Minimum wage

42% of americans earn less than $15 per hour

Join the Fight for 15 today!

Fight for $15

The fight for $15 is the fight for automation!
A more efficient economy, what a concept. It is why we need unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed.
IOW you want to be paid for sitting on your ass at mommy's house
why do you care? should the poor care how much the rich make even without a work ethic from the Age of Iron?
Its up to the US to get people trained?

I always thought that was MY job.

The real world.

You should visit sometime

The problem is a country needs certain skills. Look at Germany, they set out to be a high tech manufacturer, seeing, rightly, that if you stick to the cheap stuff, that countries like China, Taiwan, Vietnam will be able to come along with low skilled and much cheaper workers and take over your jobs. The US is trying to get back jobs that it shouldn't have, and because it hasn't gone out there to get higher tech jobs, many of these are being done abroad too or require foreign workers to do them. This is a problem.

Some countries are deciding how they want their society to be, and they decided they want their society to be strong. You lot have decided you want low paid manufacturing jobs. I don't get it.
it's up to you to find out what skills will bring the best price in the marketplace and then get the training you need to perform those skills

A society is strong when people have the freedom to be and do what they want
Do you want to live in a country where you are told that you have to be a plumber because the country needs plumbers or would you rather make your own choices

The individual always trumps society

Right, so a kid at the age of 12 decides what skills he needs, but the school he goes to doesn't provide those skills, then what?

A society is strong when people get to choose, but too much choice doesn't make society stronger, you still need people to do certain things. Is society strong when people get conscripted? Sure, but they don't have the choice, do they?

I'm not talking about telling people to be a plumber. Hey, I want to be a multi billionaire, but the job vacancy for that one is taken by someone else. So where's my choice? Oh, the choice is there, I can choose to pursue something, that doesn't mean there's going to be room for me. Plenty of kids apply for schools they can't get into because others are better, so they have to do something they don't want to do. That's life.

What I'm talking about is saying "hey, we need 50,000 kids to study to be a plumber this year, and 2,000 to be engineers, you can apply to be an engineer, but if you don't make it, there are plenty of available spaces in plumbing"

You say the individual trumps the society, yet it doesn't. You can't say whatever the hell you want, society makes rules that you have to abide by or go to prison, how is this the individual trumping society exactly?

The right go on and on and on about how the left are destroying morals, morals are about society not the individual. Give me a break.
Right, so a kid at the age of 12 decides what skills he needs, but the school he goes to doesn't provide those skills, then what?
The kid either does self study, or does the best he can with what is available.

Isn't that great. "Hey, kid, sorry, but you got born on the wrong side of the tracks, so screw you, all the good places will be taken by the rich kids, because their daddy has money."
What does living on the wrong side of the tracks have to do with anything?

Kid wants to do/become something, if the school he goes to doesn't support it, there are libraries, book stores, internet, etc he can get study materials.

When did it become necessary to hand kids everything so they can succeed?

"Sorry, Johnny, we dont' teach _______. you'll have to become a hamburger flipper"

Don't work for minimum wage all your life assholes. Try getting some skills and work experience.

What about people with problems where getting a better job isn't an option?

People with concentration problems, people with mental problems, people with learning difficulties, the list is endless.

Getting a better job (or a JOB) is always an option, just depends on how hungry you get if nobody stuffs your mouth with free food.
The problem is a country needs certain skills. Look at Germany, they set out to be a high tech manufacturer, seeing, rightly, that if you stick to the cheap stuff, that countries like China, Taiwan, Vietnam will be able to come along with low skilled and much cheaper workers and take over your jobs. The US is trying to get back jobs that it shouldn't have, and because it hasn't gone out there to get higher tech jobs, many of these are being done abroad too or require foreign workers to do them. This is a problem.

Some countries are deciding how they want their society to be, and they decided they want their society to be strong. You lot have decided you want low paid manufacturing jobs. I don't get it.
it's up to you to find out what skills will bring the best price in the marketplace and then get the training you need to perform those skills

A society is strong when people have the freedom to be and do what they want
Do you want to live in a country where you are told that you have to be a plumber because the country needs plumbers or would you rather make your own choices

The individual always trumps society

Right, so a kid at the age of 12 decides what skills he needs, but the school he goes to doesn't provide those skills, then what?

A society is strong when people get to choose, but too much choice doesn't make society stronger, you still need people to do certain things. Is society strong when people get conscripted? Sure, but they don't have the choice, do they?

