Media concerned Trump is mentally unstable.

There is no doubt

you can be surveiled through your cell phone,

both voice and data....

You continue to prove yourself to be an idiot...

I want you to know that NOTHING hurts me more than having a Trump cult member moron, calling be an idiot........LOL

(Go play with your fish........)

You must be constantly in pain...

You must admit every thing I said was true...
I don't know about you, but reading this thread is just proving to me that it is the Trump-haters that are mentally unstable.

Have to admit trump is improving. Instead of repeating himself every 30 seconds he's down to 10 second repeats
yes i have posted a few example of those who claim trump is unstable

hopefully in your medicine cabinet or maybe a caregiver

can make sure you get your meds eds

you are having a awful time trying to post right now
I do admit it's way too difficult posting to repubs whose heads are hard as rocks I too ""am a very stable genius"" lol

just watching out for ya eds

just seen you slipping quite a bit the past year
getting older can't keep up with all you young uns Soon I might be like a child too
any sensible person is not freaking out over your fake news retard

Clearly Berzerk started drinking early

The real sign of insanity is how many people defend the insanity.
The people close to Trump hide his behavior, while others explain his odd behavior as normal.

The best example of the problem is a police officer put into a fast changing life and death situation, and how he reacts, what decision does he make. We call anybody who can't handle such situations unfit to be a police officer.

But now somebody with the lives of 330 million americans, and Billions throughout the world in his hands, and we know when Trump faces a crisis those around him have to distract or lie to him to keep him from doing something crazy.
Obama said Americans needed an a standard of living adjustment in a downward direction. He accomplished that.
Well one good thing I see are companies raising pay per hour to $15 ,,,WHY were republicans so AGAINST raising pay to 15?
So you admit the standard of living went down with Obama. Thanks.
Where did I admit that ?? 401K's ,IRA's, stocks in the hands of millions didn't rise??? 17 million auto's weren't sold? 75 straight months of 6 digit employment didn't happen ?
Well one good thing I see are companies raising pay per hour to $15 ,,,WHY were republicans so AGAINST raising pay to 15?

That was your answer. It implies "yeah, but". A deflection.
NO no deflection Economy WAS on the upswing after the last republicans recession If you can't see that you signed onto a trump loyalty pledge
I signed on to anything but Clinton.
NO (forgive my intrusion) that person is not necessarily "mentally ill"...But just an ignorant moron who listens to hannity for his "scientific education.:

What if someone asks the following questions

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

During the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere - so what did CO2 have to do with either event?
any sensible person is not freaking out over your fake news retard

Clearly Berzerk started drinking early

The real sign of insanity is how many people defend the insanity.
The people close to Trump hide his behavior, while others explain his odd behavior as normal.

The best example of the problem is a police officer put into a fast changing life and death situation, and how he reacts, what decision does he make. We call anybody who can't handle such situations unfit to be a police officer.

But now somebody with the lives of 330 million americans, and Billions throughout the world in his hands, and we know when Trump faces a crisis those around him have to distract or lie to him to keep him from doing something crazy.
Everyone interviewed said he was like a child ,,,,needing instant gratification
Both you dip shits are slow to put it nicely.

If you ate the fish you were playing with Deno, THIS might help :)


he was calling out a guy from CNN

You may like these Trump quotes a bit more......(I'm guessing)

"Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes… Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else…"

"......I tell you something else. I think that guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

I say you are a liar...
They keep showing their stupidity to the country, and that is the best advertisement for voting Republican.


Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.

Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)

The presidency is NOT determined by popular vote, but by Electoral College votes, as you damn well know, or at least you should know.

Trump won 30 states - 306 Electoral College votes.
Clinton won 20 states - 232 Electoral College votes.

It is hoped that this will not need to be repeated EVER again.
The real sign of insanity is how many people defend the insanity.
The people close to Trump hide his behavior, while others explain his odd behavior as normal.

The best example of the problem is a police officer put into a fast changing life and death situation, and how he reacts, what decision does he make. We call anybody who can't handle such situations unfit to be a police officer.

But now somebody with the lives of 330 million americans, and Billions throughout the world in his hands, and we know when Trump faces a crisis those around him have to distract or lie to him to keep him from doing something crazy.

Yep RR, it doesn't take a genius to know that we are in grave peril even worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis. I was about knee high to a grasshopper at that time but know this from studying since: THEN we had a very bright, capable and level-headed president.

Now we have a 3 year old with a YUUUGE button

They keep showing their stupidity to the country, and that is the best advertisement for voting Republican.


Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.

Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)

The presidency is NOT determined by popular vote, but by Electoral College votes, as you damn well know, or at least you should know.

Trump won 30 states - 306 Electoral College votes.
Clinton won 20 states - 232 Electoral College votes.

It is hoped that this will not need to be repeated EVER again.
I agree Get rid of the EC
The left is soooo fucking desperate to get rid of President Trump. The economy is on the right track and that SCARES the hell out of Dems. They will have nothing to run on in 2018. All they can do at this point is attack President Trump over and over. You’d think that after two years of attacking the man they would learn no one is buying their bullshit anymore.
Can’t figure out why four in 10 Americans want him impeached and why he’s the lowest rated president in history.

Because 4 of 10 Americans are bottom feeders and low information regressives, like yourself. They believe what Fake News tells them because it’s what they want to hear. They make decisions based purely on emotion, not logic.
Trump has totally lost the independent vote, some republicans and the Dems are united against this brain damaged president..
Black women came out in droves in Alabama to send the child molester packing.
Expect to see that nationwide.
Trump is toast.

That's the kind of thinking exhibited by all the morons who said Hillary was going to win in a landslide.
You were one of the biggest supporters of the child molester which you’ll always be haunted by.
Black women kicked your racist asses all over the place and brought home a victory for Doug Jones.
The sista’s did good.
Expect them to turn out again nationwide and kick the deadbeat party out of Congress.

If you can call him a child molester, with no proof, can we refer to you as the USMB child molester?
There is no difference...
Everyone interviewed said he was like a child ,,,,needing instant gratification

And they don't see this as a problem?
We child-proof our homes. Locking up cleaning products, covering electrical outlets, keeping anything dangerous out of reach.
Yet the overgrown child in the white house has a nuclear button, even bigger than the one Kim Jong Un has on his desk, and nobody can child-proof our nuclear forces.
The presidency is NOT determined by popular vote, but by Electoral College votes, as you damn well know, or at least you should know.

Trump won 30 states - 306 Electoral College votes.
Clinton won 20 states - 232 Electoral College votes.

It is hoped that this will not need to be repeated EVER again.

Except Trump claims he won the popular vote.
And he had a biggedst inauguration.
And he signed the most bills
And the mexicans will pay for the wall

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