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Lol, 23% of Conservatives Are Not Supporting Trump? Really?

So you will Vote for the other retarded democrat running?

No. The only candidate I haven't ruled out yet is Darrell Castle, the Constitution Party candidate. If he doesn't work out then I'll be doing the same as in 2012 - writing in my own name.
Trump has employed and paid a lot more people than Hillary has.

Are you sure? Word has it that the non profit (wink wink nod nod Bill and Hillary Foundation employs tens of thousands around the world building channels to fund the flow of funny money fostered upon Bill and Hillary. Speaking of.....

This is true you know? Vince Foster is coming out with a book. Amazing isn't it.

I read about it on Hillary's private server.
How come the private servers I have are at strip clubs?

Anyway, I bet da Donald has caused employment of some strippers before. Don't ya think? Maybe dated a couple. Didn't Marla ride the pole?

You sure about those numbers of people employed?

Hell most of the apprentices get fired. Casino workers get let go when the casino fails.

Hillary causes employment of millions of hackers. And computer security jobs. All Don does is go tweet tweet tweet.

Must be China where the hats are made. Those jobs.uh
Why doesn't he (Donald) say that he wants to" make great American hats again"?

You really going to vote for Trump?
More bullshit that you think counterbalances Hillarys intent to do away with 2nd Amendment rights, raise taxes, increase regulatory costs, neglect ISIS, and cause far more harm to this country of a real nature, not the Gotcha bullshit directed at Trump.

You are a moron or a shill.
Ok, sounds reasonable...so what are you looking to hear from a candidate specifically?

Basically the same 8 pages that were read in Philadelphia in the summer of 1776. Someone who actually believes in and is willing to govern by the US Constitution.
So, for the lack of such an abstract answer, as 100% of the PResidential candidates say that they abide by those 8 pages, dude, you will choose to let Hillary pick the next 4 SCOTUS judges and rip up the 2nd Amendment?

Trump has employed and paid a lot more people than Hillary has.

Are you sure? Word has it that the non profit (wink wink nod nod Bill and Hillary Foundation employs tens of thousands around the world building channels to fund the flow of funny money fostered upon Bill and Hillary. Speaking of.....

This is true you know? Vince Foster is coming out with a book. Amazing isn't it.

I read about it on Hillary's private server.
How come the private servers I have are at strip clubs?

Anyway, I bet da Donald has caused employment of some strippers before. Don't ya think? Maybe dated a couple. Didn't Marla ride the pole?

You sure about those numbers of people employed?

Hell most of the apprentices get fired. Casino workers get let go when the casino fails.

Hillary causes employment of millions of hackers. And computer security jobs. All Don does is go tweet tweet tweet.

Must be China where the hats are made. Those jobs.uh
Why doesn't he (Donald) say that he wants to" make great American hats again"?

You really going to vote for Trump?
More bullshit that you think counterbalances Hillarys intent to do away with 2nd Amendment rights, raise taxes, increase regulatory costs, neglect ISIS, and cause far more harm to this country of a real nature, not the Gotcha bullshit directed at Trump.

You are a moron or a shill.

Well, when you're a tinfoil hat-wearing wingnut, I guess these things might look they're gonna happen, but....
23% have principles...To bad 38% went full retard and nominated a democrat to run as a republican. Guess we see how bad Hillary really is.
isn't John McCain a Democrat?
In his heart, which is why he takes every opportunity to attack Trump.

The collaborating bastard should be in prison for treason instead of traveling around the nation for free as a US Senator.
Wants to reform the tax system? I bet he wants to bring those jobs back too.
That is all you have; lies, fake concern and aspersions on a man who has done far more with his life than a shitstain like you ever will.

Hillary is a criminal, a liar and a fraud, and the best you democrats can respond with is 'Well Trump is worse!'
So, for the lack of such an abstract answer, as 100% of the PResidential candidates say that they abide by those 8 pages, dude, you will choose to let Hillary pick the next 4 SCOTUS judges and rip up the 2nd Amendment?


Federal Officials have been breaking that oath since at least 1860. Their words don't outweigh their illegal, immoral and unconstitutional actions over time.

My hope is that April of 2017 repeats the historical record of the Aprils of 1861 and 1775 if any major party candidate wins.
All of his promises involve other things to happen first.

He'll build a wall - If Mexico pays for it
He'll bring back jobs - If the tax code is fixed first
He'll debate - If the dates are changed
He'll win - If the system isnt rigged

He alone can bring back his jobs if it was as important as he says it is. And he doesnt even need a brand new tax code to do it.

Yeah, Trump is not planning on being a dictator like Obama, so his plans are contingent on other people doing other things.

So why dont you migrate to China, Goose stepping lunatic?
This Hillary person sure has great powers, powers so great she does everything wrong according to those perceptive humans who are able to see all these great powers. Is Hillary god one wonders, poised over a console of control, raising taxes, invading nations, neglecting nations, etc etc etc. She does it all. Wow is all I can say, this woman of so many accomplishments does all this on her own, and no one, no one else has any say in all these acts. Unreal, we should be glad there are people like JimBowie1958 who are able to see all the work she has done all by herself. Hopefully Jim does not come up on her console of control, for truth will once again be hidden.
More horse shit from a libtard.

