More Liberals, Fewer Conservatives


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
At least that's the conclusion of a WSJ article.

Conservatives still outnumber liberals, but not as much as in the past.

In three national polls conducted so far in 2015, the analysis found that 26% of registered voters identified themselves as liberals — up from 23% in 2014. At the same time, the share of voters identifying as conservatives dropped to 33% from 37% in 2014.


The analysis by GOP pollster Bill McInturff, who looked at survey data from 2010 to 2015, found that the biggest ideological shifts came among women, young people, Latinos and well-educated voters, as well as people in the West and in cities. ...

Mr. McInturff said it wasn’t immediately clear what accounts for the shift. Another poll analysis by Gallup also suggests there has been a leftward movement on social issues: 31% of adults in a May 6-10 poll identified themselves as liberal on social issues — the largest share since Gallup started asking the question in 1999, and the first time social liberals matched the share who said they were socially conservative. On economic issues, by contrast, conservatives continued to dominate by a 39%-19% margin. ...

“Americans’ growing social liberalism is evident not only in how they describe their views on social issues but also in changes in specific attitudes, such as increased support for same-sex marriage and legalizing marijuana,” the Gallup report said.

Mr. McInturff’s analysis of WSJ/NBC data found that the demographic group that now has the most liberals – and that has seen the most dramatic swing to the left since 2010 — is women aged 18-49. Among those voters in 2015 polls, 37% said they were liberal, 23% said they were conservative — a 20 point swing since 2010 when 27% said they were liberal and 33% said they were conservative.

Younger voters also saw a notable swing to the left, with 35% of 18-34-year-olds saying they are liberal and 26% saying the are conservative. In 2010, that age group split 28% liberal-32% conservative.​

Liberals Make Big Comeback in 2015 Poll Analysis Finds - Washington Wire - WSJ
On social issues, liberals matched conservatives for the first time ever, and will soon be the majority.

On Social Ideology the Left Catches Up to the Right


Since people tend to become more liberal as they age and mature, this is all especially bad news for conservatives. Because of young voters replacing old voters who died, the liberals gained a few million more voters between 2012 and 2016.
On social issues, liberals matched conservatives for the first time ever, and will soon be the majority.

On Social Ideology the Left Catches Up to the Right


Since people tend to become more liberal as they age and mature, this is all especially bad news for conservatives. Because of young voters replacing old voters who died, the liberals gained a few million more voters between 2012 and 2016.

Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.
On social issues, liberals matched conservatives for the first time ever, and will soon be the majority.

On Social Ideology the Left Catches Up to the Right


Since people tend to become more liberal as they age and mature, this is all especially bad news for conservatives. Because of young voters replacing old voters who died, the liberals gained a few million more voters between 2012 and 2016.

Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.
I think young people just getting weary of the increasingly mean spirited tone of conservatives. They tell young people that they are on their own while not seeming to care about their issues like student debt, the environment or lack of opportunity.
Millennials generally don't like the 'mood' of conservative speech, simply mean.

They think liberals are throwing money away and gumming up the gears of government.

They will land in the great middle I think.
At least that's the conclusion of a WSJ article.

Conservatives still outnumber liberals, but not as much as in the past.

In three national polls conducted so far in 2015, the analysis found that 26% of registered voters identified themselves as liberals — up from 23% in 2014. At the same time, the share of voters identifying as conservatives dropped to 33% from 37% in 2014.


The analysis by GOP pollster Bill McInturff, who looked at survey data from 2010 to 2015, found that the biggest ideological shifts came among women, young people, Latinos and well-educated voters, as well as people in the West and in cities. ...

Mr. McInturff said it wasn’t immediately clear what accounts for the shift. Another poll analysis by Gallup also suggests there has been a leftward movement on social issues: 31% of adults in a May 6-10 poll identified themselves as liberal on social issues — the largest share since Gallup started asking the question in 1999, and the first time social liberals matched the share who said they were socially conservative. On economic issues, by contrast, conservatives continued to dominate by a 39%-19% margin. ...

“Americans’ growing social liberalism is evident not only in how they describe their views on social issues but also in changes in specific attitudes, such as increased support for same-sex marriage and legalizing marijuana,” the Gallup report said.

Mr. McInturff’s analysis of WSJ/NBC data found that the demographic group that now has the most liberals – and that has seen the most dramatic swing to the left since 2010 — is women aged 18-49. Among those voters in 2015 polls, 37% said they were liberal, 23% said they were conservative — a 20 point swing since 2010 when 27% said they were liberal and 33% said they were conservative.

