Let's just put this shit to bed.

Was he born here?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don't know/care

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I just don't understand why this argument has resurfaced. It was political mud slinging from years ago.
Why does it bother you that I've never seen evidence he was born here?

His behaviour and history tells me he wasn't, and should have been required to prove it before Nov 2008.

Hey Gramps, is that your type? Or do you still not care?
View attachment 168682
Still don't care.

Of course not, the right is in a deep, deep nest of lies here and the best thing you would want is for it to be conveniently swept under the carpet rather than dealing with the fact that the right wing echo chamber of #fakenews has created a network of disinformation. Of course you want to ignore this, it's where you get your news from.
If I wanted to ignore it I wouldn't have created the thread. Do you lefties have any logic in those brains of yours?
I just don't understand why this argument has resurfaced. It was political mud slinging from years ago.
Why does it bother you that I've never seen evidence he was born here?

His behaviour and history tells me he wasn't, and should have been required to prove it before Nov 2008.

Hey Gramps, is that your type? Or do you still not care?
View attachment 168682
Still don't care.

Of course not, the right is in a deep, deep nest of lies here and the best thing you would want is for it to be conveniently swept under the carpet rather than dealing with the fact that the right wing echo chamber of #fakenews has created a network of disinformation. Of course you want to ignore this, it's where you get your news from.
If I wanted to ignore it I wouldn't have created the thread. Do you lefties have any logic in those brains of yours?

You were attempting to show that birtherism isn't really a thing among the right anymore. You were wrong.
Why does it bother you that I've never seen evidence he was born here?

His behaviour and history tells me he wasn't, and should have been required to prove it before Nov 2008.

Hey Gramps, is that your type? Or do you still not care?
View attachment 168682
Still don't care.

Of course not, the right is in a deep, deep nest of lies here and the best thing you would want is for it to be conveniently swept under the carpet rather than dealing with the fact that the right wing echo chamber of #fakenews has created a network of disinformation. Of course you want to ignore this, it's where you get your news from.
If I wanted to ignore it I wouldn't have created the thread. Do you lefties have any logic in those brains of yours?

You were attempting to show that birtherism isn't really a thing among the right anymore. You were wrong.
No I was attempting to put everyone on the record. Deniers, believers & those who think it's a stupid argument.

And it has not been all that successful since most aren't voting.
Don't let him lie like that.

Obama's refusal to turn over college transcripts was every bit as unprecedented as Donald refusing his taxes.

Not true. Got a link to show that all those former presidential candidates released their college transcripts?

EVERY BIT... which is why leftists whining about Donald's taxes are 100% hypocrites.... for the billionth time.

Nope, I could care less about Trump's college transcripts however taxes are a different matter. I know you don't like inconsistencies but Clinton released her taxes, Obama his, Romney his (finally), McCain his, W his and H.W his as well.

Trump releasing his taxes would be like publishing the NYC phone book compared to downloading your cell phone contact list.

So what? That's not even the excuse Trump uses.

He doesn't even need to provide an excuse. He simply does not have to release them.
Why did this bigoted chickenshit Affirmative Action Kleptocrat and Traitor not release his higher ed transcripts???

A: because they have "country of birth" on them, as well as his sorry Affirmative Action grades in actual classes...

Higher Ed transcripts do not have country of birth on them. I just looked at mine from 4 different universities and none of them have anything close to that.

You are just making shit up to support your stupid conspiracy theory.
Don't let him lie like that.

Obama's refusal to turn over college transcripts was every bit as unprecedented as Donald refusing his taxes.

Not true. Got a link to show that all those former presidential candidates released their college transcripts?

EVERY BIT... which is why leftists whining about Donald's taxes are 100% hypocrites.... for the billionth time.

Nope, I could care less about Trump's college transcripts however taxes are a different matter. I know you don't like inconsistencies but Clinton released her taxes, Obama his, Romney his (finally), McCain his, W his and H.W his as well.

Trump releasing his taxes would be like publishing the NYC phone book compared to downloading your cell phone contact list.

So what? That's not even the excuse Trump uses.

He doesn't even need to provide an excuse. He simply does not have to release them.

No one said he had to. Obama didn't have to, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter and Nixon didn't have to either. It's a matter of transparency, especially now.
Those who believe Obama was not born in the US as a citizen is trapped in the dirt bag next of lies of the Alt Right.

Such people deserve no respect as thinking adults.
Let's just admit it

The Great Obama fooled you all. Of course he was born in Kenya. Where else would a young, well off woman from Hawaii choose to have a child? Nothing beats a grass hut and witch doctor to deliver a child.
Was Obama born in the US?

Since you morons seem to think this is important put your money where your mouth is and put it out for everyone to see.

Who cares now, honestly! He is no longer POTUS, and can never run again.

I think the far right trying to convince everyone he wasn't, was an absolute mistake unless they had undeniable proof; which they did not.

Turn about is fair play though, so the left came up with the "collusion/delusion." Problem for them is though, as usual, Hilly started the "Kenya" propaganda, and the collusion/delusion. Hilly and the left got caught this time, so as the saying goes, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me...............be a corrupt hag, and guess what.........your whole house of cards comes tumbling down-)

So while I think Hilly hurt Repubs with Kenya, I think in the end, she is going to screw the whole DNC with the collusion/delusion. We see it happening right now, so THANK YOU HILLY, for being incompetent, irrelevant, and absolutely, immaterial except for screwing the Democrats-)
Was Obama born in the US?

Since you morons seem to think this is important put your money where your mouth is and put it out for everyone to see.

Who cares now, honestly! He is no longer POTUS, and can never run again.

