Many Americans Are Getting TRUMP DERANGEMENT FATIGUE as dems Continue to Froth at the Mouth

I'd like to see the evidence that Americans are getting sick of the attacks on Trump.

You know. Evidence.
LOL! All the people that despise you on this forum would be proof enough to a non-liar.
Anti-Trump hysteria has been ongoing for so long that it's just a matter of time before the lefty windbags start dropping like flies. Bodies cannot sustain that level of hysteria indefinitely. So then they'll be dying, AND being lodged in prison and mental institutions.

And the only thing that could make it better?

If Trump was impeached and PENCE became president! Omg he's an evangelical Christian, it would be a GIFT.

Imbecilic lefties. Impeach Trump!! Do it!!!!!
Mike Pence for prez! Trump is fabulous...but PENCE is even better!

"Upon becoming Governor of Indiana in January 2013, Pence initiated the largest tax cut in Indiana's history, pushed for more funding for education initiatives, and continued to increase the state's budget surplus. Pence signed bills intended to restrict abortions, including one that prohibited abortions if the reason for the procedure was the fetus's race, gender, or disability."

"Despite successful advocacy for more funding for pre-schools, voucher programs, and charter schools, Pence has frequently clashed with teachers unions and supporters of public schooling.[84][85] In one of his first acts as governor, Pence removed control of the Educational Employment Relations Board, which was in charge of handling conflicts between unions and school boards, from Glenda Ritz, a Democrat who was the Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction (a separately elected position in the state).[92] Pence created a new "Center for Education and Career Innovation" (CECI) to coordinate efforts between schools and the private sector; Ritz opposed the Center, viewing it as a "power grab" and encroachment on her own duties. Pence eventually disestablished the Center in order to help defuse the conflict."

"During Pence's term in office, the Republican-controlled Indiana General Assembly "repeatedly tried to roll back renewable energy standards and successfully ended Indiana's energy efficiency efforts."[95] Pence has been an outspoken supporter of the coal industry, declaring in his 2015 State of the State address that "Indiana is a pro-coal state," expressing support for an "all-of-the-above energy strategy," and stating: "we must continue to oppose the overreaching schemes of the EPA until we bring their war on coal to an end."

"In 2014, over the opposition of Indiana school organizations, Pence signed a bill which allows firearms to be kept in vehicles on school property.[99] In 2015, following a shooting in Chattanooga, Pence recruited the National Rifle Association to train the Indiana National Guard on concealed carry. Some National Guard officials from other states questioned why a civilian organization would be involved in a military issue.[100] In May 2015, Pence signed into law Senate Bill 98, which limited lawsuits against gun and ammunition manufacturers and sellers and retroactively terminated the City of Gary's still-pending 1999 lawsuit against gun manufacturers and retailers that allegedly made illegal sales of handguns."

"On March 26, 2015, Pence signed Indiana Senate Bill 101, also known as the Indiana "religious objections" bill (Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA), into law.[111] The law's signing was met with criticism by people and groups who felt the law was carefully worded in a way that would permit discrimination against LGBT persons"...

He's amazing. I go to bed praying that the idiots will unseat Trump so Pence can be our president for the next 8 years.

Mike Pence - Wikipedia
Mike Pence for prez! Trump is fabulous...but PENCE is even better!

"Upon becoming Governor of Indiana in January 2013, Pence initiated the largest tax cut in Indiana's history, pushed for more funding for education initiatives, and continued to increase the state's budget surplus. Pence signed bills intended to restrict abortions, including one that prohibited abortions if the reason for the procedure was the fetus's race, gender, or disability."

"Despite successful advocacy for more funding for pre-schools, voucher programs, and charter schools, Pence has frequently clashed with teachers unions and supporters of public schooling.[84][85] In one of his first acts as governor, Pence removed control of the Educational Employment Relations Board, which was in charge of handling conflicts between unions and school boards, from Glenda Ritz, a Democrat who was the Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction (a separately elected position in the state).[92] Pence created a new "Center for Education and Career Innovation" (CECI) to coordinate efforts between schools and the private sector; Ritz opposed the Center, viewing it as a "power grab" and encroachment on her own duties. Pence eventually disestablished the Center in order to help defuse the conflict."

"During Pence's term in office, the Republican-controlled Indiana General Assembly "repeatedly tried to roll back renewable energy standards and successfully ended Indiana's energy efficiency efforts."[95] Pence has been an outspoken supporter of the coal industry, declaring in his 2015 State of the State address that "Indiana is a pro-coal state," expressing support for an "all-of-the-above energy strategy," and stating: "we must continue to oppose the overreaching schemes of the EPA until we bring their war on coal to an end."

"In 2014, over the opposition of Indiana school organizations, Pence signed a bill which allows firearms to be kept in vehicles on school property.[99] In 2015, following a shooting in Chattanooga, Pence recruited the National Rifle Association to train the Indiana National Guard on concealed carry. Some National Guard officials from other states questioned why a civilian organization would be involved in a military issue.[100] In May 2015, Pence signed into law Senate Bill 98, which limited lawsuits against gun and ammunition manufacturers and sellers and retroactively terminated the City of Gary's still-pending 1999 lawsuit against gun manufacturers and retailers that allegedly made illegal sales of handguns."