I'm not talking about telling people to be a plumber. Hey, I want to be a multi billionaire, but the job vacancy for that one is taken by someone else. So where's my choice? Oh, the choice is there, I can choose to pursue something, that doesn't mean there's going to be room for me. Plenty of kids apply for schools they can't get into because others are better, so they have to do something they don't want to do. That's life.

What I'm talking about is saying "hey, we need 50,000 kids to study to be a plumber this year, and 2,000 to be engineers, you can apply to be an engineer, but if you don't make it, there are plenty of available spaces in plumbing"

You say the individual trumps the society, yet it doesn't. You can't say whatever the hell you want, society makes rules that you have to abide by or go to prison, how is this the individual trumping society exactly?

The right go on and on and on about how the left are destroying morals, morals are about society not the individual. Give me a break.
Right, so a kid at the age of 12 decides what skills he needs, but the school he goes to doesn't provide those skills, then what?
The kid either does self study, or does the best he can with what is available.

Isn't that great. "Hey, kid, sorry, but you got born on the wrong side of the tracks, so screw you, all the good places will be taken by the rich kids, because their daddy has money."
What does living on the wrong side of the tracks have to do with anything?

Kid wants to do/become something, if the school he goes to doesn't support it, there are libraries, book stores, internet, etc he can get study materials.

When did it become necessary to hand kids everything so they can succeed?

"Sorry, Johnny, we dont' teach _______. you'll have to become a hamburger flipper"


It's a simple thing, that the rich keep the poor down. You have rich kids getting much better education and poorer kids get poor education, and then you expect the poor kids to work 5 times harder to get anywhere in life.

Bullshit, yep, that sums up what you said.

You don't need to hand kids everything, but it would be nice if they were at least given a fucking chance.
Don't work for minimum wage all your life assholes. Try getting some skills and work experience.

What about people with problems where getting a better job isn't an option?

People with concentration problems, people with mental problems, people with learning difficulties, the list is endless.

Getting a better job (or a JOB) is always an option, just depends on how hungry you get if nobody stuffs your mouth with free food.

Is it? Do you know what it's like having problems that you can't just solve by studying more? Some people can't take in as much as others, how are they going to compete? Oh, they should just be thrown out and live in the cold under a bridge because they were born with a brain that isn't as good as someone else's?

Where do you people get off?
The problem is a country needs certain skills. Look at Germany, they set out to be a high tech manufacturer, seeing, rightly, that if you stick to the cheap stuff, that countries like China, Taiwan, Vietnam will be able to come along with low skilled and much cheaper workers and take over your jobs. The US is trying to get back jobs that it shouldn't have, and because it hasn't gone out there to get higher tech jobs, many of these are being done abroad too or require foreign workers to do them. This is a problem.

Some countries are deciding how they want their society to be, and they decided they want their society to be strong. You lot have decided you want low paid manufacturing jobs. I don't get it.
it's up to you to find out what skills will bring the best price in the marketplace and then get the training you need to perform those skills

A society is strong when people have the freedom to be and do what they want
Do you want to live in a country where you are told that you have to be a plumber because the country needs plumbers or would you rather make your own choices

The individual always trumps society

Right, so a kid at the age of 12 decides what skills he needs, but the school he goes to doesn't provide those skills, then what?

A society is strong when people get to choose, but too much choice doesn't make society stronger, you still need people to do certain things. Is society strong when people get conscripted? Sure, but they don't have the choice, do they?

I'm not talking about telling people to be a plumber. Hey, I want to be a multi billionaire, but the job vacancy for that one is taken by someone else. So where's my choice? Oh, the choice is there, I can choose to pursue something, that doesn't mean there's going to be room for me. Plenty of kids apply for schools they can't get into because others are better, so they have to do something they don't want to do. That's life.

What I'm talking about is saying "hey, we need 50,000 kids to study to be a plumber this year, and 2,000 to be engineers, you can apply to be an engineer, but if you don't make it, there are plenty of available spaces in plumbing"

You say the individual trumps the society, yet it doesn't. You can't say whatever the hell you want, society makes rules that you have to abide by or go to prison, how is this the individual trumping society exactly?

The right go on and on and on about how the left are destroying morals, morals are about society not the individual. Give me a break.
Right, so a kid at the age of 12 decides what skills he needs, but the school he goes to doesn't provide those skills, then what?
The kid either does self study, or does the best he can with what is available.

