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Mass incarceration. Sessions says- Lock em up, throw away the key.

True story:

When we were teens, a friend of mine got in trouble with a girl, so they ran off to Florida. They did fine for a few months, but eventually the cops caught up with them because they were both under age. They were sent back to Ohio and had the intention of getting married. Suddenly, she decided she didn't want the baby.

My friend said he would gladly take his baby and ask nothing of her in way of support, but she refused to give the baby to him. It went to court and was fought for months. In the meantime, he was courting my sister and they got engaged. My sister told the court that after they got married, she would be willing to take the baby and raise it herself.

After a lot of fighting and a lot of money spent, the court decided that the mother had the right to have children services put the baby up for adoption. So the bailiff took his son from his arms in the court room and that was the last time he held him.
I'm sorry to hear that.

At the very least, a father should have the same rights as the mother.

It had a happy ending I guess you could say. This happened back in the mid 70's, and about five years ago, my now ex brother-in-law did a search to see if he could find his long lost son on the internet, and he found him. In fact, his son was living in the same town as him and was a writer for their local newspaper.

He wanted to explain to his son exactly what happened so he didn't go through life wondering why he was thrown into adoption. The people that raised him didn't tell him anything about being adopted until he was in his 20's. Imagine that shock. And the only reason the mother said anything is because she got really pissed at him and wanted to inflict pain.

When he found him, his son was married for several years and my ex brother-in-law got to meet his grandchildren. They now stay in contact and he posts pictures of his son, my niece and nephew on Face Book all the time.
That's because non violent offenses do not mean non violent people.
And when you put non-violent people in with violent people, the non-violent people come out violent.
They are violent when they go in. That's why they are there. They have already gone through rehab, community service, halfway houses and counseling. They have had sentences with non violent first offenders. They have graduated. They committed acts of violence and gone on.

No matter what they have done, robbery, home invasion ask the common drug criminal will all say "it was only one roach. Not even mine."
Very dangerous destructive people. They enjoy creating bloody chaos. I think Trump made a big mistake surrounding himself with em. And it's so perplexing because he routinely criticized George Bush. He especially savaged him on the Iraq War blunder. But now as President, he's surrounded himself with Bush-Neocons. Unfortunately, they'll likely be his undoing. They only know death and destruction. They'll bring him down.

I just hope Trump's able to accomplish the couple things i supported him for. If he can somehow fix our broken Immigration System and appoint at least two Supreme Court Justices, he will have done all i asked of him. Those are the most important issues in our country. They'll decide our nation's future. All the other issues don't mean too much. I just hope he can get that done before the Neocons bring him down. I guess we'll see though.
They're going to bring us all down. They're going to end all life on planet earth, because they have the insane notion that we can win a nuclear war against Russia and China.

But if that happens, look at the bright side, at least the planet will be rid of neocons.

Well, Hillary Clinton wasn't a viable alternative for me. Her and Democrats are aggressively pushing another Cold War with Russia. She would have moved us much closer to a disastrous confrontation with the Russians. But i definitely hear ya on Neocons. They are very destructive people. They crave bloody chaos. They will likely be Trump's undoing.
It had a happy ending I guess you could say. This happened back in the mid 70's, and about five years ago, my now ex brother-in-law did a search to see if he could find his long lost son on the internet, and he found him. In fact, his son was living in the same town as him and was a writer for their local newspaper.

He wanted to explain to his son exactly what happened so he didn't go through life wondering why he was thrown into adoption. The people that raised him didn't tell him anything about being adopted until he was in his 20's. Imagine that shock. And the only reason the mother said anything is because she got really pissed at him and wanted to inflict pain.

When he found him, his son was married for several years and my ex brother-in-law got to meet his grandchildren. They now stay in contact and he posts pictures of his son, my niece and nephew on Face Book all the time.
Was his son a liberal? :ack-1:
Well, Hillary Clinton wasn't a viable alternative for me. Her and Democrats are aggressively pushing another Cold War with Russia. She would have moved us much closer to a disastrous confrontation with the Russians. But i definitely hear ya on Neocons. They are very destructive people. They crave bloody chaos. They will likely be Trump's undoing.
Hillary Clinton is a closet neocon.
Sessions is only going after KNOWN gangbangers who are dealing hard drugs.
Who in their right mind wants these sub-humans on the street.
Hope all the LIB's children get hooked on heroin and drain their parents bank accounts dry.
They are violent when they go in. That's why they are there. They have already gone through rehab, community service, halfway houses and counseling. They have had sentences with non violent first offenders. They have graduated. They committed acts of violence and gone on.

