Many Americans Are Getting TRUMP DERANGEMENT FATIGUE as dems Continue to Froth at the Mouth

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Many of us predicted that there would be nothing but chaos in the Oval Office if Trump got a majority of the Electoral College votes.

The oval office isn't in chaos. You have it confused with the DNC. :)
The WH isn't in chaos?
Trump supporters believe that the current Executive runs like a well-oiled precision machine.

They themselves are a well oiled machine of mindless Trump defense, extreme denial, and 110% adherence to the code of never-admit-you-were-wrong.
You just defined the libs to a T.
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Many of us predicted that there would be nothing but chaos in the Oval Office if Trump got a majority of the Electoral College votes.

The oval office isn't in chaos. You have it confused with the DNC. :)
The WH isn't in chaos?
Trump supporters believe that the current Executive runs like a well-oiled precision machine.

They themselves are a well oiled machine of mindless Trump defense, extreme denial, and 110% adherence to the code of never-admit-you-were-wrong.
perhaps minds would change if you idiots actually had something of value. but alas, useless idiots one and all. it doesn't matter our feelings of trump, it is our feelings that you all have lost your minds.
These leftist lemmings live in their fantasy bubble and dream up bad things and scandals for the president of the US.

They pile delusion upon delusion upon delusion until they don't know which end is up anymore.

Democrats are so focused on Trump hate that they cannot accomplish anything. Which is ultimately a good thing.
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Many of us predicted that there would be nothing but chaos in the Oval Office if Trump got a majority of the Electoral College votes.

The oval office isn't in chaos. You have it confused with the DNC. :)
The WH isn't in chaos?
Trump supporters believe that the current Executive runs like a well-oiled precision machine.

They themselves are a well oiled machine of mindless Trump defense, extreme denial, and 110% adherence to the code of never-admit-you-were-wrong.
You just defined the libs to a T.

See what I mean? He can't deny it.
What really needs to be done is to make the media accountable for lying.

What have they lied about? Be specific.
you name it. it's all lies. It is simple.

adjective: specific
clearly defined or identified.
good to see you know how to use google.

Good to see you don't.
what is it you'd like me to look up for you? be specific. LOL
I'd like to see the evidence that Americans are getting sick of the attacks on Trump.

You know. Evidence.
It' the little stuff in this Russia mess that bothers me. don't no if there was any negative intent on Trumps part to harm America, am concerned that there was intent to make profit for Trumps business. Trump Jr said" Russians make up a cross section of a lot of our assets, we see money pouring in from Russia" and Eric Trump said" we don't rely on American banks, we have all the funding we need out of Russia, that's not Trump him self but they are his kids.
I do think that that voters are getting tired of the drama that goes with Trump. The problem is that if only Democrats were doing it then that would be one thing. Liberals went after Reagan and he laughed it off. While his approval ratings did drop, they never got as low as Trump's are. The problem is that the Trump Davidians are as bad as the left. They talk about treason and throwing everybody in jail. Trump goes to the Coast Guard graduation and whines about how he is picked on. His tweets do as much damage to himself as the Democrats do. Voters see Washington as a cesspool of adults acting like children.

The reason why people are moving away from Fox is because they refuse to cover the news. Other cable outlets are and people are concerned about the allegations and want information not ignorance. If you go to a business and they don't have what you want then you go elsewhere. Consumerism 101.
It' the little stuff in this Russia mess that bothers me. don't no if there was any negative intent on Trumps part to harm America, am concerned that there was intent to make profit for Trumps business. Trump Jr said" Russians make up a cross section of a lot of our assets, we see money pouring in from Russia" and Eric Trump said" we don't rely on American banks, we have all the funding we need out of Russia, that's not Trump him self but they are his kids.
I do think that that voters are getting tired of the drama that goes with Trump. The problem is that if only Democrats were doing it then that would be one thing. Liberals went after Reagan and he laughed it off. While his approval ratings did drop, they never got as low as Trump's are. The problem is that the Trump Davidians are as bad as the left. They talk about treason and throwing everybody in jail. Trump goes to the Coast Guard graduation and whines about how he is picked on. His tweets do as much damage to himself as the Democrats do. Voters see Washington as a cesspool of adults acting like children.

The reason why people are moving away from Fox is because they refuse to cover the news. Other cable outlets are and people are concerned about the allegations and want information not ignorance. If you go to a business and they don't have what you want then you go elsewhere. Consumerism 101.
who's moving away exactly? with a link.

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