Isn't that great. "Hey, kid, sorry, but you got born on the wrong side of the tracks, so screw you, all the good places will be taken by the rich kids, because their daddy has money."
What does living on the wrong side of the tracks have to do with anything?

Kid wants to do/become something, if the school he goes to doesn't support it, there are libraries, book stores, internet, etc he can get study materials.

When did it become necessary to hand kids everything so they can succeed?

"Sorry, Johnny, we dont' teach _______. you'll have to become a hamburger flipper"

it could be the difference between a successful hamburger flipper and a successful real estate mogul.
it's up to you to find out what skills will bring the best price in the marketplace and then get the training you need to perform those skills

A society is strong when people have the freedom to be and do what they want
Do you want to live in a country where you are told that you have to be a plumber because the country needs plumbers or would you rather make your own choices

The individual always trumps society

Right, so a kid at the age of 12 decides what skills he needs, but the school he goes to doesn't provide those skills, then what?

A society is strong when people get to choose, but too much choice doesn't make society stronger, you still need people to do certain things. Is society strong when people get conscripted? Sure, but they don't have the choice, do they?

I'm not talking about telling people to be a plumber. Hey, I want to be a multi billionaire, but the job vacancy for that one is taken by someone else. So where's my choice? Oh, the choice is there, I can choose to pursue something, that doesn't mean there's going to be room for me. Plenty of kids apply for schools they can't get into because others are better, so they have to do something they don't want to do. That's life.

What I'm talking about is saying "hey, we need 50,000 kids to study to be a plumber this year, and 2,000 to be engineers, you can apply to be an engineer, but if you don't make it, there are plenty of available spaces in plumbing"

You say the individual trumps the society, yet it doesn't. You can't say whatever the hell you want, society makes rules that you have to abide by or go to prison, how is this the individual trumping society exactly?

The right go on and on and on about how the left are destroying morals, morals are about society not the individual. Give me a break.
Right, so a kid at the age of 12 decides what skills he needs, but the school he goes to doesn't provide those skills, then what?
The kid either does self study, or does the best he can with what is available.

Isn't that great. "Hey, kid, sorry, but you got born on the wrong side of the tracks, so screw you, all the good places will be taken by the rich kids, because their daddy has money."
What does living on the wrong side of the tracks have to do with anything?

Kid wants to do/become something, if the school he goes to doesn't support it, there are libraries, book stores, internet, etc he can get study materials.

When did it become necessary to hand kids everything so they can succeed?

"Sorry, Johnny, we dont' teach _______. you'll have to become a hamburger flipper"


It's a simple thing, that the rich keep the poor down. You have rich kids getting much better education and poorer kids get poor education, and then you expect the poor kids to work 5 times harder to get anywhere in life.

Bullshit, yep, that sums up what you said.

You don't need to hand kids everything, but it would be nice if they were at least given a fucking chance.

Much earlier in the thread, you said you didn't get it, and I agreed.

I still agree.
Don't work for minimum wage all your life assholes. Try getting some skills and work experience.

What about people with problems where getting a better job isn't an option?

People with concentration problems, people with mental problems, people with learning difficulties, the list is endless.

Getting a better job (or a JOB) is always an option, just depends on how hungry you get if nobody stuffs your mouth with free food.

Is it? Do you know what it's like having problems that you can't just solve by studying more? Some people can't take in as much as others, how are they going to compete? Oh, they should just be thrown out and live in the cold under a bridge because they were born with a brain that isn't as good as someone else's?

Where do you people get off?

If you can't compete, don't expect rewards in life as though you could.
Don't work for minimum wage all your life assholes. Try getting some skills and work experience.

What about people with problems where getting a better job isn't an option?

People with concentration problems, people with mental problems, people with learning difficulties, the list is endless.

Getting a better job (or a JOB) is always an option, just depends on how hungry you get if nobody stuffs your mouth with free food.
that was ok in the Age of Iron; we are in the Age of Corporate Welfare now.
Right, so a kid at the age of 12 decides what skills he needs, but the school he goes to doesn't provide those skills, then what?

A society is strong when people get to choose, but too much choice doesn't make society stronger, you still need people to do certain things. Is society strong when people get conscripted? Sure, but they don't have the choice, do they?

