Mr Kushners woes

“Why does this chap need secret channels ?”

Because like Trump and most in this failed ‘administration,’ Kushner has no experience, training, or understanding of the law, sound governance, and responsible public policy.

If he had that experience and training, Kushner would have understood that his secret communications with Russia were potentially illegal.

The Russia scandals prove that ‘outsiders’ and ‘non-politicians’ have no business running the Federal government – that government is best left to professionals who have experience, training, and an understanding of the law, sound governance, and responsible public policy.
Jones, while all that is interesting, the only question is "did Kushner violate American law, regulation or rule" for such events.

Now that it is the open, let's see how it plays out.
“Why does this chap need secret channels ?”

Because like Trump and most in this failed ‘administration,’ Kushner has no experience, training, or understanding of the law, sound governance, and responsible public policy.

If he had that experience and training, Kushner would have understood that his secret communications with Russia were potentially illegal.

The Russia scandals prove that ‘outsiders’ and ‘non-politicians’ have no business running the Federal government – that government is best left to professionals who have experience, training, and an understanding of the law, sound governance, and responsible public policy.

This lack of experience angle is always comical;
1) used on Sarah Palin as VP candidate even though that exposed Obamas similar or less experience and he was running for President not as VP.=epic fail
2)Used for Trump
Yes in some ways not knowing some of the Beltway Ropes is slightly gonna affect smooth transitions maybe awkward moments, however it also has the opposite with benefits=not having inside knowledge of the corruptive abuses tricks like the dems have down pact. ;-)
It's less an issue surrounded by those who do know the processes like Pence and consultance from Newt etc, and like all jobs is a learning process even Obama had to learn. The same can be said about other presidents not understanding business and negotiations as an aspect of running our system at a higher sucess level, which expertise goes in Donalds Favor over others.
Other factor benefits: Workoholic perfectionist not affraid to fire failures. Which brings us to Hillary. All the
experience=failed experience with absolutely no value especially compared to Donald and of course all her experience in the world does her no good if it's in the system of lying and cheating and she has no stamina to match the workaholic. Experience does one no good if half the time she's in bed coughing up a lung or spending all her time texting Bill asking where he's at. :)
Yes let's see first before we jump to conclusions. But if it's a whole lot of nothing then the timing now only proves a pattern of systematically taking out members of this cabinet they are threatened by, which is an abuse of power, but worse, the methods reveal treason, espionage and admitted coup and obstruction.
If Kushner was meeting with Flynn and the Russians and did not report it per lawful rules and regulations, then JK is in real trouble, which means that the admin, once again, is in real trouble.

At the time he wasn't part of the team, just family member consulting like Guiliani did, yet not part of the cabinet.
For all we know Jared was checking on Flynns ties to verify Yates warnings to help Donald decide if Flynn needed to be canned.
Of course nobody ever tells us the timing of these things to know if this fell into that time frame & concern existed at that time.

What should concern everyone is the fact this same Ambassador who told Jared who to talk to had ties with Obama who is the one Obama set up an appointment for and told Sessions to see.
Obama saw him according to WH logs a whopping 22 times, not including any phone records hopefuly Mueller is sifting through now. This is why Obama lied about claiming no knowledge of surveillance n because it shows he would have known the SUPPOSED BOGUS concerns on this AMBASSADOR making Setting up Sessions suspicious as well as his own contact and Clinton camps contacts with the guy suspicious as in using him as their bait agent for this narative or knowing the commonality of these meetings.
Playing dumb about this whole thing reeks of their (Dems) Collusion with the Russian(s).

Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
So why didnt he speak up when Flynn lied ?
In that scenerio it would be after Flynn was outed by Yates warning, but
How do you know he didn't?
We have no time line given us to know anything in these false narratives, because it would expose a few flaws in that narrative they never discuss the span of each occurance. The only reason they would suddenly bring this narrative up now and not the, is because they knew it was nothing but Jared is making the president look good and needed to be taken out of the consulting and advisory role. That Middle East trip sealed Kushners fate as a target by Dems.
The only part of the time line you need is Flynns last day. All of these meetings were before that. Kushner attended meetings with Flynn and Flynn denied having these meetings to Pence. How can Kushner not be complicit /
It does look like Pence is not inner circle though.

