Mr Kushners woes

Why does this chap need secret channels ?

As I understand it...........

Flynn had many meetings with the Russians

Flynn denied this to Pence.

Flynn got caught out lying to Pence

Flynn got fired for lying to Pence

Kushner was at those meetings with Flynn

Kushner is complicit in the deception.
Hold your breath until the Justice Department finds any illegal activity for developing a back channel.
I had never heard of a back channel until this. What on earth would they want to talk about using a secret channel ? It sounds a bit swampy to me.

Seriously, Tommy? You don't think American Presidents have had back channel communications with other world leaders since the beginning of the nation?
Nope. Not a single one has snuck over to an adversary's embassy to have secret discussions with their Pres.
Not a single one.

There have been back channel communications going between the US and foreign governments since the days of George Washington, Old Lady! Anyone who doesn't know that is either woefully ignorant or willfully dishonest.
You are being DISHONEST, as usual.....

NO ONE HAS EVER ASKED another adversary or EVEN a friendly nation to use their embassy SCIF to avoid the proper USA channels for back channel communications....

Hold your breath until the Justice Department finds any illegal activity for developing a back channel.
I had never heard of a back channel until this. What on earth would they want to talk about using a secret channel ? It sounds a bit swampy to me.

Seriously, Tommy? You don't think American Presidents have had back channel communications with other world leaders since the beginning of the nation?
Nope. Not a single one has snuck over to an adversary's embassy to have secret discussions with their Pres.
Not a single one.

There have been back channel communications going between the US and foreign governments since the days of George Washington, Old Lady! Anyone who doesn't know that is either woefully ignorant or willfully dishonest.
You are being DISHONEST, as usual.....

NO ONE HAS EVER ASKED another adversary or EVEN a friendly nation to use their embassy SCIF to avoid the proper USA channels for back channel communications....


And you know this how, Care?
Nope Brzez's fault more then Reagan who back then never had a reason to strike Bin Laden who had not yet threatened the U.S.

I want you to think about what you just said here.

So Ronnie Raygun funds an anti-western, anti-Christian religious nutjob because he was killing Russians instead of Americans, and that was okay because he was killing Russians?

Then you admited it was greed not Bush, and your bitterness is due to not being able to blame yourself, so you displace blame.

No, I put the blame exactly where it belongs. Bush ran the FDLIC, the SEC, Fannie, Freddie and all the other agencies that were supposed to keep the banksters from doing EXACTLY what they did. Instead, they let this shit roll on and on because it created the illusion of prosperity while the country was bleeding manufacturing jobs.

In short, Bush fucked it up.
What is the "proper channel" for "back channel" communications? Quite obviously...if it's a back channel communication then it's not something that goes through the proper channels! Duh? For you on the left to declare that this hasn't been done before by EVERY administration since the Republic was formed is "special" even for you snowflakes!
Nope Brzez's fault more then Reagan who back then never had a reason to strike Bin Laden who had not yet threatened the U.S.

I want you to think about what you just said here.

So Ronnie Raygun funds an anti-western, anti-Christian religious nutjob because he was killing Russians instead of Americans, and that was okay because he was killing Russians?

Then you admited it was greed not Bush, and your bitterness is due to not being able to blame yourself, so you displace blame.

No, I put the blame exactly where it belongs. Bush ran the FDLIC, the SEC, Fannie, Freddie and all the other agencies that were supposed to keep the banksters from doing EXACTLY what they did. Instead, they let this shit roll on and on because it created the illusion of prosperity while the country was bleeding manufacturing jobs.

In short, Bush fucked it up.

Oh for God's sake...Bush was one of the few in Washington that was warning that our policies with Fannie and Freddie were putting us at risk, Joey and he was derided for his concerns! Bush fucked it up? Yeah, right...
Nope Brzez's fault more then Reagan who back then never had a reason to strike Bin Laden who had not yet threatened the U.S.

I want you to think about what you just said here.

So Ronnie Raygun funds an anti-western, anti-Christian religious nutjob because he was killing Russians instead of Americans, and that was okay because he was killing Russians?

Then you admited it was greed not Bush, and your bitterness is due to not being able to blame yourself, so you displace blame.

No, I put the blame exactly where it belongs. Bush ran the FDLIC, the SEC, Fannie, Freddie and all the other agencies that were supposed to keep the banksters from doing EXACTLY what they did. Instead, they let this shit roll on and on because it created the illusion of prosperity while the country was bleeding manufacturing jobs.

In short, Bush fucked it up.

