Life of the mother is not a reason to kill the baby in the womb......what 1,000 Doctors say....

I agree. All who do not place the Mother's life first and foremost are ignorant, worthless bigots.
You’re inhuman garbage, but the least you could do is learn English and communicate coherently, dumb fuck.

You are literally complaining, right now, that people who believe in equality are bigots.

How do you remember to breathe? Please stop remembering.
You’re inhuman garbage, but the least you could do is learn English and communicate coherently, dumb fuck.

You are literally complaining, right now, that people who believe in equality are bigots.

How do you remember to breathe? Please stop remembering.
what equality are you speaking of?
So many sad stories, if you open your eyes, here they are trying to kill the life in a womb, and end up killing the mother?
Further details on the death of Tonya Reaves, a 24-year-old who died after an abortion at Planned Parenthood’s Loop Health Center in Chicago, have remained hidden after employees at the Chicago Office of the Medical Examiner failed to comply with the Life Legal Defense Foundation‘s request for Reaves’ autopsy report.

The controversial manner of Reaves’ death on July 20 triggered calls for abortion provider regulation in Illinois, one of a handful of states that allow abortion providers to function with little or no oversight. A local report noted that Reaves was bleeding for five and a half hours at the facility on 18 S. Michigan Ave. before she was taken to the hospital, where she died.
Abortion is a sad, public, story, not private at all.

I would like to tell you how horrible I feel about my abortion. I now know that I took the life of my own baby My heart is broken; I cry all the time; I feel so bad that I took this poor innocent life. I also feel I will never over come this. Then when I think about it, do we ever over come death? Six years ago I was ignorant and didn't realize this was a baby in my womb, after all abortion is legal so it is OK. This is what is confusing to so many innocent people. It is not fair to be unaware of the facts on abortion and then find out later that this is a human life. Every human life has the right to life. No one should decide to take the innocent life of a baby. Again, because abortion is legal, I thought it was OK. I am now suffering immensely the pain of the realization of what I did. If only that doctor would have cared enough to take the time out and explain how the baby is developing and the medical risks that were involved. Maybe if that doctor cared, another innocent life would have been saved. It is too late for me now, but at least I can get my message out to other ignorant victims.
Abortion, is nothing less than murder, time to change the laws, protect the innocent, even reward them for having children, but it is a sick society that demonizes the unborn and shames and denigrate women, forcing them to have abortions.

“I happened to have walked into an operating room where they were doing an abortion on a late pregnancy. They lifted out a small baby that was able to cry and breathe and they put it in a bucket and put it in the corner of the room and pretended it wasn’t there.

I walked down the hallway and a baby was born early — slightly bigger than the baby they put in the bucket and they wanted to save this baby. So they might have had 10 doctors in there doing everything conceivable [to save that baby’s life].

Who are we to decide that we pick and throw one away and pick up and struggle to save the other ones[?] … Unless we resolve this and understand that life is precious and we must protect life, we can’t protect liberty.”

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