Minimum wage is already “livable”

That was about the time of all of the social programs and mandates for PC, Diversity, Quotas, Feminism and the breakdown of our culture also started. Add the move by the elites that told us we are moving from an industrial society to a service one and this will bring a cornucopia of wealth for so many more people. It hasn't worked out quite that way for a lot of individuals with the taxes going up in huge numbers to affect living wages of employees even more.
Yes, I agree they all got dumber and dumber just like the rest of the population in general has. They can move to Red China or Vietnam if they need Third World wages and labor conditions.
Or we can just ignore the ranting of prog morons who don't understand economics or business.
Guys as much as I hate raising the minimum wage you seem to forget right now we have massive inflation. Gas up 50% under Biden, eggs up 29%. Dairy up 34%. So the cost to live has gone up to buy the essentials. And if a company is raising their prices due to inflation and not paying more to their workers then that means they are pocketing more cash on the backs of their lowest workers. If that worker could make 20 burgers an hour at 2 dollars a burger in 2019 that means they bring in 40 dollars an hour. If that same worker now makes 20 burgers an hour at 4 dollars a burger they are bringing in 80 dollars but still being paid 7.25 an hour. So their employer is making out like a bandit.

If inflation stays as it is I would recommend raising the MW.

Labor costs are a much smaller percentage of costs these days even at a MacDonald's; those '$10 burgers' everybody snivels about came along many years back with zero rise in minimum wages over many of those years. Other costs rose far faster.
Or we can just ignore the ranting of prog morons who don't understand economics or business.

Yes, same as we need to ignore right wing sociopaths who obviously have never done their own tax returns and run around the innernetz pretending they know 'business stuff' when all they have is junk propaganda fed to them by assorted Koch bros media hacks. Just because you can make more money using wetbacks in your lawn mowing business is no reason the rest of the country has to make up the difference in food stamps and welfare for your temp employees with the fake Social Security numbers.
I keep hearing the left say that minimum wage, which is what the lowest 2% of Americans earn, needs to be increased to where it provides a “livable“ wage. The disconnect comes in what is considered livable - even for teens who barely squeaked through high school and have no job skills beyond that which can be taught to a middle schooler in half a day.

The left considers “livable” to be a middle class existence - a decent one-bedroom apartment, a car, a vacation. Where they miss is that is the level to which people should ASPIRE, and the desire to do so is what incentivizes one to get some vocational training (at a minimum).

To me, “livable” is how every member of my family lived when we were first starting out: either renting a room in someone’s house, or sharing a two- or three-bedroom apartment with others. I considered myself “living” doing that - I took the subway to work, did my job, bought groceries, and other basics.

And THAT is the lifestyle of someone right out of college, earning starting wages, or of a new high school graduate who has no real job skills to offer. In the case of the former, it will be temporary; in the case of the latter, it is rarely permanent as most people acquire job skills with experience.
Out here in the rest of the land where they be no subways min. wage is a good excuse to live by a river in a tent.
Labor costs are a much smaller percentage of costs these days even at a MacDonald's; those '$10 burgers' everybody snivels about came along many years back with zero rise in minimum wages over many of those years. Other costs rose far faster.

And, the Number complaint of most businesses isn't tax rates, it's NOT ENOUGH CUSTOMERS, which is what happens when disposable incomes start disappearing; the 'middle class' goes way as well.
I didn't realize just how much some people don't understand the basics of how markets work.

We have fat fucking HOMELESS PEOPLE who can afford to do drugs and shit.

When I was a kid my pot budget was a significant percentage of my income. I couldn't afford beer, I hoarded tattered clean rags rather than buy toilet paper and ate fuckin ramen noodles. A luxury meal for me in my early 20's involved buying a whole chicken, some celery, carrots, onion with 4 packs of Ramen and making a massive pot of soup that lasted a week.

During real prosperous times I got Mac and cheese and could use actual milk and butter. Dumped in some chopped up Sahlen's Hot Dogs and it was like fuckin Thanksgiving.
Luckily, Biden has convinced a team of proud grass hut owning African advisers to come to the homeless in California to explain to them on how to build the grass huts


But unfortunately, the African advisors seemed a bit perplexed by the mentally ill/drug addicted, Biden supporters who demanded that they stop being racist by making the work to build the hut shouting, "We are not your slaves!", as they demanded the systemically racist US government provide them food and shelter and clean needles.

It seems being poor and homeless in Africa is a much better fate overall than in the US.

As Mohammad Ali once said when he visited Africa, the poor there had a dignity about them that he was impressed with. There was no entitlement attitude, no crime/drug related culture, and he told them NEVER to become like black democrats in the US who lack such self dignity.
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Luckily, Biden has convinced a team of African advisers on how to build the grass huts

View attachment 564399

But unfortunately, the African advisors seemed a bit perplexed by the mentally ill/drug addicted, Biden supporters who demanded that they stop being racist by making the work to build the hut shooting, "We are not your slaves!", as they demanded the systemically racist US government provide them food and shelter and clean needles.
And they are affordable comparred to a composite three tab shingles in the US.
Given they bankrupt so many companies, management these days are worth far less than minimum wage workers.
It's hard to say if companies are going bankrupt because of a poor economy or whether it because of people simply quitting to avoid the jab mandate and causing them to go out of business.

It's a chicken or egg kind of question, but I suspect it is both.
Luckily, Biden has convinced a team of African advisers on how to build the grass huts

View attachment 564399

But unfortunately, the African advisors seemed a bit perplexed by the mentally ill/drug addicted, Biden supporters who demanded that they stop being racist by making the work to build the hut shooting, "We are not your slaves!", as they demanded the systemically racist US government provide them food and shelter and clean needles.

Zoning laws and covenants written into real estate deals prevent housing workers can afford from being built. No Republicans and conservatives have stood up to demand those restrictions on 'free markets' be declared illegal. Habitat For Humanity can't build them fast enough, and even they don't build them for free.

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