Libs won today, what ecxactly did we win?


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
They got the Rino side to go along with them, so I guess that's a win.

What did the citizens of the US win? Apparently that was never a consideration among the libs and rino's.

We the taxpayers get the following prize.

We still get obiecare, doubling our premiums and deductibles for worse insurance than we have ever had to deal with in our lives. But even better you can't even sign up for it because the government can't operate a website. You will however pay for not signing up. No not everyone, they have waivers. Just you. Not the government, not business, not special interest groups, not unions, just you get to pay. That's a winner.

Our debt has been increased! Winner! Heading for 18 trillion because apparently we can't live within our means we have to keep borrowing. Don't worry though, someone else will pay this bill. Fuck, I didn't mean the rich I meant your kids and grandkids, they get to pay this new debt.

We won the lottery of keeping 18% of our government that was shutdown because they aren't vital back on the job. Hell yeah! We got 500k people back to work we never needed in the first place. Winners!

That makes us winners?

We're winners! Let's celebrate!

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Gee, sounds like a crappy win. Sorry. Actually, no one was a winner. Certainly not the American people.
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Gee, sounds like a crappy win. Sorry. Actually, no one was a winner. Certainly not the American people.

You bet. The American taxpayer sure didn't win anything. Of course the Dems and lefty loons will crow about their great win. They can't see the forrest for the trees apparantly.

Those clowns in DC will now spend even more money and the ACA is gonna break the bank.

Should be interesting to say the least.
It highlighted the poison of the extremist viewpoint for one thing. Hopefully voters will keep that in mind when choosing who to vote for: who is interested in solving problems facing our nation and who is interested in circumventing the standards if they didn't get their way in 2010.

The Dems and America won. The nation averted fiscal disaster, ended a silly government shutdown, and now thousands are back on the job and the spin-offs are once again making money; not losing the reported $24B.

The GOP lost big time and that is good going forward. They've become a niche party and this has also highlighted what niche they serve; it's certainly not the middle income Americans and it's certainly not Americans who are not doing so well.

That they caved in Prime Time was the cherry on top of the sundae; the icing on the cake as it were. In political terms, I'm happy that Reid and Obama stood so stedfast as to not give these people a single thing worth celebrating. It's hilarious that anyone who has observed Washington for any amount of time could have predicted this outcome 2 weeks ago but somehow the GOP members of the House couldn't?

What else; oh yeah...on this board it's just like the 2012 election all over again. I'll have fun bringing up those threads from a few days ago although I have a probate matter that will probably take most of my time in reality.

As for this thread...the Dems won; America won. The GOP lost. Big time. Suck on that.

It highlighted the poison of the extremist viewpoint for one thing. Hopefully voters will keep that in mind when choosing who to vote for: who is interested in solving problems facing our nation and who is interested in circumventing the standards if they didn't get their way in 2010.

The Dems and America won. The nation averted fiscal disaster, ended a silly government shutdown, and now thousands are back on the job and the spin-offs are once again making money; not losing the reported $24B.

The GOP lost big time and that is good going forward. They've become a niche party and this has also highlighted what niche they serve; it's certainly not the middle income Americans and it's certainly not Americans who are not doing so well.

That they caved in Prime Time was the cherry on top of the sundae; the icing on the cake as it were. In political terms, I'm happy that Reid and Obama stood so stedfast as to not give these people a single thing worth celebrating. It's hilarious that anyone who has observed Washington for any amount of time could have predicted this outcome 2 weeks ago but somehow the GOP members of the House couldn't?

What else; oh yeah...on this board it's just like the 2012 election all over again. I'll have fun bringing up those threads from a few days ago although I have a probate matter that will probably take most of my time in reality.

As for this thread...the Dems won; America won. The GOP lost. Big time. Suck on that.


Candycorn, you haven't taken into account that the American people haven't had their first taste of Obamacare. It's coming very shortly and they will see what the Republicans were trying to save them from. ONLY THEN will we see the real ramifications of what transpired and what will transpire again when we hit the next debt ceiling.

