Lock Down

We should only be quarantining the people who are sick, the elderly and people with health issues.
We royally screwed up by quarantining everyone and it is destroying the economy.
People have lost their businesses and life savings.

People have also lost their lives. The question is which one is more important?
We should only be quarantining the people who are sick, the elderly and people with health issues.
We royally screwed up by quarantining everyone and it is destroying the economy.
People have lost their businesses and life savings.

People have also lost their lives. The question is which one is more important?
The way quarantines are supposed work is that the sick people are locked-down, not everyone
For those with pre-existing conditions extremely important.. Not for the young and not for the healthy

Yes, but on the other hand, the young and healthy could contract the virus and spread it to those of us who are elderly or with complex medical issues.
Then you should stay away from the young and healthy. I am 73 with copd and I would never side with crashing the greatest economy in my lifetime to protect me from the flu. I would just quarantine myself and let life go on as normal. What we are doing to our economy is a tragedy.
For those with pre-existing conditions extremely important.. Not for the young and not for the healthy

Yes, but on the other hand, the young and healthy could contract the virus and spread it to those of us who are elderly or with complex medical issues.
Then you should stay away from the young and healthy. I am 73 with copd and I would never side with crashing the greatest economy in my lifetime to protect me from the flu. I would just quarantine myself and let life go on as normal. What we are doing to our economy is a tragedy.

My stance throughout this thing is we should keep a low profile until there are easily enough N-95 masks and hand sanitizer for everybody. For most people, there is no possible way to isolate yourself for a prolonged period of time. We need to get to the grocery store, drug store, gas station and so on.
We should only be quarantining the people who are sick, the elderly and people with health issues.
We royally screwed up by quarantining everyone and it is destroying the economy.
People have lost their businesses and life savings.

People have also lost their lives. The question is which one is more important?
The way quarantines are supposed work is that the sick people are locked-down, not everyone

Very true, but you don't have to be sick to have it. They are now saying there are a lot of asymptomatic people running around with this. The ideal thing is to have everybody isolated for three weeks, no leaving your home for any reason, nobody allowed into our country, and whether you have it or not, you will be over it in those three weeks and it will be gone.

However as we all know, that isn't possible. So what they are trying to do is get us as close to that perfected plan as possible.
We should only be quarantining the people who are sick, the elderly and people with health issues.
We royally screwed up by quarantining everyone and it is destroying the economy.
People have lost their businesses and life savings.

People have also lost their lives. The question is which one is more important?
The way quarantines are supposed work is that the sick people are locked-down, not everyone

Very true, but you don't have to be sick to have it. They are now saying there are a lot of asymptomatic people running around with this. The ideal thing is to have everybody isolated for three weeks, no leaving your home for any reason, nobody allowed into our country, and whether you have it or not, you will be over it in those three weeks and it will be gone.

However as we all know, that isn't possible. So what they are trying to do is get us as close to that perfected plan as possible.
we should isolate the elderly and the venerable
For those with pre-existing conditions extremely important.. Not for the young and not for the healthy

Yes, but on the other hand, the young and healthy could contract the virus and spread it to those of us who are elderly or with complex medical issues.
Then you should stay away from the young and healthy. I am 73 with copd and I would never side with crashing the greatest economy in my lifetime to protect me from the flu. I would just quarantine myself and let life go on as normal. What we are doing to our economy is a tragedy.
It is only a tragedy if we want to preserve a system that uses us. It is a great opportunity to change to an economy we can use.
We should only be quarantining the people who are sick, the elderly and people with health issues.
We royally screwed up by quarantining everyone and it is destroying the economy.
People have lost their businesses and life savings.

Yeah, quarantining the healthy is about the dumbest thing one can do. There is no science in that idiocy. You quarantine the sick.
We should only be quarantining the people who are sick, the elderly and people with health issues.
We royally screwed up by quarantining everyone and it is destroying the economy.
People have lost their businesses and life savings.

People have also lost their lives. The question is which one is more important?
The way quarantines are supposed work is that the sick people are locked-down, not everyone

Very true, but you don't have to be sick to have it. They are now saying there are a lot of asymptomatic people running around with this. The ideal thing is to have everybody isolated for three weeks, no leaving your home for any reason, nobody allowed into our country, and whether you have it or not, you will be over it in those three weeks and it will be gone.

However as we all know, that isn't possible. So what they are trying to do is get us as close to that perfected plan as possible.
we should isolate the elderly and the venerable

Okay, for how long? How long could you take being totally isolated? This thing is expected to last months, and maybe well into next year.

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