Mia Love sets liberal media straight: Race had nothing to do with her getting elected

here is the thing folks, there are indeed racists in both parties. yet, what we hear, pretty much constantly, from the left is the right is racist simply because they either don't like or disagree with the president. the first thing most on the left do is cry racism. instead of examining the issues of why one may not like or disagree, most on the left immediately proclaim it is due to obama's skin color. that is racist to constantly claim that.

Racism is the first thing you hear from the right when a liberal disagrees with a black conservative.

you do realize 99% of that is throwing your crap back in your face....

No it isn't. It's conservatives having discovered that they love the race card more than liberals ever did.

You still mad brah?

Whitey hasn't been good to you this week.
here is the thing folks, there are indeed racists in both parties. yet, what we hear, pretty much constantly, from the left is the right is racist simply because they either don't like or disagree with the president. the first thing most on the left do is cry racism. instead of examining the issues of why one may not like or disagree, most on the left immediately proclaim it is due to obama's skin color. that is racist to constantly claim that.

Racism is the first thing you hear from the right when a liberal disagrees with a black conservative.

you do realize 99% of that is throwing your crap back in your face....

No it isn't. It's conservatives having discovered that they love the race card more than liberals ever did.

nice try, but you're dead bang wrong.
I used to consult in SLC. Brought a black guy who worked for me there once. Boy did he turn heads. As I remember we saw exactly one other black, at the mall, over a three day trip. That city is so white they think driving while black means you sneak coffee on the way to work.

Bahahahaaaa.....GOOD one!
DId you also notice the preponderance of redheads? I mean really white people with red hair and freckles. Freakin' weird. When I was there a doc told me that Utah has the highest rate of deformed births due to incest. No kidding. "Deliverance" should have been filmed on the Jordan River in Utah instead of Georgia.

bitter, angry, frustrated hyperpartisans making disparaging remarks and lying about people who aren't racists like they are.

Great debate tactic. Very clever. :laugh2:


Aren't you one of the guys who thinks it's cute to call black Americans 'negroes'?

Why are you trying to change the subject?

The subject is whether or not you're a bigot.

No. I checked the thread..That isn't the subject.
..and still you try to derail...
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected. They can't fathom why some people focus on the more important things about a person, like ideology. The media still pushes the notion that people disagree with Obama because of race and not his liberal views. They think that Mia Love got elected because of her race and not her Republican views.

It seems pretty obvious to most intelligent individuals that Republicans support Republican candidates and reject Democrat candidates. How hard it is to understand? Apparently, some find it difficult and think that everything revolves around skin color or gender. All it proves is that the left does put race or gender on top of the list for why they support certain people. To them, ideology doesn't enter the equation. Will they ever get it? It's the issues, stupid, and not race that brings on support or opposition.

Of course, the left criticizes Carson and Cain for being black Republicans. They don't specify which issues they disagree with and always throw their political correctness aside and attack them based on the color of the skin. They also step away from PC when it comes to Republican women and lower themselves to vulgar remarks when bashing Republican women. For them, it's all about believing that women and blacks are supposed to think a certain way and they can't accept that people can believe anything different than other blacks.

It's so telling about the mindset of liberals. Color should tell them all they need know about a person as far as they are concerned.

They tried to apply that to Mia Love and assume that she's merely a token and there couldn't possibly be another reason why Republicans would show such support. That is how they think and it is just plain wrong.

"‘[F]irst of all, what we need to mention here is that this had nothing to do with race. Understand that Utahans have made a statement that they’re not interested in dividing Americans based on race or gender, that they want to make sure that they are electing people who are honest and who have integrity,’ Love said. ‘That’s really what made history here. It’s that race, gender, had nothing to do with it, principles had everything to do with it.’"
Michaela Periera challenged Love on that statement, asking whether her support had something to do with the fact that people want everyone to have a "fair shot at getting a seat at the table." Still, Love held strong:

"I wasn’t elected because of the color of my skin. I wasn’t elected because of my gender. I was elected because of the solutions that I put at the table."

Love’s constituents know that her race and her gender won’t change anything about their district – but her values and principles will.
I don't agree, this just shows that the GOP will vote for a black candidate, just because they're black too

The only difference is the motivation.

The Democrats elected Obama to continue to feel like they're not bigots.

The Republicans elected Love to stop feeling like they're bigots
here is the thing folks, there are indeed racists in both parties. yet, what we hear, pretty much constantly, from the left is the right is racist simply because they either don't like or disagree with the president. the first thing most on the left do is cry racism. instead of examining the issues of why one may not like or disagree, most on the left immediately proclaim it is due to obama's skin color. that is racist to constantly claim that.

Racism is the first thing you hear from the right when a liberal disagrees with a black conservative.

you do realize 99% of that is throwing your crap back in your face....