I'm not talking about telling people to be a plumber. Hey, I want to be a multi billionaire, but the job vacancy for that one is taken by someone else. So where's my choice? Oh, the choice is there, I can choose to pursue something, that doesn't mean there's going to be room for me. Plenty of kids apply for schools they can't get into because others are better, so they have to do something they don't want to do. That's life.

What I'm talking about is saying "hey, we need 50,000 kids to study to be a plumber this year, and 2,000 to be engineers, you can apply to be an engineer, but if you don't make it, there are plenty of available spaces in plumbing"

You say the individual trumps the society, yet it doesn't. You can't say whatever the hell you want, society makes rules that you have to abide by or go to prison, how is this the individual trumping society exactly?

The right go on and on and on about how the left are destroying morals, morals are about society not the individual. Give me a break.
Right, so a kid at the age of 12 decides what skills he needs, but the school he goes to doesn't provide those skills, then what?
The kid either does self study, or does the best he can with what is available.

Isn't that great. "Hey, kid, sorry, but you got born on the wrong side of the tracks, so screw you, all the good places will be taken by the rich kids, because their daddy has money."
What does living on the wrong side of the tracks have to do with anything?

Kid wants to do/become something, if the school he goes to doesn't support it, there are libraries, book stores, internet, etc he can get study materials.

When did it become necessary to hand kids everything so they can succeed?

"Sorry, Johnny, we dont' teach _______. you'll have to become a hamburger flipper"


It's a simple thing, that the rich keep the poor down. You have rich kids getting much better education and poorer kids get poor education, and then you expect the poor kids to work 5 times harder to get anywhere in life.

Bullshit, yep, that sums up what you said.

You don't need to hand kids everything, but it would be nice if they were at least given a fucking chance.

Much earlier in the thread, you said you didn't get it, and I agreed.

I still agree.

I see you're the sort of person who just presses the funny button all the time. Why do you bother coming on here?
Don't work for minimum wage all your life assholes. Try getting some skills and work experience.

What about people with problems where getting a better job isn't an option?

People with concentration problems, people with mental problems, people with learning difficulties, the list is endless.

Getting a better job (or a JOB) is always an option, just depends on how hungry you get if nobody stuffs your mouth with free food.

Is it? Do you know what it's like having problems that you can't just solve by studying more? Some people can't take in as much as others, how are they going to compete? Oh, they should just be thrown out and live in the cold under a bridge because they were born with a brain that isn't as good as someone else's?

Where do you people get off?

If you can't compete, don't expect rewards in life as though you could.

One thing is "rewards", another thing is a roof over your head. If you can't see there's a big difference there, then you need to get real.
I don't feel bad for people who never aspire to do more than put french fries and burgers in paper bags for a living it's their choice to be unskiiled
social services pays the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably, for rational choice theory purposes.
why do you assume low skill workers will receive social services

most don't
care to cite your statistics.

why does the right complain about the cost of social services.
tell you what since you seem to think everyone making less than 15 an hour gets some kind of government welfare why don't you put a link to that?
social services pays out around fourteen dollars an hour by market friendly comparison and market friendly contrast. only the right wing, never gets the point about market friendliness, if it is not about guns or lucre.

Again it's paid with tax dollars, the government can pull any number they want out of thin air for the most part Infinite.. See our debt.

Salaries are paid for with profit.. It's finite.

Once it goes into the red the jobs are gone.

The kid either does self study, or does the best he can with what is available.

Isn't that great. "Hey, kid, sorry, but you got born on the wrong side of the tracks, so screw you, all the good places will be taken by the rich kids, because their daddy has money."
What does living on the wrong side of the tracks have to do with anything?

Kid wants to do/become something, if the school he goes to doesn't support it, there are libraries, book stores, internet, etc he can get study materials.

When did it become necessary to hand kids everything so they can succeed?

"Sorry, Johnny, we dont' teach _______. you'll have to become a hamburger flipper"


It's a simple thing, that the rich keep the poor down. You have rich kids getting much better education and poorer kids get poor education, and then you expect the poor kids to work 5 times harder to get anywhere in life.

Bullshit, yep, that sums up what you said.

You don't need to hand kids everything, but it would be nice if they were at least given a fucking chance.

Much earlier in the thread, you said you didn't get it, and I agreed.

I still agree.

