Let's be Honest

How much do you really care about others?

  • A lot. I love people

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • A little. Depends on who they are

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Some. But not very much.

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Not at all. People are basically rotten to the core.

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
For me, it definitely depends on who the person is. Some people in this world, I am not ashamed to admit that I do not care for and it is because they do nothing but come across as being demon possessed.

God bless you always!!!

...is it wrong to be supportive the Patriarchy by being willing to inform my girlfriends the "master and commander of her relationship requires the presence of his Chief Mate"; when he wants you back?
Oh Bonzi, you have been away too long. Be honest? On USMB?

Nope, I've not been here for quite sometime. Happy New Year!

You haven't posted all year unless you were on your man's account.

Oh yeah, I haven't forgotten that you're a sociopath, either.

Not on a mans account, but I won't debate the sociopath comment :)

Apparently I have been reading the wrong threads. You certainly have a dedicated following of people who think the worst of you. lol

they are closet worshippers. :)
i sometimes adore cute poon; is that Bad?
i believe in the 'family of man' ideology & have compassion for most humans - unless they have demonstrated just how inhumane THEY are. i would not hesitate to help someone in need nor would i hesitate to gladly see them torn to pieces if warranted.
I couldn't vote.

My level of caring for others can vary all over the spectrum several times a day. It depends on each individual situation and how well I am doing myself.

Good poll though.

Well, at least you gave me something to think about.
I try, but I’m not gonna lie, I’m not really a people person, and sometimes I just want to get away from people in general. (with a few exceptions.)

Most of my compassion is for animals and others who have no voice. But I do pray to have more love and compassion for people. :)

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