Mr Kushners woes

And that's why they lost the election, they too deflected everything as you just did.

No, they won the election, until the Russians stole it. She got more votes.

LOL...what EXACTLY was it that Reagan didn't do that allowed Toyota, Honda, Sony, Panasonic, Canon and Minolta to make better products than we were making here, Joey? You keep making vague accusations and then back them up with more vague accusations!

You mean other than him allowing them to "dump" products into this country at cut rate levels, to where it was cheaper to buy a Sony in the US than in Japan?

What the Japanese did in the 1980's was intentional to drive American manufacturers out of business, and Old Senile Ronnie went right along with it.

Trump didn't need to talk to anyone in Russia to have that happen, Joey! Putin has contempt for Hillary. So does Julienne Assange.

Why would you want a president desired by Vladimir Putin and Julian Assange, two guys who HATE America?

It's not that they hated America,'s that they hated Hillary!

In the end they did us all a favor by revealing the truth about Clinton...truth that was being deliberately hidden by the main stream media in this country.

Hillary Clinton is a sleazy, corrupt, political animal who would sell her own mother for power and wealth.
So much so that her own daughter hired a private investigator.
If she found nothing, you would have most certainly heard about it clearing her.
It's not that they hated America,'s that they hated Hillary!

You really think these two guys love America? Really?

In the end they did us all a favor by revealing the truth about Clinton...truth that was being deliberately hidden by the main stream media in this country.

What truth was that? That lower level flunkies say dumb things in email that look bad when taken out of context?


As opposed to Trump, who mocks the disabled and jokes about sexually assaulting women, and you guys just eat that up.

Hillary Clinton is a sleazy, corrupt, political animal who would sell her own mother for power and wealth.

And that makes her different than any other politician, how?

Here's the thing, you guys have spent 25 years investigating Mrs. Clinton for everything from emails to Vince Foster, and you've come up with nothing. So either she is the Greatest Criminal Mind of Our Age, or she is just a lady who gets a bad rap from a bunch of assholes who don't like the fact she has both a vagina and an opinion.
It's not that they hated America,'s that they hated Hillary!

You really think these two guys love America? Really?

In the end they did us all a favor by revealing the truth about Clinton...truth that was being deliberately hidden by the main stream media in this country.

What truth was that? That lower level flunkies say dumb things in email that look bad when taken out of context?


As opposed to Trump, who mocks the disabled and jokes about sexually assaulting women, and you guys just eat that up.

Hillary Clinton is a sleazy, corrupt, political animal who would sell her own mother for power and wealth.

And that makes her different than any other politician, how?

Here's the thing, you guys have spent 25 years investigating Mrs. Clinton for everything from emails to Vince Foster, and you've come up with nothing. So either she is the Greatest Criminal Mind of Our Age, or she is just a lady who gets a bad rap from a bunch of assholes who don't like the fact she has both a vagina and an opinion.

You just busted your own party.
1)it was proven that Trump didn't make fun of the disability of the man, he merely made a motion we all make regarding someone who fumbles over their own lies or failed logic. They showed side by side comparisons of Donald making that same expression to others prior rambling and even recently a Liberal on TV made these same flailing spaz motions making the same point we all make about someone bumbling mistaken or fake comments.
2)CLINTON, Schumer, Franken, and many Dem politicians and liberal media claimed the man they are bashing is mentally disabled.
they even make predjudiced remarks about his skin color=bashing taunting a disabled person according to them.
Here we see Dems bashing people of color and disabilities. Unless you admit they are liars who are sore losers acting like 3 y.o.'s
You just busted your own party.
1)it was proven that Trump didn't make fun of the disability of the man, he merely made a motion we all make regarding someone who fumbles over their own lies or failed logic.

Okay, the story you want to go with... but frankly, everyone else saw it for what it was.

Seriously, guy, you are sounding less and less like someone discussing politics and more and more like a cult member.
It's not that they hated America,'s that they hated Hillary!

You really think these two guys love America? Really?

In the end they did us all a favor by revealing the truth about Clinton...truth that was being deliberately hidden by the main stream media in this country.

What truth was that? That lower level flunkies say dumb things in email that look bad when taken out of context?


As opposed to Trump, who mocks the disabled and jokes about sexually assaulting women, and you guys just eat that up.

Hillary Clinton is a sleazy, corrupt, political animal who would sell her own mother for power and wealth.

