Mr Kushners woes

Interesting! So you're claiming that the Clinton's made that money AFTER they left office? Hmmmm.....!

Again, Reagan collected a cool million from the Japs, and you guys on the right were fine with that. Forget all those folks in the Rust belt who lost their jobs because the Japanese ran roughshod over our major industries...

There's plenty of proof that Trump colluded with the Russians? Then why have various intelligence officials come out and said the opposite...that there was ZERO proof of Trump colluding with the Russians? What proof are you talking about? Allegations from anonymous sources? Allegations that have never been backed up?

What, you guys want "proof" now? I mean you had 8 investigations into Benghaaaaaaazi and came up dry...

Fact is, Flynn had contact with the Russians and lied about it. So did Mantefort, and it looks like Kushner now.

Let's have the investigation, put people under oath and let the chips fall where they may.
Interesting! So you're claiming that the Clinton's made that money AFTER they left office? Hmmmm.....!

Again, Reagan collected a cool million from the Japs, and you guys on the right were fine with that. Forget all those folks in the Rust belt who lost their jobs because the Japanese ran roughshod over our major industries...

There's plenty of proof that Trump colluded with the Russians? Then why have various intelligence officials come out and said the opposite...that there was ZERO proof of Trump colluding with the Russians? What proof are you talking about? Allegations from anonymous sources? Allegations that have never been backed up?

What, you guys want "proof" now? I mean you had 8 investigations into Benghaaaaaaazi and came up dry...

Fact is, Flynn had contact with the Russians and lied about it. So did Mantefort, and it looks like Kushner now.

Let's have the investigation, put people under oath and let the chips fall where they may.

YOU need to change your news source. Obama had more contact with that Russian Ambassador then all those combined and Clintons team also had contact with that same Russian.
You are being used for a propaganda campaign by people who need tricks because they canct win elections to regain the house on poor money management skills, failed Obama care, and job crushing regulations.

Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak appeared 22 times on former President Obamas visitors log. Mueller might know when and how often they spoke on phone logs. (hint hint look at the timing of Jarred being told to see the bank and Obama interaction with the Russian who told him to just as Obama did with Sessions).
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
Fact is Hillary lied playing the suspicion card when her staff met the same Russian many times, it's normal protocol.
Interesting! So you're claiming that the Clinton's made that money AFTER they left office? Hmmmm.....!

Again, Reagan collected a cool million from the Japs, and you guys on the right were fine with that. Forget all those folks in the Rust belt who lost their jobs because the Japanese ran roughshod over our major industries...

There's plenty of proof that Trump colluded with the Russians? Then why have various intelligence officials come out and said the opposite...that there was ZERO proof of Trump colluding with the Russians? What proof are you talking about? Allegations from anonymous sources? Allegations that have never been backed up?

What, you guys want "proof" now? I mean you had 8 investigations into Benghaaaaaaazi and came up dry...

Fact is, Flynn had contact with the Russians and lied about it. So did Mantefort, and it looks like Kushner now.

Let's have the investigation, put people under oath and let the chips fall where they may.

Now you're blaming Ronald Reagan for Japan's success in the automobile and electronics industries? Really, Joey? Kindly explain what Reagan had to do with THAT! I'd love to hear you hold forth on that topic!

The investigations into Benghazi came up "dry"? Ah, Joey...if you was one of the Benghazi investigations that unearthed Hillary Clinton's use of private email servers! You know...the thing that started her political demise? You on the left only WISH you had something like that on Trump!
1)he was a civillian don't confuse the difference between a member and non member and their rights.
2)ALLEGEDLY, he was asking for the President which is normal when you have diplomatic ties. Instead of allowing yourself to be a tool of propaganda networks you might want to learn what back channels are and why you yourself would seek them if you were a Presidential candidate who had opponents spying & cheating glimpses at your strategies and game plan & perhaps even stealing them as their own agenda.
Then look at what those plans turned out to be to undestand why you canct risk leaks and media blurting secret opperation plans that rewuired Russias involvement or notification.
Think, what was his first surprise act as President?
He striked Isis right out of the gate, an act requiring Russia be common courtesy notified for sake of preventing tensions and friendly fire casualties. Top secret operations requiring a back channel to Russia to prevent blabber mouthed intelligence officials or MSM from openly broadcasting our every move.
Orchestration of such operation required prior to elections consultations for it to be done, so unsuspectedly at the very start of transition, to show the enemy that they
can't assume to take advantage of said transition and to show a new stance and Sheriff was in town.
This is assuming the back channel request was not fake news.
But when they end the questioning and itcs not the narrative you are spinning in spreading propaganda, will you appologize to Jared, and Trump?
Yada, yada, yada, all will say anything to cover for the corrupt Trump administration. Sad for America.
And you all will create corruption conspiracies where none exist to bring down this administration. Anyone can play that game.
No one has to create anything for Trump: he has done it all himself. He is quintessentially corrupt.
You of course have the convictions to back up the charge of corruption, right? So far, every news story about collusion with Russia has been made up. Not one scintilla of proof or evidence has come to pass. No, I'll stick by My words. Maybe by the end of summer the Democrats will have finished with the manufacturing of evidence. Until then, I just point and laugh.
Comey is testifying next week.Obstruction of justice is what Trump is guilty of...and it will come out and end in impeachment.