No matter what they have done, robbery, home invasion ask the common drug criminal will all say "it was only one roach. Not even mine."
Your average pot smoker is not violent. And they don't go in violent. They become violent as a way to survive incarceration. 70% of the people in prison are there for victimless crimes. No one should go to prison on drug charges.
When do you start lobbying for a return to alcohol prohibition?

Why do you support making the problem twice as bad as it is today and encouraging kids to do drugs which damage their developing brain?

Somebody is encouraging kids to use drugs? We democrats are the ones that are winning the war on tobacco, by taxing it to death. When I was a kid, anybody could drop $.35 into a vending machine for a pack of cigarettes. Today, you have to get a second mortgage to buy a pack of cigarettes. Republicans called it another "nanny state" action. but, the percentage of kids smoking has been dramatically reduced, and tobacco is still legal. In fact, for those of you who believe that decriminalized drugs is the worst thing that could happen, you should think about tobacco. It is the only product legally sold in America, that if used as directed, will probably kill you.

Now there's a liberal idea: make tobacco illegal but legalize pot so people are stoned all the time.
The war on drugs is a disgrace and clearly unconstitutional as hell. You want to talk about liberty and unconstitutional things? lol

better be for legalization.

The Constitution does not prohibit our representatives from making law. In fact, that's why our representatives are there.
I can't think of a state that agrees with that.

Can you name one
No. What I'm saying is that should not be a law.

True story:

When we were teens, a friend of mine got in trouble with a girl, so they ran off to Florida. They did fine for a few months, but eventually the cops caught up with them because they were both under age. They were sent back to Ohio and had the intention of getting married. Suddenly, she decided she didn't want the baby.

My friend said he would gladly take his baby and ask nothing of her in way of support, but she refused to give the baby to him. It went to court and was fought for months. In the meantime, he was courting my sister and they got engaged. My sister told the court that after they got married, she would be willing to take the baby and raise it herself.

After a lot of fighting and a lot of money spent, the court decided that the mother had the right to have children services put the baby up for adoption. So the bailiff took his son from his arms in the court room and that was the last time he held him.
How long ago was this because for the last who knows how many years the state has to find that father and get his consent. Even if a child is adopted, a father can come back years later and unwind that adoption unless a judge has found the father unfit.

Years ago I worked with a young man whose girlfriend got pregnant. He begged her to have that baby. He promised to marry her. All he wanted was his family. Then she had the baby and he met another girl. One day she knocked on his door and said "you know that baby you wanted." She handed him a naked newborn. Not even a diaper. Turned around and got into her car and drove off. He never saw or heard from her again. He had to move in with his parents so his mom could take care of the baby.

This was back in the mid 70's, but the reason I posted the story is to show how much more leverage our law gives to women over men when it comes to children. I'm sure nothing like that would happen today as our news rooms are always looking for a story to jerk tears out of our eyes, but women still do have the power over men. It's probably why your friends GF didn't get into any trouble for abandoning her child.
They are violent when they go in. That's why they are there. They have already gone through rehab, community service, halfway houses and counseling. They have had sentences with non violent first offenders. They have graduated. They committed acts of violence and gone on.

No matter what they have done, robbery, home invasion ask the common drug criminal will all say "it was only one roach. Not even mine."
Your average pot smoker is not violent. And they don't go in violent. They become violent as a way to survive incarceration. 70% of the people in prison are there for victimless crimes. No one should go to prison on drug charges.

Good luck trying to get through to Neanderthal cretins on this one. People like Sessions don't possess the ability to differentiate between violent criminals and completely peaceful recreational drug users. In their warped brains, they're all the same.

They gladly throw them into cages alongside the most brutal violent criminals. You just won't get through to those folks. I've tried for years. Like i said, Neocons have a nasty Nazi streak in em. They only know death and destruction. Our Justice System can't evolve until the Neanderthal cretins go extinct. It is what it is.
Good luck trying to get through to Neanderthal cretins on this one. People like Sessions don't possess the ability to differentiate between violent criminals and completely peaceful recreational drug users. In their warped brains, they're all the same.

