Mia Love sets liberal media straight: Race had nothing to do with her getting elected

Republican starts thread about race.

That same republican complains about the focus on race.

Irony Bomb explodes
Well, CNN (Communist News Network) and MSLSD didn't hear her. They're too busy trying to start a race war. But i give her props for trying. God bless her.
Like most conservatives, Mia Love takes a "I did it all on my own" stance

Nobody helps conservatives. They are self reliant. Any good fortune is a result of their own hard work

Mia Love shot to the attention of the country because she is a young, black female Republican. She was not uttering any political views that a hundred other candidates were not saying. Yet she gained nationwide attention that most smalltown mayors would not receive. She was on network news, highlighted at the GOP convention, a frequent Fox News guest. She received contributions and media attention from around the country that similar candidates only dream about

To claim that her being the first Republican black female had nothing to do with it is ridiculous
Like most conservatives, Mia Love takes a "I did it all on my own" stance

Nobody helps conservatives. They are self reliant. Any good fortune is a result of their own hard work

Mia Love shot to the attention of the country because she is a young, black female Republican. She was not uttering any political views that a hundred other candidates were not saying. Yet she gained nationwide attention that most smalltown mayors would not receive. She was on network news, highlighted at the GOP convention, a frequent Fox News guest. She received contributions and media attention from around the country that similar candidates only dream about

To claim that her being the first Republican black female had nothing to do with it is ridiculous

Uh yeah. i'm gonna have to take her word for it on this one. You're not exactly credible on these issues.

A very short-lived grudging respect. They'll be back to stirring up that Race War in no time. Bet on that.

Pauli, the above shows you were lying, and I am supposed to want your respect?
Paulitician has NO cred on these issues.

He lied about other sources not carrying stories about her.

We need to get these people out of our far right and libertarian wings.
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected. They can't fathom why some people focus on the more important things about a person, like ideology. The media still pushes the notion that people disagree with Obama because of race and not his liberal views. They think that Mia Love got elected because of her race and not her Republican views.

It seems pretty obvious to most intelligent individuals that Republicans support Republican candidates and reject Democrat candidates. How hard it is to understand? Apparently, some find it difficult and think that everything revolves around skin color or gender. All it proves is that the left does put race or gender on top of the list for why they support certain people. To them, ideology doesn't enter the equation. Will they ever get it? It's the issues, stupid, and not race that brings on support or opposition.

Of course, the left criticizes Carson and Cain for being black Republicans. They don't specify which issues they disagree with and always throw their political correctness aside and attack them based on the color of the skin. They also step away from PC when it comes to Republican women and lower themselves to vulgar remarks when bashing Republican women. For them, it's all about believing that women and blacks are supposed to think a certain way and they can't accept that people can believe anything different than other blacks.

It's so telling about the mindset of liberals. Color should tell them all they need know about a person as far as they are concerned.

They tried to apply that to Mia Love and assume that she's merely a token and there couldn't possibly be another reason why Republicans would show such support. That is how they think and it is just plain wrong.

"‘[F]irst of all, what we need to mention here is that this had nothing to do with race. Understand that Utahans have made a statement that they’re not interested in dividing Americans based on race or gender, that they want to make sure that they are electing people who are honest and who have integrity,’ Love said. ‘That’s really what made history here. It’s that race, gender, had nothing to do with it, principles had everything to do with it.’"
Michaela Periera challenged Love on that statement, asking whether her support had something to do with the fact that people want everyone to have a "fair shot at getting a seat at the table." Still, Love held strong:

"I wasn’t elected because of the color of my skin. I wasn’t elected because of my gender. I was elected because of the solutions that I put at the table."

Love’s constituents know that her race and her gender won’t change anything about their district – but her values and principles will.
Wow, does she have a chip on her shoulder or what?
Paulitician has NO cred on these issues.

He lied about other sources not carrying stories about her.

We need to get these people out of our far right and libertarian wings.

Yeah, and you're a Republican. Sure thing. We all believe that. On every single issue, you fall right in line with the Democratic Party. But yet you still claim you're a Republican. You're a psycho. :cuckoo:
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected. They can't fathom why some people focus on the more important things about a person, like ideology. The media still pushes the notion that people disagree with Obama because of race and not his liberal views. They think that Mia Love got elected because of her race and not her Republican views.

It seems pretty obvious to most intelligent individuals that Republicans support Republican candidates and reject Democrat candidates. How hard it is to understand? Apparently, some find it difficult and think that everything revolves around skin color or gender. All it proves is that the left does put race or gender on top of the list for why they support certain people. To them, ideology doesn't enter the equation. Will they ever get it? It's the issues, stupid, and not race that brings on support or opposition.

Of course, the left criticizes Carson and Cain for being black Republicans. They don't specify which issues they disagree with and always throw their political correctness aside and attack them based on the color of the skin. They also step away from PC when it comes to Republican women and lower themselves to vulgar remarks when bashing Republican women. For them, it's all about believing that women and blacks are supposed to think a certain way and they can't accept that people can believe anything different than other blacks.