"On March 26, 2015, Pence signed Indiana Senate Bill 101, also known as the Indiana "religious objections" bill (Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA), into law.[111] The law's signing was met with criticism by people and groups who felt the law was carefully worded in a way that would permit discrimination against LGBT persons"...

He's amazing. I go to bed praying that the idiots will unseat Trump so Pence can be our president for the next 8 years.

Mike Pence - Wikipedia

Hey! Another one moving into the throw Trump under the bus crowd.

lol Before it's over the Trumpbots will be singing Trump Who!!?? in harmony.
I'd like to see the evidence that Americans are getting sick of the attacks on Trump.

You know. Evidence.
LOL! All the people that despise you on this forum would be proof enough to a non-liar.

Oh, I see. The point of the thread is that Trump supporters are getting sick of the attacks on Trump?

lol, good one.

No way, we want you to continue, and successfully impeach Trump, so we can have PENCE as our president!
Hey! Another one moving into the throw Trump under the bus crowd.

lol Before it's over the Trumpbots will be singing Trump Who!!?? in harmony.

Who are you lying to now? Yourself? Your tiny childlike fan club?

Americans are tiring of the non stop media liars, that is a fact.
I'd like to see the evidence that Americans are getting sick of the attacks on Trump.

You know. Evidence.
LOL! All the people that despise you on this forum would be proof enough to a non-liar.

Oh, I see. The point of the thread is that Trump supporters are getting sick of the attacks on Trump?

lol, good one.

No way, we want you to continue, and successfully impeach Trump, so we can have PENCE as our president!

As always I am WAAAAY ahead of you. I said some time ago that leaving Trump in office was better than impeaching and convicting and removing him,

specifically because of Pence.
I'd like to see the evidence that Americans are getting sick of the attacks on Trump.

You know. Evidence.
LOL! All the people that despise you on this forum would be proof enough to a non-liar.

Oh, I see. The point of the thread is that Trump supporters are getting sick of the attacks on Trump?

lol, good one.

No way, we want you to continue, and successfully impeach Trump, so we can have PENCE as our president!

As always I am WAAAAY ahead of you. I said some time ago that leaving Trump in office was better than impeaching and convicting and removing him,

specifically because of Pence.
As always, responds with a lie and and character assassination.
Hey! Another one moving into the throw Trump under the bus crowd.

lol Before it's over the Trumpbots will be singing Trump Who!!?? in harmony.

Who are you lying to now? Yourself? Your tiny childlike fan club?

Americans are tiring of the non stop media liars, that is a fact.

The Trumpbot poster said this:

I go to bed praying that the idiots will unseat Trump so Pence can be our president for the next 8 years.

Now convince me that isn't throwing Trump under the bus.
I'd like to see the evidence that Americans are getting sick of the attacks on Trump.

You know. Evidence.
LOL! All the people that despise you on this forum would be proof enough to a non-liar.

Oh, I see. The point of the thread is that Trump supporters are getting sick of the attacks on Trump?

lol, good one.

No way, we want you to continue, and successfully impeach Trump, so we can have PENCE as our president!

Hey! Another one moving into the throw Trump under the bus crowd.

lol Before it's over the Trumpbots will be singing Trump Who!!?? in harmony.

Who are you lying to now? Yourself? Your tiny childlike fan club?

Americans are tiring of the non stop media liars, that is a fact.

The Trumpbot poster said this:

I go to bed praying that the idiots will unseat Trump so Pence can be our president for the next 8 years.

Now convince me that isn't throwing Trump under the bus.

Oh I like Trump.

I voted for him. I think he's wonderful.

BUT PENCE WOULD BE BETTER. You idjits never think anything through. And your senators and reps are crapping themselves. They're infinitely more intelligent than their constituents.
Hey! Another one moving into the throw Trump under the bus crowd.

lol Before it's over the Trumpbots will be singing Trump Who!!?? in harmony.

Who are you lying to now? Yourself? Your tiny childlike fan club?

Americans are tiring of the non stop media liars, that is a fact.

The Trumpbot poster said this:

I go to bed praying that the idiots will unseat Trump so Pence can be our president for the next 8 years.

Now convince me that isn't throwing Trump under the bus.

Oh I like Trump.

I voted for him. I think he's wonderful.

BUT PENCE WOULD BE BETTER. You idjits never think anything through. And your senators and reps are crapping themselves. They're infinitely more intelligent than their constituents.

Pence would be better in the sense that his affliction is RWnuttery, not the general madness that Trump suffers.
The way I think things should happen:

1. The Special prosecutor will find overwhelming evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia.
2. Congress will be forced to remove Trump from Office just before the 2018 election.
3. The Dems will take back control of the House and maybe the Senate.
4. Pence will serve as an unpopular and impotent President.
5. The Dems will win the Presidency and control both Houses after the 2020 election.