And that makes her different than any other politician, how?

Here's the thing, you guys have spent 25 years investigating Mrs. Clinton for everything from emails to Vince Foster, and you've come up with nothing. So either she is the Greatest Criminal Mind of Our Age, or she is just a lady who gets a bad rap from a bunch of assholes who don't like the fact she has both a vagina and an opinion. now you're claiming that Hillary didn't know what was going on? That it was "lower level flunkies" that are to blame?

You know what, Joey? James Comey already announced to the world that he didn't think Hillary Clinton was smart enough to understand that she'd broken the law with her private mail servers...and now you're claiming that she wasn't observant enough to know what was happening in her campaign? Is it just me...or did we dodge a bullet not having someone so obviously unfit to run anything (let alone our country!) be our President?
As for Hillary not being taken down by all those investigations over all those years? Be honest, Joey...all those lies she's told over all those years...finally caught up with her! Hillary Clinton lost the election because the voters came to view her as an almost pathological liar. She and her hubby managed to stonewall all of those investigations but in the long run...they were what ultimately doomed her political aspirations.
You just busted your own party.
1)it was proven that Trump didn't make fun of the disability of the man, he merely made a motion we all make regarding someone who fumbles over their own lies or failed logic.

Okay, the story you want to go with... but frankly, everyone else saw it for what it was.

Seriously, guy, you are sounding less and less like someone discussing politics and more and more like a cult member.

Wrong, in so many funny ways.
I change policies and Politicians listen and mimick my voice.
You know what, Joey? James Comey already announced to the world that he didn't think Hillary Clinton was smart enough to understand that she'd broken the law with her private mail servers...and now you're claiming that she wasn't observant enough to know what was happening in her campaign? Is it just me...or did we dodge a bullet not having someone so obviously unfit to run anything (let alone our country!) be our President?

Well, no, unfit is the guy who goes on 3 AM Twitter rants because someone said something mean about him.

And you are really working very hard to make a big deal out of something that wasn't a big deal. But when you are blinded by irrational hate, that's kind of what you do.

So congrats, you finally got back at Mrs. Clinton for your 1990's butthurt. YOu only had to sell out the country to the Russians to do it. I'm sure you're proud.
You know what, Joey? James Comey already announced to the world that he didn't think Hillary Clinton was smart enough to understand that she'd broken the law with her private mail servers...and now you're claiming that she wasn't observant enough to know what was happening in her campaign? Is it just me...or did we dodge a bullet not having someone so obviously unfit to run anything (let alone our country!) be our President?

Well, no, unfit is the guy who goes on 3 AM Twitter rants because someone said something mean about him.

And you are really working very hard to make a big deal out of something that wasn't a big deal. But when you are blinded by irrational hate, that's kind of what you do.

So congrats, you finally got back at Mrs. Clinton for your 1990's butthurt. YOu only had to sell out the country to the Russians to do it. I'm sure you're proud.

Get back at Hillary Clinton? Hardly. She scammed you folks on the left, Joey...not me. You people have enabled the Clinton's to become fabulously wealthy doing "pay for play" for decades! Why you think people who opposed a sleazy politician like Hillary has "sold out" the US is something you'll have to explain!

As for Trump's tweets? What I find amusing is how Trump can wake up...take thirty seconds to send a tweet...and then you snowflakes spend DAYS running around with your hair on fire because of it! I get the feeling that The Donald does what he does because he gets a kick out of watching how people like you lose your shit over it!
Get back at Hillary Clinton? Hardly. She scammed you folks on the left, Joey...not me. You people have enabled the Clinton's to become fabulously wealthy doing "pay for play" for decades!

no, not really.

You see, here's the thing. When Bill Clinton left office, we had 4% unemployment, a booming stock market, a balanced budget, peace, prosperity and things were looking pretty good. In short, we had a presidency where they did everything they promised.

But back in those days, I was one of your right wing assholes who said "Subornation of Perjury" because I really, really thought lying about a blow job was a horrible thing.

Then your boy Bush got in. And at the end of that shit, I had an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K, a job that paid well below what I was worth (and I considered myself lucky to even have a job after his two recessions). We were in a pointless war and things were truly fouled up.

The difference between you and me is that I realized who was actually working for us and who was working for the One Percenters who live in fear that those of us who do the work actually get a fair share.

So Obama came along and fixed most of the problems Bush caused, but people like you freaked out because he was black and Hillary had a vagina, and you've put the Orange Nazi Shitgibbon in office.