Quoting Reagan;
"There you go again"
you are purposely using smokescreens refusing to refute Clinton was to blame not Bush. And I got you to expose your personal story as fake.
Once again it was Zbigniew Brzezinski master plan to pit Afghan fighters against Russia. Once again those weapons were not used against us & eventually neutralized and you refused to tell us by who?

Checkmate and those who know the answer to this know why.
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I had never heard of a back channel until this. What on earth would they want to talk about using a secret channel ? It sounds a bit swampy to me.

Seriously, Tommy? You don't think American Presidents have had back channel communications with other world leaders since the beginning of the nation?
Nope. Not a single one has snuck over to an adversary's embassy to have secret discussions with their Pres.
Not a single one.

There have been back channel communications going between the US and foreign governments since the days of George Washington, Old Lady! Anyone who doesn't know that is either woefully ignorant or willfully dishonest.
You are being DISHONEST, as usual.....

NO ONE HAS EVER ASKED another adversary or EVEN a friendly nation to use their embassy SCIF to avoid the proper USA channels for back channel communications....


And you know this how, Care?
Because they used the proper USA Intelligence channels to set up their back channel communications....every expert has said is common to set up safe back channel communications of which OUR GOVERNMENT sets up for them....


Please stop lying....
you are purposely using smokescreens refusing yo refute Clibton was to blame not Bush. And I got you to expose your personal story as fake.

dude, you are babbling. Are you suffering from a stroke?

Pnce again it was Zbigniew Brzezinski master plan to pit Afghan fighters against Russia. Once again those weapons were not used against us & eventually neutralized and you refused to tell us by who?

But Reagan continued that plan for 8 more years, and expanded it to Arab mercenaries like Bin Laden who became a problem for decades later.

It wasn't the weapons, it was the status these guys gained by being the ones who drove the Russians out of Afghanistan. We made Bin Laden a hero to every poor Arab who had a reason to Hate the West.
you are purposely using smokescreens refusing yo refute Clibton was to blame not Bush. And I got you to expose your personal story as fake.

dude, you are babbling. Are you suffering from a stroke?

Pnce again it was Zbigniew Brzezinski master plan to pit Afghan fighters against Russia. Once again those weapons were not used against us & eventually neutralized and you refused to tell us by who?

But Reagan continued that plan for 8 more years, and expanded it to Arab mercenaries like Bin Laden who became a problem for decades later.

It wasn't the weapons, it was the status these guys gained by being the ones who drove the Russians out of Afghanistan. We made Bin Laden a hero to every poor Arab who had a reason to Hate the West.

1) you bashed disabilities and illnesses again
and lied as you know what phone typos are.
2) you did that ad hominem reply as admission you have no ability to refute the topic.
3)Reagan doesn't have a crystal ball, Clinton knew at his time what Bin Laden had become "a threat" and that's why he had him surveilled and targeted. But he mysteriously pulled back and off of this target. Using Dem arguments:
Enough is here to warrant an investigation", because now qe lnow he did favors for Saudis the million dollar question is what favors. You are not even interested in finding out makes you a traitor to your country.
By the way Check mate means you lost your game, which case continuing to play that very same game is seen as being a "sore loser". :)

*note: you never denied you lied about your personal story.
3)Reagan doesn't have a crystal ball, Clinton knew at his time what Bin Laden had become "a threat" and that's why he had him surveilled and targeted. But he mysteriously pulled back and off of this target.

Okay, first even a senile old fuck like Reagan should have realized that Muslim fanatics might have turned on us. You know, he had the whole hostage thing in Iran going on. Oh, but these were the "Good" Jihadists?

Again, Clinton did target bin Laden... and once again, the Right Wing said he was 'Wagging the dog' and they went on with the important work of seeing if he lied about a blow job or not.

Enough is here to warrant an investigation", because now qe lnow he did favors for Saudis the million dollar question is what favors. You are not even interested in finding out makes you a traitor to your country.

Aaaand, we are back into the batshittery!!!! Man, it just amazes me that you guys will be seeing Lizard Men from Zeta Reticuli next.
3)Reagan doesn't have a crystal ball, Clinton knew at his time what Bin Laden had become "a threat" and that's why he had him surveilled and targeted. But he mysteriously pulled back and off of this target.

Okay, first even a senile old fuck like Reagan should have realized that Muslim fanatics might have turned on us. You know, he had the whole hostage thing in Iran going on. Oh, but these were the "Good" Jihadists?

Again, Clinton did target bin Laden... and once again, the Right Wing said he was 'Wagging the dog' and they went on with the important work of seeing if he lied about a blow job or not.

