Messianic Judaism

Some say They respect the Jewish holidays like Passover or Sukkot, that they celebrate them along with Christian beliefs.

That's ok, I guess. I have nothing against that. But it still doesn't make them Jews.
That may be true that they really ARE not Jews, but they call themselves Jews.

To be a Jew you need to either be born to a Jewish mother or convert properly.

There's no half way there.
That's my understanding too, which is why I don't understand "Messianic Judaism" as I have encountered it so rarely.

Maybe they just like Matzos:)
Or Matzo ball soup.

the seventh day Adventists-----do "challah" the braided bread of Sabbath

for a belief in NOTHINGNESS------see the NORSE RELIGION----the
Rosie. Nihilsim isn't what Buddhism is teaching. The Norse nothingness is nihilism. You come across as well read, but you have a few misunderstandings that you seem to cling to.
Calm down. Your tradition avoids the use of imagery. Mine does not. The teachings I've received address misconceptions about "deities". What makes it difficult to talk about is that no other religion has teachings on "emptiness".

That makes it hard to discuss Buddhism with non-Buddhists.

sure there are such concepts----OUTSIDE of Buddhism------ie the
"NOTHINGNESS" idea--------"the end of all things"

Nothingness is nihilism. It is NOT "emptiness".


nihilism is a topic characteristic
of college basement café (s)
Calm down. Your tradition avoids the use of imagery. Mine does not. The teachings I've received address misconceptions about "deities". What makes it difficult to talk about is that no other religion has teachings on "emptiness".

That makes it hard to discuss Buddhism with non-Buddhists.

sure there are such concepts----OUTSIDE of Buddhism------ie the
"NOTHINGNESS" idea--------"the end of all things"

Nothingness is nihilism. It is NOT "emptiness".


nihilism is a topic characteristic
of college basement café (s)
You got that right.
Rosie. Nihilsim isn't what Buddhism is teaching. The Norse nothingness is nihilism. You come across as well read, but you have a few misunderstandings that you seem to cling to.

norse nothingness has nothing to do with NIHILISM
Whatever. I am responding to what you said about other religions having teachings about "nothingness" which you equivocaated to "emptiness". Emptiness is not nothingsness.
Whatever. I am responding to what you said about other religions having teachings about "nothingness" which you equivocaated to "emptiness". Emptiness is not nothingsness.

sheeesh I do not recall using the word "emptiness"-------must I review?
Whatever. I am responding to what you said about other religions having teachings about "nothingness" which you equivocaated to "emptiness". Emptiness is not nothingsness.

sheeesh I do not recall using the word "emptiness"-------must I review?
Sorry. No matter how hard I try and I can't seem to shake you from your opinions about Buddhism.
Buddhism is unique because of it's teachings on "emptiness". What you followed with rosie are posts about "nothingness". Nothingness and emptiness aren't the same thing.
Whatever. I am responding to what you said about other religions having teachings about "nothingness" which you equivocaated to "emptiness". Emptiness is not nothingsness.

ok if you say so-------emptiness in the sense of PHYSICS (the science)
is the same as "nothingness"-------no stuff---------end of "matter" the "stuff"
of the universe--------but I do not recall addressing the issue
Whatever. I am responding to what you said about other religions having teachings about "nothingness" which you equivocaated to "emptiness". Emptiness is not nothingsness.

ok if you say so-------emptiness in the sense of PHYSICS (the science)
is the same as "nothingness"-------no stuff---------end of "matter" the "stuff"
of the universe--------but I do not recall addressing the issue
Emptiness as the basis of Buddhist teaching and emptiness in physics aren't the same thing.
Whatever. I am responding to what you said about other religions having teachings about "nothingness" which you equivocaated to "emptiness". Emptiness is not nothingsness.

ok if you say so-------emptiness in the sense of PHYSICS (the science)
is the same as "nothingness"-------no stuff---------end of "matter" the "stuff"
of the universe--------but I do not recall addressing the issue
Emptiness as the basis of Buddhist teaching and emptiness in physics aren't the same thing.

oh----ok I was a kinda "general science" major in undergraduate school-------
"empty" for me is "no matter"-----not so much as a photon. My sense of NORSE
nothingness is--------no gods and no LIFE
for DHARA ------
הֲבֵל <<< sometimes translated as "vanity"------not such a good
translation----it comes out as 'all is vanity' in the OT----usually attributed to
King Solomon ------actually it means
ALL IS NOTHINGNESS (also sometimes translated as "VAPOR")---
but vapor has substance------- HEVAL is actually "NOTHING" (but
I think that the word is also used to describe "garbage"??? anyone??
(ecclisiastes) )
I know ONE family and the couple of Messianic Jews. They were raised as Christians, they aren't culturally Jewish. I mean they aren't born into Judaism

Some say They respect the Jewish holidays like Passover or Sukkot, that they celebrate them along with Christian beliefs.

That's ok, I guess. I have nothing against that. But it still doesn't make them Jews.
That may be true that they really ARE not Jews, but they call themselves Jews.

To be a Jew you need to either be born to a Jewish mother or convert properly.

There's no half way there.
That's my understanding too, which is why I don't understand "Messianic Judaism" as I have encountered it so rarely.

Don't over think it. Messianic Jews believe Jesus was the Messiah. Matthew was a Messianic Jew. So was Nicodemus, and Simeon. Simeon's 2 sons were Jewish Temple Priests who died believing in Jesus and were raised with Jesus when He returned. They were taken to the Temple and interrogated by the priests who had buried them. They were interrogated separately, and at the same time, both giving the same testimony. That Jesus Christ, the Lord, having died for their sins, removed them from God's waiting room, (Abraham's Bosom) reunited them with their (newly glorified) bodies to live for eternity. Then the two went home to their families for 40 days and were the first fruits that Jesus offered His Father when they ascended to Heaven en masse. One of several raptures from the earth. :)

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