Younger voters also saw a notable swing to the left, with 35% of 18-34-year-olds saying they are liberal and 26% saying the are conservative. In 2010, that age group split 28% liberal-32% conservative.​

Liberals Make Big Comeback in 2015 Poll Analysis Finds - Washington Wire - WSJ

Did the poll first set out by defining what it means by "Liberal" and "Conservatve"? Without that, this poll is pretty much meaningless.

It doesn't appear they did, since the very first sentence of the article starts out "There are signs that liberals are making a comeback — and not just because a socialist is running for president, gay marriage is spreading like wildfire and pot legalization is gaining acceptance" --- Gay marrriage and pot legalization would be Liberal issues; socialism would not. Then it goes on to people "moving left" on issues -- again, "left" ≠ "Liberal".

I'd be more interested in a poll taken with undefined terms, like this one, then the terms get defined and re-ask the same question, and see how much variance there is. When a term is grossly misused, it's kind of pointless to ask a cross section of people whether or not they identify with it.
On social issues, liberals matched conservatives for the first time ever, and will soon be the majority.

On Social Ideology the Left Catches Up to the Right


Since people tend to become more liberal as they age and mature, this is all especially bad news for conservatives. Because of young voters replacing old voters who died, the liberals gained a few million more voters between 2012 and 2016.

Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.
I think young people just getting weary of the increasingly mean spirited tone of conservatives. They tell young people that they are on their own while not seeming to care about their issues like student debt, the environment or lack of opportunity.

And how has Obamas student debt plan fared.....another abysmal failure but hey he cared enough to enslave em more
At least that's the conclusion of a WSJ article.

Conservatives still outnumber liberals, but not as much as in the past.

In three national polls conducted so far in 2015, the analysis found that 26% of registered voters identified themselves as liberals — up from 23% in 2014. At the same time, the share of voters identifying as conservatives dropped to 33% from 37% in 2014.


The analysis by GOP pollster Bill McInturff, who looked at survey data from 2010 to 2015, found that the biggest ideological shifts came among women, young people, Latinos and well-educated voters, as well as people in the West and in cities. ...

Mr. McInturff said it wasn’t immediately clear what accounts for the shift. Another poll analysis by Gallup also suggests there has been a leftward movement on social issues: 31% of adults in a May 6-10 poll identified themselves as liberal on social issues — the largest share since Gallup started asking the question in 1999, and the first time social liberals matched the share who said they were socially conservative. On economic issues, by contrast, conservatives continued to dominate by a 39%-19% margin. ...

“Americans’ growing social liberalism is evident not only in how they describe their views on social issues but also in changes in specific attitudes, such as increased support for same-sex marriage and legalizing marijuana,” the Gallup report said.

Mr. McInturff’s analysis of WSJ/NBC data found that the demographic group that now has the most liberals – and that has seen the most dramatic swing to the left since 2010 — is women aged 18-49. Among those voters in 2015 polls, 37% said they were liberal, 23% said they were conservative — a 20 point swing since 2010 when 27% said they were liberal and 33% said they were conservative.

Younger voters also saw a notable swing to the left, with 35% of 18-34-year-olds saying they are liberal and 26% saying the are conservative. In 2010, that age group split 28% liberal-32% conservative.​

Liberals Make Big Comeback in 2015 Poll Analysis Finds - Washington Wire - WSJ

Did the poll first set out by defining what it means by "Liberal" and "Conservatve"? Without that, this poll is pretty much meaningless.

It doesn't appear they did, since the very first sentence of the article starts out "There are signs that liberals are making a comeback — and not just because a socialist is running for president, gay marriage is spreading like wildfire and pot legalization is gaining acceptance" --- Gay marrriage and pot legalization would be Liberal issues; socialism would not. Then it goes on to people "moving left" on issues -- again, "left" ≠ "Liberal".

I'd be more interested in a poll taken with undefined terms, like this one, then the terms get defined and re-ask the same question, and see how much variance there is. When a term is grossly misused, it's kind of pointless to ask a cross section of people whether or not they identify with it.

After all the time and money spent demonizing the term liberal, I'm surprised there are such increased numbers of people claiming to be liberal. I guess a lot of people are starting to realize that what the right wing claims are liberal ideals have very little to do with what liberals actually believe.
At least that's the conclusion of a WSJ article.

Conservatives still outnumber liberals, but not as much as in the past.

In three national polls conducted so far in 2015, the analysis found that 26% of registered voters identified themselves as liberals — up from 23% in 2014. At the same time, the share of voters identifying as conservatives dropped to 33% from 37% in 2014.


