Zone1 Mormons who have apostatized or stopped going to Church

What happens if they don't?
As has been explained countless times, there is a place of glory in Heaven for all good people in all faiths. Even those creeps that eventually accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, but don't accept all the doctrine will have Telestial Glory. Only a few will end up with Satan in the end. Everyone has the opportunity as it says in the Bible, will have the gospel preached to them and they have the right to choose.
As has been explained countless times, there is a place of glory in Heaven for all good people in all faiths. Even those creeps that eventually accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, but don't accept all the doctrine will have Telestial Glory. Only a few will end up with Satan in the end. Everyone has the opportunity as it says in the Bible, will have the gospel preached to them and they have the right to choose.
I can't seem to get a definite answer. Is faith in Jesus alone enough to get me in Heaven, period.
I can't seem to get a definite answer. Is faith in Jesus alone enough to get me in Heaven, period.
Yes it is. But, you refuse to know what this means. Salvation and Exaltation are 2 different things. Jesus gives you Salvation. You don’t even need baptism for that. But Exaltation does to live with the Godhead in the Kingdom of Heaven. 3 degrees of glory.
Yes it is. But, you refuse to know what this means. Salvation and Exaltation are 2 different things. Jesus gives you Salvation. You don’t even need baptism for that. But Exaltation does to live with the Godhead in the Kingdom of Heaven. 3 degrees of glory.
Where is Exaltation explained in my Bible?
Is that really what they believe? I would like to have this explained to me by an actual Mormon, not their opponents. But whatever, even if that were the case, which I doubt, I wouldn't see that as a reason not to convert to LDS. I see a lot of good with the LDS.
There is no doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that explains how Mary was impregnated. Some in the church have speculated that since Jesus is the very Son and offspring of the Father in the flesh that the Father must have had intercourse with Mary. This was nothing but speculation on the part of some in the church but never from revelation. I would think that even in our days mankind is able, through artificial insemination, to impregnate a woman, God the Father, being extremely more intelligent than mankind, could have impregnated Mary without having to have direct intercourse with her. However, it is not a doctrine of the church that the Father had sex with Mary. Anti-Mormons have poured over our history and have read of the speculation of some that it was performed by intercourse and tell others that that is the doctrine of our church. How God performed the impregnation of Mary is unknown. It is not a doctrine or teaching of our church that the Father had sex with Mary. We simply do not know. But we do most certainly believe that Jesus is the very offspring of God the Father in the flesh and is the very Son of God the Father. Yes, I am a long standing member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Where is Exaltation explained in my Bible?
The Celestial Kingdom in 1Corinthians chapter 15. Eternal Life in the Celestial Kingdom is Exaltation. We are to be like Christ and be humble. In humility we can be exalted like Christ. Matt 23:12.
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The Holy Ghost came over her and performed the artificial insemination. Why is that so hard to understand. Father in Heaven is a glorified man. That’s what makes him human. His spirit of Jehovah makes him our elder Brother.
The Celestial Kingdom in 1Corinthians chapter 15. Eternal Life in the Celestial Kingdom is Exaltation. We are to be like Christ and be humble. In humility we can be exalted like Christ. Matt 23:12.
There's nothing in 1 Corinthians 15 about a celestial kingdom or Exaltation. Show me the verses.
You're confused. The Scriptures are talking about planets, stars, moons, etc.
Unbelievable! The celestial, Terrestrial and Telestial (stars) are compared to brightness or glory of the sun, moon and stars. Analogy! You are really lost or have been duped by your preachers.
Unbelievable! The celestial, Terrestrial and Telestial (stars) are compared to brightness or glory of the sun, moon and stars. Analogy! You are really lost or have been duped by your preachers.
Naw, I know that it's about out glorified bodies. However, I don't see any Exaltation in there. Where is it?
Naw, I know that it's about out glorified bodies. However, I don't see any Exaltation in there. Where is it?
What does exalt or exaltation mean. Jesus was humble and was exalted as stated in Matthew 23. Which if the 3 do you think Jesus was exalted to? Celestial. God gave you a brain to logically reason. Use it.
What does exalt or exaltation mean. Jesus was humble and was exalted as stated in Matthew 23. Which if the 3 do you think Jesus was exalted to? Celestial. God gave you a brain to logically reason. Use it.
Now you're making stuff up. You guys take Scripture bits and pieces and make a doctrine with your imagination. Where's the Scripture about the Father physically making love with Mary?
I'm sure it happens in all churches where there are anti-Christians or Anti-Mormons that attempt to share literature that tears down a person's faith. For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it's been going on since Joseph Smith said the Father and Son visited him and told him not to join any of the churches for they are all wrong and come close with their lips but are far away from their hearts. So, a General Authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints poses these questions to those who have had a testimony of the Latter-day work:
1. Do you believe in the pre-mortal existence- that we lived with God as His children before we came to this earth?
2. Do you believe in the doctrine of the spirit world-that everyone will have a fair chance to hear the gospel in its fullness either on earth or in the spirit world before they are judged?
3. Do you believe, then, in baptism for the dead because that too is in the Bible?
4. Contrary to the doctrine of the Trinity as taught by most of the Christian world, do you believe that God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are two separate personages with glorified bodies of flesh and bones?
5. Do you believe in one heaven and one hell as taught by most of the Christian world, or do you believe in three degrees of Glory?
6. Do you believe in the eternal nature of families?
7. Do you believe that Christ's Church today should have Apostles just as existed in Christ's mortal ministry?
8. Do you believe in on-going revelation today or believe that it ceased at the time the Bible ended and thereafter God left us on our own?

Then, the big question, Can you think of any other Christian Church that teaches one, let alone all of these doctrinal principles? So, if you still believe lost sheep are you willing to give up all this doctrine you know to be true, to throw it all away, because you have a few questions you can't answer?
Someone can't very well embrace the doctrine of the Church on one hand and then reject the prophets and scriptures through which it came on the other, any more than someone can claim that good fruit comes from a bad tree. If the fruit is good, the Savior taught, the tree is good. Accordingly, if the doctrine is true, then the prophets through whom it came are true.

Once we know that the doctrinal teachings of the Church are true, then we don't have to agonize over and dissect every statement of the prophets...we can accept them as the will of God and move forward in a positive, constructive way. The profound doctrinal teachings of the Church are powerful witness that our prophets are inspired, and thus, we can trust their counsel..
Mormonism is a cult
Right, there are ex-Mormons with an ax to grind with the LDS. Yeah? Many people convert to the LDS from the Evangelical churches and other denominations, how does that disprove Evangelicalism or the other denominations? It doesn't, right? Appealing to the fact that some people convert to the LDS from Evangelicalism, doesn't disprove Evangelicalism, correct? Why use such silly arguments? You're committing a logical fallacy when you resort to these types of arguments.

You can believe it's a cult if you want. So what? The first Christians were seen as being part of a sect or cult, and that didn't render their beliefs wrong, right? You just have an ax to grind against the LDS, for whatever personal reason you might have.
theres a lot wrong with it.
Now you're making stuff up. You guys take Scripture bits and pieces and make a doctrine with your imagination. Where's the Scripture about the Father physically making love with Mary?
I’m using my brains. Something you refuse to do. Truth is reason, truth is eternal. Try it sometime.
Now you are making up stuff. We have never taught that Father did that. Typical anti-Mormon stuff that you like to throw out there.

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