More U.S. Children Live In Poverty Now Than During the Recession


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
More U.S. Children Live In Poverty Now Than During the Recession
Thousands of children in the US live in poverty but they are mostly Latin Americans and African Americans. Looks like their parents can't provide them with food and money. So why do they Latin Americans keep coming to the US? Is the life in their countries really that bad so they abandon everything and live here in squalor? Maybe it would be better to come back home just to save the children?
Is this going to be on Obama's "legacy" list?

Yeah, cuz kids were never poor until he was elected.

IOW, you're an idiot.

Why don't RWs ever have the gumption and honesty to just respond to a thread instead of ALWAYS trying to blame the president or just derail the thread? Chicken shit cowards.

To the OP, I posted a thread about this a while back and, no surprise, the RWs were in favor of hungry kids.

US is a world leader in child poverty US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Is this going to be on Obama's "legacy" list?

Yeah, cuz kids were never poor until he was elected.

IOW, you're an idiot.

Why don't RWs ever have the gumption and honesty to just respond to a thread instead of ALWAYS trying to blame the president or just derail the thread? Chicken shit cowards.

To the OP, I posted a thread about this a while back and, no surprise, the RWs were in favor of hungry kids.

US is a world leader in child poverty US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh I see, so even though "child poverty" has risen more under Obama, he can't be held responsible in any way existed before at some (much lower) level.

Yup, that makes a lot of sense. can't make this shit up.
The result is probably because more children are born to poor families. Middle class families have been reducing family size for a couple of generations now. Poor families haven't, partly because more children means more money be it the old ADC or more modern programs.
The result is probably because more children are born to poor families. Middle class families have been reducing family size for a couple of generations now. Poor families haven't, partly because more children means more money be it the old ADC or more modern programs.

Make birth control and abortion safe and readily available.

Feed and educate the children who are already here.

We're human beings. Its inexcusable that we even question whether or not we should be doing any of that.
The result is probably because more children are born to poor families. Middle class families have been reducing family size for a couple of generations now. Poor families haven't, partly because more children means more money be it the old ADC or more modern programs.

Make birth control and abortion safe and readily available.
Over 56,000,000 abortions since 1973 isn't considered "safe and readily available"? :dunno:
The result is probably because more children are born to poor families. Middle class families have been reducing family size for a couple of generations now. Poor families haven't, partly because more children means more money be it the old ADC or more modern programs.
No, they do not have children because they are looking for government handouts. They have children because they are not well educated. This is going on all over the world. For example, I lived in Austria, which is a country that has cradle to grave govenment support. Austria is also a highly educated country. Their population growth is almost zero. That's because the people are well educated, not because they want government handouts.

It is education people need...if you want to improve the society, make sure all the people have access to education and are well educated.

All over the world, the poor and uneducated have more children than the educated, whether they live in countries with government welfare or not. All over the world, the countries that have the most educated populace have zero or near zero population growth. It is about education, not about government handouts.
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Is this going to be on Obama's "legacy" list?

No idiot, it will be the Republican/conservative's legacy....they hate blacks and latinos and want to do away with know, the "compassionate conservatives" - because they claim to follow Jesus, but don't really believe it when the Bible tells them to give to the poor.

Proverbs 19:17
17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.

Conservatives think Jesus was talking about the rich, when he said this:

For if you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use to give -- large or small -- will be used to measure what is given back to you." (TLB, Luke 6:38)
People should be responsible for themselves and if they have children then those kids are their responsibility.

There will always be poor and America's war on poverty has been an abysmal failure that has cost the taxpayers of this country billions of dollars.

The poor are no ones responsibility but their own.
Are these American children or children newly present in America?
Good question. Presumably both, but we all know the strain that the new children have created.

No strain on're probably on welfare yourself. And, illegals don't get welfare, dummy. You think they do because you listen to Faux News where most conservatives on that station repeat the lie that illegal immigrants get welfare.....but, you're too dumb to try and find out the truth.

Kirsten Powers Complete and Utter Myth That Illegal Aliens Receive Welfare Other Benefits
People should be responsible for themselves and if they have children then those kids are their responsibility.

There will always be poor and America's war on poverty has been an abysmal failure that has cost the taxpayers of this country billions of dollars.

The poor are no ones responsibility but their own.

Thanks, for once again proving that Republican/conservatives don't have a heart and would rather that the poor all dry up and die, including the children.

People like you have no business being American......Americans aren't supposed to hate people because they are poor, especially those that call themselves Christian.
Your an ass.

Where is it written that anyone is required to take responsibility for anyone else??

Oh and I don't hate the poor. I just don't take responsibility for them or their lives.

You, however, hate anyone who's not a bleeing heart like you are.

Fuck off asshole.

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