Louisiana Judge under pressure after using "n" word

So, what, the only thing stopping white people from going around calling black people the n-word is fear of being beaten up? That’s what you think?

That's what he thinks. That white people are scared of black folks.
Dude has lost his damn mind. He's blinded by racism. It oozes from his fro.

Should this racist judge resign ?

I think so. She should not be on the bench with those views. She should be the GOP representative for that district,

Maybe they should investigate her past judgments as well.
Do n!ggers exist. Can you define what make a person one? I can
Oh I though you were talking about neighbors. But one thing I have learned all races have ******* and even my Black friends know that.
She used a racial slur in her own home while watching a car being stolen. As a judge she should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us, but I’d say context matters here.
She used a racial slur in her own home while watching a car being stolen. As a judge she should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us, but I’d say context matters here.
Was this her own home being burglarized? I'm not quite sure.

And yes 5hey should be held to a higher standard, INCLUDING black government officials. SAME STANDARD
Tell me J Mac why is it that white folks on this forum won't call out white racist on this forum.

Oh, I have no problem calling out racists...My future son in law is black, and my newly born granddaughter is half black....I just question the overuse of the label in today's society....
Was this her own home being burglarized? I'm not quite sure.

And yes 5hey should be held to a higher standard, INCLUDING black government officials. SAME STANDARD

Equality is important.

But we ALL need to just take a step back and stop letting these race hustlers fuck with our 1st Amendment. Who was that country singer who got cancelled for saying "nigga?" (Not ngr).
It's getting out of hand when the cancel culture is stronger than the 1st Amendment.
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You are the idiot, Hunter Biden doesn't hold any public office and I have never heard him call me a Nword.
All a sudden you loons don't care about the actions of a presidents children. Biden has said racist things throughout his career. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
This is destined to fail. So many mistakes. Wish her well though
Why do you say that?

They seem to love each other, and I know they both love my new granddaughter....So, without knowing either one of them, why would you say such a thing to me?

When my wife and I met some 34 years ago, and got married about 8 weeks later, everyone in her family said the same thing...They lobbied her to leave me, they didn't care for me at all...

Now, after 34 years of marriage, we are the longest married couple in the family...Hmmm, guess their predictions based on preconcieved notions was totally wrong in our case wasn't it?
Oh, I have no problem calling out racists...My future son in law is black, and my newly born granddaughter is half black....I just question the overuse of the label in today's society....
Funny that I have never seen you do it. How is it overused?
All a sudden you loons don't care about the actions of a presidents children. Biden has said racist things throughout his career. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Funny that all of a sudden you care about Hunter Biden who holds NO public office. Most white politicians have said racist things. Hell look at LBJ and he signed the VRA and CRA.

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