Mr Kushners woes

Probably not? You know as well as I do that it won't, Joey! That's been obvious for months now. As for Trump's "credibilty"? In case you haven't figured it out yet...Trump could care less if the main stream media finds him "credible" because right now the American people don't find the main stream media credible in the slightest!

Guy, beyond the 30% of the population that makes up the Orange Shitgibbon's core supporters, most of the country is horrified that we have this clown in charge.

Comey's initial remarks are pretty clear that Trump tried to obstruct the investigation into Russia. It's not the crime that gets you, it's the coverup.

Nothing that Comey has said today even comes close to being "obstruction of justice" on Trump's part! This entire hearing is turning out to be totally anti climactic. If you had to drink a shot every time Comey prefaced his statements by saying "I could be wrong..." you'd be drunk as a skunk by the time he finished his testimony!
*LoL* Polls say 39% (Bill Clinton himself was only 35-37% at this stage in, without obstruction and tactical distractions by opponents) and yet the liberal poster I think quoted 34% yesterday, but now today their number is 30%.
It's like the fake changing poll numbers during the campaign and the fake popularity vote changing numbers. I hope you guys use an accountant to do your taxes, cause the IRS doesn't like ever changing fake numbers that never add up.
Mr Kushner's woes:
Choosing which color suit to wear Navy Blue, Charcoal, or Black?
Choosing which power tie, red? blue? striped?
Deciding between the chicken or the fish for lunch?

Yeah I'm still waiting for these so called Woes or Joey's Whoa moments for that matter.
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Nothing that Comey has said today even comes close to being "obstruction of justice" on Trump's part! This entire hearing is turning out to be totally anti climactic. If you had to drink a shot every time Comey prefaced his statements by saying "I could be wrong..." you'd be drunk as a skunk by the time he finished his testimony!

Okay, you tell yourself that....

But most of us can connect the dots. Trump tells him to drop the Flynn investigation, Comey refuses, Trump fires him.

This is what got Nixon in trouble, dummy.

*LoL* Polls say 39% (Bill Clinton himself was only 35-37% at this stage in, without obstruction and tactical distractions by opponents) and yet the liberal poster I think quoted 34% yesterday, but now today their number is 30%.
It's like the fake changing poll numbers during the campaign and the fake popularity vote changing numbers. I hope you guys use an accountant to do your taxes, cause the IRS doesn't like ever changing fake numbers that never add up.

No president has had polls this bad at this point.

Trumps polls are sinking like a rock. Yesterday won't help him.
Nothing that Comey has said today even comes close to being "obstruction of justice" on Trump's part! This entire hearing is turning out to be totally anti climactic. If you had to drink a shot every time Comey prefaced his statements by saying "I could be wrong..." you'd be drunk as a skunk by the time he finished his testimony!

Okay, you tell yourself that....

But most of us can connect the dots. Trump tells him to drop the Flynn investigation, Comey refuses, Trump fires him.

This is what got Nixon in trouble, dummy.

*LoL* Polls say 39% (Bill Clinton himself was only 35-37% at this stage in, without obstruction and tactical distractions by opponents) and yet the liberal poster I think quoted 34% yesterday, but now today their number is 30%.
It's like the fake changing poll numbers during the campaign and the fake popularity vote changing numbers. I hope you guys use an accountant to do your taxes, cause the IRS doesn't like ever changing fake numbers that never add up.

No president has had polls this bad at this point.

Trumps polls are sinking like a rock. Yesterday won't help him.