And WHEN he fucks things up even worse than Bush does, you will still be bleating "but, but, but... Benghazi"... or "but, but, but, Emails".
Get back at Hillary Clinton? Hardly. She scammed you folks on the left, Joey...not me. You people have enabled the Clinton's to become fabulously wealthy doing "pay for play" for decades!

no, not really.

You see, here's the thing. When Bill Clinton left office, we had 4% unemployment, a booming stock market, a balanced budget, peace, prosperity and things were looking pretty good. In short, we had a presidency where they did everything they promised.

But back in those days, I was one of your right wing assholes who said "Subornation of Perjury" because I really, really thought lying about a blow job was a horrible thing.

Then your boy Bush got in. And at the end of that shit, I had an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K, a job that paid well below what I was worth (and I considered myself lucky to even have a job after his two recessions). We were in a pointless war and things were truly fouled up.

The difference between you and me is that I realized who was actually working for us and who was working for the One Percenters who live in fear that those of us who do the work actually get a fair share.

So Obama came along and fixed most of the problems Bush caused, but people like you freaked out because he was black and Hillary had a vagina, and you've put the Orange Nazi Shitgibbon in office.

And WHEN he fucks things up even worse than Bush does, you will still be bleating "but, but, but... Benghazi"... or "but, but, but, Emails".

You do realize that:
1)your mortgage fiasco was Frank and Dodds fault not Bush.
2)Clinton's foreign policies and lack of devotion caused the problems Bush had to face due to Clinton's kickingvthe can down the road. In fact Clinton had a chance to take out Bin Laden in 1998 and mysteriously balked at doing so, therefore your blaming Bush for Clinton's own inaction is seriously displaced blame. Even Clinton on Sept 10th (our time) was in Australia giving a speach admitting he felt regret for that blunder and 911 had not yet occured till the next morning.
Ironically it was 9/11 in Australia and one should ask themselves, did Clinton bring this up because he knew the strike date and accidentally thought it occured already?
If just a coincidence then ask yourself, now knowing the Clinton foundation took money from Saudis, was one of the favors to let Bin Laden slide? If so, then 911,Afghan war, Iraq war, Isis, & maybe even Syria is all Bill and Hillary's greed blood money.
You owe Bush an Apology, The Dems controlled the house & Senate I believe.
You owe the world an apology if the pay
to play resulted in the string of events you displace blame upon others.
bil sheikh mo payoff.jpg
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You do realize that:
1)your mortgage fiasco was Frank and Dodds fault not Bush.

Um, no, the Dodd-Frank bill wasn't passed until AFTER Bush collapsed the housing market.

Also, Dodd and Frank weren't even in the majority party when a lot of the dumb stuff went down.

2)Clinton's foreign policies and lack of devotion caused the problems Bush had to face due to Clinton's kickingvthe can down the road. In fact Clinton had a chance to take out Bin Laden in 1998

What I seem to remember is that Clinton tried to take out Bin Laden in 1998, and Ken Starr and the Republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog" and trying to create a distraction from the all important question of whether or not he got a blow job from Monica Lewinsky.

But I was actually paying attention back then.

If just a coincidence then ask yourself, now knowing the Clinton foundation took money from Saudis, was one of thr favors to ket Bin Laden slide? If so, then 911,Afghan war, Iraq war, Isisn maybe even Syria is all Bill and Hillary's greed blood money.

Hey, DaleSmith, I think we found a love connection for you. Here's another nutty conspiracy theorist.
You do realize that:
1)your mortgage fiasco was Frank and Dodds fault not Bush.

Um, no, the Dodd-Frank bill wasn't passed until AFTER Bush collapsed the housing market.

Also, Dodd and Frank weren't even in the majority party when a lot of the dumb stuff went down.

2)Clinton's foreign policies and lack of devotion caused the problems Bush had to face due to Clinton's kickingvthe can down the road. In fact Clinton had a chance to take out Bin Laden in 1998

What I seem to remember is that Clinton tried to take out Bin Laden in 1998, and Ken Starr and the Republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog" and trying to create a distraction from the all important question of whether or not he got a blow job from Monica Lewinsky.

But I was actually paying attention back then.

If just a coincidence then ask yourself, now knowing the Clinton foundation took money from Saudis, was one of thr favors to ket Bin Laden slide? If so, then 911,Afghan war, Iraq war, Isisn maybe even Syria is all Bill and Hillary's greed blood money.