Then the people can make their decision of what party was looking out for their best interests when choosing their representatives at the voting booths in November. So, your celebrating may be too early.
I agree.

Wait till 2015 when what you spend on HC is declared as income and your taxed on it. Get ready for your premiums to goup.

Also, wait till those 21 taxes in the ACA hit. I think all those supporters will be singing a different tune.

Wait till everyone logging onto the ACA get a load of their deductables. No joke there.

The only winners in the ACA are those we taxpayers will be forced to subsidize.
They got the Rino side to go along with them, so I guess that's a win.

What did the citizens of the US win? Apparently that was never a consideration among the libs and rino's.

We the taxpayers get the following prize.

We still get obiecare, doubling our premiums and deductibles for worse insurance than we have ever had to deal with in our lives. But even better you can't even sign up for it because the government can't operate a website. You will however pay for not signing up. No not everyone, they have waivers. Just you. Not the government, not business, not special interest groups, not unions, just you get to pay. That's a winner.

Our debt has been increased! Winner! Heading for 18 trillion because apparently we can't live within our means we have to keep borrowing. Don't worry though, someone else will pay this bill. Fuck, I didn't mean the rich I meant your kids and grandkids, they get to pay this new debt.

We won the lottery of keeping 18% of our government that was shutdown because they aren't vital back on the job. Hell yeah! We got 500k people back to work we never needed in the first place. Winners!

That makes us winners?

We're winners! Let's celebrate!

Here's the good news......Obama is going to tackle immigration next while the iron is hot.

Turning 30 million illegals into taxpayers so they can apply for Social Security Disability is gonna be great for the economy.
The Republicans took uppity a bridge too far, and got a righteous beating for their trouble.
The Republicans took uppity a bridge too far, and got a righteous beating for their trouble.

I don't think winning at the expense of the taxpayer is anything to crow about.

FYI, we have firmly established who is for and who is against Obamacare.

Now you can't blame it on us. If you try it will be thrown back in your faces.
It highlighted the poison of the extremist viewpoint for one thing. Hopefully voters will keep that in mind when choosing who to vote for: who is interested in solving problems facing our nation and who is interested in circumventing the standards if they didn't get their way in 2010.

The Dems and America won. The nation averted fiscal disaster, ended a silly government shutdown, and now thousands are back on the job and the spin-offs are once again making money; not losing the reported $24B.

The GOP lost big time and that is good going forward. They've become a niche party and this has also highlighted what niche they serve; it's certainly not the middle income Americans and it's certainly not Americans who are not doing so well.

That they caved in Prime Time was the cherry on top of the sundae; the icing on the cake as it were. In political terms, I'm happy that Reid and Obama stood so stedfast as to not give these people a single thing worth celebrating. It's hilarious that anyone who has observed Washington for any amount of time could have predicted this outcome 2 weeks ago but somehow the GOP members of the House couldn't?

What else; oh yeah...on this board it's just like the 2012 election all over again. I'll have fun bringing up those threads from a few days ago although I have a probate matter that will probably take most of my time in reality.

As for this thread...the Dems won; America won. The GOP lost. Big time. Suck on that.


"Suck on that" ? Yeah, well blow it out your ass sweetheart.
Now that the so-called shutdown is over, full focus will be placed on the Obamacare rollout which all reports so far have been quite negative. We will now get to see just how bad the computer glitches really are. Here's one of many articles to get you started.
The Abysmal, Pathetic Obamacare Rollout - The Daily Beast
It highlighted the poison of the extremist viewpoint for one thing. Hopefully voters will keep that in mind when choosing who to vote for: who is interested in solving problems facing our nation and who is interested in circumventing the standards if they didn't get their way in 2010.

The Dems and America won. The nation averted fiscal disaster, ended a silly government shutdown, and now thousands are back on the job and the spin-offs are once again making money; not losing the reported $24B.