No it isn't. It's conservatives having discovered that they love the race card more than liberals ever did.

nice try, but you're dead bang wrong.

I guess you don't even realize that you're admitting that 99% of conservatives don't really think that liberals are racist,

they just throw out those racist accusations to be annoying...

Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected. They can't fathom why some people focus on the more important things about a person, like ideology. The media still pushes the notion that people disagree with Obama because of race and not his liberal views. They think that Mia Love got elected because of her race and not her Republican views.

It seems pretty obvious to most intelligent individuals that Republicans support Republican candidates and reject Democrat candidates. How hard it is to understand? Apparently, some find it difficult and think that everything revolves around skin color or gender. All it proves is that the left does put race or gender on top of the list for why they support certain people. To them, ideology doesn't enter the equation. Will they ever get it? It's the issues, stupid, and not race that brings on support or opposition.

Of course, the left criticizes Carson and Cain for being black Republicans. They don't specify which issues they disagree with and always throw their political correctness aside and attack them based on the color of the skin. They also step away from PC when it comes to Republican women and lower themselves to vulgar remarks when bashing Republican women. For them, it's all about believing that women and blacks are supposed to think a certain way and they can't accept that people can believe anything different than other blacks.

It's so telling about the mindset of liberals. Color should tell them all they need know about a person as far as they are concerned.

They tried to apply that to Mia Love and assume that she's merely a token and there couldn't possibly be another reason why Republicans would show such support. That is how they think and it is just plain wrong.

"‘[F]irst of all, what we need to mention here is that this had nothing to do with race. Understand that Utahans have made a statement that they’re not interested in dividing Americans based on race or gender, that they want to make sure that they are electing people who are honest and who have integrity,’ Love said. ‘That’s really what made history here. It’s that race, gender, had nothing to do with it, principles had everything to do with it.’"
Michaela Periera challenged Love on that statement, asking whether her support had something to do with the fact that people want everyone to have a "fair shot at getting a seat at the table." Still, Love held strong:

"I wasn’t elected because of the color of my skin. I wasn’t elected because of my gender. I was elected because of the solutions that I put at the table."

Love’s constituents know that her race and her gender won’t change anything about their district – but her values and principles will.
I don't agree, this just shows that the GOP will vote for a black candidate, just because they're black too

The only difference is the motivation.

The Democrats elected Obama to continue to feel like they're not bigots.

The Republicans elected Love to stop feeling like they're bigots

:lmao: :laugh2:
here is the thing folks, there are indeed racists in both parties. yet, what we hear, pretty much constantly, from the left is the right is racist simply because they either don't like or disagree with the president. the first thing most on the left do is cry racism. instead of examining the issues of why one may not like or disagree, most on the left immediately proclaim it is due to obama's skin color. that is racist to constantly claim that.

Racism is the first thing you hear from the right when a liberal disagrees with a black conservative.

you do realize 99% of that is throwing your crap back in your face....

No it isn't. It's conservatives having discovered that they love the race card more than liberals ever did.

nice try, but you're dead bang wrong.

I guess you don't even realize that you're admitting that 99% of conservatives don't really think that liberals are racist,

they just throw out those racist accusations to be annoying...


oh how clever!
word games and semantic distortion...brilliant tactic.
Racism is the first thing you hear from the right when a liberal disagrees with a black conservative.

you do realize 99% of that is throwing your crap back in your face....

No it isn't. It's conservatives having discovered that they love the race card more than liberals ever did.

nice try, but you're dead bang wrong.

I guess you don't even realize that you're admitting that 99% of conservatives don't really think that liberals are racist,

they just throw out those racist accusations to be annoying...


oh how clever!
word games and semantic distortion...brilliant tactic.
There is something to what he said earlier, and righties would do well to understand it.

I always use the following analogy.

Picture a bunch of kindergarteners in a sand box. One kid is throwing sand at the other kids, and he thinks he's just playing, but it annoys the other less dominant children, and they keep quiet.

The teacher sees this, and scolds the child who is throwing sand.

The sand throwing child feels quite indignant, after all, he was only playing, and being himself.

From that day forward, anytime any kid starts throwing sand, or even picking up a handfull of sand to make a castle, the reformed sand thrower is the first to cry outrage. Including all manner of acting out on his resentments for being asked to stop throwing sand. He'll tattle on the kids who even touch the sand in a way that cause the sand to leave the sand box.

We have the same phenomenon with racism and those asked to stop it.

People who resent being asked to be PC, and not use the "N" word, or other offensive language feel stifled, and oppressed. So you get what we have now from both sides.

