Memorial Day weekend: Lower Gas Prices: Where are all the threads praising the Pres?

any of the cons own-up to their craven partisanship in this matter yet? :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle:

Not at all. This time the wingnuts are handling their cognitive dissonance using projection. Instead of understanding that this thread is just a look at the irony of all those threads 3 months ago, declaring that high gas prices were Obama's fault, they're pretending that we're jumping up and down cheering, instead of mocking them, and are now using the facts and logic we spoon fed them, to explain world commodities.

If you're looking for intellectual honesty from them, I fear you have a long wait. These are not rational people.
He, -SALLOW -LIVES in NEW YORK....hellllllllooooooooooooo

So do I.

New York City natives who drive regularly go across the river, if they want to save some money. Especially if they're traveling someplace.
I got me some gas for $3.77 on a trip out to Long Island this weekend.

Cheapest I've seen in a while.
$3.41 and still dropping

Looks like Republican fear mongering over $5 gas is not cutting it

The price of gas in some towns in California was $5.25 as of 3 hours ago. In Hacienda Heights, and West Covina.

That's just one state. I'm not gonna waste my time looking further because I know there are others.

I was up in Mendocino a couple of weeks ago; the price of regular unleaded was $5.69.

It's the same all up and down the West Coast.

The only possible reason is all the refinery closures on the West Coast recently. New York taxes are actually higher than West Coast taxes, so that's not it.

What I find REALLY interesting though is this:

The same week Delta Airlines bought a closed refinery in order to update and re-open it, prices dropped 6%.

And they've been dropping steadily ever since.

But people who love oil companies will tell you it's just a coincidence.
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Funny how some on the left feel they are winning this argument because they are RIGHT in the fact that Barry Soetoro does not have anything to do with "setting" the price of fuel at the pump. What they are disingenuously forgetting is that his obstructionist Energy POLICIES do influence where the prices ultimately wind up. AGAIN might I link to Mr. Soetoro's wonderful obstructionist record, and perhaps someone who supports Mr. Hussein might address the FACTS: American Energy Roadblocks by the Obama Administration - House Committee on Natural Resources I await your SILENCE.
He, -SALLOW -LIVES in NEW YORK....hellllllllooooooooooooo

So do I.

New York City natives who drive regularly go across the river, if they want to save some money. Especially if they're traveling someplace.
Checked out bridge and tunnel tolls lately?

How cheap does the gas have to be to make up for that round trip?
Checked out bridge and tunnel tolls lately?

How cheap does the gas have to be to make up for that round trip?

Chances are if you're traveling anywhere, you're paying them anyway.

Personally, I now live north of the city, in Westchester, so I don't have to pay the toll.

The prices on tolls are insane these days though. That is a good point.
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He, -SALLOW -LIVES in NEW YORK....hellllllllooooooooooooo

So do I.

New York City natives who drive regularly go across the river, if they want to save some money. Especially if they're traveling someplace.
Checked out bridge and tunnel tolls lately?

How cheap does the gas have to be to make up for that round trip?

I lived there for years.. I NEVER made a special trip across the Outerbridge to Jersey to save $.10 on gas.... and that was when bridge tolls were still $5.
Because when they were going higher..there were sure enough of them directly blaming President Obama..

So..boys and girls?

Where is the love?

:lol: :eusa_whistle:

You know what, it was made amply clear (by most of those who thanked you below) that obama is not responsible for the rise in fuel prices. So guess what, I'll take that to heart and accept the absolute fact that he is in NO WAY responsible for the decrease in the same prices.
See, y'all win.
Check this out:


Would ya look at that?
Funny observation is it not, when people don't have the financial capacity to fill their tanks demand decreases and prices follow suit. Oh, we must be so thankful the Big 0 is taking care of us.
When prices are dropping, you will never get someone to admit they blamed Obama when they were going up. They are far, far too cowardly.

And it is a mistake to look at the price at the pump. Better to look at the price of a barrel of oil, if you want to talk about things from the national level.

Oil peaked at $145.29 on the 4th of July, 2008. And no, sorry, Obama was not the President at that time. I know some of you like to imagine he was when facing the painful truth of stock market crash and housing crash and skyrocketing unemployment, though. Bummer, eh?

The peak during Obama's Presidency thus far was $113.93 this past April 29. Today, it is at $84.40.

The President has almost nothing to do with the price of oil. About the only power he has is over the petroleum reserves, which can be used to pop a speculative oil bubble when timed correctly.

If anyone was actually interested in learning why oil shot up to $145 back in the day, I would take the time to explain. But I know it would be a tremendous waste of my time.
Um ..... I dont know about you but even with gass going down the whole 10 cents to 20 cents it has it is still almost $1.50 above what it was 4 years ago....That a pretty fucking HUGE jump....I guess it was not a good plan to keep non socialist companies from drilling.
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When gas went up it went up more than $2.00 a gallon. Now that it's dropped 35 cents, it isn't a reason to cheer.
When gas went up it went up more than $2.00 a gallon. Now that it's dropped 35 cents, it isn't a reason to cheer.

What happened to the $5 a gallon gas the rightwing was predicting before the election?
Um ..... I dont know about you but even with gass going down the whole 10 cents to 20 cents it has it is still almost $1.50 above what it was 4 years ago....That a pretty fucking HUGE jump....I guess it was not a good plan to keep non socialist companies from drilling.
Due to a worldwide economic collapse which caused demand to drop off the cliff.

Contrast that with the jump from $0.99 to $4.00+ from 2001-2008, under BOOOSH!!!

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