So, it's OK for Obama holdover to commit felonies in unmasking citizens because...
Every world leader has a back channel to every other leader. Democrats are taking something very ordinary and colorizing it with suspicion.
sure, but every leader does not go to a known enemy and ask them to use their Russian SCIF at their Russian Embassy to make this secret connection....all he had to do is ask our govt for a secret channel to the Russians and they would have securely set it up...

trumpsters CHOSE the Russians SCIF over our own, and THAT appears TRAITOROUS....and is traitorous imo....and back stabbed us, as a nation...

I AM NOT A KREMLIN LICKER....I am NOT a Russian, I am an American....!!!

Trump can go to hell or go to Moscow and live with his damn traitorous team and with their love, Putin... as far as I'm concerned, it can not happen soon enough!
Why the trumpkins would choose allegiance to Russia over the US is amazing.
If Kushner was meeting with Flynn and the Russians and did not report it per lawful rules and regulations, then JK is in real trouble, which means that the admin, once again, is in real trouble.

At the time he wasn't part of the team, just family member consulting like Guiliani did, yet not part of the cabinet.
For all we know Jared was checking on Flynns ties to verify Yates warnings to help Donald decide if Flynn needed to be canned.
Of course nobody ever tells us the timing of these things to know if this fell into that time frame & concern existed at that time.

What should concern everyone is the fact this same Ambassador who told Jared who to talk to had ties with Obama who is the one Obama set up an appointment for and told Sessions to see.
Obama saw him according to WH logs a whopping 22 times, not including any phone records hopefuly Mueller is sifting through now. This is why Obama lied about claiming no knowledge of surveillance n because it shows he would have known the SUPPOSED BOGUS concerns on this AMBASSADOR making Setting up Sessions suspicious as well as his own contact and Clinton camps contacts with the guy suspicious as in using him as their bait agent for this narative or knowing the commonality of these meetings.
Playing dumb about this whole thing reeks of their (Dems) Collusion with the Russian(s).

Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
So why didnt he speak up when Flynn lied ?
In that scenerio it would be after Flynn was outed by Yates warning, but
How do you know he didn't?
We have no time line given us to know anything in these false narratives, because it would expose a few flaws in that narrative they never discuss the span of each occurance. The only reason they would suddenly bring this narrative up now and not the, is because they knew it was nothing but Jared is making the president look good and needed to be taken out of the consulting and advisory role. That Middle East trip sealed Kushners fate as a target by Dems.
The only part of the time line you need is Flynns last day. All of these meetings were before that. Kushner attended meetings with Flynn and Flynn denied having these meetings to Pence. How can Kushner not be complicit /
It does look like Pence is not inner circle though.

So, it's OK for Obama holdover to commit felonies in unmasking citizens because...
What felonies Frank?
If Kushner was meeting with Flynn and the Russians and did not report it per lawful rules and regulations, then JK is in real trouble, which means that the admin, once again, is in real trouble.

At the time he wasn't part of the team, just family member consulting like Guiliani did, yet not part of the cabinet.
For all we know Jared was checking on Flynns ties to verify Yates warnings to help Donald decide if Flynn needed to be canned.
Of course nobody ever tells us the timing of these things to know if this fell into that time frame & concern existed at that time.

What should concern everyone is the fact this same Ambassador who told Jared who to talk to had ties with Obama who is the one Obama set up an appointment for and told Sessions to see.
Obama saw him according to WH logs a whopping 22 times, not including any phone records hopefuly Mueller is sifting through now. This is why Obama lied about claiming no knowledge of surveillance n because it shows he would have known the SUPPOSED BOGUS concerns on this AMBASSADOR making Setting up Sessions suspicious as well as his own contact and Clinton camps contacts with the guy suspicious as in using him as their bait agent for this narative or knowing the commonality of these meetings.
Playing dumb about this whole thing reeks of their (Dems) Collusion with the Russian(s).

Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
So why didnt he speak up when Flynn lied ?
In that scenerio it would be after Flynn was outed by Yates warning, but
How do you know he didn't?
We have no time line given us to know anything in these false narratives, because it would expose a few flaws in that narrative they never discuss the span of each occurance. The only reason they would suddenly bring this narrative up now and not the, is because they knew it was nothing but Jared is making the president look good and needed to be taken out of the consulting and advisory role. That Middle East trip sealed Kushners fate as a target by Dems.
The only part of the time line you need is Flynns last day. All of these meetings were before that. Kushner attended meetings with Flynn and Flynn denied having these meetings to Pence. How can Kushner not be complicit /
It does look like Pence is not inner circle though.

