Let's just put this shit to bed.

Was he born here?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don't know/care

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Who cares now, honestly! He is no longer POTUS, and can never run again.
It would matter alot!!! If it was proven,he was not born in the USA, then he would not have been qualified as president and anything and everything he signed into law would be null and void.
Sorry, bud: not so. (1) because you legal understanding is zip; (2) he is a citizen, born so.
And your reading comprehension is nill. I said "If it was proven,he was not born in the USA"
Who cares now, honestly! He is no longer POTUS, and can never run again.
It would matter alot!!! If it was proven,he was not born in the USA, then he would not have been qualified as president and anything and everything he signed into law would be null and void.
Sorry, bud: not so. (1) because you legal understanding is zip; (2) he is a citizen, born so.
And your reading comprehension is nill. I said "If it was proven,he was not born in the USA"

It's a good thing we don't have to wonder 'if' because it's been settled. Way back in 2008 actually.
Who cares now, honestly! He is no longer POTUS, and can never run again.
It would matter alot!!! If it was proven,he was not born in the USA, then he would not have been qualified as president and anything and everything he signed into law would be null and void.

Ummm, no it would not.

I am on your side, but you have created a false premise to fit your narrative.

CONSIDER-------->we could find out tomorrow he was born outside the United States, and besides the Democrats being post toasties, what laws would change? NONE!

Oh sure, there would be challenges in the Supreme Court, and while all that was going on, the laws would stay valid until a decision.

So what laws would we all like to change? Obamacare? Hello, they had 60 votes, so forget that one! The budgets passed? To late, congress passed them! The Iran deal? The Republicans screwed the pooch on that thanks to Corker and Mcain, so good luck with sticking a pie in both party's faces.

Most of the other Obama nonsense was EOs, and Trump rescinded those.

And so, now what?

You want to galvanize the left even more? Then go ahead and keep a preachin! If you got nothing to prove your position, then all you have done is create a hornets nest; kinda like the collusion/delusion the left has done to itself.

Would it be nice to prove that Obama was illegal? Sure it would, but without absolute proof; proof that EVERYONE would run with mind you, is it worth the chance to look like a damn fool, since he can no longer legislate ANYTHING!

A wise man once said---------> is this the hill you want to die on!

In other words------------------> do NOT kill yourself, and everyone else on a hill that means today, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, when there are so many other juicy hills we can not only defend, but attack from, and win convincingly!
/----/ His name should be scrubbed as a former president, he loses his SS protection and pension. I agree with everything else you list.
I just don't understand why this argument has resurfaced. It was political mud slinging from years ago.

Because right wingers have no new material, and their crazy supporters don't care. They are just as happy ranting about Obama's birth certificate as anything else. Just so they have something to rant about.

We don't care about Obama. We are too busy fixing his mistakes

Yet here is another thread about the birth certificate.
That whole "born in Kenya" routine, was ridiculous, don't you think! It is akin to the collusion/delusion...

On the contrary, believing in the forged birth certificate is more akin to believing the Russian/Donald collusion hoax. As far as facts, what we know is the FBI and DOJ have corrupt and pretty stupid high level officials. Maybe it was hard to believe they would hire an incompetent graphic designer to come up that forged long form birth certificate back before all the revelations about Crooked Hillary, Obama and The Swamp, but now it is easy to understand. At some point the incompetent graphic designer who they hired will come forward, unless they get a Seth Rich type warning.

Did they have a special prosecutor on Obama's birth certificate?
No....they had Sheriff Joe
I just don't understand why this argument has resurfaced. It was political mud slinging from years ago.

Because right wingers have no new material, and their crazy supporters don't care. They are just as happy ranting about Obama's birth certificate as anything else. Just so they have something to rant about.

We don't care about Obama. We are too busy fixing his mistakes

Yet here is another thread about the birth certificate.
And yet here is another thread with conservatives exhibiting their ignorance and stupidity, and the right’s propensity for propagating ridiculous lies.
I just don't understand why this argument has resurfaced. It was political mud slinging from years ago.

Because right wingers have no new material, and their crazy supporters don't care. They are just as happy ranting about Obama's birth certificate as anything else. Just so they have something to rant about.

We don't care about Obama. We are too busy fixing his mistakes
Sure you do – that’s why the ridiculous lies; the lie President Obama left a ‘mess’ being one of many examples.
That whole "born in Kenya" routine, was ridiculous, don't you think! It is akin to the collusion/delusion...