Childish behavior.
here is the thing folks, there are indeed racists in both parties. yet, what we hear, pretty much constantly, from the left is the right is racist simply because they either don't like or disagree with the president. the first thing most on the left do is cry racism. instead of examining the issues of why one may not like or disagree, most on the left immediately proclaim it is due to obama's skin color. that is racist to constantly claim that.

Racism is the first thing you hear from the right when a liberal disagrees with a black conservative.

you do realize 99% of that is throwing your crap back in your face....

No it isn't. It's conservatives having discovered that they love the race card more than liberals ever did.

nice try, but you're dead bang wrong.

I guess you don't even realize that you're admitting that 99% of conservatives don't really think that liberals are racist,

they just throw out those racist accusations to be annoying...


you really can't read or comprehend simple english....that is not at all what i said. since you realize you have squat, you scramble up a side of bullshit.
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected. They can't fathom why some people focus on the more important things about a person, like ideology. The media still pushes the notion that people disagree with Obama because of race and not his liberal views. They think that Mia Love got elected because of her race and not her Republican views.

It seems pretty obvious to most intelligent individuals that Republicans support Republican candidates and reject Democrat candidates. How hard it is to understand? Apparently, some find it difficult and think that everything revolves around skin color or gender. All it proves is that the left does put race or gender on top of the list for why they support certain people. To them, ideology doesn't enter the equation. Will they ever get it? It's the issues, stupid, and not race that brings on support or opposition.

Of course, the left criticizes Carson and Cain for being black Republicans. They don't specify which issues they disagree with and always throw their political correctness aside and attack them based on the color of the skin. They also step away from PC when it comes to Republican women and lower themselves to vulgar remarks when bashing Republican women. For them, it's all about believing that women and blacks are supposed to think a certain way and they can't accept that people can believe anything different than other blacks.

It's so telling about the mindset of liberals. Color should tell them all they need know about a person as far as they are concerned.

They tried to apply that to Mia Love and assume that she's merely a token and there couldn't possibly be another reason why Republicans would show such support. That is how they think and it is just plain wrong.

"‘[F]irst of all, what we need to mention here is that this had nothing to do with race. Understand that Utahans have made a statement that they’re not interested in dividing Americans based on race or gender, that they want to make sure that they are electing people who are honest and who have integrity,’ Love said. ‘That’s really what made history here. It’s that race, gender, had nothing to do with it, principles had everything to do with it.’"
Michaela Periera challenged Love on that statement, asking whether her support had something to do with the fact that people want everyone to have a "fair shot at getting a seat at the table." Still, Love held strong:

"I wasn’t elected because of the color of my skin. I wasn’t elected because of my gender. I was elected because of the solutions that I put at the table."

Love’s constituents know that her race and her gender won’t change anything about their district – but her values and principles will.
I don't agree, this just shows that the GOP will vote for a black candidate, just because they're black too

The only difference is the motivation.

The Democrats elected Obama to continue to feel like they're not bigots.

The Republicans elected Love to stop feeling like they're bigots

Thank you for showing us that you subversives are such racists... because she is a Republican, she has no brain, according to you, and if that black isn't on THE PLANTATION, she becomes "Uncle Tom".... You pond scum continue to fuck up and let your true emotions out... DemocRATS, the party of the KKK!
Racism is the first thing you hear from the right when a liberal disagrees with a black conservative.

you do realize 99% of that is throwing your crap back in your face....

No it isn't. It's conservatives having discovered that they love the race card more than liberals ever did.

nice try, but you're dead bang wrong.

I guess you don't even realize that you're admitting that 99% of conservatives don't really think that liberals are racist,

they just throw out those racist accusations to be annoying...


you really can't read or comprehend simple english....that is not at all what i said. since you realize you have squat, you scramble up a side of bullshit.

You said this.

"you do realize 99% of that is throwing your crap back in your face"

You called the racism accusations 'crap'.
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected. They can't fathom why some people focus on the more important things about a person, like ideology. The media still pushes the notion that people disagree with Obama because of race and not his liberal views. They think that Mia Love got elected because of her race and not her Republican views.

It seems pretty obvious to most intelligent individuals that Republicans support Republican candidates and reject Democrat candidates. How hard it is to understand? Apparently, some find it difficult and think that everything revolves around skin color or gender. All it proves is that the left does put race or gender on top of the list for why they support certain people. To them, ideology doesn't enter the equation. Will they ever get it? It's the issues, stupid, and not race that brings on support or opposition.

Of course, the left criticizes Carson and Cain for being black Republicans. They don't specify which issues they disagree with and always throw their political correctness aside and attack them based on the color of the skin. They also step away from PC when it comes to Republican women and lower themselves to vulgar remarks when bashing Republican women. For them, it's all about believing that women and blacks are supposed to think a certain way and they can't accept that people can believe anything different than other blacks.

