part of the curriculum? I mean, it's essential to avoid bullying in schools, for a start.

Behavior management isn't necessarily a part of the curriculum, but teachers will teach what they feel is necessary to get kids to behave.

Should teachers no teach kids to cover their mouth to cough because it isn't on the curriculum?

Now you've found a great slippery slope.
No, tolerance should NOT be a part of the curriculum. That is the job of the parents.

The curriculum should be reading, writing, arithmetic and music. That is the purpose of school.
As can be seen from this thread parents are falling down on that job and society picks up the tab. Learning to get along and show respect for others is a huge part of schooling.Its daft to pretend otherwise.
I see no evidence of parents falling down on the job. I see fags swirling around a thread about other fags in the schools, grooming children.

You don't get to decide what my children are taught about marriage. Not your call. And if that teacher was in my school district, she would no longer be a teacher.
And ignorant hateful bigotry raises its ugly head.
My granddaughter asked me why some people are left handed. Naturally, I did not answer. Left handed people are degenerate and perverted. If god had intended for people to be left handed, he would not have said that Jesus would sit on the right hand of god on judgement day. I told her to avoid such people unless she chose to bully them, which, of course, is appropriate.
Are you really comparing sexual perversion with left handedness? Do left handed teachers try to make all children left handed?
My granddaughter asked me why some people are left handed. Naturally, I did not answer. Left handed people are degenerate and perverted. If god had intended for people to be left handed, he would not have said that Jesus would sit on the right hand of god on judgement day. I told her to avoid such people unless she chose to bully them, which, of course, is appropriate.
Are you really comparing sexual perversion with left handedness? Do left handed teachers try to make all children left handed?

Nope and thats why its comparable unless you're saying gays are trying to convert children by existing
I get a kick out of people being so self righteous and judgmental about homosexuality. They really are obsessed with what goes on in other people's bedrooms. But, that is only part of their derangement. Another part of their obsession is the need to find a group of people of whom they can claim moral superiority. Third, they demand the right to criminalize inferior people, by assigning to the government the power to prosecute them. This would, of course, make the government the enforcer of morality, within their own definition...no one else's. This was the way things worked during the dark ages. The church had ecclesiastical courts, which condemned witches and heretics, under the Inquisition. After being found guilty, the church claimed that their hands were not bloody, because they turned the wicked over to the government for execution, rather than do it themselves. So many want to return to the good old days! North Carolina and Mississippi are having to learn all over again that it is not the year of 1500 AD. In fact, it is not even 1960, and I hesitate to burst anyone's bubble, but Ozzie and Harriet didn't REALLY sleep in separate beds, and Ricky was paying prostitutes when he was 15 years old.

I guess that the funniest part of all this is what I call the ostrich syndrome. if you kid sees something that prompts a question, don't answer it. If you don't acknowledge that something exists, it simply disappears!

Excellent post.

RWNJ fascist fundie thumpers want govt to control other people's behavior but can't see what the ultimate result of that is.

Or, they do see it and it's what they want.
That is why the federal government should remain out of the matter… And it should never be brought up in schools except for those who sign their kids up for it...

You say govt should stay out but you don't mean it. If you did, you would say the same about marriage equality and abortion.

The likes of the drunk doctor/atty/dog washer and the fake Jew would be more comfortable in the Dark Ages so they could horsewhip epileptics and chain them to walls in the cellar.

Or, they could just go join ISIS and torture/kill anyone they don't like.
The federal government should be out of all the above matters including abortion and gay marriage... States issue
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.

But then again, shouldn't tolerance be a part of the curriculum? I mean, it's essential to avoid bullying in schools, for a start.

Behavior management isn't necessarily a part of the curriculum, but teachers will teach what they feel is necessary to get kids to behave.

Should teachers no teach kids to cover their mouth to cough because it isn't on the curriculum?

Now you've found a great slippery slope.
No, tolerance should NOT be a part of the curriculum. That is the job of the parents.

The curriculum should be reading, writing, arithmetic and music. That is the purpose of school.
As can be seen from this thread parents are falling down on that job and society picks up the tab. Learning to get along and show respect for others is a huge part of schooling.Its daft to pretend otherwise.
I see no evidence of parents falling down on the job. I see fags swirling around a thread about other fags in the schools, grooming children.

You don't get to decide what my children are taught about marriage. Not your call. And if that teacher was in my school district, she would no longer be a teacher.
And ignorant hateful bigotry raises its ugly head.
Telling perverts to abstain from grooming my children isn't bigotry.
My granddaughter asked me why some people are left handed. Naturally, I did not answer. Left handed people are degenerate and perverted. If god had intended for people to be left handed, he would not have said that Jesus would sit on the right hand of god on judgement day. I told her to avoid such people unless she chose to bully them, which, of course, is appropriate.
Are you really comparing sexual perversion with left handedness? Do left handed teachers try to make all children left handed?