Hey, DaleSmith, I think we found a love connection for you. Here's another nutty conspiracy theorist.

I never mentioned the Dodd Frank Bill, the housing crisis is due to those dems pushing cheap affordable housing through these social plans that involved adjustable rate low to no down pay loans, trying to get their voter bases into houses especially those first time owner loans. Remember Dems had control of the gov't and were part of our gov't, you keep forgetting, they are involved and responsible then AND NOW.

AND calling questioning what Favors Clinton's did for that money, as being conspiracy, is an ad hominem response avoidance smokescreen technique. You ain't fooling anyone and by your response
YOU DO NOT CARE if it lead to hell
on earth, as long as you protect your affiliation and your king and queen on your chess board you created in this game of yours.
I never mentioned the Dodd Frank Bill, the housing crisis is due to those dems pushing cheap affordable housing through these social plans that involved adjustable rate low to no down pay loans, trying to get their voter bases into houses especially those first time owner loans.

Except that's not what happened. The Housing crisis wasn't poor people buying sensible homes. It was middle class white people buying McMansions they couldn't afford, hoping to flip them in a few years at a profit... and if you pulled it off before 2007, you were probably fine.

AND calling questioning what Favors Clinton's did for that money, as being conspiracy, is an ad hominem response avoidance smokescreen technique. You ain't fooling anyone and by your response
YOU DO NOT CARE if it lead to hell
on earth, as long as you protect your affiliation and your king and queen on your chess board you created in this game of yours.

Naw, guy, I'm a pragmatist.

The problem with our middle east policy is that it doesn't change no matter who is in charge. Clinton and Obama did the same stupid shit that Reagan and the Bush Crime family did, and for all his tough talk during the campaign, the Orange Shitgibbon couldn't kiss the rings of the Saudis and Zionists fast enough.

Our Middle East Policy is one of sticking our dicks in a Hornet's Nest and then complaining about getting stung, usually by a hornet we nurtured.

If you want to blame anyone for Bin Laden, you should probably blame Ronald Reagan for funneling billions to him during the 1980's because the CIA found it easier to deal with Arab volunteers who went there than to try to sort out the various Afghan tribal groups.

I never mentioned the Dodd Frank Bill, the housing crisis is due to those dems pushing cheap affordable housing through these social plans that involved adjustable rate low to no down pay loans, trying to get their voter bases into houses especially those first time owner loans.

Except that's not what happened. The Housing crisis wasn't poor people buying sensible homes. It was middle class white people buying McMansions they couldn't afford, hoping to flip them in a few years at a profit... and if you pulled it off before 2007, you were probably fine.

AND calling questioning what Favors Clinton's did for that money, as being conspiracy, is an ad hominem response avoidance smokescreen technique. You ain't fooling anyone and by your response
YOU DO NOT CARE if it lead to hell
on earth, as long as you protect your affiliation and your king and queen on your chess board you created in this game of yours.

Naw, guy, I'm a pragmatist.

The problem with our middle east policy is that it doesn't change no matter who is in charge. Clinton and Obama did the same stupid shit that Reagan and the Bush Crime family did, and for all his tough talk during the campaign, the Orange Shitgibbon couldn't kiss the rings of the Saudis and Zionists fast enough.

Our Middle East Policy is one of sticking our dicks in a Hornet's Nest and then complaining about getting stung, usually by a hornet we nurtured.

If you want to blame anyone for Bin Laden, you should probably blame Ronald Reagan for funneling billions to him during the 1980's because the CIA found it easier to deal with Arab volunteers who went there than to try to sort out the various Afghan tribal groups.


Nope Brzez's fault more then Reagan who back then never had a reason to strike Bin Laden who had not yet threatened the U.S.
Nice out of context smokescreen attempt there.
None of those arms were used for 911, they were our own planes coming from a Lax security Liberal Dem run city no less.
And who was was it that lead the Britts to strike the Al Queda weapons cache killing the senior officers and said to have injuring
Bin Laden and as the media said "totally reshaped the landscape of the war" saving hundreds of thousands of lives?
I never mentioned the Dodd Frank Bill, the housing crisis is due to those dems pushing cheap affordable housing through these social plans that involved adjustable rate low to no down pay loans, trying to get their voter bases into houses especially those first time owner loans.