The analysis by GOP pollster Bill McInturff, who looked at survey data from 2010 to 2015, found that the biggest ideological shifts came among women, young people, Latinos and well-educated voters, as well as people in the West and in cities. ...

Mr. McInturff said it wasn’t immediately clear what accounts for the shift. Another poll analysis by Gallup also suggests there has been a leftward movement on social issues: 31% of adults in a May 6-10 poll identified themselves as liberal on social issues — the largest share since Gallup started asking the question in 1999, and the first time social liberals matched the share who said they were socially conservative. On economic issues, by contrast, conservatives continued to dominate by a 39%-19% margin. ...

“Americans’ growing social liberalism is evident not only in how they describe their views on social issues but also in changes in specific attitudes, such as increased support for same-sex marriage and legalizing marijuana,” the Gallup report said.

Mr. McInturff’s analysis of WSJ/NBC data found that the demographic group that now has the most liberals – and that has seen the most dramatic swing to the left since 2010 — is women aged 18-49. Among those voters in 2015 polls, 37% said they were liberal, 23% said they were conservative — a 20 point swing since 2010 when 27% said they were liberal and 33% said they were conservative.

Younger voters also saw a notable swing to the left, with 35% of 18-34-year-olds saying they are liberal and 26% saying the are conservative. In 2010, that age group split 28% liberal-32% conservative.​

Liberals Make Big Comeback in 2015 Poll Analysis Finds - Washington Wire - WSJ

Did the poll first set out by defining what it means by "Liberal" and "Conservatve"? Without that, this poll is pretty much meaningless.

It doesn't appear they did, since the very first sentence of the article starts out "There are signs that liberals are making a comeback — and not just because a socialist is running for president, gay marriage is spreading like wildfire and pot legalization is gaining acceptance" --- Gay marrriage and pot legalization would be Liberal issues; socialism would not. Then it goes on to people "moving left" on issues -- again, "left" ≠ "Liberal".

I'd be more interested in a poll taken with undefined terms, like this one, then the terms get defined and re-ask the same question, and see how much variance there is. When a term is grossly misused, it's kind of pointless to ask a cross section of people whether or not they identify with it.

After all the time and money spent demonizing the term liberal, I'm surprised there are such increased numbers of people claiming to be liberal. I guess a lot of people are starting to realize that what the right wing claims are liberal ideals have very little to do with what liberals actually believe.

Precisely my point, thank you. :thup:
On social issues, liberals matched conservatives for the first time ever, and will soon be the majority.

On Social Ideology the Left Catches Up to the Right


Since people tend to become more liberal as they age and mature, this is all especially bad news for conservatives. Because of young voters replacing old voters who died, the liberals gained a few million more voters between 2012 and 2016.

"If you are under 30 and you're not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are over 30 and you're not a conservative, you have no brain"

Get your act together. People naturally become much more conservative with age.
"And how has Obamas student debt plan fared.....another abysmal failure but hey he cared enough to enslave em more" is one more illiterate comment. Any facts? Your opinion is not fact.
Did the poll first set out by defining what it means by "Liberal" and "Conservatve"? Without that, this poll is pretty much meaningless.

People generally know what they are.

If you ask 1 person, that person might be confused. If you ask 1,000 people, they'll be pretty accurate.
Edgetho, a mouth of the far right failure, posts leader boards as evidence of what?
On social issues, liberals matched conservatives for the first time ever, and will soon be the majority.

On Social Ideology the Left Catches Up to the Right


Since people tend to become more liberal as they age and mature, this is all especially bad news for conservatives. Because of young voters replacing old voters who died, the liberals gained a few million more voters between 2012 and 2016.

"If you are under 30 and you're not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are over 30 and you're not a conservative, you have no brain"

Get your act together. People naturally become much more conservative with age.

People will accept your dumb ideas much more readily if you tell them that Benjamin Franklin said it first.
On social issues, liberals matched conservatives for the first time ever, and will soon be the majority.

On Social Ideology the Left Catches Up to the Right


Since people tend to become more liberal as they age and mature, this is all especially bad news for conservatives. Because of young voters replacing old voters who died, the liberals gained a few million more voters between 2012 and 2016.

"If you are under 30 and you're not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are over 30 and you're not a conservative, you have no brain"

Get your act together. People naturally become much more conservative with age.

People will accept your dumb ideas much more readily if you tell them that Benjamin Franklin said it first.

I don't know who the hell said it - I heard it was Winston Churchill (but I didn't attribute it because I don't know). If it were Benjamin Franklin (which I seriously doubt) then that proves what an intelligent Founder he was, wouldn't you agree?

Prove me wrong that people don't become more conservative with maturity.
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