Nope and thats why its comparable unless you're saying gays are trying to convert children by existing
This teacher went beyond just existing. She was actively grooming these children.
My granddaughter asked me why some people are left handed. Naturally, I did not answer. Left handed people are degenerate and perverted. If god had intended for people to be left handed, he would not have said that Jesus would sit on the right hand of god on judgement day. I told her to avoid such people unless she chose to bully them, which, of course, is appropriate.
Are you really comparing sexual perversion with left handedness? Do left handed teachers try to make all children left handed?

Nope and thats why its comparable unless you're saying gays are trying to convert children by existing
This teacher went beyond just existing. She was actively grooming these children.

No she didnt...if she did you'd have examples
"Strong, who is in an open relationship with another woman and who has been a teacher for about five years, focused her workshop on what she called the “power of conversation” for promoting LGBTQ issues in an elementary classroom." = grooming.

"“With [the principal’s] encouragement, we decided that I would go from class to class and talk about what ‘gay’ means, what does ‘LGBTQ’ mean, what do ‘I’ mean,” she told about 40 attendees, all educators, at her workshop."


She is initiating these conversations, as a form of ACTIVISIM.

they provide a rich environment for our students as they unpack these complex social issues and they reflect on their own preconceptions, rights, of gender, sexuality, love, all these different things,” she said."

When she says "preconceptions" she means what their parents have chosen to teach them. She states, baldly, that the purpose is to teach them something DIFFERENT than what their parents are teaching them. And to do it before it has even cross the parents mind to have the conversation because normal people don't initiate conversations about sexuality with four year olds. Four year olds are still toddlers, for God's sake. .

"Strong related that as she was reading “King and King” in the junior kindergarten class as a springboard to discuss her sexuality with the kids, she got to the part where the two princes become ‘married’ when one of the boys suddenly shouted out: “They can’t do that! They can’t get married. They’re two boys.”
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old
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To which the boy replied, according to Strong: “Oh, yeah, I know Mrs. Strong, but that’s just a story. That’s not real life.”

“And I said: ‘It happens in real life too. I am married to a woman. I am gay. And I am in love with my wife.”

Strong said the young children “just all kind of went silent.” She then told them: “That may seem different to you, how many of you have heard of that before?”

Awesome. ONE hand went up..

So this isn't about kids asking her about her girlfriend. It's about her initiating this conversation, forcing it, and challenging the children's beliefs about it...before they even think to ask about it.

It isn't about tolerance. It's about grooming.

Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old
Telling perverts to abstain from grooming my children isn't bigotry.
No, your bigotry runs a lot deeper than that. One isn't a pervert simply because they are GLBT.
One who goes from class to class of four year olds to talk about her girlfriend and how she tickles her kids till they scream is a pervert. One who goes to homo teacher activist meetings to better strategize how to circumvent the parents of children so they will be more *open* to homosexuality is a pervert.
Again, if this country, in an appeasement move (which would never happen), accepted the Muslim culture of grown men having sex with little boys, and your little boy's teacher began 'programing' him by teaching him how 'acceptable' it was and how it is wrong to say differently, how many people advocating on the behalf of this teacher would defend 'this' teacher?

If teachers in the classroom began teaching the value of life and how abortions are wrong, that anyone who say differently are wrong, liberals would go ape-shite and demand the teacher be fired. WHY? Because the message with which THAT teacher would be filling the kids' heads would be against THEIR beliefs and agendas.

If this teacher was teaching the kids that sexual preference was and individual and the acceptance of that individual choices as 'right' or 'wrong' is also a INDIVIDUAL'S choice...or even if A TEACHER WOULD BE TEACHING THE KIDS THAT SAME-SEX MARRIAGES/UNIONS IS not 'ACCEPTABLE' - doing the opposite of what THIS teacher is doing - liberals would be going ape-shite.

BOTTOM LINE: 'Programing' children is only ok if what is being taught / injected into their little impressionable minds is what LIBERALS think is acceptable.
Again, if this country, in an appeasement move (which would never happen), accepted the Muslim culture of grown men having sex with little boys, and your little boy's teacher began 'programing' him by teaching him how 'acceptable' it was and how it is wrong to say differently, how many people advocating on the behalf of this teacher would defend 'this' teacher?

If teachers in the classroom began teaching the value of life and how abortions are wrong, that anyone who say differently are wrong, liberals would go ape-shite and demand the teacher be fired. WHY? Because the message with which THAT teacher would be filling the kids' heads would be against THEIR beliefs and agendas.

If this teacher was teaching the kids that sexual preference was and individual and the acceptance of that individual choices as 'right' or 'wrong' is also a INDIVIDUAL'S choice...or even if A TEACHER WOULD BE TEACHING THE KIDS THAT SAME-SEX MARRIAGES/UNIONS IS not 'ACCEPTABLE' - doing the opposite of what THIS teacher is doing - liberals would be going ape-shite.

BOTTOM LINE: 'Programing' children is only ok if what is being taught / injected into their little impressionable minds is what LIBERALS think is acceptable.
They know they're fucking perverts. That's why they want to brainwash the children. It opens up the playing field.

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