It's so telling about the mindset of liberals. Color should tell them all they need know about a person as far as they are concerned.

They tried to apply that to Mia Love and assume that she's merely a token and there couldn't possibly be another reason why Republicans would show such support. That is how they think and it is just plain wrong.

"‘[F]irst of all, what we need to mention here is that this had nothing to do with race. Understand that Utahans have made a statement that they’re not interested in dividing Americans based on race or gender, that they want to make sure that they are electing people who are honest and who have integrity,’ Love said. ‘That’s really what made history here. It’s that race, gender, had nothing to do with it, principles had everything to do with it.’"
Michaela Periera challenged Love on that statement, asking whether her support had something to do with the fact that people want everyone to have a "fair shot at getting a seat at the table." Still, Love held strong:

"I wasn’t elected because of the color of my skin. I wasn’t elected because of my gender. I was elected because of the solutions that I put at the table."

Love’s constituents know that her race and her gender won’t change anything about their district – but her values and principles will.
I don't agree, this just shows that the GOP will vote for a black candidate, just because they're black too

The only difference is the motivation.

The Democrats elected Obama to continue to feel like they're not bigots.

The Republicans elected Love to stop feeling like they're bigots

Thank you for showing us that you subversives are such racists... because she is a Republican, she has no brain, according to you, and if that black isn't on THE PLANTATION, she becomes "Uncle Tom".... You pond scum continue to fuck up and let your true emotions out... DemocRATS, the party of the KKK!

lol, see no conservative obsession with race here!!!!!!! lol
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected. They can't fathom why some people focus on the more important things about a person, like ideology. The media still pushes the notion that people disagree with Obama because of race and not his liberal views. They think that Mia Love got elected because of her race and not her Republican views.

It seems pretty obvious to most intelligent individuals that Republicans support Republican candidates and reject Democrat candidates. How hard it is to understand? Apparently, some find it difficult and think that everything revolves around skin color or gender. All it proves is that the left does put race or gender on top of the list for why they support certain people. To them, ideology doesn't enter the equation. Will they ever get it? It's the issues, stupid, and not race that brings on support or opposition.

Of course, the left criticizes Carson and Cain for being black Republicans. They don't specify which issues they disagree with and always throw their political correctness aside and attack them based on the color of the skin. They also step away from PC when it comes to Republican women and lower themselves to vulgar remarks when bashing Republican women. For them, it's all about believing that women and blacks are supposed to think a certain way and they can't accept that people can believe anything different than other blacks.

It's so telling about the mindset of liberals. Color should tell them all they need know about a person as far as they are concerned.

They tried to apply that to Mia Love and assume that she's merely a token and there couldn't possibly be another reason why Republicans would show such support. That is how they think and it is just plain wrong.

"‘[F]irst of all, what we need to mention here is that this had nothing to do with race. Understand that Utahans have made a statement that they’re not interested in dividing Americans based on race or gender, that they want to make sure that they are electing people who are honest and who have integrity,’ Love said. ‘That’s really what made history here. It’s that race, gender, had nothing to do with it, principles had everything to do with it.’"
Michaela Periera challenged Love on that statement, asking whether her support had something to do with the fact that people want everyone to have a "fair shot at getting a seat at the table." Still, Love held strong:

"I wasn’t elected because of the color of my skin. I wasn’t elected because of my gender. I was elected because of the solutions that I put at the table."

Love’s constituents know that her race and her gender won’t change anything about their district – but her values and principles will.
I don't agree, this just shows that the GOP will vote for a black candidate, just because they're black too

The only difference is the motivation.

The Democrats elected Obama to continue to feel like they're not bigots.

The Republicans elected Love to stop feeling like they're bigots

Thank you for showing us that you subversives are such racists... because she is a Republican, she has no brain, according to you, and if that black isn't on THE PLANTATION, she becomes "Uncle Tom".... You pond scum continue to fuck up and let your true emotions out... DemocRATS, the party of the KKK!

lol, see no conservative obsession with race here!!!!!!! lol

Yes, pointing out you pond scums obsession is our obsession.... Shit for brains, you are entertaining! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I didn't read the whole thread but in reply to the idea that race had anything to do with [black] Mia's election . If race was a factor all voters would do is look at mr, Obama and figure that Mia being black that she'd be just as rotten as mr Obama !! Mia won because people thought she was a decent conservative no matter her skin color I think !! Course , I'm not in UTAH and don't know much about MIA LOVE .
This should be called the projection thread


The libs are being stupid here, only matched by "I am not a racist" Rota.

Both sides need to let go of the race card.

Minorities love living in SLC. Talk to the folks who grew up in Baton Rouge and live here now. Sit you straight in a heart beat.

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