So, it's OK for Obama holdover to commit felonies in unmasking citizens because...
tell us Frankie what is ''unmasking'' and what is illegal about it....? What is the legal procedure for it to be done? Was this followed Frankie?
At the time he wasn't part of the team, just family member consulting like Guiliani did, yet not part of the cabinet.
For all we know Jared was checking on Flynns ties to verify Yates warnings to help Donald decide if Flynn needed to be canned.
Of course nobody ever tells us the timing of these things to know if this fell into that time frame & concern existed at that time.

What should concern everyone is the fact this same Ambassador who told Jared who to talk to had ties with Obama who is the one Obama set up an appointment for and told Sessions to see.
Obama saw him according to WH logs a whopping 22 times, not including any phone records hopefuly Mueller is sifting through now. This is why Obama lied about claiming no knowledge of surveillance n because it shows he would have known the SUPPOSED BOGUS concerns on this AMBASSADOR making Setting up Sessions suspicious as well as his own contact and Clinton camps contacts with the guy suspicious as in using him as their bait agent for this narative or knowing the commonality of these meetings.
Playing dumb about this whole thing reeks of their (Dems) Collusion with the Russian(s).

Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
So why didnt he speak up when Flynn lied ?
In that scenerio it would be after Flynn was outed by Yates warning, but
How do you know he didn't?
We have no time line given us to know anything in these false narratives, because it would expose a few flaws in that narrative they never discuss the span of each occurance. The only reason they would suddenly bring this narrative up now and not the, is because they knew it was nothing but Jared is making the president look good and needed to be taken out of the consulting and advisory role. That Middle East trip sealed Kushners fate as a target by Dems.
The only part of the time line you need is Flynns last day. All of these meetings were before that. Kushner attended meetings with Flynn and Flynn denied having these meetings to Pence. How can Kushner not be complicit /
It does look like Pence is not inner circle though.

So, it's OK for Obama holdover to commit felonies in unmasking citizens because...
tell us Frankie what is ''unmasking'' and what is illegal about it....? What is the legal procedure for it to be done? Was this followed Frankie?

It's when you get a FISA warrant under false pretenses and wiretap all of trumps top people, then leak the contents of the illegally obtained wiretap to your friends in the LMSM, illegally revealing the names of US citizens.

That help?
Not one of those yelling about 'unmasking is wrong' can tell us where in the code who can and can't do it.
So why didnt he speak up when Flynn lied ?
In that scenerio it would be after Flynn was outed by Yates warning, but
How do you know he didn't?
We have no time line given us to know anything in these false narratives, because it would expose a few flaws in that narrative they never discuss the span of each occurance. The only reason they would suddenly bring this narrative up now and not the, is because they knew it was nothing but Jared is making the president look good and needed to be taken out of the consulting and advisory role. That Middle East trip sealed Kushners fate as a target by Dems.
The only part of the time line you need is Flynns last day. All of these meetings were before that. Kushner attended meetings with Flynn and Flynn denied having these meetings to Pence. How can Kushner not be complicit /
It does look like Pence is not inner circle though.

So, it's OK for Obama holdover to commit felonies in unmasking citizens because...
tell us Frankie what is ''unmasking'' and what is illegal about it....? What is the legal procedure for it to be done? Was this followed Frankie?