I see you're the sort of person who just presses the funny button all the time. Why do you bother coming on here?
i love it when the right claims they are worth equal for logic and reason purposes.
The kid either does self study, or does the best he can with what is available.

Isn't that great. "Hey, kid, sorry, but you got born on the wrong side of the tracks, so screw you, all the good places will be taken by the rich kids, because their daddy has money."
What does living on the wrong side of the tracks have to do with anything?

Kid wants to do/become something, if the school he goes to doesn't support it, there are libraries, book stores, internet, etc he can get study materials.

When did it become necessary to hand kids everything so they can succeed?

"Sorry, Johnny, we dont' teach _______. you'll have to become a hamburger flipper"


It's a simple thing, that the rich keep the poor down. You have rich kids getting much better education and poorer kids get poor education, and then you expect the poor kids to work 5 times harder to get anywhere in life.

Bullshit, yep, that sums up what you said.

You don't need to hand kids everything, but it would be nice if they were at least given a fucking chance.

Much earlier in the thread, you said you didn't get it, and I agreed.

I still agree.

I see you're the sort of person who just presses the funny button all the time. Why do you bother coming on here?
The funny button is not the only one I click, but, if the post is funny, it deserves acknowledgment
social services pays the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably, for rational choice theory purposes.
why do you assume low skill workers will receive social services

most don't
care to cite your statistics.

why does the right complain about the cost of social services.
tell you what since you seem to think everyone making less than 15 an hour gets some kind of government welfare why don't you put a link to that?
social services pays out around fourteen dollars an hour by market friendly comparison and market friendly contrast. only the right wing, never gets the point about market friendliness, if it is not about guns or lucre.

Again it's paid with tax dollars, the government can pull any number they want out of thin air for the most part Infinite.. See our debt.

Salaries are paid for with profit.. It's finite.

Once it goes into the red the jobs are gone.

so, let's end our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; there is no tax for them; so they must be, being financed. that is warfare-State spending not welfare-State spending. the right claims to be for warfare-State spending; yet, there is no power to provide for the common offense or general warfare to be found, anywhere in the Republican Doctrine.
Don't work for minimum wage all your life assholes. Try getting some skills and work experience.

What about people with problems where getting a better job isn't an option?

People with concentration problems, people with mental problems, people with learning difficulties, the list is endless.

Getting a better job (or a JOB) is always an option, just depends on how hungry you get if nobody stuffs your mouth with free food.

Is it? Do you know what it's like having problems that you can't just solve by studying more? Some people can't take in as much as others, how are they going to compete? Oh, they should just be thrown out and live in the cold under a bridge because they were born with a brain that isn't as good as someone else's?

Where do you people get off?

If you can't compete, don't expect rewards in life as though you could.

One thing is "rewards", another thing is a roof over your head. If you can't see there's a big difference there, then you need to get real.

There was a time in my life when there was no roof over my head, for a few minutes, until I found some.

Found it without government assistance, minimum wage laws, and bleeding heart socialistic freeloading Bernie Sanders like mooching at the public teat.
it's up to you to find out what skills will bring the best price in the marketplace and then get the training you need to perform those skills

A society is strong when people have the freedom to be and do what they want
Do you want to live in a country where you are told that you have to be a plumber because the country needs plumbers or would you rather make your own choices

The individual always trumps society

Right, so a kid at the age of 12 decides what skills he needs, but the school he goes to doesn't provide those skills, then what?

A society is strong when people get to choose, but too much choice doesn't make society stronger, you still need people to do certain things. Is society strong when people get conscripted? Sure, but they don't have the choice, do they?

I'm not talking about telling people to be a plumber. Hey, I want to be a multi billionaire, but the job vacancy for that one is taken by someone else. So where's my choice? Oh, the choice is there, I can choose to pursue something, that doesn't mean there's going to be room for me. Plenty of kids apply for schools they can't get into because others are better, so they have to do something they don't want to do. That's life.

What I'm talking about is saying "hey, we need 50,000 kids to study to be a plumber this year, and 2,000 to be engineers, you can apply to be an engineer, but if you don't make it, there are plenty of available spaces in plumbing"

You say the individual trumps the society, yet it doesn't. You can't say whatever the hell you want, society makes rules that you have to abide by or go to prison, how is this the individual trumping society exactly?

The right go on and on and on about how the left are destroying morals, morals are about society not the individual. Give me a break.
Right, so a kid at the age of 12 decides what skills he needs, but the school he goes to doesn't provide those skills, then what?
The kid either does self study, or does the best he can with what is available.