On the contrary, believing in the forged birth certificate is more akin to believing the Russian/Donald collusion hoax. As far as facts, what we know is the FBI and DOJ have corrupt and pretty stupid high level officials. Maybe it was hard to believe they would hire an incompetent graphic designer to come up that forged long form birth certificate back before all the revelations about Crooked Hillary, Obama and The Swamp, but now it is easy to understand. At some point the incompetent graphic designer who they hired will come forward, unless they get a Seth Rich type warning.

You should keep a copy of your post. In the future, if you ever wonder why people say you're nuts, you should read it again for your answer.
And yet here is another thread with conservatives exhibiting their ignorance and stupidity, and the right’s propensity for propagating ridiculous lies.

So there IS legitimate dispute. Libs REALLY want to pretend this is settled. It never will be as long as Libs have a need to legitimize that stain on American politics.
And yet here is another thread with conservatives exhibiting their ignorance and stupidity, and the right’s propensity for propagating ridiculous lies.

So there IS legitimate dispute. Libs REALLY want to pretend this is settled. It never will be as long as Libs have a need to legitimize that stain on American politics.

No, that's 60% of republicans. There is no legitimate dispute. 0% of sane Americans believe it.
Who cares now, honestly! He is no longer POTUS, and can never run again.
It would matter alot!!! If it was proven,he was not born in the USA, then he would not have been qualified as president and anything and everything he signed into law would be null and void.

Ummm, no it would not.

I am on your side, but you have created a false premise to fit your narrative.

CONSIDER-------->we could find out tomorrow he was born outside the United States, and besides the Democrats being post toasties, what laws would change? NONE!

Oh sure, there would be challenges in the Supreme Court, and while all that was going on, the laws would stay valid until a decision.

So what laws would we all like to change? Obamacare? Hello, they had 60 votes, so forget that one! The budgets passed? To late, congress passed them! The Iran deal? The Republicans screwed the pooch on that thanks to Corker and Mcain, so good luck with sticking a pie in both party's faces.

Most of the other Obama nonsense was EOs, and Trump rescinded those.

And so, now what?

You want to galvanize the left even more? Then go ahead and keep a preachin! If you got nothing to prove your position, then all you have done is create a hornets nest; kinda like the collusion/delusion the left has done to itself.

Would it be nice to prove that Obama was illegal? Sure it would, but without absolute proof; proof that EVERYONE would run with mind you, is it worth the chance to look like a damn fool, since he can no longer legislate ANYTHING!

A wise man once said---------> is this the hill you want to die on!

In other words------------------> do NOT kill yourself, and everyone else on a hill that means today, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, when there are so many other juicy hills we can not only defend, but attack from, and win convincingly!
/----/ His name should be scrubbed as a former president, he loses his SS protection and pension. I agree with everything else you list.

Of course you believe that. You're a dittihead.
A day later and this is still not put to bed. Seems maybe the OP was actually just flamebait after all
Was Obama born in the US?

Since you morons seem to think this is important put your money where your mouth is and put it out for everyone to see.
Two weeks ago a snowflake posted a thread declaring ' CONSERVATIVES believe Obama was not born in the US'.

Now another snowflakes creates ANOTHER thread about it.

Funny how this board mimics the real world.

Hillary's team initially brought Barry's citizenship into question ... and now here snowflakes are bringing it up again ... and blaming the GOP AGAIN...

...and the only reason is as a distraction from the self-destructing witch hunt against President Trump as he finishes his 1st year with many accomplishments, many Barry 'Legacy' items gone, and Trump matching Barry's 1st year approval record.

And yet here is another thread with conservatives exhibiting their ignorance and stupidity, and the right’s propensity for propagating ridiculous lies.

So there IS legitimate dispute. Libs REALLY want to pretend this is settled. It never will be as long as Libs have a need to legitimize that stain on American politics.

No, that's 60% of republicans. There is no legitimate dispute. 0% of sane Americans believe it.
And that poll was taken ....in 2012.

I just don't understand why this argument has resurfaced. It was political mud slinging from years ago.

Ask those on the right.

My guess is they are still trying to delegitimize Obama's presidency and the fact that he is still more popular than Trump. Anyway, truth matters not 'don't know/don't care, that is for cop outs.

One of the reasons he is still more popular than Trump is the right won't let him go, the more they bring him up the more popular he gets. But they don't understand that and who cares.

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