Mr Kushners woes

Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
1)he was a civillian don't confuse the difference between a member and non member and their rights.
2)ALLEGEDLY, he was asking for the President which is normal when you have diplomatic ties. Instead of allowing yourself to be a tool of propaganda networks you might want to learn what back channels are and why you yourself would seek them if you were a Presidential candidate who had opponents spying & cheating glimpses at your strategies and game plan & perhaps even stealing them as their own agenda.
Then look at what those plans turned out to be to undestand why you canct risk leaks and media blurting secret opperation plans that rewuired Russias involvement or notification.
Think, what was his first surprise act as President?
He striked Isis right out of the gate, an act requiring Russia be common courtesy notified for sake of preventing tensions and friendly fire casualties. Top secret operations requiring a back channel to Russia to prevent blabber mouthed intelligence officials or MSM from openly broadcasting our every move.
Orchestration of such operation required prior to elections consultations for it to be done, so unsuspectedly at the very start of transition, to show the enemy that they
can't assume to take advantage of said transition and to show a new stance and Sheriff was in town.
This is assuming the back channel request was not fake news.
But when they end the questioning and itcs not the narrative you are spinning in spreading propaganda, will you appologize to Jared, and Trump?
Yada, yada, yada, all will say anything to cover for the corrupt Trump administration. Sad for America.
Yes, anything .. no limits.
Unnamed sources say that Stalin's preserved brain was secretly implanted into Jared's head right after the election and that Jared, er, Stalin, is going to pull off a coup.
What's amusing about the ranting being done by you snowflakes about Trump "possibly" making money from his Russian connections is that Hillary Clinton is literally standing on a mountain of cash that she made using her political connections!

Oh actually BELIEVED Hillary when she said she was broke when they left the White House? The year that they bought not one but two million dollar mansions?
U R ridiculous.

What's "ridiculous", pretending that the Clinton's haven't used their political offices to rake in millions of dollars while you obsess about the possibility that Donald Trump might do the same!

It's the same thing you liberals have done with supposed "collusion"! You're convinced Trump conspired to steal an election with zero proof while at the same time you support a woman who obviously conspired with people at the DNC and at CNN to get herself nominated instead of Bernie Sanders!
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
Hold your breath until the Justice Department finds any illegal activity for developing a back channel.
I had never heard of a back channel until this. What on earth would they want to talk about using a secret channel ? It sounds a bit swampy to me.
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
Proof? What? You don't have any? What does that make you?
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
Hold your breath until the Justice Department finds any illegal activity for developing a back channel.
I had never heard of a back channel until this. What on earth would they want to talk about using a secret channel ? It sounds a bit swampy to me.

Seriously, Tommy? You don't think American Presidents have had back channel communications with other world leaders since the beginning of the nation?
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
1)he was a civillian don't confuse the difference between a member and non member and their rights.
2)ALLEGEDLY, he was asking for the President which is normal when you have diplomatic ties. Instead of allowing yourself to be a tool of propaganda networks you might want to learn what back channels are and why you yourself would seek them if you were a Presidential candidate who had opponents spying & cheating glimpses at your strategies and game plan & perhaps even stealing them as their own agenda.
Then look at what those plans turned out to be to undestand why you canct risk leaks and media blurting secret opperation plans that rewuired Russias involvement or notification.
Think, what was his first surprise act as President?
He striked Isis right out of the gate, an act requiring Russia be common courtesy notified for sake of preventing tensions and friendly fire casualties. Top secret operations requiring a back channel to Russia to prevent blabber mouthed intelligence officials or MSM from openly broadcasting our every move.
Orchestration of such operation required prior to elections consultations for it to be done, so unsuspectedly at the very start of transition, to show the enemy that they
can't assume to take advantage of said transition and to show a new stance and Sheriff was in town.
This is assuming the back channel request was not fake news.
But when they end the questioning and itcs not the narrative you are spinning in spreading propaganda, will you appologize to Jared, and Trump?
But he has brought this down on himself.
At the end of all this people want to know if Trumps links to Russia mean that there is an obligation to Putin. Financial or otherwise.Surely Trump could clear all of that up and we could move on ?