It's so telling about the mindset of liberals. Color should tell them all they need know about a person as far as they are concerned.

They tried to apply that to Mia Love and assume that she's merely a token and there couldn't possibly be another reason why Republicans would show such support. That is how they think and it is just plain wrong.

"‘[F]irst of all, what we need to mention here is that this had nothing to do with race. Understand that Utahans have made a statement that they’re not interested in dividing Americans based on race or gender, that they want to make sure that they are electing people who are honest and who have integrity,’ Love said. ‘That’s really what made history here. It’s that race, gender, had nothing to do with it, principles had everything to do with it.’"
Michaela Periera challenged Love on that statement, asking whether her support had something to do with the fact that people want everyone to have a "fair shot at getting a seat at the table." Still, Love held strong:

"I wasn’t elected because of the color of my skin. I wasn’t elected because of my gender. I was elected because of the solutions that I put at the table."

Love’s constituents know that her race and her gender won’t change anything about their district – but her values and principles will.
Wow, does she have a chip on her shoulder or what?
That happens when you're a token.
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected. They can't fathom why some people focus on the more important things about a person, like ideology. The media still pushes the notion that people disagree with Obama because of race and not his liberal views. They think that Mia Love got elected because of her race and not her Republican views.

It seems pretty obvious to most intelligent individuals that Republicans support Republican candidates and reject Democrat candidates. How hard it is to understand? Apparently, some find it difficult and think that everything revolves around skin color or gender. All it proves is that the left does put race or gender on top of the list for why they support certain people. To them, ideology doesn't enter the equation. Will they ever get it? It's the issues, stupid, and not race that brings on support or opposition.

Of course, the left criticizes Carson and Cain for being black Republicans. They don't specify which issues they disagree with and always throw their political correctness aside and attack them based on the color of the skin. They also step away from PC when it comes to Republican women and lower themselves to vulgar remarks when bashing Republican women. For them, it's all about believing that women and blacks are supposed to think a certain way and they can't accept that people can believe anything different than other blacks.

It's so telling about the mindset of liberals. Color should tell them all they need know about a person as far as they are concerned.

They tried to apply that to Mia Love and assume that she's merely a token and there couldn't possibly be another reason why Republicans would show such support. That is how they think and it is just plain wrong.

"‘[F]irst of all, what we need to mention here is that this had nothing to do with race. Understand that Utahans have made a statement that they’re not interested in dividing Americans based on race or gender, that they want to make sure that they are electing people who are honest and who have integrity,’ Love said. ‘That’s really what made history here. It’s that race, gender, had nothing to do with it, principles had everything to do with it.’"
Michaela Periera challenged Love on that statement, asking whether her support had something to do with the fact that people want everyone to have a "fair shot at getting a seat at the table." Still, Love held strong:

"I wasn’t elected because of the color of my skin. I wasn’t elected because of my gender. I was elected because of the solutions that I put at the table."

Love’s constituents know that her race and her gender won’t change anything about their district – but her values and principles will.
Wow, does she have a chip on her shoulder or what?

Ha, Ravi the Raving Lunatic desperately searching for a reason to hate her. Go figure? Dang nutter. :cuckoo:
We all believe that you are weird and have no cred, Paulitician. You can't prove what you are saying above, so you are lying again. I will not allow folks like you to damage the GOP without outing you as the fake you certainly are on the Board.
Ravi and PMH are dead wrong about Mia. A neat lady, real, and when they accuse her of being a token they are outing their own racism.
you do realize 99% of that is throwing your crap back in your face....

No it isn't. It's conservatives having discovered that they love the race card more than liberals ever did.

nice try, but you're dead bang wrong.

I guess you don't even realize that you're admitting that 99% of conservatives don't really think that liberals are racist,

they just throw out those racist accusations to be annoying...


you really can't read or comprehend simple english....that is not at all what i said. since you realize you have squat, you scramble up a side of bullshit.

You said this.

"you do realize 99% of that is throwing your crap back in your face"

You called the racism accusations 'crap'.

what specific racism accusations did i call crap? hint: not all of them and i said the dems racist accusations were crap. you just can't handle getting it thrown back in your face.
We all believe that you are weird and have no cred, Paulitician. You can't prove what you are saying above, so you are lying again. I will not allow folks like you to damage the GOP without outing you as the fake you certainly are on the Board.

Sure, you side with the Democratic Party on every single issue, but you're a Republican. Seriously, you do know you're insane, right?
We all believe that you are weird and have no cred, Paulitician. You can't prove what you are saying above, so you are lying again. I will not allow folks like you to damage the GOP without outing you as the fake you certainly are on the Board.
In that party she is a token. It wouldn't matter if she could give a Jesus a run for his money, she's a house ******, literally.

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