The fact of the matter is that very few drug users are in prison today simply for using. Most of them are sellers of dangerous narcotics or the drug charge they got was in association with a more serious crime. The percentage of people in prison today for usage only is in the lower single digits.
So...did you not read the post you quoted, or did you just ignore it?
70 years is too disproportionate.

t the conclusion of a four-day jury trial this week in Macon County Superior Court Adam Joshua Sanders, 30, of Franklin was convicted of trafficking in methamphetamine by possession, trafficking in methamphetamine by transportation, and conspiracy to traffic in methamphetamine. He was sentenced Thursday to a maximum of 70 and a half years in prison, and he will serve at least 56 years before he is eligible for release. This case was the first case for trial during a three week special narcotics terms in Macon County Superior Court that began on Monday and will continue for the next two weeks.

I think he got what he deserved.

Adam Sanders sentenced to 70 years for drug trafficking - The Macon County News

He is a piece of shit who was contributing directly to this poison that are killing the youth here and destroying families. Don't want to go to prison? Don't commit the crime.
I believe there could be a challenge to this sentence on the grounds of it being unusually cruel.
I notice Judge Coward is highly political and is an alum of the University of North Carolina School of Law.
Don't know what his prior record is...no idea on the judge didn't look him up at all. I doubt he will get much sympathy though.

Are you saying that you have no clue as to the prior record of felon Adam Sanders? If that is true, why would you have any comment?
Why would I know his prior record? I don't know the pos personally and the paper didn't report it.
They are violent when they go in. That's why they are there. They have already gone through rehab, community service, halfway houses and counseling. They have had sentences with non violent first offenders. They have graduated. They committed acts of violence and gone on.

No matter what they have done, robbery, home invasion ask the common drug criminal will all say "it was only one roach. Not even mine."
Your average pot smoker is not violent. And they don't go in violent. They become violent as a way to survive incarceration. 70% of the people in prison are there for victimless crimes. No one should go to prison on drug charges.
Anyone who sells drugs to children to get them hooked should be shot.
There is NO such thing as a victimless crime when it comes to selling drugs.
Dope is a well known 'gateway' drug to young people prone to addiction.
So you hate Mexicans soooooo much you would admittedly hand our white house over to Nazis. Wow.
What did the Mexicans ever do to you?
What did nazis ever do to you?

Anyone whose opinions you don't like is a nazi. Whereas, Mexicans commit horrific crimes on a daily basis.
I didn't bring up nazis nor did I compare anyone to a nazi.
"mexicans commit horrific crimes on a daily basis"
You really are a piece of work. You know, you sound just as idiotic as trump. If you would like to go around parroting rhetoric, pick someone respectable lol.

I think he or she was referring to Illegal Immigration. We shouldn't be importing Thousands of brutal criminals from other nations. We have enough crime problems with our own Citizenry. Illegal Immigration needs to end. Period, end of story
can one of you buffoons please provide a source that shows Mexicans are brutal criminals any more than any other race?

I don't believe anyone here made that claim. You might just be paranoid, or 'Snowflake-Sensitive.' We have no business importing Thousands of brutal criminals to our country. We have enough problems. Illegal Immigration needs to end. It doesn't need to be 'slowed' or 'reduced.' It needs to end, period.
first degrees should go first.
So...did you not read the post you quoted, or did you just ignore it?
70 years is too disproportionate.

t the conclusion of a four-day jury trial this week in Macon County Superior Court Adam Joshua Sanders, 30, of Franklin was convicted of trafficking in methamphetamine by possession, trafficking in methamphetamine by transportation, and conspiracy to traffic in methamphetamine. He was sentenced Thursday to a maximum of 70 and a half years in prison, and he will serve at least 56 years before he is eligible for release. This case was the first case for trial during a three week special narcotics terms in Macon County Superior Court that began on Monday and will continue for the next two weeks.

I think he got what he deserved.

Adam Sanders sentenced to 70 years for drug trafficking - The Macon County News

He is a piece of shit who was contributing directly to this poison that are killing the youth here and destroying families. Don't want to go to prison? Don't commit the crime.
I believe there could be a challenge to this sentence on the grounds of it being unusually cruel.
I notice Judge Coward is highly political and is an alum of the University of North Carolina School of Law.
Don't know what his prior record is...no idea on the judge didn't look him up at all. I doubt he will get much sympathy though.

