Mr Kushners woes

So you're now denying that Bush warned Congress that lending practices at Fannie and Freddie were putting us at risk?

He was the president, he could have fixed it with his party in charge of both houses of Congress. He didn't.

Don't you get embarrassed when you're so blatantly deceitful, Joey? You come here with some of the most partisan nonsense of anyone on the board and seem to think you're accomplishing something.

Sure I am. I am exposing your lies and stupidity. That's why I'm here.

Reality. Bush was president when the HOusing Crash happened. It was 100% on him. Not Barney Frank.

Party of Personal Responibility, bitches!

People have woken up to notice that your party has been known to sabotage the President. Your party was majorityn they are respondible oarts of this gov't too. Once again then as majority and even now as minority, they still have to DO SOMETHING FOR THEIR SALARY or why elect even one of your shlubs? Can you name one bill proposed by your party this year?
Many have been on TV with no plans, nothing to offer but admitted obstruction. Yay 4 years of paying Dems to act like fascists and defacate all over our country and it's citizens. Yeh that will get you elected.
So you're now denying that Bush warned Congress that lending practices at Fannie and Freddie were putting us at risk?

He was the president, he could have fixed it with his party in charge of both houses of Congress. He didn't.

Don't you get embarrassed when you're so blatantly deceitful, Joey? You come here with some of the most partisan nonsense of anyone on the board and seem to think you're accomplishing something.

Sure I am. I am exposing your lies and stupidity. That's why I'm here.

Reality. Bush was president when the HOusing Crash happened. It was 100% on him. Not Barney Frank.

Party of Personal Responibility, bitches!

100% Bush's fault? You're not only an idiot,'re a partisan idiot!
Well, if you hadn't noticed the FBI and most other security agencies of are leaking like sieves, the real story is the traitors in the Democratic/Republican Parties/their fake media and the Obama Administration using American security agencies to spy for political reasons.
But Flynn lied to Pence and Kushner knew about it. Doesnt sound like one team to me.

Eh, I don't care, it's just twisted nitpicking bullshit that means absolutely nothing in my life.

That's exactly why I use the pejorative RWNJ Pottarian traitors.

It would be bad enough if it were just those two but it's also trump, all of his vile offspring and every single minion. All of them had dealings with Russia and all of them lied.

Not even you traitors can pretend all of that is innocent.

Like it not, they've been caught and the world will learn exactly what they were are are still up to.

Deal with it.

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Well, if you hadn't noticed the FBI and most other security agencies of are leaking like sieves, the real story is the traitors in the Democratic/Republican Parties/their fake media and the Obama Administration using American security agencies to spy for political reasons.
But Flynn lied to Pence and Kushner knew about it. Doesnt sound like one team to me.

Eh, I don't care, it's just twisted nitpicking bullshit that means absolutely nothing in my life.

That's exactly why I use the pejorative RWNJ Pottarian traitors.

It would be bad enough if it were just those two but it's also trump, all of his vile offspring and every single minion. All of them had dealings with Russia and all of them lied.

Not even you traitors can pretend all of that is innocent.

Like it not, they've been caught and the world will learn exactly what they were are are still up to.

Deal with it.

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Well, if you hadn't noticed the FBI and most other security agencies of are leaking like sieves, the real story is the traitors in the Democratic/Republican Parties/their fake media and the Obama Administration using American security agencies to spy for political reasons.
But Flynn lied to Pence and Kushner knew about it. Doesnt sound like one team to me.

Eh, I don't care, it's just twisted nitpicking bullshit that means absolutely nothing in my life.

That's exactly why I use the pejorative RWNJ Pottarian traitors.

It would be bad enough if it were just those two but it's also trump, all of his vile offspring and every single minion. All of them had dealings with Russia and all of them lied.

Not even you traitors can pretend all of that is innocent.

Like it not, they've been caught and the world will learn exactly what they were are are still up to.

Deal with it.

