Minimum wage is already “livable”

Lol, minimum wage is 290 a week gross. Bring home likely 210 to 214. I live alone and suplement my groceries by hunting and fishing. I still spend about 60 to 80 dollars a week on groceries and 50 dollars a week on gas. There is 110 dollars a week leaving a hundred bucks for rent, clothes utilities car payment insurance shampoo etc, etc, etc, etc. Good fucking luck on minimum wage there ass clown. Go fuck your self .
Another tolerant liberal ^^^ goes on ignore.
I live in one of those poor rural areas, The average starting wage around here is over $10.00 an hour, even for fast food restaurants.
So there ya go. That’s about $1400 a month, after payroll deductions, and a McDonald’s worker in a poor rural area can rent a room in a three bedroom house with two roommates for $400 a month. With $1000 left over for food and other basics, It’s quite livable.
Here's what you don't understand: the term "livable wage" is meaningless. Raising the minimum wage only prices people with no skills out of the market.
What it also does is force employers to raise the ENTIRE pay scale to maintain parity. Good way to drive half the businesses into bankruptcy.
Lol, minimum wage is 290 a week gross. Bring home likely 210 to 214. I live alone and suplement my groceries by hunting and fishing. I still spend about 60 to 80 dollars a week on groceries and 50 dollars a week on gas. There is 110 dollars a week leaving a hundred bucks for rent, clothes utilities car payment insurance shampoo etc, etc, etc, etc. Good fucking luck on minimum wage there ass clown. Go fuck your self .
You have a point. Those sly taxes, fees and fines that rise or are inserted every year does not help the situation. That and the couple per cent of inflation per year that the power brokers try to keep slowly eat away resources. The working class level is not very even and there are jobs that are privileged in salary, benefits and pensions compared to others. Maybe some jobs are to good for the peasant also. And you are on the internet. Truthfully, there are a lot of taxes with many hidden in everything we do. They add up.
First of all, it isn’t the employee creating the wealth. It’s the owner of the business who recognized a need and had the motivation, smarts, and discipline to create the business.

The employee helps facilitate the business. And nobody ever said the employee has NO value, just that some people have LOW value. So they get LOW wages. This isn’t rocket science.
it is labor that creates wealth

How are businesses doing now that low skilled workers are telling them to shove their low wages ?
So there ya go. That’s about $1400 a month, after payroll deductions, and a McDonald’s worker in a poor rural area can rent a room in a three bedroom house for $400 a month. With $1000 left over for food and other basics, It’s quite livable.
Don't forget that $200/mo alcohol habit. Another $200 for pot. Oh, and at least $100 for scratch off tickets and the Powerball. Then there's Netflix and a payment for an $800 smartphone.

Poor people in the states have it really rough.
it is labor that creates wealth

How are businesses doing now that low skilled workers are telling them to shove their low wages ?
The only reason they are doing that is because the anti-business socialists running Biden are giving them other people’s money! They WANT to destroy businesses.

If the socialists would get out of the way, the market would determine wages and entitled people would get off their butts and take a job.
Don't forget that $200/mo alcohol habit. Another $200 for pot. Oh, and at least $100 for scratch off tickets and the Powerball. Then there's Netflix and a payment for an $800 smartphone.
I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic, but what you say is true. The people in the homeless shelter are carrying expenses smart phones. And don’t get me started on the bums at the lottery machine!
I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic, but what you say is true. The people in the homeless shelter are carrying expenses smart phones. And don’t get me started on the bums at the lottery machine!
A lot of poor people piss away what extra money they do make and then blame the system for their misery.
A lot of poor people piss away what extra money they do make and then blame the system for their misery.
I see it all the time. As soon as they get money in hand (often from a welfare payment of some type), they spend it on the most ridiculous things.
Out here in the rest of the land where they be no subways min. wage is a good excuse to live by a river in a tent.
So let them move to an area where they can get a job and a way to get there. That’s what my family members, raised in poverty, did.
The only reason they are doing that is because the anti-business socialists running Biden are giving them other people’s money! They WANT to destroy businesses.

If the socialists would get out of the way, the market would determine wages and entitled people would get off their butts and take a job.

Its the COMMIES I say!

You people come up with dumbest arguments lol. The obvious point is that none of the min wages are liveable.
That's the dumbest point of all. You can't define "liveable," and the minimum wage was never intended to be "liveable," whatever the fuck that means.

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