Next week? Let's just wait and see, Esmeralda because right now you guys are (to use a baseball analogy) without a hit and it's in the late innings. I think Comey is going to testify that Trump asked him about the status of the investigation and that's it. Trying to make THAT into obstruction of justice is a monumental stretch that I don't think could be made if the Democrats controlled Congress...which they don't!
Now you're blaming Ronald Reagan for Japan's success in the automobile and electronics industries? Really, Joey? Kindly explain what Reagan had to do with THAT! I'd love to hear you hold forth on that topic!

Hey, Reagan got a big payoff for looking the other way when the Japanese took over our key industries. Cha-Ching!!!! Even his senile old ass understood it.

The investigations into Benghazi came up "dry"? Ah, Joey...if you was one of the Benghazi investigations that unearthed Hillary Clinton's use of private email servers! You know...the thing that started her political demise? You on the left only WISH you had something like that on Trump!

Trump will be impeached. We've got something better on the Orange Shit Gibbon.

Impeached and shot for treason? Has a nice ring to it.
Now you're blaming Ronald Reagan for Japan's success in the automobile and electronics industries? Really, Joey? Kindly explain what Reagan had to do with THAT! I'd love to hear you hold forth on that topic!

Hey, Reagan got a big payoff for looking the other way when the Japanese took over our key industries. Cha-Ching!!!! Even his senile old ass understood it.

The investigations into Benghazi came up "dry"? Ah, Joey...if you was one of the Benghazi investigations that unearthed Hillary Clinton's use of private email servers! You know...the thing that started her political demise? You on the left only WISH you had something like that on Trump!

Trump will be impeached. We've got something better on the Orange Shit Gibbon.

Impeached and shot for treason? Has a nice ring to it.

So now talking to Russians is "treason"? You do realize that Barack Obama talked to Russians all the time...right? That Hillary Clinton did as well? That EVERY President and EVERY Secretary of State since WWII has talked to Russians a whole bunch of times?

This whole thing is RIDICULOUS!!!
As for your claims that it was Reagan looking the other way that made Japan successful? Dude, Honda and Toyota made better cars than Detroit did. Sony and Panasonic made better electronics. Canon and Minolta made better cameras. Reagan had ZERO to do with that!
So now talking to Russians is "treason"? You do realize that Barack Obama talked to Russians all the time...right? That Hillary Clinton did as well? That EVERY President and EVERY Secretary of State since WWII has talked to Russians a whole bunch of times?

This whole thing is RIDICULOUS!!!

Wow, you guys are sounding more and more shrill. It isn't that he just talked to the Russians, as a private citizen, but that he did so on the subject of influencing the election.

As for your claims that it was Reagan looking the other way that made Japan successful? Dude, Honda and Toyota made better cars than Detroit did. Sony and Panasonic made better electronics. Canon and Minolta made better cameras. Reagan had ZERO to do with that!

Oh, having a president who didn't look out for American business and then takes a big old bribe from Japanese business.... I think that speaks for itself. But I know, I know, it's only bad when a Democrat does it on some weird flow chart you've made up in your brain.
YOU need to change your news source. Obama had more contact with that Russian Ambassador then all those combined and Clintons team also had contact with that same Russian.

He was the ambassador to the American government, I would hope so.

This is the best you've got? Really?

And that's why they lost the election, they too deflected everything as you just did.