It's when you get a FISA warrant under false pretenses and wiretap all of trumps top people, then leak the contents of the illegally obtained wiretap to your friends in the LMSM, illegally revealing the names of US citizens. That help?
You have the Code on that allegation? Do you have proof the elements were met? All the defendants have to do is point that under the rules and regs governing those codes, they had a right to the material and to do what ever it is that they did.
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
1)he was a civillian don't confuse the difference between a member and non member and their rights.
2)ALLEGEDLY, he was asking for the President which is normal when you have diplomatic ties. Instead of allowing yourself to be a tool of propaganda networks you might want to learn what back channels are and why you yourself would seek them if you were a Presidential candidate who had opponents spying & cheating glimpses at your strategies and game plan & perhaps even stealing them as their own agenda.
Then look at what those plans turned out to be to undestand why you canct risk leaks and media blurting secret opperation plans that rewuired Russias involvement or notification.
Think, what was his first surprise act as President?
He striked Isis right out of the gate, an act requiring Russia be common courtesy notified for sake of preventing tensions and friendly fire casualties. Top secret operations requiring a back channel to Russia to prevent blabber mouthed intelligence officials or MSM from openly broadcasting our every move.
Orchestration of such operation required prior to elections consultations for it to be done, so unsuspectedly at the very start of transition, to show the enemy that they
can't assume to take advantage of said transition and to show a new stance and Sheriff was in town.
This is assuming the back channel request was not fake news.
But when they end the questioning and itcs not the narrative you are spinning in spreading propaganda, will you appologize to Jared, and Trump?
But he has brought this down on himself.
At the end of all this people want to know if Trumps links to Russia mean that there is an obligation to Putin. Financial or otherwise.Surely Trump could clear all of that up and we could move on ?
We need to see his tax returns. He probably has a lot of business interests there.
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
1)he was a civillian don't confuse the difference between a member and non member and their rights.
2)ALLEGEDLY, he was asking for the President which is normal when you have diplomatic ties. Instead of allowing yourself to be a tool of propaganda networks you might want to learn what back channels are and why you yourself would seek them if you were a Presidential candidate who had opponents spying & cheating glimpses at your strategies and game plan & perhaps even stealing them as their own agenda.
Then look at what those plans turned out to be to undestand why you canct risk leaks and media blurting secret opperation plans that rewuired Russias involvement or notification.
Think, what was his first surprise act as President?
He striked Isis right out of the gate, an act requiring Russia be common courtesy notified for sake of preventing tensions and friendly fire casualties. Top secret operations requiring a back channel to Russia to prevent blabber mouthed intelligence officials or MSM from openly broadcasting our every move.
Orchestration of such operation required prior to elections consultations for it to be done, so unsuspectedly at the very start of transition, to show the enemy that they
can't assume to take advantage of said transition and to show a new stance and Sheriff was in town.
This is assuming the back channel request was not fake news.
But when they end the questioning and itcs not the narrative you are spinning in spreading propaganda, will you appologize to Jared, and Trump?
But he has brought this down on himself.
At the end of all this people want to know if Trumps links to Russia mean that there is an obligation to Putin. Financial or otherwise.Surely Trump could clear all of that up and we could move on ?
We need to see his tax returns. He probably has a lot of business interests there.
Im not sure what info you would get from that.
If it shows where his money is,where it comes from, Who he owes money to and where his business interests are the that would be a start.
It would also be good to see his campaign finances and match them to his policy decisions.
Russia has been backing nasty right wing loons in Europe so it would be no shock to see them do it in the US. What would they want for that support ?
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
1)he was a civillian don't confuse the difference between a member and non member and their rights.
2)ALLEGEDLY, he was asking for the President which is normal when you have diplomatic ties. Instead of allowing yourself to be a tool of propaganda networks you might want to learn what back channels are and why you yourself would seek them if you were a Presidential candidate who had opponents spying & cheating glimpses at your strategies and game plan & perhaps even stealing them as their own agenda.
Then look at what those plans turned out to be to undestand why you canct risk leaks and media blurting secret opperation plans that rewuired Russias involvement or notification.
Think, what was his first surprise act as President?
He striked Isis right out of the gate, an act requiring Russia be common courtesy notified for sake of preventing tensions and friendly fire casualties. Top secret operations requiring a back channel to Russia to prevent blabber mouthed intelligence officials or MSM from openly broadcasting our every move.
Orchestration of such operation required prior to elections consultations for it to be done, so unsuspectedly at the very start of transition, to show the enemy that they
can't assume to take advantage of said transition and to show a new stance and Sheriff was in town.
This is assuming the back channel request was not fake news.
But when they end the questioning and itcs not the narrative you are spinning in spreading propaganda, will you appologize to Jared, and Trump?
But he has brought this down on himself.
At the end of all this people want to know if Trumps links to Russia mean that there is an obligation to Putin. Financial or otherwise.Surely Trump could clear all of that up and we could move on ?
We need to see his tax returns. He probably has a lot of business interests there.
Im not sure what info you would get from that.
If it shows where his money is,where it comes from, Who he owes money to and where his business interests are the that would be a start.
It would also be good to see his campaign finances and match them to his policy decisions.
Russia has been backing nasty right wing loons in Europe so it would be no shock to see them do it in the US. What would they want for that support ?