The GOP lost big time and that is good going forward. They've become a niche party and this has also highlighted what niche they serve; it's certainly not the middle income Americans and it's certainly not Americans who are not doing so well.

That they caved in Prime Time was the cherry on top of the sundae; the icing on the cake as it were. In political terms, I'm happy that Reid and Obama stood so stedfast as to not give these people a single thing worth celebrating. It's hilarious that anyone who has observed Washington for any amount of time could have predicted this outcome 2 weeks ago but somehow the GOP members of the House couldn't?

What else; oh yeah...on this board it's just like the 2012 election all over again. I'll have fun bringing up those threads from a few days ago although I have a probate matter that will probably take most of my time in reality.

As for this thread...the Dems won; America won. The GOP lost. Big time. Suck on that.


Candycorn, you haven't taken into account that the American people haven't had their first taste of Obamacare. It's coming very shortly and they will see what the Republicans were trying to save them from. ONLY THEN will we see the real ramifications of what transpired and what will transpire again when we hit the next debt ceiling.

Then the people can make their decision of what party was looking out for their best interests when choosing their representatives at the voting booths in November. So, your celebrating may be too early.
Oh don't worry if Obamacare truly becomes the nightmare many think it will candy and the left will find some way to try and blame it on the Republicans. The left better hope Obamacare works as it was advertised because for better or worse they own that sucker.
It highlighted the poison of the extremist viewpoint for one thing. Hopefully voters will keep that in mind when choosing who to vote for: who is interested in solving problems facing our nation and who is interested in circumventing the standards if they didn't get their way in 2010.

The Dems and America won. The nation averted fiscal disaster, ended a silly government shutdown, and now thousands are back on the job and the spin-offs are once again making money; not losing the reported $24B.

The GOP lost big time and that is good going forward. They've become a niche party and this has also highlighted what niche they serve; it's certainly not the middle income Americans and it's certainly not Americans who are not doing so well.

That they caved in Prime Time was the cherry on top of the sundae; the icing on the cake as it were. In political terms, I'm happy that Reid and Obama stood so stedfast as to not give these people a single thing worth celebrating. It's hilarious that anyone who has observed Washington for any amount of time could have predicted this outcome 2 weeks ago but somehow the GOP members of the House couldn't?

What else; oh yeah...on this board it's just like the 2012 election all over again. I'll have fun bringing up those threads from a few days ago although I have a probate matter that will probably take most of my time in reality.

As for this thread...the Dems won; America won. The GOP lost. Big time. Suck on that.


Candycorn, you haven't taken into account that the American people haven't had their first taste of Obamacare.
Factually incorrect.

Portions of the ACA have been in effect for some time now and you're eligible to benefit from them such as the no lifetime cap on your insurance. No rejection based on PEC's.

It's coming very shortly and they will see what the Republicans were trying to save them from. ONLY THEN will we see the real ramifications of what transpired and what will transpire again when we hit the next debt ceiling.
Time will tell on that; however there was an election in 2012; Obama won 332-206 and the ACA was a key issue. The voters decided.

The GOP was trying to save them? Sure..whatever.

Then the people can make their decision of what party was looking out for their best interests when choosing their representatives at the voting booths in November. So, your celebrating may be too early.

I predict a Republican victory in 2014 and started predicting it in November. Look it up. Midterms almost always favor the party that doesn't control the White House. You can look that up as well.
I agree.

Wait till 2015 when what you spend on HC is declared as income and your taxed on it. Get ready for your premiums to goup.

Also, wait till those 21 taxes in the ACA hit. I think all those supporters will be singing a different tune.

Wait till everyone logging onto the ACA get a load of their deductables. No joke there.

The only winners in the ACA are those we taxpayers will be forced to subsidize.

You could say that about any taxes you pay. You subsidize the coast guard if you live in Kansas--no where near a coast. You also subsidize the Grand Canyon if you live in Maine; NASA if you live in a log cabin and the NIH if you're in perfect shape.

That this is a new thing--taxes for the collective good of the nation--is factually incorrect.