Isn't that great. "Hey, kid, sorry, but you got born on the wrong side of the tracks, so screw you, all the good places will be taken by the rich kids, because their daddy has money."
What does living on the wrong side of the tracks have to do with anything?

Kid wants to do/become something, if the school he goes to doesn't support it, there are libraries, book stores, internet, etc he can get study materials.

When did it become necessary to hand kids everything so they can succeed?

"Sorry, Johnny, we dont' teach _______. you'll have to become a hamburger flipper"

it could be the difference between a successful hamburger flipper and a successful real estate mogul.

Reference to Trump there?

Nothing stopping a kid from becoming a real estate mogul, if that's what he wants, except his own drive and ability.

I remember back in the late 60s a kid making thousands playing penny stocks, long before computers were everywhere you looked.

He took an interest, made a plan, found an adult to front him so he could purchase the stocks, and cleaned up.

and he didn't come from the 'right side of the tracks', as I remember.
Isn't that great. "Hey, kid, sorry, but you got born on the wrong side of the tracks, so screw you, all the good places will be taken by the rich kids, because their daddy has money."
What does living on the wrong side of the tracks have to do with anything?

Kid wants to do/become something, if the school he goes to doesn't support it, there are libraries, book stores, internet, etc he can get study materials.

When did it become necessary to hand kids everything so they can succeed?

"Sorry, Johnny, we dont' teach _______. you'll have to become a hamburger flipper"


It's a simple thing, that the rich keep the poor down. You have rich kids getting much better education and poorer kids get poor education, and then you expect the poor kids to work 5 times harder to get anywhere in life.

Bullshit, yep, that sums up what you said.

You don't need to hand kids everything, but it would be nice if they were at least given a fucking chance.

Much earlier in the thread, you said you didn't get it, and I agreed.

I still agree.

I see you're the sort of person who just presses the funny button all the time. Why do you bother coming on here?
The funny button is not the only one I click, but, if the post is funny, it deserves acknowledgment

Dude, it's a politics forum, and you come on behaving like a child. Jeez....
What does living on the wrong side of the tracks have to do with anything?

Kid wants to do/become something, if the school he goes to doesn't support it, there are libraries, book stores, internet, etc he can get study materials.

When did it become necessary to hand kids everything so they can succeed?

"Sorry, Johnny, we dont' teach _______. you'll have to become a hamburger flipper"


It's a simple thing, that the rich keep the poor down. You have rich kids getting much better education and poorer kids get poor education, and then you expect the poor kids to work 5 times harder to get anywhere in life.

Bullshit, yep, that sums up what you said.

You don't need to hand kids everything, but it would be nice if they were at least given a fucking chance.

Much earlier in the thread, you said you didn't get it, and I agreed.

I still agree.

I see you're the sort of person who just presses the funny button all the time. Why do you bother coming on here?
The funny button is not the only one I click, but, if the post is funny, it deserves acknowledgment

Dude, it's a politics forum, and you come on behaving like a child. Jeez....

another funny post, but since you have an aversion to the little smiley face...
What about people with problems where getting a better job isn't an option?

People with concentration problems, people with mental problems, people with learning difficulties, the list is endless.

Getting a better job (or a JOB) is always an option, just depends on how hungry you get if nobody stuffs your mouth with free food.

Is it? Do you know what it's like having problems that you can't just solve by studying more? Some people can't take in as much as others, how are they going to compete? Oh, they should just be thrown out and live in the cold under a bridge because they were born with a brain that isn't as good as someone else's?

Where do you people get off?

If you can't compete, don't expect rewards in life as though you could.

One thing is "rewards", another thing is a roof over your head. If you can't see there's a big difference there, then you need to get real.

There was a time in my life when there was no roof over my head, for a few minutes, until I found some.

Found it without government assistance, minimum wage laws, and bleeding heart socialistic freeloading Bernie Sanders like mooching at the public teat.

And this anecdote has what to do with anything?

I went for ages without a home, but it was through choice and I traveled and always had a roof because I could afford it. But that doesn't mean everyone is in the same situation as me. You just think everyone is like you, they're not. I know people who struggle to hold down jobs because of mental problems. All that happens is they see the reality that crime is the only thing that does pay, at the very least the govt will pay for a roof over your head and free food every day.

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