I wish Trump would just resolve the whole thing so we can just move on

All he needs to do is say......My people met with the Russians on such and such a date and discussed the following

No big deal if the meetings were innocent
What's "ridiculous", pretending that the Clinton's haven't used their political offices to rake in millions of dollars while you obsess about the possibility that Donald Trump might do the same!

Okay, but you see, EVERY President has cashed in after they have left office, not just the Clintons. Remember when the Japanese paid Ronnie Reagan 1 Million dollars to give some speeches 1989? I do.

It's the same thing you liberals have done with supposed "collusion"! You're convinced Trump conspired to steal an election with zero proof while at the same time you support a woman who obviously conspired with people at the DNC and at CNN to get herself nominated instead of Bernie Sanders!

So the Democrats kept someone who wasn't a member of their party from getting the nomination? If only the Republicans had the backbone to do that.

There's plenty of proof that Trump colluded with the Russians before, during and after the election.
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
1)he was a civillian don't confuse the difference between a member and non member and their rights.
2)ALLEGEDLY, he was asking for the President which is normal when you have diplomatic ties. Instead of allowing yourself to be a tool of propaganda networks you might want to learn what back channels are and why you yourself would seek them if you were a Presidential candidate who had opponents spying & cheating glimpses at your strategies and game plan & perhaps even stealing them as their own agenda.
Then look at what those plans turned out to be to undestand why you canct risk leaks and media blurting secret opperation plans that rewuired Russias involvement or notification.
Think, what was his first surprise act as President?
He striked Isis right out of the gate, an act requiring Russia be common courtesy notified for sake of preventing tensions and friendly fire casualties. Top secret operations requiring a back channel to Russia to prevent blabber mouthed intelligence officials or MSM from openly broadcasting our every move.
Orchestration of such operation required prior to elections consultations for it to be done, so unsuspectedly at the very start of transition, to show the enemy that they
can't assume to take advantage of said transition and to show a new stance and Sheriff was in town.
This is assuming the back channel request was not fake news.
But when they end the questioning and itcs not the narrative you are spinning in spreading propaganda, will you appologize to Jared, and Trump?
Yada, yada, yada, all will say anything to cover for the corrupt Trump administration. Sad for America.
And you all will create corruption conspiracies where none exist to bring down this administration. Anyone can play that game.
No one has to create anything for Trump: he has done it all himself. He is quintessentially corrupt.
You of course have the convictions to back up the charge of corruption, right? So far, every news story about collusion with Russia has been made up. Not one scintilla of proof or evidence has come to pass. No, I'll stick by My words. Maybe by the end of summer the Democrats will have finished with the manufacturing of evidence. Until then, I just point and laugh.
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
Hold your breath until the Justice Department finds any illegal activity for developing a back channel.
I had never heard of a back channel until this. What on earth would they want to talk about using a secret channel ? It sounds a bit swampy to me.
Every president, every world leader has back channels to every other world leader. You might not have heard of it but that's a personal failing.
What's "ridiculous", pretending that the Clinton's haven't used their political offices to rake in millions of dollars while you obsess about the possibility that Donald Trump might do the same!

Okay, but you see, EVERY President has cashed in after they have left office, not just the Clintons. Remember when the Japanese paid Ronnie Reagan 1 Million dollars to give some speeches 1989? I do.

It's the same thing you liberals have done with supposed "collusion"! You're convinced Trump conspired to steal an election with zero proof while at the same time you support a woman who obviously conspired with people at the DNC and at CNN to get herself nominated instead of Bernie Sanders!

So the Democrats kept someone who wasn't a member of their party from getting the nomination? If only the Republicans had the backbone to do that.

There's plenty of proof that Trump colluded with the Russians before, during and after the election.