Connecting the dots? You're selling a narrative based on allegations that aren't backed by facts, Joey! Comey testified that Trump encouraged him to investigate the alleged "collusion" even if it involved his own "satellites"! What got Comey "in trouble" is that Comey was an abysmal FBI Director who let Loretta Lynch bully him into not charging Hillary Clinton over her emails and was even leaking private conversations he had with a sitting President to the media! He was fired because he SUCKED at his job...not because he was investigating Trump!
And the fact that you keep pointing to polls done by the very people who are determined to destroy Trump's Presidency shows how weak your argument has become at this point! Who cares what the people who's polls showed Hillary Clinton had a double figure lead going into the election think? They're obviously idiots!
Connecting the dots? You're selling a narrative based on allegations that aren't backed by facts, Joey! Comey testified that Trump encouraged him to investigate the alleged "collusion" even if it involved his own "satellites"! What got Comey "in trouble" is that Comey was an abysmal FBI Director who let Loretta Lynch bully him into not charging Hillary Clinton over her emails and was even leaking private conversations he had with a sitting President to the media! He was fired because he SUCKED at his job...not because he was investigating Trump!

Again, was your TV tuned to an alternative reality?

Trump told Comey to drop the Flynn matter and to make a public statemetn that he wasn't a subject of investigation.

Comey refused to do so.

Trump fired him and said outright he fired him over the Russia thing. (After making the DOJ Claim it was about Hillary or something.)

This is what got Nixon in trouble.

drip, drip, drip...
And the fact that you keep pointing to polls done by the very people who are determined to destroy Trump's Presidency shows how weak your argument has become at this point! Who cares what the people who's polls showed Hillary Clinton had a double figure lead going into the election think? They're obviously idiots!

The polls showed most people were against Trump. He lost by 3 million votes.

That the Russians hacked the election is the problem here.

If your party was smart, you'd offer up Trump as a scapegoat and make Pence president.

But you'll strap yourself to a crazy person with no impulse control.
Connecting the dots? You're selling a narrative based on allegations that aren't backed by facts, Joey! Comey testified that Trump encouraged him to investigate the alleged "collusion" even if it involved his own "satellites"! What got Comey "in trouble" is that Comey was an abysmal FBI Director who let Loretta Lynch bully him into not charging Hillary Clinton over her emails and was even leaking private conversations he had with a sitting President to the media! He was fired because he SUCKED at his job...not because he was investigating Trump!

Again, was your TV tuned to an alternative reality?

Trump told Comey to drop the Flynn matter and to make a public statemetn that he wasn't a subject of investigation.

Comey refused to do so.

Trump fired him and said outright he fired him over the Russia thing. (After making the DOJ Claim it was about Hillary or something.)

This is what got Nixon in trouble.

drip, drip, drip...

Why would Comey refuse to make a public statement that Trump wasn't a subject of investigation, Joey? Wasn't that the truth?

Why was Comey leaking information to the New York Times?

Why did Comey cave to Loretta Lynch and not charge Hillary Clinton with a crime over her emails?

And the fact that you keep pointing to polls done by the very people who are determined to destroy Trump's Presidency shows how weak your argument has become at this point! Who cares what the people who's polls showed Hillary Clinton had a double figure lead going into the election think? They're obviously idiots!

The polls showed most people were against Trump. He lost by 3 million votes.

That the Russians hacked the election is the problem here.

If your party was smart, you'd offer up Trump as a scapegoat and make Pence president.

But you'll strap yourself to a crazy person with no impulse control.

So now Trump is "crazy" because he defends himself against unfounded allegations?

I hate to point out the obvious AGAIN, Joey but our election is won by means of the Electoral College...not the popular vote! Donald Trump campaigned to win THAT! Your 3 million vote argument is meaningless because the popular vote is meaningless!

You've strapped yourself to the Russian "collusion" narrative because without that...YOU'D HAVE TO ADMIT THAT YOU PROGRESSIVES GOT YOUR ASSES HANDED TO YOU IN THE LAST ELECTION!!!
Why would Comey refuse to make a public statement that Trump wasn't a subject of investigation, Joey? Wasn't that the truth?

Okay. He makes that statement. Then the next day, the tape of Trump paying Russian Hookers peeing on a bed shows up.

Then he is a subject of the investigation. You don't make statement like that at the beginning of an investigation, you make them at the END of an investigation.