Enough is here to warrant an investigation", because now qe lnow he did favors for Saudis the million dollar question is what favors. You are not even interested in finding out makes you a traitor to your country.

Aaaand, we are back into the batshittery!!!! Man, it just amazes me that you guys will be seeing Lizard Men from Zeta Reticuli next.

Now you make fun of old people and senility.
It's like listening to Hillary's emails(where she roasted everyone) all over again. :)
The rest of your post was not comprehensible to this discussion and you've gotten so far off topic in your top posting attempts that you're confusing Tommy now (he had to check the sign on the door, as he thought he was in the wrong topic)
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Now you make fun of old people and senility.

I have nothing but compassion for people with senility.

I just don't think they should be making important decisions. You know, like "Should we arm these crazy lunatics in Afghanistan!"

The rest of your post was not comprehensible to this discussion and you've gotten so far off topic in your top posting attempts that you're confusing Tommy now.

Naw, man, you are the one who brought crazy conspiracy theories here like the Saudis paid the Clintons to not go after Bin Laden.

Oh,wait, but it was BUSH who got all of bin Laden's relatives out of the country...

Bin Laden Family Evacuated

Two dozen members of Osama bin Laden's family were urgently evacuated from the United States in the first days following the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, according to the Saudi ambassador to Washington.

One of bin Laden's brothers frantically called the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington looking for protection, Prince Bandar bin Sultan told The New York Times. The brother was sent to a room in the Watergate Hotel and was told not to open the door.
It would be easier to ask- "What do progressive Liberals like and tolerate in this world (besides free stuff)?"
They hate people with unatural skin tones.
They hate disabled people.
They hate old people.
They hate rich people & or Success.
They hate free speach.
They hate the right to bear arms.
They Hate The U.S. Constitution.
They Hate Liberty & Freedom.
They hate losing elections.
They hate Capitalism & Free Markets.
They hate rule of law and law enforcement.
They seem to hate windows and cop cars too.
The list can go on and on, so isn't easier to just list what they do like.
1) they like to tell us their way is best for us.
2) their opinion is more valid then us deplorables, so they like letting us know that by not considering our rights as elected.
3)they like global warming seminars.
4)they like drug dealers and crime.
5)they love protecting criminals and running their own criminal activities.
6)they love voting to legalize pot.
7)after said pot they love fast food.
8)now they forgot what 8 was for.
and 9) uh uh sandals & hoodies?
and 10)they love saying" it's all Bush's fault"

-hey look a squirrel!
Oh for God's sake...Bush was one of the few in Washington that was warning that our policies with Fannie and Freddie were putting us at risk, Joey and he was derided for his concerns! Bush fucked it up? Yeah, right...

He did nothing of the sort. In fact, Bush thought that growth in home ownership was a wonderful thing.

So you're now denying that Bush warned Congress that lending practices at Fannie and Freddie were putting us at risk?

Don't you get embarrassed when you're so blatantly deceitful, Joey? You come here with some of the most partisan nonsense of anyone on the board and seem to think you're accomplishing something. You're not! There's plenty to criticize George W. Bush for but his warnings about problems at Fannie and Freddie were one of his better moments.
Seriously, Tommy? You don't think American Presidents have had back channel communications with other world leaders since the beginning of the nation?
Nope. Not a single one has snuck over to an adversary's embassy to have secret discussions with their Pres.
Not a single one.

There have been back channel communications going between the US and foreign governments since the days of George Washington, Old Lady! Anyone who doesn't know that is either woefully ignorant or willfully dishonest.
You are being DISHONEST, as usual.....

NO ONE HAS EVER ASKED another adversary or EVEN a friendly nation to use their embassy SCIF to avoid the proper USA channels for back channel communications....


And you know this how, Care?
Because they used the proper USA Intelligence channels to set up their back channel communications....every expert has said is common to set up safe back channel communications of which OUR GOVERNMENT sets up for them....


Please stop lying....

What "expert" has said that?
So you're now denying that Bush warned Congress that lending practices at Fannie and Freddie were putting us at risk?

He was the president, he could have fixed it with his party in charge of both houses of Congress. He didn't.

Don't you get embarrassed when you're so blatantly deceitful, Joey? You come here with some of the most partisan nonsense of anyone on the board and seem to think you're accomplishing something.

Sure I am. I am exposing your lies and stupidity. That's why I'm here.

Reality. Bush was president when the HOusing Crash happened. It was 100% on him. Not Barney Frank.

Party of Personal Responibility, bitches!

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