Interesting! So you're claiming that the Clinton's made that money AFTER they left office? Hmmmm...I wonder how it is that they made the money that they used to buy those two million dollar mansions right after they left the White House, Joey? The truth is...we've never had a political couple like the Clinton's that used the power of the different offices they've held to rake in millions. Hillary used insider trading information to make big money in cattle futures while Bill was sitting in the Oval Office. Bill used the belief that Hillary would be the next President to score millions from people seeking to benefit from that!

As for Reagan? Would you like to point to a deal that Ronald Reagan made with the Japanese to earn that million dollar speaking fee? What's different between someone like Reagan and the Clinton's is that the latter were totally for sale. If you're Marc Rich and you need a Presidential pardon because you've fled the country to avoid going to jail...what do you do? You have your wife make a huge contribution to the Clinton's and've got yourself a pardon!

So what Clinton did to Bernie Sanders was simply a display of "back bone"? Sure, Joey...keep telling yourself that! It was a display of corruption.
There's plenty of proof that Trump colluded with the Russians? Then why have various intelligence officials come out and said the opposite...that there was ZERO proof of Trump colluding with the Russians? What proof are you talking about? Allegations from anonymous sources? Allegations that have never been backed up?
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
1)he was a civillian don't confuse the difference between a member and non member and their rights.
2)ALLEGEDLY, he was asking for the President which is normal when you have diplomatic ties. Instead of allowing yourself to be a tool of propaganda networks you might want to learn what back channels are and why you yourself would seek them if you were a Presidential candidate who had opponents spying & cheating glimpses at your strategies and game plan & perhaps even stealing them as their own agenda.
Then look at what those plans turned out to be to undestand why you canct risk leaks and media blurting secret opperation plans that rewuired Russias involvement or notification.
Think, what was his first surprise act as President?
He striked Isis right out of the gate, an act requiring Russia be common courtesy notified for sake of preventing tensions and friendly fire casualties. Top secret operations requiring a back channel to Russia to prevent blabber mouthed intelligence officials or MSM from openly broadcasting our every move.
Orchestration of such operation required prior to elections consultations for it to be done, so unsuspectedly at the very start of transition, to show the enemy that they
can't assume to take advantage of said transition and to show a new stance and Sheriff was in town.
This is assuming the back channel request was not fake news.
But when they end the questioning and itcs not the narrative you are spinning in spreading propaganda, will you appologize to Jared, and Trump?
But he has brought this down on himself.
At the end of all this people want to know if Trumps links to Russia mean that there is an obligation to Putin. Financial or otherwise.Surely Trump could clear all of that up and we could move on ?

I wish Trump would just resolve the whole thing so we can just move on

All he needs to do is say......My people met with the Russians on such and such a date and discussed the following

No big deal if the meetings were innocent

So you're claiming if Trump said folks on the left would "move on"? I hate to point out the obvious here, Winger...but you're full of shit! The far left CAN'T move on because they have nothing to move on to!
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
Hold your breath until the Justice Department finds any illegal activity for developing a back channel.
I had never heard of a back channel until this. What on earth would they want to talk about using a secret channel ? It sounds a bit swampy to me.

Seriously, Tommy? You don't think American Presidents have had back channel communications with other world leaders since the beginning of the nation?
Nope. Not a single one has snuck over to an adversary's embassy to have secret discussions with their Pres.
Not a single one.
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
Hold your breath until the Justice Department finds any illegal activity for developing a back channel.
I had never heard of a back channel until this. What on earth would they want to talk about using a secret channel ? It sounds a bit swampy to me.
Every president, every world leader has back channels to every other world leader. You might not have heard of it but that's a personal failing.
My understanding is that they talk with a government official listening in on another line. As it should be.
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
Hold your breath until the Justice Department finds any illegal activity for developing a back channel.
I had never heard of a back channel until this. What on earth would they want to talk about using a secret channel ? It sounds a bit swampy to me.

Seriously, Tommy? You don't think American Presidents have had back channel communications with other world leaders since the beginning of the nation?
Nope. Not a single one has snuck over to an adversary's embassy to have secret discussions with their Pres.
Not a single one.