Every single 'accusation', they were doing and deflecting.
The party has been
'Hinderer', 'Accuser', 'Objectionist',& 'adversary' of our Gov't & our deplorable people=all words that describe the word satanist.
Sawtawn(satan)meaning hinderer,accuser, adversary.
Maybe that's why Hillary's cloud server storage logo is of the luciferian falling star.
Below is the Clinton IT guy's online request for info on how to alter and destroy the emails, basically to break the law & someone even told them this was unlawful, so Comey lied saying there was no proof of intent, she knowingly and willingly broke the law to destroy documents, because it leads to worse crimes that are also being ignored.


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So now talking to Russians is "treason"? You do realize that Barack Obama talked to Russians all the time...right? That Hillary Clinton did as well? That EVERY President and EVERY Secretary of State since WWII has talked to Russians a whole bunch of times?

This whole thing is RIDICULOUS!!!

Wow, you guys are sounding more and more shrill. It isn't that he just talked to the Russians, as a private citizen, but that he did so on the subject of influencing the election.

As for your claims that it was Reagan looking the other way that made Japan successful? Dude, Honda and Toyota made better cars than Detroit did. Sony and Panasonic made better electronics. Canon and Minolta made better cameras. Reagan had ZERO to do with that!

Oh, having a president who didn't look out for American business and then takes a big old bribe from Japanese business.... I think that speaks for itself. But I know, I know, it's only bad when a Democrat does it on some weird flow chart you've made up in your brain.

LOL...what EXACTLY was it that Reagan didn't do that allowed Toyota, Honda, Sony, Panasonic, Canon and Minolta to make better products than we were making here, Joey? You keep making vague accusations and then back them up with more vague accusations!
As for Trump talking to the Russians about "influencing" the election? All Trump did was use the information provided by Wikileaks to skewer Hillary Clinton! The REASON that information was so damaging to Clinton was because it revealed who she really was and how SHE was "influencing" the election by the way her minions were fixing race against Bernie Sanders! Trump didn't need to talk to anyone in Russia to have that happen, Joey! Putin has contempt for Hillary. So does Julienne Assange.

Bottom line on all of this remains the same...

Clinton wouldn't have lost that race if she hadn't been so corrupt in the first place! It was the TRUTH that did her in...not someone telling lies about her!
And that's why they lost the election, they too deflected everything as you just did.

No, they won the election, until the Russians stole it. She got more votes.

LOL...what EXACTLY was it that Reagan didn't do that allowed Toyota, Honda, Sony, Panasonic, Canon and Minolta to make better products than we were making here, Joey? You keep making vague accusations and then back them up with more vague accusations!

You mean other than him allowing them to "dump" products into this country at cut rate levels, to where it was cheaper to buy a Sony in the US than in Japan?

What the Japanese did in the 1980's was intentional to drive American manufacturers out of business, and Old Senile Ronnie went right along with it.

Trump didn't need to talk to anyone in Russia to have that happen, Joey! Putin has contempt for Hillary. So does Julienne Assange.

Why would you want a president desired by Vladimir Putin and Julian Assange, two guys who HATE America?
I'm sorry that you have panic attacks everytime someone orders Russian dressing or Yakov Smirnoff is on TV.
I'm sorry that you have panic attacks everytime someone orders Russian dressing or Yakov Smirnoff is on TV.

I'm sorry that you support the candidate of treason... since your whole party will get dragged down with him.

Umm your party admits it's coup and war against this administration elected by the voters= you are the treasonoys ones comitting espionage, riots, calling for revolution & coup and such.
Very patriotic of you.
Umm your party admits it's coup and war against this administration elected by the voters= you are the treasonoys ones comitting espionage, riots, calling for revolution & coup and such.
Very patriotic of you.

Except the voters didn't elect the Orange Shitgibbon.

The People Said No.

And it's only a matter of time before Republicans realize that it will be easier to deal with Pence.
Umm your party admits it's coup and war against this administration elected by the voters= you are the treasonoys ones comitting espionage, riots, calling for revolution & coup and such.
Very patriotic of you.

Except the voters didn't elect the Orange Shitgibbon.

The People Said No.

And it's only a matter of time before Republicans realize that it will be easier to deal with Pence.

You are a racist bigot, making slurs about Orange people.
(people who work too hard and long to have time lounging in the sun or by the beach).

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