Of course I thought that Trump wouldn't win the election, so what will probably happen is:

1. The Special prosecutor will find overwhelming evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia.
2. The GOP controlled house will refuse to hold impeachment hearings no matter what.
3. Trump will move to Mar-a-Lago permanently
4. Putin will move to the White house as his 'home away from home'.
5. Melania will move to the White House Permanently.
6. Vladimer and Melania will live happily ever after.
7. The Alt-Right will succeed in forcing amending the Constitution so it no longer requires the U.S. President to be a U.S. citizen
8. Putin will win the 2020 Presidential election and become dictator of the world.

I suppose that's at least as likely as Trump getting elected President.
Hey! Another one moving into the throw Trump under the bus crowd.

lol Before it's over the Trumpbots will be singing Trump Who!!?? in harmony.

Who are you lying to now? Yourself? Your tiny childlike fan club?

Americans are tiring of the non stop media liars, that is a fact.

The Trumpbot poster said this:

I go to bed praying that the idiots will unseat Trump so Pence can be our president for the next 8 years.

Now convince me that isn't throwing Trump under the bus.

Oh I like Trump.

I voted for him. I think he's wonderful.

BUT PENCE WOULD BE BETTER. You idjits never think anything through. And your senators and reps are crapping themselves. They're infinitely more intelligent than their constituents.

Pence would be better in the sense that his affliction is RWnuttery, not the general madness that Trump suffers.
agreed, he doesn't want to drain the swamp as bad as trump does. It is why the elitists in DC want to make his life miserable. We expected something like this. Bannon even stated they would just give it up without a fight. It's all been predictable.

The funny thing, is there isn't any crime that's been found, so technically they can't have the independent counsel. They're only called for when there is a crime. so the task for all you lefties out there, what is the crime. come on team trump promote this one.
The way I think things should happen:

1. The Special prosecutor will find overwhelming evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia.
2. Congress will be forced to remove Trump from Office just before the 2018 election.
3. The Dems will take back control of the House and maybe the Senate.
4. Pence will serve as an unpopular and impotent President.
5. The Dems will win the Presidency and control both Houses after the 2020 election.

Of course I thought that Trump wouldn't win the election, so what will probably happen is:

1. The Special prosecutor will find overwhelming evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia.
2. The GOP controlled house will refuse to hold impeachment hearings no matter what.
3. Trump will move to Mar-a-Lago permanently
4. Putin will move to the White house as his 'home away from home'.
5. Melania will move to the White House Permanently.
6. The Alt-Right will succeed in forcing amending the Constitution so it no longer requires the U.S. President to be a U.S. citizen
7. Putin will win the 2020 Presidential election and become dictator of the world.

I suppose that's at least as likely as Trump getting elected President.
r will find overwhelming evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia.

what will that mean? it isn't illegal.

find overwhelming evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia

what will that mean? it isn't illegal.
it was the plan. A dude was on Tucker Carlson last night and explained it very well. here:

Interesting take on this. One point I will make that actually hurt the Democratic party was the last point the guest made, that the "Democratic party has been taking their cue from the media". I believe that Clinton didn't do alot of rallies or remain as active as Trump during the election because she believed that it was best to be heard and not seen, by being heard, it was all the gushing and support provided by the media, celebrities and her surrogates, from the President on down. She relied on references from others, sort of like you trusting a friend about the best place to eat lunch. We now know it backfired dramatically.

If Trump and the GOP remain on the offensive it will counter false narratives and ensure they are not sidelined in 2018 and beyond. Elections need to be about policies. Hard detailed policies, not "fluff" and activism. I would love to hear some intelligent, strong policies put forth by the Democrats. I want to hear the arguments against low taxes, "Buy American", renegotiating trade agreements that have caused U.S jobs to be shipped elsewhere, and, why 11 million illegal immigrants which cost the nation over $100B a year, are good policies.

Otherwise, the Democrats are being drawn to the far left by only a couple of states.

The problem is that voters oppose large parts of the GOP agenda. Obamacare is more popular than Trumpcare or Trump himself. It will throw millions of people off of their insurance plans. The fact is that voters have to be educated on lower taxes. Reagan ran on tax cuts and was able to explain why it was important in a way that people could understand. The GOP has no one like that. Paul Ryan sounds like a accountant and his idea that tax cuts have to be paid for will be a political disaster. Trump is not smart enough to explain it and the fact that he benefits personally from his tax plan does not help. "Buy America" will make projects more expensive as you have less competition. Also other countries lock the US by adopting "Buy *". American companies come out the loser. US jobs are not being lost due to trade deals. TPP would have lowered or eliminated thousands of tariffs. New jobs are being created in the import/export business. The fact is that a large number of jobs have been lost to productivity. It takes fewer people to create the same number of products.

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