Are you saying that you have no clue as to the prior record of felon Adam Sanders? If that is true, why would you have any comment?
Why would I know his prior record? I don't know the pos personally and the paper didn't report it.
That's because non violent offenses do not mean non violent people.
And when you put non-violent people in with violent people, the non-violent people come out violent.
They are violent when they go in. That's why they are there. They have already gone through rehab, community service, halfway houses and counseling. They have had sentences with non violent first offenders. They have graduated. They committed acts of violence and gone on.

No matter what they have done, robbery, home invasion ask the common drug criminal will all say "it was only one roach. Not even mine."
Alcohol is a powerful, mood altering drug.
So...did you not read the post you quoted, or did you just ignore it?
70 years is too disproportionate.

t the conclusion of a four-day jury trial this week in Macon County Superior Court Adam Joshua Sanders, 30, of Franklin was convicted of trafficking in methamphetamine by possession, trafficking in methamphetamine by transportation, and conspiracy to traffic in methamphetamine. He was sentenced Thursday to a maximum of 70 and a half years in prison, and he will serve at least 56 years before he is eligible for release. This case was the first case for trial during a three week special narcotics terms in Macon County Superior Court that began on Monday and will continue for the next two weeks.

I think he got what he deserved.

Adam Sanders sentenced to 70 years for drug trafficking - The Macon County News

He is a piece of shit who was contributing directly to this poison that are killing the youth here and destroying families. Don't want to go to prison? Don't commit the crime.
I believe there could be a challenge to this sentence on the grounds of it being unusually cruel.
I notice Judge Coward is highly political and is an alum of the University of North Carolina School of Law.
Don't know what his prior record is...no idea on the judge didn't look him up at all. I doubt he will get much sympathy though.

Are you saying that you have no clue as to the prior record of felon Adam Sanders? If that is true, why would you have any comment?
Why would I know his prior record? I don't know the pos personally and the paper didn't report it.
They are violent when they go in. That's why they are there. They have already gone through rehab, community service, halfway houses and counseling. They have had sentences with non violent first offenders. They have graduated. They committed acts of violence and gone on.

No matter what they have done, robbery, home invasion ask the common drug criminal will all say "it was only one roach. Not even mine."
Your average pot smoker is not violent. And they don't go in violent. They become violent as a way to survive incarceration. 70% of the people in prison are there for victimless crimes. No one should go to prison on drug charges.
They become violent as a way to survive anywhere.
When do you start lobbying for a return to alcohol prohibition?

Why do you support making the problem twice as bad as it is today and encouraging kids to do drugs which damage their developing brain?

Somebody is encouraging kids to use drugs? We democrats are the ones that are winning the war on tobacco, by taxing it to death. When I was a kid, anybody could drop $.35 into a vending machine for a pack of cigarettes. Today, you have to get a second mortgage to buy a pack of cigarettes. Republicans called it another "nanny state" action. but, the percentage of kids smoking has been dramatically reduced, and tobacco is still legal. In fact, for those of you who believe that decriminalized drugs is the worst thing that could happen, you should think about tobacco. It is the only product legally sold in America, that if used as directed, will probably kill you.

Now there's a liberal idea: make tobacco illegal but legalize pot so people are stoned all the time.

Ray, I think that you are not going to be satisfied until you start typing my posts. I never advocated making tobacco illegal. I am proud of the way this country has successfully discouraged its use, WITHOUT making it illegal.
In the end, Sessions is telling his subordinates that they will press for the maximum sentences offered by the law being broken.

This is the job and it is a dereliction of the job to do otherwise. This is why Obama's Justice Department was wrong.

Sessions is NOT telling the Judges how to rule, however. If you people only learned to think critically you'd see that.
If you read the article he is changing policies that does have some effect on how judges are able to rule.

I guess you must own a private prison and make billions off of taking your neighbors freedom. There is no other reason you would support this sort of mass incarceration as it is deeply damaging to our citizens and our society.

Not to mention expensive. The last figures I've seen, which were from 10 years ago, were $70,000 per year, per prisoner. Total waste of money.

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