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:laugh: .. feeling foamy mouthed and obviously delusional again today Luddly Ned?
Well, if you hadn't noticed the FBI and most other security agencies of are leaking like sieves, the real story is the traitors in the Democratic/Republican Parties/their fake media and the Obama Administration using American security agencies to spy for political reasons.
But Flynn lied to Pence and Kushner knew about it. Doesnt sound like one team to me.

Eh, I don't care, it's just twisted nitpicking bullshit that means absolutely nothing in my life.

That's exactly why I use the pejorative RWNJ Pottarian traitors.

It would be bad enough if it were just those two but it's also trump, all of his vile offspring and every single minion. All of them had dealings with Russia and all of them lied.

Not even you traitors can pretend all of that is innocent.

Like it not, they've been caught and the world will learn exactly what they were are are still up to.

Deal with it.

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:laugh: .. feeling foamy mouthed and obviously delusional again today Luddly Ned?

And repeating himself...
People have woken up to notice that your party has been known to sabotage the President. Your party was majorityn they are respondible oarts of this gov't too.

dude, you need to see someone about the stroke you are having. The only people who care that we are trying to sabotage the Orange Shitgibbon are the ones who have drunk the koolaid. His approval rating continues to go down.
Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.

/---- it was ok for Obozo to have secret channels to Iran. No fake outrage over that, eh Tommy?
100% Bush's fault? You're not only an idiot,'re a partisan idiot!

The Buck stops here. He was president. He ran the government. He let this happen.

You guys got everything you wanted and you fucked it up.

Why do you guys always have potty mouths and cuss hate instead of tolerance? Are you part of the Perez or Biden camp by chance?
Well, if you hadn't noticed the FBI and most other security agencies of are leaking like sieves, the real story is the traitors in the Democratic/Republican Parties/their fake media and the Obama Administration using American security agencies to spy for political reasons.
But Flynn lied to Pence and Kushner knew about it. Doesnt sound like one team to me.

Eh, I don't care, it's just twisted nitpicking bullshit that means absolutely nothing in my life.
Nitpicking about our national security? Really? If a democratic leadership had done something like that, you all would be ready to burn them at the stake.

/----- Hildabeast did worse and you kept your trap shut.
it was ok for Obozo to have secret channels to Iran. No fake outrage over that, eh Tommy?

Obama was legitimately elected to conduct foreign policy.
Trump wasn't when he started conspiring with the Russians to throw the election.
/----- WOWZA - you need to get your evidence of collusion to the Investigating committees and DOJ. Why did you sit on it for a year? Must be some powerful stuff.
Why do you guys always have potty mouths and cuss hate instead of tolerance? Are you part of the Perez or Biden camp by chance?

Do bad words hurt you, Nancy?

sorry,man, when most of us found ourselves with busted 401K's and underwater mortgages in 2008, the only thing you could say is 'Bush fucked it up."

See you show no respect. The party of "Intolerance", bitterness, &

So far you & your party has done everything it accused it's opponent. Now in order to MERELY top post a subject that has deflated by way of REAL INFO getting through, you managed to
Disrespect a Rabbi and national hero AND make fun of stroke victims and disabled people. Wasn't that your party's whole shtick, it had no policies or solutions so it declared Trump attacked a war heroes parents and you are doing better, attacking a national hero instead. Way to go party of tolerance!
*ok your turn to top post- I want eveyone to see the true face of your socialist party.
One that instead of doing mitzvahs, having solutions or policies or agendas, spends time attacking the elderly, the disabled, stroke victims, national heroes, police, imigration agents, electorate, religious leaders, military, red hats, people in red hats, and store front windows.
You spent 24/7 with what you call a disabled stroke victim, and not once called an ambulance. :)
100% Bush's fault? You're not only an idiot,'re a partisan idiot!

The Buck stops here. He was president. He ran the government. He let this happen.

You guys got everything you wanted and you fucked it up.

And Democrats had nothing to do with the policies that eventually led to the housing crash? That issue didn't START with George W. Bush, came to a HEAD during his administration but the policies that led to that were put in place by both Republicans and Democrats long before W. took office! If you had even a dollop of'd admit that! But you're one of the boards biggest that won't happen...will it?

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