So you admit we should revisit Clinton emails which literally show she took money for favors?
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
1)he was a civillian don't confuse the difference between a member and non member and their rights.
2)ALLEGEDLY, he was asking for the President which is normal when you have diplomatic ties. Instead of allowing yourself to be a tool of propaganda networks you might want to learn what back channels are and why you yourself would seek them if you were a Presidential candidate who had opponents spying & cheating glimpses at your strategies and game plan & perhaps even stealing them as their own agenda.
Then look at what those plans turned out to be to undestand why you canct risk leaks and media blurting secret opperation plans that rewuired Russias involvement or notification.
Think, what was his first surprise act as President?
He striked Isis right out of the gate, an act requiring Russia be common courtesy notified for sake of preventing tensions and friendly fire casualties. Top secret operations requiring a back channel to Russia to prevent blabber mouthed intelligence officials or MSM from openly broadcasting our every move.
Orchestration of such operation required prior to elections consultations for it to be done, so unsuspectedly at the very start of transition, to show the enemy that they
can't assume to take advantage of said transition and to show a new stance and Sheriff was in town.
This is assuming the back channel request was not fake news.
But when they end the questioning and itcs not the narrative you are spinning in spreading propaganda, will you appologize to Jared, and Trump?
But he has brought this down on himself.
At the end of all this people want to know if Trumps links to Russia mean that there is an obligation to Putin. Financial or otherwise.Surely Trump could clear all of that up and we could move on ?
We need to see his tax returns. He probably has a lot of business interests there.
Im not sure what info you would get from that.
If it shows where his money is,where it comes from, Who he owes money to and where his business interests are the that would be a start.
It would also be good to see his campaign finances and match them to his policy decisions.
Russia has been backing nasty right wing loons in Europe so it would be no shock to see them do it in the US. What would they want for that support ?

So you admit we should revisit Clinton emails which literally show she took money for favors?
If they showed that, she would have been indicted. All investigations ended up saying she was careless but not illegal. Give it up for Godsakes.
1)he was a civillian don't confuse the difference between a member and non member and their rights.
2)ALLEGEDLY, he was asking for the President which is normal when you have diplomatic ties. Instead of allowing yourself to be a tool of propaganda networks you might want to learn what back channels are and why you yourself would seek them if you were a Presidential candidate who had opponents spying & cheating glimpses at your strategies and game plan & perhaps even stealing them as their own agenda.
Then look at what those plans turned out to be to undestand why you canct risk leaks and media blurting secret opperation plans that rewuired Russias involvement or notification.
Think, what was his first surprise act as President?
He striked Isis right out of the gate, an act requiring Russia be common courtesy notified for sake of preventing tensions and friendly fire casualties. Top secret operations requiring a back channel to Russia to prevent blabber mouthed intelligence officials or MSM from openly broadcasting our every move.
Orchestration of such operation required prior to elections consultations for it to be done, so unsuspectedly at the very start of transition, to show the enemy that they
can't assume to take advantage of said transition and to show a new stance and Sheriff was in town.
This is assuming the back channel request was not fake news.
But when they end the questioning and itcs not the narrative you are spinning in spreading propaganda, will you appologize to Jared, and Trump?
But he has brought this down on himself.
At the end of all this people want to know if Trumps links to Russia mean that there is an obligation to Putin. Financial or otherwise.Surely Trump could clear all of that up and we could move on ?
We need to see his tax returns. He probably has a lot of business interests there.
Im not sure what info you would get from that.
If it shows where his money is,where it comes from, Who he owes money to and where his business interests are the that would be a start.
It would also be good to see his campaign finances and match them to his policy decisions.
Russia has been backing nasty right wing loons in Europe so it would be no shock to see them do it in the US. What would they want for that support ?

So you admit we should revisit Clinton emails which literally show she took money for favors?
If they showed that, she would have been indicted. All investigations ended up saying she was careless but not illegal. Give it up for Godsakes.