Except that's not what happened. The Housing crisis wasn't poor people buying sensible homes. It was middle class white people buying McMansions they couldn't afford, hoping to flip them in a few years at a profit... and if you pulled it off before 2007, you were probably fine.

AND calling questioning what Favors Clinton's did for that money, as being conspiracy, is an ad hominem response avoidance smokescreen technique. You ain't fooling anyone and by your response
YOU DO NOT CARE if it lead to hell
on earth, as long as you protect your affiliation and your king and queen on your chess board you created in this game of yours.

Naw, guy, I'm a pragmatist.

The problem with our middle east policy is that it doesn't change no matter who is in charge. Clinton and Obama did the same stupid shit that Reagan and the Bush Crime family did, and for all his tough talk during the campaign, the Orange Shitgibbon couldn't kiss the rings of the Saudis and Zionists fast enough.

Our Middle East Policy is one of sticking our dicks in a Hornet's Nest and then complaining about getting stung, usually by a hornet we nurtured.

If you want to blame anyone for Bin Laden, you should probably blame Ronald Reagan for funneling billions to him during the 1980's because the CIA found it easier to deal with Arab volunteers who went there than to try to sort out the various Afghan tribal groups.


Then you admited it was greed not Bush, and your bitterness is due to not being able to blame yourself, so you displace blame.
You joined the right party and found your perfect match. You must be able to relate to Hillary since she also never admits anything, her montra is deny everything, regret nothing.
What's amusing about the ranting being done by you snowflakes about Trump "possibly" making money from his Russian connections is that Hillary Clinton is literally standing on a mountain of cash that she made using her political connections!

Oh actually BELIEVED Hillary when she said she was broke when they left the White House? The year that they bought not one but two million dollar mansions?
All lying bull crap....certainly you are capable of knowing truth from fiction...??? Or is it just "fun" to slander and lie for you?

Why don't you actually look it up, do some research instead of regurgitating this partisan garbage???
Get back at Hillary Clinton? Hardly. She scammed you folks on the left, Joey...not me. You people have enabled the Clinton's to become fabulously wealthy doing "pay for play" for decades!

no, not really.

You see, here's the thing. When Bill Clinton left office, we had 4% unemployment, a booming stock market, a balanced budget, peace, prosperity and things were looking pretty good. In short, we had a presidency where they did everything they promised.

But back in those days, I was one of your right wing assholes who said "Subornation of Perjury" because I really, really thought lying about a blow job was a horrible thing.

Then your boy Bush got in. And at the end of that shit, I had an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K, a job that paid well below what I was worth (and I considered myself lucky to even have a job after his two recessions). We were in a pointless war and things were truly fouled up.

The difference between you and me is that I realized who was actually working for us and who was working for the One Percenters who live in fear that those of us who do the work actually get a fair share.

So Obama came along and fixed most of the problems Bush caused, but people like you freaked out because he was black and Hillary had a vagina, and you've put the Orange Nazi Shitgibbon in office.

And WHEN he fucks things up even worse than Bush does, you will still be bleating "but, but, but... Benghazi"... or "but, but, but, Emails".

That's a crock of shit, Joey. The truth is when Clinton left office the Dot Com Boom was over and the economy was contracting.

Then Bush had to deal with 9/11...something that was planned way before he took office. One of the biggest liberal myths out there is that Clinton policies were great for the economy. Clinton was simply fortunate to be in office when he was. All that Dot Com Boom revenue that flowed into the Federal Government is what gave Clinton the numbers you on the left like to brag about. If he'd been there for four more years he would have just as screwed as Bush was by what took place.

I almost wish that Hillary HAD been elected because she wouldn't have had any more of an idea about how to grow the economy than Barry did and her utter failure on that would have put to bed the "Clinton's great for the economy" myth once and for all!
What's amusing about the ranting being done by you snowflakes about Trump "possibly" making money from his Russian connections is that Hillary Clinton is literally standing on a mountain of cash that she made using her political connections!

Oh actually BELIEVED Hillary when she said she was broke when they left the White House? The year that they bought not one but two million dollar mansions?
All lying bull crap....certainly you are capable of knowing truth from fiction...??? Or is it just "fun" to slander and lie for you?

Why don't you actually look it up, do some research instead of regurgitating this partisan garbage???

Now you're claiming that the Clinton's DIDN'T buy two million dollar mansions the same time she claimed that they were dead broke? REALLY?

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