There have been back channel communications going between the US and foreign governments since the days of George Washington, Old Lady! Anyone who doesn't know that is either woefully ignorant or willfully dishonest.
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
1)he was a civillian don't confuse the difference between a member and non member and their rights.
2)ALLEGEDLY, he was asking for the President which is normal when you have diplomatic ties. Instead of allowing yourself to be a tool of propaganda networks you might want to learn what back channels are and why you yourself would seek them if you were a Presidential candidate who had opponents spying & cheating glimpses at your strategies and game plan & perhaps even stealing them as their own agenda.
Then look at what those plans turned out to be to undestand why you canct risk leaks and media blurting secret opperation plans that rewuired Russias involvement or notification.
Think, what was his first surprise act as President?
He striked Isis right out of the gate, an act requiring Russia be common courtesy notified for sake of preventing tensions and friendly fire casualties. Top secret operations requiring a back channel to Russia to prevent blabber mouthed intelligence officials or MSM from openly broadcasting our every move.
Orchestration of such operation required prior to elections consultations for it to be done, so unsuspectedly at the very start of transition, to show the enemy that they
can't assume to take advantage of said transition and to show a new stance and Sheriff was in town.
This is assuming the back channel request was not fake news.
But when they end the questioning and itcs not the narrative you are spinning in spreading propaganda, will you appologize to Jared, and Trump?
Yada, yada, yada, all will say anything to cover for the corrupt Trump administration. Sad for America.
And you all will create corruption conspiracies where none exist to bring down this administration. Anyone can play that game.
No one has to create anything for Trump: he has done it all himself. He is quintessentially corrupt.
You of course have the convictions to back up the charge of corruption, right? So far, every news story about collusion with Russia has been made up. Not one scintilla of proof or evidence has come to pass. No, I'll stick by My words. Maybe by the end of summer the Democrats will have finished with the manufacturing of evidence. Until then, I just point and laugh.
Comey is testifying next week.Obstruction of justice is what Trump is guilty of...and it will come out and end in impeachment.
1)he was a civillian don't confuse the difference between a member and non member and their rights.
2)ALLEGEDLY, he was asking for the President which is normal when you have diplomatic ties. Instead of allowing yourself to be a tool of propaganda networks you might want to learn what back channels are and why you yourself would seek them if you were a Presidential candidate who had opponents spying & cheating glimpses at your strategies and game plan & perhaps even stealing them as their own agenda.
Then look at what those plans turned out to be to undestand why you canct risk leaks and media blurting secret opperation plans that rewuired Russias involvement or notification.
Think, what was his first surprise act as President?
He striked Isis right out of the gate, an act requiring Russia be common courtesy notified for sake of preventing tensions and friendly fire casualties. Top secret operations requiring a back channel to Russia to prevent blabber mouthed intelligence officials or MSM from openly broadcasting our every move.
Orchestration of such operation required prior to elections consultations for it to be done, so unsuspectedly at the very start of transition, to show the enemy that they
can't assume to take advantage of said transition and to show a new stance and Sheriff was in town.
This is assuming the back channel request was not fake news.
But when they end the questioning and itcs not the narrative you are spinning in spreading propaganda, will you appologize to Jared, and Trump?
Yada, yada, yada, all will say anything to cover for the corrupt Trump administration. Sad for America.
And you all will create corruption conspiracies where none exist to bring down this administration. Anyone can play that game.
No one has to create anything for Trump: he has done it all himself. He is quintessentially corrupt.
You of course have the convictions to back up the charge of corruption, right? So far, every news story about collusion with Russia has been made up. Not one scintilla of proof or evidence has come to pass. No, I'll stick by My words. Maybe by the end of summer the Democrats will have finished with the manufacturing of evidence. Until then, I just point and laugh.
Comey is testifying next week.Obstruction of justice is what Trump is guilty of...and it will come out and end in impeachment.

... :ack-1:

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