Why was Comey leaking information to the New York Times?

You mean other than to make sure that Trump didn't pull the exact shit Trump tried to pull?

Why did Comey cave to Loretta Lynch and not charge Hillary Clinton with a crime over her emails?

Because she didn't commit any crimes that any reasonable person would convict her of. Again, no reasonable person would say, "Yeah, she got an email that had an attachment that three years later, someone considered classified!!!!"

Sensible people wouldn't convict anyone on that. Especially in DC where the jury pool would be 90% Democratic.

drip, drip, drip... your Orange Shitgibbon is going down.
Why would Comey refuse to make a public statement that Trump wasn't a subject of investigation, Joey? Wasn't that the truth?

Okay. He makes that statement. Then the next day, the tape of Trump paying Russian Hookers peeing on a bed shows up.

Then he is a subject of the investigation. You don't make statement like that at the beginning of an investigation, you make them at the END of an investigation.

Why was Comey leaking information to the New York Times?

You mean other than to make sure that Trump didn't pull the exact shit Trump tried to pull?

Why did Comey cave to Loretta Lynch and not charge Hillary Clinton with a crime over her emails?

Because she didn't commit any crimes that any reasonable person would convict her of. Again, no reasonable person would say, "Yeah, she got an email that had an attachment that three years later, someone considered classified!!!!"

Sensible people wouldn't convict anyone on that. Especially in DC where the jury pool would be 90% Democratic.

drip, drip, drip... your Orange Shitgibbon is going down.

If Trump subsequently becomes the subject of an investigation then Comey would be free to announce that! If he ISN'T being investigated then Comey should say so!

Clinton didn't commit any crimes that any "reasonable" person would convict her of? There's two problems with that statement, Joey! She did in fact commit a crime when she ran the State Department through those private servers to hide her actions from Congressional oversight! Having classified information on a private server is a crime! Comey testified under oath that the FBI found a large number of classified emails on her servers. The other problem is that the FBI Director shouldn't be making that call. The FBI's job is to investigate and present their findings to the Attorney General. Comey admitted under oath that he bowed to pressure from Loretta Lynch to declare nothing illegal took place.
Connecting the dots? You're selling a narrative based on allegations that aren't backed by facts, Joey! Comey testified that Trump encouraged him to investigate the alleged "collusion" even if it involved his own "satellites"! What got Comey "in trouble" is that Comey was an abysmal FBI Director who let Loretta Lynch bully him into not charging Hillary Clinton over her emails and was even leaking private conversations he had with a sitting President to the media! He was fired because he SUCKED at his job...not because he was investigating Trump!

Again, was your TV tuned to an alternative reality?

Trump told Comey to drop the Flynn matter and to make a public statemetn that he wasn't a subject of investigation.

Comey refused to do so.

Trump fired him and said outright he fired him over the Russia thing. (After making the DOJ Claim it was about Hillary or something.)

This is what got Nixon in trouble.

drip, drip, drip...

1) If you are gonna correct people's typo auto suggest spelling,
then learn how to spell STATEMENT.
Unless you are dyslexic, then I'm sorry.
2) Don't compare Nixon to this unless you are comparing Obama's spy scandal and cover up smokescreens.
3) What fake news are you watching that tells you Donald told Comey to drop the Flynn investigation? Even Comey admits he didn't.
Flynn served his country and Donald "hoped" they'd end this charade attack on Good people. We don't treat our heroes this way, only you do.
If Comey had thought it was any inkling inappropriate then he is to advise the President of such and by not going to his superiors it proves it was no different then Dems telling Comey they Hope he finds something. Are you admitting the Dems are obstructing justice and pressuring the FBI to continue this long drawn out circus?
And when nothings found, everything turns back on you as making false allegations.
The egg on your face will cost your party more seats and even make people leave the party for an independent party.
Keep up the good work sinking your own ship while trying to sink the opponents.

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