And I dont think many people missed the fact that you didnt address a single point made, shit4brains.

I addressed your points and you had nothing to say back, apparently.
So, for the lack of such an abstract answer, as 100% of the PResidential candidates say that they abide by those 8 pages, dude, you will choose to let Hillary pick the next 4 SCOTUS judges and rip up the 2nd Amendment?


Federal Officials have been breaking that oath since at least 1860. Their words don't outweigh their illegal, immoral and unconstitutional actions over time.

My hope is that April of 2017 repeats the historical recoding of the Aprils of 1861 and 1775 if any major party candidate wins.

Dude you know that is not going to happen, and if things got so fucking bad that they did, you and I and most of the people we love will end up dead or crippled the rest of their lives.

Get real, that is no solution.
This Hillary person sure has great powers, powers so great she does everything wrong according to those perceptive humans who are able to see all these great powers. Is Hillary god one wonders, poised over a console of control, raising taxes, invading nations, neglecting nations, etc etc etc. She does it all. Wow is all I can say, this woman of so many accomplishments does all this on her own, and no one, no one else has any say in all these acts. Unreal, we should be glad there are people like JimBowie1958 who are able to see all the work she has done all by herself. Hopefully Jim does not come up on her console of control, for truth will once again be hidden.
More horse shit from a libtard.

And I dont think many people missed the fact that you didnt address a single point made, shit4brains.

I addressed your points and you had nothing to say back, apparently.

What is the post number where you did that? Maybe I missed it.

Wants to reform the tax system? I bet he wants to bring those jobs back too.
That is all you have; lies, fake concern and aspersions on a man who has done far more with his life than a shitstain like you ever will.

Hillary is a criminal, a liar and a fraud, and the best you democrats can respond with is 'Well Trump is worse!'

All you have is cute names
For you conservatives, independents, and working class people who are tired of the corporate crony network taking your jobs away and sending them overseas so they can make more windfall profits, and suppressing your wages since 1970, if you cant decide whether to vote for Hillary or for Trump, ask yourself a few questions:

1) Is Hillary appointing four SCOTUS judges a bad thing to your mind? The next President will set the attitude and direction of the Supreme court for generations to come. Do you want that to be done by a pro-working class populist or by a professional politician who thinks the Marxist radicals in Black Lies Matter are entirely legit?

2) Is her continuing to neglect the war with Salafist Jihadis, that has now grown into a global threat, a bad thing to you? Will you feel more secure about your children's safety and national security with 8 more years of what got us this mess in the first place? Where has Hillary stabilized our allies around the world instead of destabilizing them? Do you want her to repeat her catastrophic failures she had in Libya, Egypt, Syria and Yemen in Europe, Asia and South America? Do you want to watch her abandon Israel when it comes to its time of need for our support?

3) What about her promise to raise taxes on the Middle Class by over a trillion dollars? Is your home budget tight enough already? Do you feel like you want to pay more taxes as Hillary cuts taxes on the wealthy and opens our borders to more foreign labor of all kinds which will LOWER working class wages even more after Hillary's tax hikes?

4) And what about Hillary's plans to negate the Second amendment by regulating gun ownership to death? You like that idea too? You want to get arrested for having a gun in your car when you drive to see your Mom because now that state is controled by gun grabbing fascists who are trying to stamp ouot gun ownership thanks to Hillary?

5) What about her support for Black Lies Matter who wants reparations for slavery? Hillary will give it to them along with handcuffing our police forces. Oh, and they also demand "community ownership of property" which is code for blatant communism. Is that bad too?

6) And Hillary will continue to cannibalize our military; you like that? Our military is at lower readiness levels than we have seen since BEFORE World War 2, is that a boost to our nations security? What ahppened around the globe when we were so weak back in 1939?

7) You like how she has a 30 year history of dodging the law under suspicious circumstances, like the Cattle Futures scandal or her White Water scandal? How about how the FBI director admitted publicly that she violated the law, but gave her a pass on negligence charges anyway because he couldnt prove intent? Since when does a negligence charge require intent? Just because it was a Royal Clinton being charged and the corporations cant have one of their biggest and best shills being put in prison? Do you know what a shill is?

8) You like a candidate that is completely bought and paid for by the Corporate Crony Network with hundreds of millions of US dollars donated to her, or paid to her for 'speeches', that is a good thing in your mind? What did she tell the Wall Street bank Goldman Sachs that that bank paid her $650,000? You like how the corporations have set up a dynastic system in the US and we have had five Presidential candidates from only two families in five of the last six Presidential elections?

If all that obviously damaging and corrupt track record is completely negated in your estimation by Trumps blunt speaking and his rhetorical flubs, plenty of which Hillary makes and the press just ignores and you know that, then you are either an idiot or another a Democrat ideological hack.

End of story. Period.

The Trump Conundrum
Dude if you have a point make it and dont just link to some thread started by a bitter NEVERTRUMPer.

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