I think the far right trying to convince everyone he wasn't, was an absolute mistake unless they had undeniable proof; which they did not.

Turn about is fair play though, so the left came up with the "collusion/delusion." Problem for them is though, as usual, Hilly started the "Kenya" propaganda, and the collusion/delusion. Hilly and the left got caught this time, so as the saying goes, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me...............be a corrupt hag, and guess what.........your whole house of cards comes tumbling down-)

So while I think Hilly hurt Repubs with Kenya, I think in the end, she is going to screw the whole DNC with the collusion/delusion. We see it happening right now, so THANK YOU HILLY, for being incompetent, irrelevant, and absolutely, immaterial except for screwing the Democrats-)

Not to correct another wingnut on a lie that won't go away. Clinton did not start nor spread the birtherism lie. A campaign volunteer emailed it and was promptly fired for it.

Donald Trump however poured gasoline on the conspiracy and even claimed to have sent people to Hawaii where they were supposedly finding interesting things. However there is proof Trump sent anyone and certainly no information to boast the birther claim. It's what endeared Trump to conservatives. Who cares? You should, you were lied to by the President.
Was Obama born in the US?

Since you morons seem to think this is important put your money where your mouth is and put it out for everyone to see.

Who cares now, honestly! He is no longer POTUS, and can never run again.

I think the far right trying to convince everyone he wasn't, was an absolute mistake unless they had undeniable proof; which they did not.

Turn about is fair play though, so the left came up with the "collusion/delusion." Problem for them is though, as usual, Hilly started the "Kenya" propaganda, and the collusion/delusion. Hilly and the left got caught this time, so as the saying goes, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me...............be a corrupt hag, and guess what.........your whole house of cards comes tumbling down-)

So while I think Hilly hurt Repubs with Kenya, I think in the end, she is going to screw the whole DNC with the collusion/delusion. We see it happening right now, so THANK YOU HILLY, for being incompetent, irrelevant, and absolutely, immaterial except for screwing the Democrats-)

Not to correct another wingnut on a lie that won't go away. Clinton did not start nor spread the birtherism lie. A campaign volunteer emailed it and was promptly fired for it.

Donald Trump however poured gasoline on the conspiracy and even claimed to have sent people to Hawaii where they were supposedly finding interesting things. However there is proof Trump sent anyone and certainly no information to boast the birther claim. It's what endeared Trump to conservatives. Who cares? You should, you were lied to by the President.

I wasn't lied to by President Trump.........ok, maybe BEFORE he was President.

Actually, I was lied to by President Obama! If you like your doc, you can keep your doc, my healthcare payments would fall by 2000 bucks, and drugs were awful........unless of course, they were spirited into the country by Hezzbollah, then in that case, we can poison Americans so as he could get his Iran deal that failed miserably.

Get your facts straight Happy........and BE happy! Why the collusion/delusion is about to be dismantled, and won't you be excited to find out that it was all a scam perpertrated by the Democrats-)

I know it will give you comfort to understand, that YOUR President did not do the things he is accused of, and that the republic is safe.

All together now, kumbaya!
Was Obama born in the US?

Since you morons seem to think this is important put your money where your mouth is and put it out for everyone to see.

Who cares now, honestly! He is no longer POTUS, and can never run again.

I think the far right trying to convince everyone he wasn't, was an absolute mistake unless they had undeniable proof; which they did not.

Turn about is fair play though, so the left came up with the "collusion/delusion." Problem for them is though, as usual, Hilly started the "Kenya" propaganda, and the collusion/delusion. Hilly and the left got caught this time, so as the saying goes, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me...............be a corrupt hag, and guess what.........your whole house of cards comes tumbling down-)

So while I think Hilly hurt Repubs with Kenya, I think in the end, she is going to screw the whole DNC with the collusion/delusion. We see it happening right now, so THANK YOU HILLY, for being incompetent, irrelevant, and absolutely, immaterial except for screwing the Democrats-)

Not to correct another wingnut on a lie that won't go away. Clinton did not start nor spread the birtherism lie. A campaign volunteer emailed it and was promptly fired for it.

Donald Trump however poured gasoline on the conspiracy and even claimed to have sent people to Hawaii where they were supposedly finding interesting things. However there is proof Trump sent anyone and certainly no information to boast the birther claim. It's what endeared Trump to conservatives. Who cares? You should, you were lied to by the President.

I wasn't lied to by President Trump.........ok, maybe BEFORE he was President.

Actually, I was lied to by President Obama! If you like your doc, you can keep your doc, my healthcare payments would fall by 2000 bucks, and drugs were awful........unless of course, they were spirited into the country by Hezzbollah, then in that case, we can poison Americans so as he could get his Iran deal that failed miserably.

Damn, you were kind of making a point and then just flew into the rabbit hole. Anyway, I kept my doc just like the vast majority Americans did. Costs didn't go down like many thought however the rate of increase slowed under Obamacare, I'll take that any day.

And yeah, Trump lied to you before and after as president. Repeal and replace became, meh...whatever. That millionaires and billionaires are going to be so upset at him for raising taxes, that's absolutely not true. I guess that's his only piece of legislation right now so I'll stop there.

Get your facts straight Happy........and BE happy! Why the collusion/delusion is about to be dismantled, and won't you be excited to find out that it was all a scam perpertrated by the Democrats-)

I'm waiting for the investigation to conclude, what is your hurry?

I know it will give you comfort to understand, that YOUR President did not do the things he is accused of, and that the republic is safe.

All together now, kumbaya!

We shall see.
Those who believe Obama was not born in the US as a citizen is trapped in the dirt bag next of lies of the Alt Right.

Such people deserve no respect as thinking adults.
Obama deserves no respect...

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