But please continue with the "it will fail" gambit. It's the latest in the "It won't pass the House", "It won't pass the Senate", "It will be overturned", "We'll vote Obama out in 2012" line of 'reasoning' from the right wing.

After a while, don't you get tired of looking like an idiot?
It highlighted the poison of the extremist viewpoint for one thing. Hopefully voters will keep that in mind when choosing who to vote for: who is interested in solving problems facing our nation and who is interested in circumventing the standards if they didn't get their way in 2010.

The Dems and America won. The nation averted fiscal disaster, ended a silly government shutdown, and now thousands are back on the job and the spin-offs are once again making money; not losing the reported $24B.

The GOP lost big time and that is good going forward. They've become a niche party and this has also highlighted what niche they serve; it's certainly not the middle income Americans and it's certainly not Americans who are not doing so well.

That they caved in Prime Time was the cherry on top of the sundae; the icing on the cake as it were. In political terms, I'm happy that Reid and Obama stood so stedfast as to not give these people a single thing worth celebrating. It's hilarious that anyone who has observed Washington for any amount of time could have predicted this outcome 2 weeks ago but somehow the GOP members of the House couldn't?

What else; oh yeah...on this board it's just like the 2012 election all over again. I'll have fun bringing up those threads from a few days ago although I have a probate matter that will probably take most of my time in reality.

As for this thread...the Dems won; America won. The GOP lost. Big time. Suck on that.


"Suck on that" ? Yeah, well blow it out your ass sweetheart.
Now that the so-called shutdown is over, full focus will be placed on the Obamacare rollout which all reports so far have been quite negative. We will now get to see just how bad the computer glitches really are. Here's one of many articles to get you started.
The Abysmal, Pathetic Obamacare Rollout - The Daily Beast

You may recall that those who could fix the glitches were furloughed thanks to the Boehner shutdown....

This thread is so much fun!!!
What the Libs won was a smackdown of the rightwing extremists

It takes extortion out of their playbook for the forseeable future. It cased a rift in the Republican Party where two factions fight eachother rather than the Dems. It made the President stronger and the TeaTards weaker

That is what was won
the dems won and America lost
the dems won and America won cant coexist
we get stuck with more debt, aca is still in tact and that bitch McConnell got billions.
fuck washington!
all the dems cared about was winning and making the right look like fools.
see post above!
What the Libs won was a smackdown of the rightwing extremists

It takes extortion out of their playbook for the forseeable future. It cased a rift in the Republican Party where two factions fight eachother rather than the Dems. It made the President stronger and the TeaTards weaker

That is what was won
LOL you hack piece of antiamerican shit
the TP got stronger and the moderates lost their ass
open your eyes fool! :lol:
I agree.

Wait till 2015 when what you spend on HC is declared as income and your taxed on it. Get ready for your premiums to goup.

Also, wait till those 21 taxes in the ACA hit. I think all those supporters will be singing a different tune.

Wait till everyone logging onto the ACA get a load of their deductables. No joke there.

The only winners in the ACA are those we taxpayers will be forced to subsidize.

You could say that about any taxes you pay. You subsidize the coast guard if you live in Kansas--no where near a coast. You also subsidize the Grand Canyon if you live in Maine; NASA if you live in a log cabin and the NIH if you're in perfect shape.

That this is a new thing--taxes for the collective good of the nation--is factually incorrect.

But please continue with the "it will fail" gambit. It's the latest in the "It won't pass the House", "It won't pass the Senate", "It will be overturned", "We'll vote Obama out in 2012" line of 'reasoning' from the right wing.

After a while, don't you get tired of looking like an idiot?

Idiot is thy name. After all, you believe Obamacare is great.

Your another one who can't see the forrest for the trees.

The only reason I subsidize anything is because I have no say in the matter. I have no wish to pay for anyones anything. If you can't take care of yourself then tough shit. I see no reason for my hardearned money to take care of you.

The only winners will be those we are forced to subsidize. You will of course figure this out in due course. Your an idiot.

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