No because she carried the former first lady card and the sea of dead bodies to those who cross her.
AND it was obvious Comey was acting like a man compromised, as his wifes political career was threatened if he came against the Clintons.=compromised
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
1)he was a civillian don't confuse the difference between a member and non member and their rights.
2)ALLEGEDLY, he was asking for the President which is normal when you have diplomatic ties. Instead of allowing yourself to be a tool of propaganda networks you might want to learn what back channels are and why you yourself would seek them if you were a Presidential candidate who had opponents spying & cheating glimpses at your strategies and game plan & perhaps even stealing them as their own agenda.
Then look at what those plans turned out to be to undestand why you canct risk leaks and media blurting secret opperation plans that rewuired Russias involvement or notification.
Think, what was his first surprise act as President?
He striked Isis right out of the gate, an act requiring Russia be common courtesy notified for sake of preventing tensions and friendly fire casualties. Top secret operations requiring a back channel to Russia to prevent blabber mouthed intelligence officials or MSM from openly broadcasting our every move.
Orchestration of such operation required prior to elections consultations for it to be done, so unsuspectedly at the very start of transition, to show the enemy that they
can't assume to take advantage of said transition and to show a new stance and Sheriff was in town.
This is assuming the back channel request was not fake news.
But when they end the questioning and itcs not the narrative you are spinning in spreading propaganda, will you appologize to Jared, and Trump?
But he has brought this down on himself.
At the end of all this people want to know if Trumps links to Russia mean that there is an obligation to Putin. Financial or otherwise.Surely Trump could clear all of that up and we could move on ?
We need to see his tax returns. He probably has a lot of business interests there.
Im not sure what info you would get from that.
If it shows where his money is,where it comes from, Who he owes money to and where his business interests are the that would be a start.
It would also be good to see his campaign finances and match them to his policy decisions.
Russia has been backing nasty right wing loons in Europe so it would be no shock to see them do it in the US. What would they want for that support ?

So you admit we should revisit Clinton emails which literally show she took money for favors?
My understanding is that they were thoroughly investigated and no charges were brought. If you have any further info you need to tell the authorities.
But this isnt a partisan matter. It affects the whole world.Who is Trump obligated to ?
But he has brought this down on himself.
At the end of all this people want to know if Trumps links to Russia mean that there is an obligation to Putin. Financial or otherwise.Surely Trump could clear all of that up and we could move on ?
We need to see his tax returns. He probably has a lot of business interests there.
Im not sure what info you would get from that.
If it shows where his money is,where it comes from, Who he owes money to and where his business interests are the that would be a start.
It would also be good to see his campaign finances and match them to his policy decisions.
Russia has been backing nasty right wing loons in Europe so it would be no shock to see them do it in the US. What would they want for that support ?

So you admit we should revisit Clinton emails which literally show she took money for favors?
If they showed that, she would have been indicted. All investigations ended up saying she was careless but not illegal. Give it up for Godsakes.

No because she carried the former first lady card and the sea of dead bodies to those who cross her.
AND it was obvious Comey was acting like a man compromised, as his wifes political career was threatened if he came against the Clintons.=compromised
Oh, please. You people are pathetic.
But he has brought this down on himself.
At the end of all this people want to know if Trumps links to Russia mean that there is an obligation to Putin. Financial or otherwise.Surely Trump could clear all of that up and we could move on ?
We need to see his tax returns. He probably has a lot of business interests there.
Im not sure what info you would get from that.
If it shows where his money is,where it comes from, Who he owes money to and where his business interests are the that would be a start.
It would also be good to see his campaign finances and match them to his policy decisions.
Russia has been backing nasty right wing loons in Europe so it would be no shock to see them do it in the US. What would they want for that support ?

So you admit we should revisit Clinton emails which literally show she took money for favors?
If they showed that, she would have been indicted. All investigations ended up saying she was careless but not illegal. Give it up for Godsakes.

No because she carried the former first lady card and the sea of dead bodies to those who cross her.
AND it was obvious Comey was acting like a man compromised, as his wifes political career was threatened if he came against the Clintons.=compromised
Tough to feel that way when you know nothing is going to happen to her.
What's amusing about the ranting being done by you snowflakes about Trump "possibly" making money from his Russian connections is that Hillary Clinton is literally standing on a mountain of cash that she made using her political connections!

Oh actually BELIEVED Hillary when she said she was broke when they left the White House? The year that they bought not one but two million dollar mansions?

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